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Öztanımlayıcı Anıların Fenomenolojik Özelliklerinde Cinsiyete Bağlı Farklılıklar

Year 2015, Volume: 35 Issue: 1, 1 - 14, 13.07.2015


Bu çalışmada, öztanımlayıcı anıların canlılık, tekrar hatırlanma, duygusal değer ve duy- gusal yoğunluk olmak üzere temel anı özelliklerinde cinsiyete bağlı farklılıklar incelenmiştir. Verileri internet üzerinden toplanan araştırmaya 16 ile 64 yaş arası 602 kişi (282 kadın, 320 erkek) katılmıştır. Toplanan veriler yaş değişkeni kontrol edilerek tek yönlü kovaryans analizi ile test edilmiştir. Bulgular, kadınların olumlu duygusal değer boyutunda erkeklerden daha yüksek, olumsuz duygusal değer boyutunda ise daha düşük puanlar aldıklarını ortaya çıkar- mıştır. Elde edilen bu sonuçlar, kadınların otobiyografik anılarını sıklıkla negatif duygularla ilişkilendiren alanyazınla tutarsızlık gösterirken, otobiyografik bellek özelliklerinde cinsiyete bağlı farklılıkların anı türlerine veya anılara hakim olan sosyal ve duygusal temalara bağlı olarak değişiklik gösterebileceği görüşünü destekler niteliktedir. 


  • Adams, S., Kuebli, J., Boyle, P. A. ve Fivush, R. (1995). Gender differences in parent-child conversations about past emotions: A longitudinal investigation. Sex Roles, 33, 309–323.
  • Blagov, P. S. ve Singer, J. A. (2004). Four dimensions of self-defining memories (specific- ity, meaning, content, and affect) and their relationships to self-restraint, distress, and repressive defensiveness. Journal of Personality, 72, 481–512.
  • Bloise, S. M. ve Johnson, M. K. (2007). Memory for emotional and neutral information: Gender and individual differences in emotional sensitivity. Memory, 15, 192–204.
  • Boals, A. (2010). Events that have become central to identity: Gender differences in the centrality of events scale for positive and negative events. Applied Cognitive Psychol- ogy, 24, 107–121.
  • Bohanek, J. G. ve Fivush, R. (2010). Personal narratives, well-being, and gender in ado- lescence. Cognitive Development, 25, 368–379.
  • Boland, A. M., Haden, C. A. ve Ornstein, P. A. (2003). Boosting children’s memory by training mothers in the use of an elaborative conversational style as an event unfolds. Journal of Cognition and Development, 4, 39–65.
  • Boyacıoğlu, I. ve Akfırat, S. (2014). Development and psychometric properties of a new measure for memory phenomenology: The Autobiographical Memory Characteristics Questionnaire. Memory, 1-23. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2014.953960
  • Boyacıoğlu, I., Akfırat, S. ve Yılmaz, A. E. (2014). Gender differences in emotional ex- periences across childhood, romantic relationship, and self-defining memories. Man- uscript submitted for publication [Başvurusu yapılmış metin].
  • Brown, J. D. (1998). The self. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Buckner, J. P. ve Fivush, R. (1998). Gender and self in children’s autobiographical narra- tives. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 12, 407–429.
  • Conway, M. A. ve Pleydell-Pearce, C. W. (2000). The construction of autobiographical memories in the self-memory system. Psychological Review, 107(2), 262–288.
  • Conway, M. A., Singer, J. A. ve Tagini, A. (2004). The self and autobiographical memory: Correspondence and coherence. Social Cognition, 22(5), 491-529.
  • Davis, P. J. (1999). Gender differences in autobiographical memory for childhood emo- tional experiences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(3), 498–510.
  • Diener, E., Sandvik, E. ve Larsen, R. J. (1985). Age and sex differences for emotional intensity. Developmental Psychology, 21, 542–546.
  • Eals, M. ve Silverman, I. (1994). The hunter-gatherer theory of spatial sex differences: Proximate factors mediating the female advantage in recall of object arrays. Ethology and Sociobiology, 15, 95–105.
  • Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity, youth, and crisis. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Fabes, R.A. ve Martin, C. L. (1991). Gender and age stereotypes of emotionality. Per- sonality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17, 532-540.
  • Fivush, R. (2004). The silenced self: Constructing self from memories spoken and unspo- ken. In D. Beike, J. Lampien ve D. Behrand (Eds.). The self and memory (pp. 75-94). Hove, England: Psychology Press
  • Fivush, R., Berlin, L., Sales, J. M., Mennuti-Washburn, J. ve Cassidy, J. (2003). Functions of parent-child reminiscing about emotionally negative events. Memory, 11, 179–192.
  • Friedman, A. ve Pines, A. (1991). Sex differences in gender-related childhood memories. Sex Roles, 25, 25–32.
  • Fuentes, A. ve Desrocher, M. (2013). The effects of gender on the retrieval of episodic and semantic components of autobiographical memory. Memory, 21, 619–632.
  • Fujita, F., Diener, E. ve Sandvik, E. (1991). Gender differences in negative affect and well-being: The case for emotional intensity. Personality Processes and Individual Differences, 61, 427–434.
  • Gilligan, C. (1982). In a different voice: Psychological theory and women’s development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Herlitz, A., Airaksinen, E. ve Nordstrom, E. (1999). Sex differences in episodic memory: The impact of verbal and visuospatial ability. Neuropsychology, 13, 590–597.
  • Herlitz, A., Nilsson, L. G. ve Backman, L. (1997). Gender differences in episodic memo- ry. Memory & Cognition, 25, 801–811.
  • Lawton, M. P., Kleban, M. H., Rajagopal, P. ve Dean, J. (1992). Dimensions of affective experience in three age groups. Psychology and Aging, 7, 171–184.
  • Levine, L. J. ve Bluck, S. (1997). Experienced and remembered emotional intensity in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 12, 514–523.
  • Markus, H. ve Oyserman, D. (1989). Gender and thought: The role of the self-concept. M. Crawford ve M. Hamilton (Eds.), Gender and thought içinde (s. 100-127). New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Niedzwienska, A. (2003). Gender differences in vivid memories. Sex Roles, 49, 321–331.
  • Pasupathi, M. (2003). Emotion regulation during social remembering: Differences be- tween emotions elicited during an event and emotions elicited when talking about it. Memory, 11, 151–163.
  • Pillemer, D. B., Wink, P., DiDonato, T. E. ve Sanborn, R. L. (2003). Gender differences in autobiographical memory styles of older adults. Memory, 11, 525–532.
  • Pohl, R. F., Bender, M. ve Lachmann, G. (2005). Autobiographical memory and social skills of men and women. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 19, 745–759.
  • Reese, E., Haden, C. A. ve Fivush, R. (1993). Mother-child conversations about the past: Relationships of style and memory over time. Cognitive Development, 8, 403–430.
  • Reis, H. T. (1998). Gender differences in intimacy and related behaviors: Context and process. D. J. Canary ve K. Dindia (Eds.), Sex differences and similarities in commu- nication: Critical essays and empirical investigations of sex and gender in interaction içinde (s. 203–231). Mahaw, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Ross, M. ve Holmberg, D. (1992). Are wives’ memories for events in relationships more vivid than their husbands’ memories? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 9, 585–604.
  • Ross, L. ve Latorre, J. M. (2010). Gender and age differences in the recall of affective autobiographical memories using the autobiographical memory test. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 950–954.
  • Rubin, D. C., Groth, L. ve Goldsmith, D. (1984). Olfactory cuing of autobiographical memory. American Journal of Psychology, 97, 493–507.
  • Safdar, S., Friedlmeier, W., Matsumoto, D., Yoo, S.H., Kwantes, C.T., Kakai, H. ve Shi- gemasu, E. (2009). Variations of emotional display rules within and across cultures: A comparison between Canada, USA, and Japan. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 41, 1-10.
  • Sales, J. M., Fivush, R. ve Peterson, C. (2003). Parental reminiscing about positive and negative events. Journal of Cognition and Development, 4, 185–209.
  • Schulkind, M., Schoppel ve Scheiderer, E. (2012). Gender differences in autobiographi- cal narratives: He shoots and scores; she evaluates and interprets. Memory & Cogni- tion, 40, 958–965.
  • Seidlitz, L. ve Diener, E. (1998). Sex differences in the recall of affective experiences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 262–271.
  • Sheen, M., Kemp, S. ve Rubin, D. C. (2001). Twins dispute memory ownership: A new false memory phenomenon. Memory & Cognition, 29, 779–788.
  • Singer, J. A. (2005). Memories that matter: How to use self-defining memories to unders- tand and change your life. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications.
  • Singer, J. A. ve Moffitt, K. H. (1991-1992). An experimental investigation of specifici- ty and generality in memory narratives. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 11, 233–257.
  • Singer, J. A. ve Salovey, P. (1993). The remembered self: Emotion and memory in per- sonality. New York: Free Press.
  • Stapley, J. ve Haviland, J. M. (1989). Beyond depression: Gender differences in normal adolescents’ emotional experiences. Sex Roles, 20, 295–308.
  • Sutin, A. R. ve Robins, R. W. (2007). Phenomenology of autobiographical memories: The memory experiences questionnaire. Memory, 15(4), 390–411.
  • Thorne, A. ve McLean, K. C. (2002). Gender reminiscence practices and self-defining in late adolescence. Sex Roles, 46, 267–277.
  • Thorne, A., McLean, K. C. ve Lawrence, A. M. (2004). When remembering is not enough: Reflecting on self-defining memories in late adolescence. Journal of Person- ality, 72(3), 513–541.
  • Tulving, E. (1972). Episodic and semantic memory. E. Tulving ve W. Donaldson (Eds.), Organization of memory içinde (s. 381–403). New York: Academic Press.
  • Wang, Q. (2013). Gender and emotion in everyday event memory. Memory, 21, 503–511.
  • Wood, W. ve Conway, M. (2006). Subjective impact, meaning making, and current and recalled emotions for self-defining memories. Journal of Personality, 74, 811–846.

Gender Differences in the Phenomenological Characteristics of Self-Defining Memories

Year 2015, Volume: 35 Issue: 1, 1 - 14, 13.07.2015


The aim of present study is to examine the gender differences in memory characteristics including vividness, rehearsal, emotional valence, and emotional intensity for self-defining memories. Data were collected through a web-based survey and a total of 602 persons (282 women, 320 men) aged between 16 and 64 participated to the study. Results of one-way covariance analysis, using age as a covariate indicated that women had higher scores on positive emotional valence, whereas they had lower scores on negative emotional valence than men. These findings seem inconsistent with the literature suggesting that women’s autobiographical memories are more likely to be associated with negative emotions, whereas they support the notion that gender differences in the autobiographical memory characteristics vary depending on memory types or dominant social and emotional themes of memories


  • Adams, S., Kuebli, J., Boyle, P. A. ve Fivush, R. (1995). Gender differences in parent-child conversations about past emotions: A longitudinal investigation. Sex Roles, 33, 309–323.
  • Blagov, P. S. ve Singer, J. A. (2004). Four dimensions of self-defining memories (specific- ity, meaning, content, and affect) and their relationships to self-restraint, distress, and repressive defensiveness. Journal of Personality, 72, 481–512.
  • Bloise, S. M. ve Johnson, M. K. (2007). Memory for emotional and neutral information: Gender and individual differences in emotional sensitivity. Memory, 15, 192–204.
  • Boals, A. (2010). Events that have become central to identity: Gender differences in the centrality of events scale for positive and negative events. Applied Cognitive Psychol- ogy, 24, 107–121.
  • Bohanek, J. G. ve Fivush, R. (2010). Personal narratives, well-being, and gender in ado- lescence. Cognitive Development, 25, 368–379.
  • Boland, A. M., Haden, C. A. ve Ornstein, P. A. (2003). Boosting children’s memory by training mothers in the use of an elaborative conversational style as an event unfolds. Journal of Cognition and Development, 4, 39–65.
  • Boyacıoğlu, I. ve Akfırat, S. (2014). Development and psychometric properties of a new measure for memory phenomenology: The Autobiographical Memory Characteristics Questionnaire. Memory, 1-23. doi: 10.1080/09658211.2014.953960
  • Boyacıoğlu, I., Akfırat, S. ve Yılmaz, A. E. (2014). Gender differences in emotional ex- periences across childhood, romantic relationship, and self-defining memories. Man- uscript submitted for publication [Başvurusu yapılmış metin].
  • Brown, J. D. (1998). The self. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Buckner, J. P. ve Fivush, R. (1998). Gender and self in children’s autobiographical narra- tives. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 12, 407–429.
  • Conway, M. A. ve Pleydell-Pearce, C. W. (2000). The construction of autobiographical memories in the self-memory system. Psychological Review, 107(2), 262–288.
  • Conway, M. A., Singer, J. A. ve Tagini, A. (2004). The self and autobiographical memory: Correspondence and coherence. Social Cognition, 22(5), 491-529.
  • Davis, P. J. (1999). Gender differences in autobiographical memory for childhood emo- tional experiences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(3), 498–510.
  • Diener, E., Sandvik, E. ve Larsen, R. J. (1985). Age and sex differences for emotional intensity. Developmental Psychology, 21, 542–546.
  • Eals, M. ve Silverman, I. (1994). The hunter-gatherer theory of spatial sex differences: Proximate factors mediating the female advantage in recall of object arrays. Ethology and Sociobiology, 15, 95–105.
  • Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity, youth, and crisis. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Fabes, R.A. ve Martin, C. L. (1991). Gender and age stereotypes of emotionality. Per- sonality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17, 532-540.
  • Fivush, R. (2004). The silenced self: Constructing self from memories spoken and unspo- ken. In D. Beike, J. Lampien ve D. Behrand (Eds.). The self and memory (pp. 75-94). Hove, England: Psychology Press
  • Fivush, R., Berlin, L., Sales, J. M., Mennuti-Washburn, J. ve Cassidy, J. (2003). Functions of parent-child reminiscing about emotionally negative events. Memory, 11, 179–192.
  • Friedman, A. ve Pines, A. (1991). Sex differences in gender-related childhood memories. Sex Roles, 25, 25–32.
  • Fuentes, A. ve Desrocher, M. (2013). The effects of gender on the retrieval of episodic and semantic components of autobiographical memory. Memory, 21, 619–632.
  • Fujita, F., Diener, E. ve Sandvik, E. (1991). Gender differences in negative affect and well-being: The case for emotional intensity. Personality Processes and Individual Differences, 61, 427–434.
  • Gilligan, C. (1982). In a different voice: Psychological theory and women’s development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Herlitz, A., Airaksinen, E. ve Nordstrom, E. (1999). Sex differences in episodic memory: The impact of verbal and visuospatial ability. Neuropsychology, 13, 590–597.
  • Herlitz, A., Nilsson, L. G. ve Backman, L. (1997). Gender differences in episodic memo- ry. Memory & Cognition, 25, 801–811.
  • Lawton, M. P., Kleban, M. H., Rajagopal, P. ve Dean, J. (1992). Dimensions of affective experience in three age groups. Psychology and Aging, 7, 171–184.
  • Levine, L. J. ve Bluck, S. (1997). Experienced and remembered emotional intensity in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 12, 514–523.
  • Markus, H. ve Oyserman, D. (1989). Gender and thought: The role of the self-concept. M. Crawford ve M. Hamilton (Eds.), Gender and thought içinde (s. 100-127). New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Niedzwienska, A. (2003). Gender differences in vivid memories. Sex Roles, 49, 321–331.
  • Pasupathi, M. (2003). Emotion regulation during social remembering: Differences be- tween emotions elicited during an event and emotions elicited when talking about it. Memory, 11, 151–163.
  • Pillemer, D. B., Wink, P., DiDonato, T. E. ve Sanborn, R. L. (2003). Gender differences in autobiographical memory styles of older adults. Memory, 11, 525–532.
  • Pohl, R. F., Bender, M. ve Lachmann, G. (2005). Autobiographical memory and social skills of men and women. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 19, 745–759.
  • Reese, E., Haden, C. A. ve Fivush, R. (1993). Mother-child conversations about the past: Relationships of style and memory over time. Cognitive Development, 8, 403–430.
  • Reis, H. T. (1998). Gender differences in intimacy and related behaviors: Context and process. D. J. Canary ve K. Dindia (Eds.), Sex differences and similarities in commu- nication: Critical essays and empirical investigations of sex and gender in interaction içinde (s. 203–231). Mahaw, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Ross, M. ve Holmberg, D. (1992). Are wives’ memories for events in relationships more vivid than their husbands’ memories? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 9, 585–604.
  • Ross, L. ve Latorre, J. M. (2010). Gender and age differences in the recall of affective autobiographical memories using the autobiographical memory test. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 950–954.
  • Rubin, D. C., Groth, L. ve Goldsmith, D. (1984). Olfactory cuing of autobiographical memory. American Journal of Psychology, 97, 493–507.
  • Safdar, S., Friedlmeier, W., Matsumoto, D., Yoo, S.H., Kwantes, C.T., Kakai, H. ve Shi- gemasu, E. (2009). Variations of emotional display rules within and across cultures: A comparison between Canada, USA, and Japan. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 41, 1-10.
  • Sales, J. M., Fivush, R. ve Peterson, C. (2003). Parental reminiscing about positive and negative events. Journal of Cognition and Development, 4, 185–209.
  • Schulkind, M., Schoppel ve Scheiderer, E. (2012). Gender differences in autobiographi- cal narratives: He shoots and scores; she evaluates and interprets. Memory & Cogni- tion, 40, 958–965.
  • Seidlitz, L. ve Diener, E. (1998). Sex differences in the recall of affective experiences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 262–271.
  • Sheen, M., Kemp, S. ve Rubin, D. C. (2001). Twins dispute memory ownership: A new false memory phenomenon. Memory & Cognition, 29, 779–788.
  • Singer, J. A. (2005). Memories that matter: How to use self-defining memories to unders- tand and change your life. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications.
  • Singer, J. A. ve Moffitt, K. H. (1991-1992). An experimental investigation of specifici- ty and generality in memory narratives. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 11, 233–257.
  • Singer, J. A. ve Salovey, P. (1993). The remembered self: Emotion and memory in per- sonality. New York: Free Press.
  • Stapley, J. ve Haviland, J. M. (1989). Beyond depression: Gender differences in normal adolescents’ emotional experiences. Sex Roles, 20, 295–308.
  • Sutin, A. R. ve Robins, R. W. (2007). Phenomenology of autobiographical memories: The memory experiences questionnaire. Memory, 15(4), 390–411.
  • Thorne, A. ve McLean, K. C. (2002). Gender reminiscence practices and self-defining in late adolescence. Sex Roles, 46, 267–277.
  • Thorne, A., McLean, K. C. ve Lawrence, A. M. (2004). When remembering is not enough: Reflecting on self-defining memories in late adolescence. Journal of Person- ality, 72(3), 513–541.
  • Tulving, E. (1972). Episodic and semantic memory. E. Tulving ve W. Donaldson (Eds.), Organization of memory içinde (s. 381–403). New York: Academic Press.
  • Wang, Q. (2013). Gender and emotion in everyday event memory. Memory, 21, 503–511.
  • Wood, W. ve Conway, M. (2006). Subjective impact, meaning making, and current and recalled emotions for self-defining memories. Journal of Personality, 74, 811–846.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

İnci Boyacıoğlu

Publication Date July 13, 2015
Submission Date July 13, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 35 Issue: 1


APA Boyacıoğlu, İ. (2015). Öztanımlayıcı Anıların Fenomenolojik Özelliklerinde Cinsiyete Bağlı Farklılıklar. Studies in Psychology, 35(1), 1-14.
AMA Boyacıoğlu İ. Öztanımlayıcı Anıların Fenomenolojik Özelliklerinde Cinsiyete Bağlı Farklılıklar. Studies in Psychology. June 2015;35(1):1-14.
Chicago Boyacıoğlu, İnci. “Öztanımlayıcı Anıların Fenomenolojik Özelliklerinde Cinsiyete Bağlı Farklılıklar”. Studies in Psychology 35, no. 1 (June 2015): 1-14.
EndNote Boyacıoğlu İ (June 1, 2015) Öztanımlayıcı Anıların Fenomenolojik Özelliklerinde Cinsiyete Bağlı Farklılıklar. Studies in Psychology 35 1 1–14.
IEEE İ. Boyacıoğlu, “Öztanımlayıcı Anıların Fenomenolojik Özelliklerinde Cinsiyete Bağlı Farklılıklar”, Studies in Psychology, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 1–14, 2015.
ISNAD Boyacıoğlu, İnci. “Öztanımlayıcı Anıların Fenomenolojik Özelliklerinde Cinsiyete Bağlı Farklılıklar”. Studies in Psychology 35/1 (June 2015), 1-14.
JAMA Boyacıoğlu İ. Öztanımlayıcı Anıların Fenomenolojik Özelliklerinde Cinsiyete Bağlı Farklılıklar. Studies in Psychology. 2015;35:1–14.
MLA Boyacıoğlu, İnci. “Öztanımlayıcı Anıların Fenomenolojik Özelliklerinde Cinsiyete Bağlı Farklılıklar”. Studies in Psychology, vol. 35, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-14.
Vancouver Boyacıoğlu İ. Öztanımlayıcı Anıların Fenomenolojik Özelliklerinde Cinsiyete Bağlı Farklılıklar. Studies in Psychology. 2015;35(1):1-14.

Psikoloji Çalışmaları / Studies In Psychology / ISSN- 1304-4680