Research Article
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Year 2022, , 39 - 100, 30.12.2022



  • Adams, L. & Oldfield, K. (2012). Opening up work: The views of disabled people and people with long term health conditions. Equality and Human Rights Commission Research report 77, Manchester: EHRC, Retrieved from
  • Akter, J. (2019). The psychological effects of workplace bullying among Bangladeshi women. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 8 (12,) 1-8.
  • Ali, M., Schur, L. & Blanck, P. (2011). What types of jobs do people with disabilities want? J Occup Rehabil 21, 199–210, DOI:10.1007/s10926-010-9266-0
  • Atkinson, T. P (2016). Effects of social issues on employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities. All Dissertations. 1644. Retrieved from
  • Baltacı, A. (2018). Nitel araştırmalarda örnekleme yöntemleri ve örnek hacmi sorunsalı üzerine kavramsal bir inceleme. BEÜ SBE Derg.,7(1), 231-274
  • Barnes, C. & Mercer, G. (2005). Disability, work, and welfare: Challenging the social exclusion of disabled people. Work, Employment & Society 19(3), 527–545,
  • Barton, L (1998) Sociology, disability studies and education:some observation. In: T. Shakespeare (Ed.), The disability reader: Social science perspectives, (pp. 53-64), New York: Cassell Pub
  • Beale, D. & Hoel, H. (2010). Workplace bullying, ındustrial relations, and the challenge for management in Britain and Sweden. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16 (2), 101-118,
  • Bernard, A. (2017). Beyond the wheelchair: Workplace bullying and persons with disabilities. Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(3), 41-47
  • Bonaccio, S., Connelly, C. E., Gellatly, I. R., Jetha, A., Martin Ginis, K. A. (2020). The participation of people with disabilities in the workplace across the employment cycle: Employer concerns and research evidence. Journal of Business and Psychology, 35, 135–158, DOI: 10.1007/s10869-018-9602-5
  • Burcu, E (2017). Türkiye’de engelli bireylerin dezavantajlı konumlarına engellilik sosyolojisinin eleştirel tavrıyla bakmak, Toplum ve Demokrasi, 11 (24), Temmuz-Aralık, 107-125.
  • Cesim, Ö. B., Şanlı, Ö.ve Akel, B. S. (2018). Hacettepe Üniversitesindeki engelli çalışanların karşılaştıkları psikolojik şiddet davranışları (mobbing) ve bu davranışların etkileri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 5 (1), 35-45, DOI: 10.21020/husbfd.380965
  • Coleman, N., Sykes, W. & Groom, C. (2013). Barriers to employment and unfair treatment at work: A quantitative analysis of disabled people’s experiences, Equality and Human Rights Commission Research. Report no. 8, Retrieved from
  • Davenport, N., Schwartz, R. D. ve Elliott, G. P. (2003). Mobbing işyerinde duygusal taciz, (O. C. Önertoy, Çev) İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık
  • Djurkovic, N. McCormack, D., & Casimir, G. (2006). Neuroticism and the psychosomatic model of workplace bullying, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(1) 73-88,
  • Dietz, J. and Gill, H (2006). Community source of workplace violence. In: E. K Kelloway, J. Barling & Joseph J. Hurrell (Eds.) Handbook of workplace violence. (pp. 331-349), London: Sage Publication,
  • Dipboye, R. L. (2005). Looking the part: Bias against the physically unattractive as a discrimination ıssue. In: R. L. Dipboye & A. Colella (Eds.), Discrimination at work: The psychological and organizational bases. (pp. 281-301, Mahwah, New Jersey & London: Lawrence.
  • Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Zapf, D., & Cooper, C. L. (2011). The concept of bullying and harassment at work: The European tradition. In S. Einarsen, H. Hoel, D. Zapf, & C. L. Cooper (Eds.), Bullying and harassment in the workplace: Developments in theory, research, and practice (2nd Ed.), (pp. 3-39) Taylor & Francis Group
  • Einarsen, S. & Nielsen, M. B. (2015). Workplace bullying as an antecedent of mental health problems: A five-year prospective and representative study. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 88(2), 131-142. DOI: 10.1007/s00420-014-0944-7
  • Evans, M., Edwards, M., McGregor, C. & Upton, P. (2016). Doing it differently staff perceptions of the barriers to workplace participation experienced by public servant with disability in the Australian, The Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis at the University of Canberra, Retrieved from
  • EYHGM (2015). Kamuda engelli istihdamının analizi, T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı Engelli ve Yaşlı Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları, Ankara
  • Feijó, F. R., Gräf, D. D., Pearce, N., & Fassa, A. G. (2019). Risk factors for workplace bullying: A systematic review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Healt. 16, (1-25), DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16111945
  • Ferris, P. (2004). A preliminary typology of organizational response to allegation of workplace bullying: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. British Journal of Guidance & Counseling, 32(3), 389–395,
  • Fevre, R., Robinson, A. L., Jones, T., & Lewis, D. (2008). Work fit for all—disability, health and experience of negative treatment in the British workplace’, Insight Report 1 (London: Equality and Human Rights Commission).
  • Fevre, R., Robinson, A., Lewis, D., & Jones, T. (2013). The ill-treatment of employees with disabilities in British workplaces. Work, Employment and Society, 27(2), 288–307.
  • Fevre, R., Foster, D., Jones, M. & Wass, V. (2016). Closing disability gaps at work - deficits in evidence and difference in experience, Cardiff: Cardiff University, Retrieved from
  • Foster, D. & Scott, P (2015). Nobody’s responsibility: The precarious position of disabled employees in the UK workplace, Industrial Relations Journal 46 (4), 328–343,
  • Glambek, M., Matthiesen, S. B., Hetlandand, J. & Einarsen, S. (2014). Workplace bullying as an antecedent to job ınsecurity and ıntention to leave: A 6-month prospective study, Human Resource Management Journal, 24(3), 255-268, doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12035
  • Harris, A & Enfield, S. (2003). Disability, Equality and human rights a training manual for development and humanitarian organisations, Oxford: Oxfam GB, Retrieved from
  • Hollis, L. P. (2017). Workplace bullying II: A civilizational shortcoming examined in a comparative content analysis. Comparative Civilizations Review, 77, 90-104.
  • Hutchinson, M., Vickers, M., Jackson, D., & Wilkes, L (2006). Like wolves in a pack: predatory alliances of bullies in nursing. Journal of Management and Organization, 12 (3), 235-250 doi:10.5172/jmo.2006.12.3.235
  • İzmir, G ve Fazlıoğlu, A. (2011). İşyerinde psikolojik taciz (mobbing) ve çözüm önerileri komisyon raporu. Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Kadın Erkek Fırsat Eşitliği Komisyonu, Erişim Adresi
  • Jones, A. M., Finkelstein, R. & Koehoorn, M. (2018). Disability and workplace harassment and discrimination among Canadian federal public service employees. Can J Public Health, 109, 79–88,
  • Karatuna, I. ve Tınaz, P. (2010). İşyerinde psikolojik taciz: Sağlık sektöründe kesitsel bir araştıma. Ankara: TÜRK-İş, Erişim Adresi
  • Kaye, H. S., Jans, L. H. & Jones, E. C. (2011). Why don’t employers hire and retain workers with disabilities? Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 21(4), 526–536, doi: 10.1007/s10926-011-9302-8.
  • Khubchandani, J. & Price, J. H. (2015). Workplace harassment and morbidity among US adults: Results from the National Health Interview Survey. J Community Health 40, 555–563, DOI: 10.1007/s10900-014-9971-2
  • Kivimäki, M., Virtanen, M., Vartia, M., Elovainio, M., Vahtera, J. & Keltikangas-Järvinen, L. (2003). Workplace bullying and the risk of cardiovascular disease and depression. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60: 779–783
  • Knox, M. & Hickson, F. (2001) The meanings of close friendship: the views of four people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 14, 276-291,
  • Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2), 165-184,
  • Nielsen, M. B., Gjerstad, J., Jacobsen, D. P. & Einarsen, S. V. (2017). Does Ability To Defend Moderate The Association Between Exposure To Bullying And Symptoms Of Anxiety?, Frontiers in Psychology,59 (7), 609-614,
  • Nielsen, M. B. & Einarsen, S. V. (2018). What we know, what we do not know, and what we should and could have known about workplace bullying: An overview of the literature and agenda for future research. Aggression and Violent Behavior 42, 71–83,
  • OECD (2010), Sickness, disability and work: breaking the barriers: A synthesis of findings across OECD countries, Paris: OECD Publishing,
  • Okechukwu, C. A., Souza, K., Davis, K. D. & de Castro A. B. (2014). Discrimination, harassment, abuse and bullying in the workplace: contribution of workplace ınjustice to occupational health disparities American Journal of Industrial Medicine 57(5), 573–586, doi: 10.1002/ajim.22221.
  • Pampel, F. (2014). Bullying and disability: An overview of the research literature, Denver: OMNI Institute. Retrieved from
  • Paoli, P. & Merllié, D. (2001). Third European survey on working conditions 2000. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Conditions. Luxemburg, Retrieved from
  • Salin, D. (2003). Ways of explaining workplace bullying: A review of enabling, motivating and precipitating structures and processes in the work environment, Human Relations, 56(10), 1213-1232, ttps://
  • Schur L. (2002). The difference a job makes: The effects of employment among people with disabilities. J Econ Issues. 36(2), 339–48,
  • Schur, L., Kruse D. & Blanck P. (2005). Corporate culture and the employment of persons with disabilities. Behav. Sci. Law 23, 3–20, doi: 10.1002/bsl.624.
  • Shakespeare, T. (2011) Sakatlık sosyal modeli, F. B. Aydar (Çev.) D Bezmez, S Yardımcı, Y Şentürk (Ed), Sakatlık çalışmaları: Sosyal bilimlerden bakmak kitabı içinde (ss. 51-62), İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Snyder, L. A., Carmichael, J. S., Blackwell, L. V., Cleveland, J. N. & Thornton, G. C. (2010). Perceptions of discrimination and justice among employees with disabilities. Empl Responsib Rights J, 22(1), 5–19, DOI 10.1007/s10672-009-9107-5
  • Şentürk, Y. (2010, Eylül). Sakatlık ve sosyal teori: Toplumbilim kuramlarındaki “normal” özneyi yeniden düşünmek, 5. Karaburun Bilim Kongresi’nde sunulan bildiri (2-5 Eylül 2010), İzmir Tınaz, P. (2006) Çalışma yaşamında psikolojik bir dram: Mobbing. Erişim Adresi
  • Toker-Gökçe, A. (2009). Mobbing: İş yerinde yıldırma kavramsal çerçeve, Üniversite ve Toplum Dergisi, 1-9
  • Tororei, S K (2009) The Right to Work: A Strategy for Addressing the Invisibility of Persons with Disability. Disability Studies Quarterly 29 (4). Retrieved from Son Erişim Tarihi: 07.08.2021
  • Tracy, S. J., Lutgen-Sandvik, P. & Alberts, J. K. (2006) Nightmares, demons, and slaves: Exploring the painful metaphors of workplace bullying. Management Communication Quarterly, 20, 148-185.
  • TÜİK, (2010). Özürlülerin sorun ve beklentileri araştırması Ankara: TÜİK, Erişim Adresi
  • UN (2007). From exclusion to equality: Realizing the rights of persons with disabilities: Handbook for Parliamentarians on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol. Geneva: UN. Retrieved from:
  • UN (2019). Realizing the sustainable development goals by, for and with persons with disabilities: UN flagship report on disability and development 2018, New York: UN, Retrieved from:
  • Vélez, M. L. R. (2011). Workplace harassment: A global organizational issue. Retrieved from:
  • Vickers, M H (2009) Bullying, disability and work : A case study of workplace bullying. Qualitative Research In Organizations And Management, 4(3), 255-272,
  • Vickers, M H (2015). Telling tales to share multiple truths: Disability and workplace bullying: A semi-fiction case study. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 27 (1), 27-45,
  • WBI (2021). 2021 WBI U.S. Workplace Bullying Survey. Retrieved from:
  • Yıldırım., A. ve Şimşek, H. (2006). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, (6. Baskı) Ankara: Seçkin
  • Yılmaz, Z. (2004) Çalışan Özürlülerin İş Yaşamında Karşılaştıkları Sorunlar ve Bunları Etkileyen Etmenler, Öz-Veri Dergisi, Ankara, Cilt I, Sayı 2 tr/ozveri/ov2/ov2calisanozurlusorunlari.htm , (24. 07.2021).
  • Zapf, D. & Gross, C. (2001) Conflict Escalation and Coping With Workplace Bullying: A Replication and Extension, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4), 497-522,
  • Zapf, D and Einarsen, S (2011) Individual antecedents of bullying: victims and perpetrators. In: Einarsen, S, Hoel, H, Zapf, D and Cooper, C L (Eds), Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace. Developments in Theory, Research, and Practice, 2nd ed., Taylor & Francis, London, 177-200

Disabled Employees as A Vulnerable Group in the Labor Market and Mobbing: A Qualitative Research in Tokat Province

Year 2022, , 39 - 100, 30.12.2022


Out of the vulnerable and disadvantaged groups in the labor market, disabled employees make up one of the segments that is most exposed to mobbing in the workplace. In this study, we investigated mobbing processes against disabled employees and their effects on them. The research was conducted through faceto-face in-depth interviews with 10 disabled employees in the province of Tokat, between November 2019 and December 2020. The obtained data was analyzed using descriptive and content methods. We examined the characteristics of handicapped employees who had been victims of mobbing, the mobbing acts used against them, causes and types of mobbing and their effects on the victims. The findings show that disabled employees are subjected to acts of mobbing including scolding, mockery, shouting, humiliation, backbiting, overloading, disdain, and being given work below their qualifications. Negative prejudices and attitudes towards disability are among the causes of mobbing against disabled employees in the workplace. Mobbing affects the effective and equal participation of disabled people at work and hinders their permanent presence in the labor market. The psychological and physical health of disabled employees who are victims of mobbing worsen and their disability-related health problems deteriorate. Mobbing impairs the physical and mental health of disabled employees and reduces their productivity as well. Mobbing weakens and eventually breaks these people’s ties with the labor market and their working lives.


  • Adams, L. & Oldfield, K. (2012). Opening up work: The views of disabled people and people with long term health conditions. Equality and Human Rights Commission Research report 77, Manchester: EHRC, Retrieved from
  • Akter, J. (2019). The psychological effects of workplace bullying among Bangladeshi women. EC Psychology and Psychiatry 8 (12,) 1-8.
  • Ali, M., Schur, L. & Blanck, P. (2011). What types of jobs do people with disabilities want? J Occup Rehabil 21, 199–210, DOI:10.1007/s10926-010-9266-0
  • Atkinson, T. P (2016). Effects of social issues on employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities. All Dissertations. 1644. Retrieved from
  • Baltacı, A. (2018). Nitel araştırmalarda örnekleme yöntemleri ve örnek hacmi sorunsalı üzerine kavramsal bir inceleme. BEÜ SBE Derg.,7(1), 231-274
  • Barnes, C. & Mercer, G. (2005). Disability, work, and welfare: Challenging the social exclusion of disabled people. Work, Employment & Society 19(3), 527–545,
  • Barton, L (1998) Sociology, disability studies and education:some observation. In: T. Shakespeare (Ed.), The disability reader: Social science perspectives, (pp. 53-64), New York: Cassell Pub
  • Beale, D. & Hoel, H. (2010). Workplace bullying, ındustrial relations, and the challenge for management in Britain and Sweden. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 16 (2), 101-118,
  • Bernard, A. (2017). Beyond the wheelchair: Workplace bullying and persons with disabilities. Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(3), 41-47
  • Bonaccio, S., Connelly, C. E., Gellatly, I. R., Jetha, A., Martin Ginis, K. A. (2020). The participation of people with disabilities in the workplace across the employment cycle: Employer concerns and research evidence. Journal of Business and Psychology, 35, 135–158, DOI: 10.1007/s10869-018-9602-5
  • Burcu, E (2017). Türkiye’de engelli bireylerin dezavantajlı konumlarına engellilik sosyolojisinin eleştirel tavrıyla bakmak, Toplum ve Demokrasi, 11 (24), Temmuz-Aralık, 107-125.
  • Cesim, Ö. B., Şanlı, Ö.ve Akel, B. S. (2018). Hacettepe Üniversitesindeki engelli çalışanların karşılaştıkları psikolojik şiddet davranışları (mobbing) ve bu davranışların etkileri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 5 (1), 35-45, DOI: 10.21020/husbfd.380965
  • Coleman, N., Sykes, W. & Groom, C. (2013). Barriers to employment and unfair treatment at work: A quantitative analysis of disabled people’s experiences, Equality and Human Rights Commission Research. Report no. 8, Retrieved from
  • Davenport, N., Schwartz, R. D. ve Elliott, G. P. (2003). Mobbing işyerinde duygusal taciz, (O. C. Önertoy, Çev) İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık
  • Djurkovic, N. McCormack, D., & Casimir, G. (2006). Neuroticism and the psychosomatic model of workplace bullying, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(1) 73-88,
  • Dietz, J. and Gill, H (2006). Community source of workplace violence. In: E. K Kelloway, J. Barling & Joseph J. Hurrell (Eds.) Handbook of workplace violence. (pp. 331-349), London: Sage Publication,
  • Dipboye, R. L. (2005). Looking the part: Bias against the physically unattractive as a discrimination ıssue. In: R. L. Dipboye & A. Colella (Eds.), Discrimination at work: The psychological and organizational bases. (pp. 281-301, Mahwah, New Jersey & London: Lawrence.
  • Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., Zapf, D., & Cooper, C. L. (2011). The concept of bullying and harassment at work: The European tradition. In S. Einarsen, H. Hoel, D. Zapf, & C. L. Cooper (Eds.), Bullying and harassment in the workplace: Developments in theory, research, and practice (2nd Ed.), (pp. 3-39) Taylor & Francis Group
  • Einarsen, S. & Nielsen, M. B. (2015). Workplace bullying as an antecedent of mental health problems: A five-year prospective and representative study. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 88(2), 131-142. DOI: 10.1007/s00420-014-0944-7
  • Evans, M., Edwards, M., McGregor, C. & Upton, P. (2016). Doing it differently staff perceptions of the barriers to workplace participation experienced by public servant with disability in the Australian, The Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis at the University of Canberra, Retrieved from
  • EYHGM (2015). Kamuda engelli istihdamının analizi, T.C. Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı Engelli ve Yaşlı Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları, Ankara
  • Feijó, F. R., Gräf, D. D., Pearce, N., & Fassa, A. G. (2019). Risk factors for workplace bullying: A systematic review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Healt. 16, (1-25), DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16111945
  • Ferris, P. (2004). A preliminary typology of organizational response to allegation of workplace bullying: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. British Journal of Guidance & Counseling, 32(3), 389–395,
  • Fevre, R., Robinson, A. L., Jones, T., & Lewis, D. (2008). Work fit for all—disability, health and experience of negative treatment in the British workplace’, Insight Report 1 (London: Equality and Human Rights Commission).
  • Fevre, R., Robinson, A., Lewis, D., & Jones, T. (2013). The ill-treatment of employees with disabilities in British workplaces. Work, Employment and Society, 27(2), 288–307.
  • Fevre, R., Foster, D., Jones, M. & Wass, V. (2016). Closing disability gaps at work - deficits in evidence and difference in experience, Cardiff: Cardiff University, Retrieved from
  • Foster, D. & Scott, P (2015). Nobody’s responsibility: The precarious position of disabled employees in the UK workplace, Industrial Relations Journal 46 (4), 328–343,
  • Glambek, M., Matthiesen, S. B., Hetlandand, J. & Einarsen, S. (2014). Workplace bullying as an antecedent to job ınsecurity and ıntention to leave: A 6-month prospective study, Human Resource Management Journal, 24(3), 255-268, doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12035
  • Harris, A & Enfield, S. (2003). Disability, Equality and human rights a training manual for development and humanitarian organisations, Oxford: Oxfam GB, Retrieved from
  • Hollis, L. P. (2017). Workplace bullying II: A civilizational shortcoming examined in a comparative content analysis. Comparative Civilizations Review, 77, 90-104.
  • Hutchinson, M., Vickers, M., Jackson, D., & Wilkes, L (2006). Like wolves in a pack: predatory alliances of bullies in nursing. Journal of Management and Organization, 12 (3), 235-250 doi:10.5172/jmo.2006.12.3.235
  • İzmir, G ve Fazlıoğlu, A. (2011). İşyerinde psikolojik taciz (mobbing) ve çözüm önerileri komisyon raporu. Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Kadın Erkek Fırsat Eşitliği Komisyonu, Erişim Adresi
  • Jones, A. M., Finkelstein, R. & Koehoorn, M. (2018). Disability and workplace harassment and discrimination among Canadian federal public service employees. Can J Public Health, 109, 79–88,
  • Karatuna, I. ve Tınaz, P. (2010). İşyerinde psikolojik taciz: Sağlık sektöründe kesitsel bir araştıma. Ankara: TÜRK-İş, Erişim Adresi
  • Kaye, H. S., Jans, L. H. & Jones, E. C. (2011). Why don’t employers hire and retain workers with disabilities? Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 21(4), 526–536, doi: 10.1007/s10926-011-9302-8.
  • Khubchandani, J. & Price, J. H. (2015). Workplace harassment and morbidity among US adults: Results from the National Health Interview Survey. J Community Health 40, 555–563, DOI: 10.1007/s10900-014-9971-2
  • Kivimäki, M., Virtanen, M., Vartia, M., Elovainio, M., Vahtera, J. & Keltikangas-Järvinen, L. (2003). Workplace bullying and the risk of cardiovascular disease and depression. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60: 779–783
  • Knox, M. & Hickson, F. (2001) The meanings of close friendship: the views of four people with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 14, 276-291,
  • Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2), 165-184,
  • Nielsen, M. B., Gjerstad, J., Jacobsen, D. P. & Einarsen, S. V. (2017). Does Ability To Defend Moderate The Association Between Exposure To Bullying And Symptoms Of Anxiety?, Frontiers in Psychology,59 (7), 609-614,
  • Nielsen, M. B. & Einarsen, S. V. (2018). What we know, what we do not know, and what we should and could have known about workplace bullying: An overview of the literature and agenda for future research. Aggression and Violent Behavior 42, 71–83,
  • OECD (2010), Sickness, disability and work: breaking the barriers: A synthesis of findings across OECD countries, Paris: OECD Publishing,
  • Okechukwu, C. A., Souza, K., Davis, K. D. & de Castro A. B. (2014). Discrimination, harassment, abuse and bullying in the workplace: contribution of workplace ınjustice to occupational health disparities American Journal of Industrial Medicine 57(5), 573–586, doi: 10.1002/ajim.22221.
  • Pampel, F. (2014). Bullying and disability: An overview of the research literature, Denver: OMNI Institute. Retrieved from
  • Paoli, P. & Merllié, D. (2001). Third European survey on working conditions 2000. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Conditions. Luxemburg, Retrieved from
  • Salin, D. (2003). Ways of explaining workplace bullying: A review of enabling, motivating and precipitating structures and processes in the work environment, Human Relations, 56(10), 1213-1232, ttps://
  • Schur L. (2002). The difference a job makes: The effects of employment among people with disabilities. J Econ Issues. 36(2), 339–48,
  • Schur, L., Kruse D. & Blanck P. (2005). Corporate culture and the employment of persons with disabilities. Behav. Sci. Law 23, 3–20, doi: 10.1002/bsl.624.
  • Shakespeare, T. (2011) Sakatlık sosyal modeli, F. B. Aydar (Çev.) D Bezmez, S Yardımcı, Y Şentürk (Ed), Sakatlık çalışmaları: Sosyal bilimlerden bakmak kitabı içinde (ss. 51-62), İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları
  • Snyder, L. A., Carmichael, J. S., Blackwell, L. V., Cleveland, J. N. & Thornton, G. C. (2010). Perceptions of discrimination and justice among employees with disabilities. Empl Responsib Rights J, 22(1), 5–19, DOI 10.1007/s10672-009-9107-5
  • Şentürk, Y. (2010, Eylül). Sakatlık ve sosyal teori: Toplumbilim kuramlarındaki “normal” özneyi yeniden düşünmek, 5. Karaburun Bilim Kongresi’nde sunulan bildiri (2-5 Eylül 2010), İzmir Tınaz, P. (2006) Çalışma yaşamında psikolojik bir dram: Mobbing. Erişim Adresi
  • Toker-Gökçe, A. (2009). Mobbing: İş yerinde yıldırma kavramsal çerçeve, Üniversite ve Toplum Dergisi, 1-9
  • Tororei, S K (2009) The Right to Work: A Strategy for Addressing the Invisibility of Persons with Disability. Disability Studies Quarterly 29 (4). Retrieved from Son Erişim Tarihi: 07.08.2021
  • Tracy, S. J., Lutgen-Sandvik, P. & Alberts, J. K. (2006) Nightmares, demons, and slaves: Exploring the painful metaphors of workplace bullying. Management Communication Quarterly, 20, 148-185.
  • TÜİK, (2010). Özürlülerin sorun ve beklentileri araştırması Ankara: TÜİK, Erişim Adresi
  • UN (2007). From exclusion to equality: Realizing the rights of persons with disabilities: Handbook for Parliamentarians on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol. Geneva: UN. Retrieved from:
  • UN (2019). Realizing the sustainable development goals by, for and with persons with disabilities: UN flagship report on disability and development 2018, New York: UN, Retrieved from:
  • Vélez, M. L. R. (2011). Workplace harassment: A global organizational issue. Retrieved from:
  • Vickers, M H (2009) Bullying, disability and work : A case study of workplace bullying. Qualitative Research In Organizations And Management, 4(3), 255-272,
  • Vickers, M H (2015). Telling tales to share multiple truths: Disability and workplace bullying: A semi-fiction case study. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 27 (1), 27-45,
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There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Elif Özlem Özçatal 0000-0001-7737-5810

Umur Aşkın 0000-0001-8456-2411

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date July 9, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Özçatal, E. . . . Ö., & Aşkın, U. (2022). Disabled Employees as A Vulnerable Group in the Labor Market and Mobbing: A Qualitative Research in Tokat Province. Journal of Social Policy Conferences(83), 39-100.
AMA Özçatal EÖ, Aşkın U. Disabled Employees as A Vulnerable Group in the Labor Market and Mobbing: A Qualitative Research in Tokat Province. Journal of Social Policy Conferences. December 2022;(83):39-100. doi:10.26650/jspc.2022.83.1142868
Chicago Özçatal, Elif Özlem, and Umur Aşkın. “Disabled Employees As A Vulnerable Group in the Labor Market and Mobbing: A Qualitative Research in Tokat Province”. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, no. 83 (December 2022): 39-100.
EndNote Özçatal EÖ, Aşkın U (December 1, 2022) Disabled Employees as A Vulnerable Group in the Labor Market and Mobbing: A Qualitative Research in Tokat Province. Journal of Social Policy Conferences 83 39–100.
IEEE E. . . . Ö. Özçatal and U. Aşkın, “Disabled Employees as A Vulnerable Group in the Labor Market and Mobbing: A Qualitative Research in Tokat Province”, Journal of Social Policy Conferences, no. 83, pp. 39–100, December 2022, doi: 10.26650/jspc.2022.83.1142868.
ISNAD Özçatal, Elif Özlem - Aşkın, Umur. “Disabled Employees As A Vulnerable Group in the Labor Market and Mobbing: A Qualitative Research in Tokat Province”. Journal of Social Policy Conferences 83 (December 2022), 39-100.
JAMA Özçatal EÖ, Aşkın U. Disabled Employees as A Vulnerable Group in the Labor Market and Mobbing: A Qualitative Research in Tokat Province. Journal of Social Policy Conferences. 2022;:39–100.
MLA Özçatal, Elif Özlem and Umur Aşkın. “Disabled Employees As A Vulnerable Group in the Labor Market and Mobbing: A Qualitative Research in Tokat Province”. Journal of Social Policy Conferences, no. 83, 2022, pp. 39-100, doi:10.26650/jspc.2022.83.1142868.
Vancouver Özçatal EÖ, Aşkın U. Disabled Employees as A Vulnerable Group in the Labor Market and Mobbing: A Qualitative Research in Tokat Province. Journal of Social Policy Conferences. 2022(83):39-100.