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Polanyi’nin Perspektifinden Sosyal Politikayı Okumak: Piyasa, Refah ve Emek Sorunsalı

Year 2022, Issue: 82, 1 - 33, 30.06.2022


Karl Polanyi’nin 1944 yılında yayımlanan Büyük Dönüşüm adlı eseri piyasa, devlet ve refah ilişkisine yeni bir boyut getirmiştir. Karl Polanyi, piyasalar ve kapitalist toplumlar arasındaki ilişkinin, herhangi bir sosyal düzenin merkezi özelliği olduğunu düşünmüştür. Ona göre piyasa, toplumu istikrarsızlaştırırken emeğin, toprağın ve paranın metalaştırılması ise bir tepki ya da “karşı hareket” yaratmıştır. Bu yüzden Büyük Dönüşüm adlı eserinde de sık sık bahsettiği piyasa toplumunu, piyasaların toplumsal örgütlenmenin baskın bir ilkesi haline geldiği bir toplum olarak tasvir etmektedir. Bu toplum türünde ekonomi, toplumsal ilişkilere değil; toplumsal ilişkiler ekonomik sistemin içine gömülüdür. Polanyi ayrıca piyasa toplumunun doğal olarak meydana gelen bir fenomen olmadığını, politik ve sosyal bir yapı olduğunu savunmaktadır. Yine de, hükümet bürokrasisinin hızlı büyümesi ve özel alana müdahale, özellikle 1940’lardan bu yana, kapitalist toplumun doğası hakkındaki geleneksel düşüncelerimizin çoğuna meydan okumuştur. Dolayısıyla da devletin hem özel piyasa ekonomisinin kurulmasında hem de düzenlenmesinde önemli bir rol oynadığı gösterilmiştir. Bu çalışma, Polanyi’nin Büyük Dönüşüm eserinin yerleşik ekonomi kavramının içerdiği anlamlar olan piyasa, refah ve emek arasındaki ayrıma dayalı bir yorumunu konu edinmektedir.


  • Bayrakdar Seda.(2019), Kapitalizm Krizlerinin Karl Polanyi Penceresinden Analizi, Akademik Hassasiyetler, Cilt:6 Sayı:11
  • Birchfield, V.(2005), “José Bové and the Globalization Countermovement in France and Beyond: A Polanyian Interpretation,” Review of International Studies, 31 (3): pp.581–598.
  • Block Fred.(2008), Polanyi’s Double Movement and the Reconstruction of Critical Theory, Revue Interventions économiques [Online], 38 | 2008, Online since 01 December 2008, connection on 25 May 2019. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/ interventionseconomiques.274
  • Block, Fred and Margaret Somers. (1984). “Beyond the Economistic Fallacy: The Holistics Social Science of Karl Polanyi”, dans Theda Skocpol, ed., Vision and Method in Historical Sociology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.47-84.
  • Buğra Ayşe.(2020), Politics of Social Policy in a Late Industrializing Country: The Case of Turkey, Development and Change, Volume 51, Issue 2
  • Buğra, Ayse and Kaan Agartan. (2007), Reading Karl Polanyi for the 21st Century, New York: Palgrave.
  • Buğra, Ayşe (2009), “Polanyi’nin Çifte Hareket Kavramı ve Günümüz Piyasa Toplumunda Siyaset,” Ayşe Buğra ve Kaan Ağartan (der.) 21. Yüzyılda Karl Polanyi’yi Okumak, Bir Siyasal Proje Olarak Piyasa Ekonomisi, (Çev. Azer Kılıç), İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.237-59.
  • Burawoy, Michael.(2003), “For a Sociological Marxism : The Complementary Convergence of Antonio Gramsci and Karl Polanyi”, Politics & Society (June), pp.193-262.
  • Cangiani Michele.(2017), “Social Freedom” in the Twenty-First Century: Rereading Polanyi, Journal of Economic Issues, Volume 51, Issue 4, pp.915-938
  • Conradie Ina.(2018), Social Policy in South Africa: the challenges of Poverty, Inequality and Exclusion, Social Work and Society, Vol 16, No:2
  • Dale Gareth.(2008), Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation: perverse effects, protectionism and Gemeinschaft, Economy and Society, Volume 37, Issue 4
  • Dale Gareth.(2018), Karl Polanyi and the economics of Labour,, 11 September
  • Devereux, S, Roelen, K & Ulrichs, M. (2015), Where next for social protection? Sussex: IDS Evidence Report 124. Policy Anticipation, Response and Evaluation.
  • Dumludağ Devrim.(2004), Küreselleşmeyi “Büyük Dönüşüm” Üzerinden Okumak, Marmara Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Cilt XIX, Sayı 1
  • Ebner Alexander.(2010), Transnational Markets and The Polanyi Problem, in: Christian Joerges and Josef Falke (eds.), Karl Polanyi, Globalisation and the Potential of Law in Transnational Markets, Oxford: Hart, pp.19-41
  • Gavin Rae.(2016), Public Capital and the Post-Communist Welfare State: The Case of Poland, Polish Sociological Review, 194(2):155–170
  • Gomez Ana.(2008), The Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy: A Narrative of Contributions to Social Change, Revue Interventions économiques, [Online], 38
  • Goodwin Geoff.(2018), Rethinking the Double Movement: Expanding the Frontiers of Polanyian Analysis in the Global South, Development and Chance, Volume 49, Issue 5, September, pp.1268-1290
  • Halperin, S. (2004 ), War and Social Change in Modern Europe: The Great Transformation Revisited, Cambridge
  • Hejeebu, S. and McCloskey, D. (1999), “The Reproving of Karl Polanyi,” Critical Review, 13(3-4), pp.285-314
  • Hodgson Geoffrey M.(2017), Karl Polanyi on economy and society: a critical analysis of core concepts, Review of Social Economy, Volume 75, Issue 1
  • Kitapçı İsmail.(2019), Piyasaları Olan Toplumdan Piyasa Toplumuna: Karl Polanyi’nin Perspektifinden İktisat Sosyolojisi
  • Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, C.24, S.4, pp.1089-1109
  • Machado Nuno, Miguel Cardoso.(2011), Karl Polanyi and the New Economic Sociology: Notes on the Concept of (Dis) embeddedness, RCCS Annual Review, Issue:3
  • Maertens Eppo. (2008), Polanyi's Double Movement: A Critical Reappraisal, Social Thought & Research, Vol. 29, Globalization pp.129-153
  • Munck Ronaldo.(2004), Globalization, Labor and the ‘Polanyi Problem’, Labor History, Volume 45, Issue 3, pp.251-269
  • Paton Joy.(2010), Labour as a (Fictitious) Commodity: Polanyi and the Capitalist ‘Market Economy’, Economic and Labour Relations Review, Volume: 21, Issue:1
  • Piketty Thomas.(2014), Yirmi Birinci Yüzyılda Kapital, (Çeviren:Hande Koçak), İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Polanyi, K. (2001), The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time, (Boston, MA: Beacon Press)
  • Saval Nikil.(2016), Polanyi In Our Times,
  • Savevska Maja.(2014), Polanyian Reading of the Socio-Economic Transformations of the European Union, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Volume 22, Issue 4
  • Schneider Sergio, Escher Fabiano.(2011), The contribution of Karl Polanyi for the rural development sociology, Sociologias [online]. Vol.13, n.27, pp.180-219
  • Selwyn Benjamin & Miyamura Satoshi.(2014), Class Struggle or Embedded Markets? Marx, Polanyi and the Meanings and Possibilities of Social Transformation, New Political Economy, Volume 19, Issue 5
  • Stewart, F. (2010), Power and progress: The swing of the pendulum, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 11(3), pp.371-395.
  • Vandenbroucke, F., A.Hemerijck and B.Palier. (2011), The EU Needs a Social Investment Pact, Opinion Paper, No. 5, Brussels: Observatoire Social Européen, May 2011, pp.1-25
  • Veitch Kenneth.(2013), Law, Social Policy and the Constitution of Markets and Profit Making, Journal of Law and Society, 40(1)
  • Waldecy Rodrigues, Nayara Silva dos Santos.(2020), Karl Polanyi and substantivism in economic development, Brazilian Journal of Political Economy. vol.40 no.1 São Paulo Jan./Mar. 2020 Epub Feb 21
  • Watkins John P.(2017), Financialization and Society’s Protective Response: Reconsidering Karl Polanyi’s Double Movement, Journal of Economic Issues, Volume 51, Issue 1, pp.98-117
  • Wjuniski, Bernardo Stuhlberger, Fernandez Ramón G.(2010), Karl Polanyi, Athens and us: The contemporary significance of Polanyi’s thought, Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 30, No 3 (119), July-September/2010, pp. 420-437

Reading Social Policy from Polanyi’s Perspective: The Problem of the Market, Wealth, and Labour

Year 2022, Issue: 82, 1 - 33, 30.06.2022


The Great Transformation, published in 1944 by Karl Polanyi, brought a new dimension to the relationship between market, state, and welfare. Polanyi considered the relation between markets and societies as a central feature of any social order; according to him, while the market destabilizes society, the commodification of labor, land, and money creates a reaction or “counter-movement.” For this reason, he describes market society as being a dominant principle for social organization. Social relations are embedded within the economic system instead of the economy being embedded in social relations. Polanyi also claims that market society is a political and social construct rather than a natural phenomenon. Yet, the rapid growth of government bureaucracy and interference in the private sphere has challenged many traditional notions related to the nature of capitalist society, especially since the 1940s. Therefore, the state plays an important role in both the establishment and regulation of the private market economy. This article proposes an interpretation, in the context of the contemporary welfare state based on Polanyi’s The Great Transformation, which discusses the distinction between market,
welfare, and labor. The institutions, that once contributed to embedding the market economy within society, now play an important role in situations that have potential consequences for those seeking help from the welfare state.


  • Bayrakdar Seda.(2019), Kapitalizm Krizlerinin Karl Polanyi Penceresinden Analizi, Akademik Hassasiyetler, Cilt:6 Sayı:11
  • Birchfield, V.(2005), “José Bové and the Globalization Countermovement in France and Beyond: A Polanyian Interpretation,” Review of International Studies, 31 (3): pp.581–598.
  • Block Fred.(2008), Polanyi’s Double Movement and the Reconstruction of Critical Theory, Revue Interventions économiques [Online], 38 | 2008, Online since 01 December 2008, connection on 25 May 2019. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/ interventionseconomiques.274
  • Block, Fred and Margaret Somers. (1984). “Beyond the Economistic Fallacy: The Holistics Social Science of Karl Polanyi”, dans Theda Skocpol, ed., Vision and Method in Historical Sociology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.47-84.
  • Buğra Ayşe.(2020), Politics of Social Policy in a Late Industrializing Country: The Case of Turkey, Development and Change, Volume 51, Issue 2
  • Buğra, Ayse and Kaan Agartan. (2007), Reading Karl Polanyi for the 21st Century, New York: Palgrave.
  • Buğra, Ayşe (2009), “Polanyi’nin Çifte Hareket Kavramı ve Günümüz Piyasa Toplumunda Siyaset,” Ayşe Buğra ve Kaan Ağartan (der.) 21. Yüzyılda Karl Polanyi’yi Okumak, Bir Siyasal Proje Olarak Piyasa Ekonomisi, (Çev. Azer Kılıç), İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul, pp.237-59.
  • Burawoy, Michael.(2003), “For a Sociological Marxism : The Complementary Convergence of Antonio Gramsci and Karl Polanyi”, Politics & Society (June), pp.193-262.
  • Cangiani Michele.(2017), “Social Freedom” in the Twenty-First Century: Rereading Polanyi, Journal of Economic Issues, Volume 51, Issue 4, pp.915-938
  • Conradie Ina.(2018), Social Policy in South Africa: the challenges of Poverty, Inequality and Exclusion, Social Work and Society, Vol 16, No:2
  • Dale Gareth.(2008), Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation: perverse effects, protectionism and Gemeinschaft, Economy and Society, Volume 37, Issue 4
  • Dale Gareth.(2018), Karl Polanyi and the economics of Labour,, 11 September
  • Devereux, S, Roelen, K & Ulrichs, M. (2015), Where next for social protection? Sussex: IDS Evidence Report 124. Policy Anticipation, Response and Evaluation.
  • Dumludağ Devrim.(2004), Küreselleşmeyi “Büyük Dönüşüm” Üzerinden Okumak, Marmara Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Cilt XIX, Sayı 1
  • Ebner Alexander.(2010), Transnational Markets and The Polanyi Problem, in: Christian Joerges and Josef Falke (eds.), Karl Polanyi, Globalisation and the Potential of Law in Transnational Markets, Oxford: Hart, pp.19-41
  • Gavin Rae.(2016), Public Capital and the Post-Communist Welfare State: The Case of Poland, Polish Sociological Review, 194(2):155–170
  • Gomez Ana.(2008), The Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy: A Narrative of Contributions to Social Change, Revue Interventions économiques, [Online], 38
  • Goodwin Geoff.(2018), Rethinking the Double Movement: Expanding the Frontiers of Polanyian Analysis in the Global South, Development and Chance, Volume 49, Issue 5, September, pp.1268-1290
  • Halperin, S. (2004 ), War and Social Change in Modern Europe: The Great Transformation Revisited, Cambridge
  • Hejeebu, S. and McCloskey, D. (1999), “The Reproving of Karl Polanyi,” Critical Review, 13(3-4), pp.285-314
  • Hodgson Geoffrey M.(2017), Karl Polanyi on economy and society: a critical analysis of core concepts, Review of Social Economy, Volume 75, Issue 1
  • Kitapçı İsmail.(2019), Piyasaları Olan Toplumdan Piyasa Toplumuna: Karl Polanyi’nin Perspektifinden İktisat Sosyolojisi
  • Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, C.24, S.4, pp.1089-1109
  • Machado Nuno, Miguel Cardoso.(2011), Karl Polanyi and the New Economic Sociology: Notes on the Concept of (Dis) embeddedness, RCCS Annual Review, Issue:3
  • Maertens Eppo. (2008), Polanyi's Double Movement: A Critical Reappraisal, Social Thought & Research, Vol. 29, Globalization pp.129-153
  • Munck Ronaldo.(2004), Globalization, Labor and the ‘Polanyi Problem’, Labor History, Volume 45, Issue 3, pp.251-269
  • Paton Joy.(2010), Labour as a (Fictitious) Commodity: Polanyi and the Capitalist ‘Market Economy’, Economic and Labour Relations Review, Volume: 21, Issue:1
  • Piketty Thomas.(2014), Yirmi Birinci Yüzyılda Kapital, (Çeviren:Hande Koçak), İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Polanyi, K. (2001), The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time, (Boston, MA: Beacon Press)
  • Saval Nikil.(2016), Polanyi In Our Times,
  • Savevska Maja.(2014), Polanyian Reading of the Socio-Economic Transformations of the European Union, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Volume 22, Issue 4
  • Schneider Sergio, Escher Fabiano.(2011), The contribution of Karl Polanyi for the rural development sociology, Sociologias [online]. Vol.13, n.27, pp.180-219
  • Selwyn Benjamin & Miyamura Satoshi.(2014), Class Struggle or Embedded Markets? Marx, Polanyi and the Meanings and Possibilities of Social Transformation, New Political Economy, Volume 19, Issue 5
  • Stewart, F. (2010), Power and progress: The swing of the pendulum, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 11(3), pp.371-395.
  • Vandenbroucke, F., A.Hemerijck and B.Palier. (2011), The EU Needs a Social Investment Pact, Opinion Paper, No. 5, Brussels: Observatoire Social Européen, May 2011, pp.1-25
  • Veitch Kenneth.(2013), Law, Social Policy and the Constitution of Markets and Profit Making, Journal of Law and Society, 40(1)
  • Waldecy Rodrigues, Nayara Silva dos Santos.(2020), Karl Polanyi and substantivism in economic development, Brazilian Journal of Political Economy. vol.40 no.1 São Paulo Jan./Mar. 2020 Epub Feb 21
  • Watkins John P.(2017), Financialization and Society’s Protective Response: Reconsidering Karl Polanyi’s Double Movement, Journal of Economic Issues, Volume 51, Issue 1, pp.98-117
  • Wjuniski, Bernardo Stuhlberger, Fernandez Ramón G.(2010), Karl Polanyi, Athens and us: The contemporary significance of Polanyi’s thought, Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 30, No 3 (119), July-September/2010, pp. 420-437
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Abdulkadir Şenkal 0000-0001-5888-7474

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date November 5, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Issue: 82


APA Şenkal, A. (2022). Polanyi’nin Perspektifinden Sosyal Politikayı Okumak: Piyasa, Refah ve Emek Sorunsalı. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi(82), 1-33.
AMA Şenkal A. Polanyi’nin Perspektifinden Sosyal Politikayı Okumak: Piyasa, Refah ve Emek Sorunsalı. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. June 2022;(82):1-33. doi:10.26650/jspc.2022.82.1019652
Chicago Şenkal, Abdulkadir. “Polanyi’nin Perspektifinden Sosyal Politikayı Okumak: Piyasa, Refah Ve Emek Sorunsalı”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, no. 82 (June 2022): 1-33.
EndNote Şenkal A (June 1, 2022) Polanyi’nin Perspektifinden Sosyal Politikayı Okumak: Piyasa, Refah ve Emek Sorunsalı. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 82 1–33.
IEEE A. Şenkal, “Polanyi’nin Perspektifinden Sosyal Politikayı Okumak: Piyasa, Refah ve Emek Sorunsalı”, Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, no. 82, pp. 1–33, June 2022, doi: 10.26650/jspc.2022.82.1019652.
ISNAD Şenkal, Abdulkadir. “Polanyi’nin Perspektifinden Sosyal Politikayı Okumak: Piyasa, Refah Ve Emek Sorunsalı”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 82 (June 2022), 1-33.
JAMA Şenkal A. Polanyi’nin Perspektifinden Sosyal Politikayı Okumak: Piyasa, Refah ve Emek Sorunsalı. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. 2022;:1–33.
MLA Şenkal, Abdulkadir. “Polanyi’nin Perspektifinden Sosyal Politikayı Okumak: Piyasa, Refah Ve Emek Sorunsalı”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, no. 82, 2022, pp. 1-33, doi:10.26650/jspc.2022.82.1019652.
Vancouver Şenkal A. Polanyi’nin Perspektifinden Sosyal Politikayı Okumak: Piyasa, Refah ve Emek Sorunsalı. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. 2022(82):1-33.