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Year 2007, Issue: 53, 232 - 254, 27.01.2011


Psikolojik taciz olgusu giderek genişleyen bir problem alanı haline gelmekte, ILO ve AB gibi çeşitli uluslararası örgütler bu sorunla başa çıkmaya dönük stratejiler geliştirmeye çalışmaktadırlar. Buna karşılık, psikolojik taciz kavramının henüz ortak bir tanımına ulaşmak mümkün olmadığı gibi ulusal mevzuatta yeterince düzenlenmiş değildir. Psikolojik taciz problemine karşı mücadelede en iyi yöntemlerden biri mevcut mevzuatı uyarlamak ve uygulamaktır. Ayrıca yeni yasal düzenlemeler ve ortak tanımsal bir çerçeve ulaşmak problemle başa çıkmaya önemli bir katkıda bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, psikolojik taciz olgusunu uluslararası deneyimler açısından tartışmak ve çeşitli ülkelerdeki psikolojik taciz profilini ortaya koymaktır.


  • Aprile, Salvatore; “Prontuario Sul Mobbing Dopo l D.Lgs. 9 Luglio 2003; N. 216; “Attuazione Della Direttiva Europea 2000/78/CE Per La Parità Di Trattamento In Materia Di Occupazione E Di Condizioni Di Lavoro”; Diritto & Diritti - Electronic Law Review; (Çevirimiçi) www.Diritto. t; 18.11.2004.
  • Bukspan, Wlizaberh; “Bullying at Work in France”; British Journal of Guidance & Couselling; V. 32/3; Agu 2004; 397.
  • Caccamo, A. & M, Mobiglia; ‘‘Mobbing: Tutela Attuale e Recenti Prospeltive’’; DPL (Inserto); n.18; 2000.
  • Caracuta, Fernando; “Il Mobbing e la Tutela Giudiziaria”; Diritto & Diritti - Electronic Law Review; (Çevirimiçi); 18.11.2004.
  • Cgiltoscana; “II Fenomeno Del Mobbing in Italia”; www.; 2005.
  • Chappell, Duncan & Martino, Di Vittorio; "Violence at Work"; Asian-Pacific Newsletter on Occupational Healthy and Safety; V.6/1; 1999; 1-9.
  • Cox, Liz; Mobbing; Raising Awareness on Women Victims of Mobbing: The UK Perspective; Report On Research; European Commission Daphne Program; Brussels 2004.
  • De Falco, G. & Messineo, A. & Messineo, F.; “Mobbing: Diagnosi, Prevenzione E Tutela Legale”; Epc Libri; Roma; 2003.
  • Di Marco, Daniela; Mobbing; Solidarietà di Polizia; n.2; Marzo 2003; 23-24.
  • Di Martino, Vittorio & Hoel, Helge & Cooper, Cary L.; Preventing Violence and Harassment in the Workplace; European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions; Ireland 2003.
  • Ege, Harald; I Numeri Del Mobbing; Pitagora Editrice; Bologna 1998.
  • Ege, Harald “Origini del Mobbing alla Valutazione del Danno”; Il Lavoro Nella Giurisprudenza; V.4/2003; pp.316-320.
  • Einarsen, Stale; "Bullying at Work”; European Agency for Safety and Health at Work; (Çevirimiçi); 29.03.2004.
  • European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO); Study Examines Mobbing at the Workplace; (Çevirimiçi); Germany 2003.
  • Facts; "Bullying at Work"; European Agency for Safety and Health at Work Sheets 23; Belgium 2002.
  • Ferrari, Elena; Raising Awareness on Mobbing: an EU Perspective; European Commission on Preventive Measures to Fight Violence Against Children, Young People and Women; Brussels 2004.
  • Feyereisen, Marc; “Sexual Harassment Guidelines Drawn Up For Finance Sector”; European Industrial Relations Observatory;; 2005.
  • Fleck, Fiane; “In Europe, Groups Seek to Attack Problem of Workplace Bullying”; Wall Street Journal; Dec. 2002; 12.
  • Giga, Sabir I. & Hoel, Helge; Violence and stress at Work in Financial Services ; University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology Sectoral Activities Programme Working Paper (WP210); Geneva 2003.
  • Hoel, Helga & Cooper, Cary; Destructive Conflict and Bullying at Work; Manchester Inst tute Science and Technology (UMIST); Manchester 2000. Mobbing-Raising Awareness on Women Victims of Mobbing: The Netherlands Contribution; Report On Research; European Commission Daphne Program (2004-1/173W); Brussels 2004.
  • Keane, Conor; “Culture of Fear Under Attack”; IBOA-The Finance Union; October 21, 2004.
  • Kvinnoforum; Status Report On Mobbing In The Workplace In Sweden; Daphne Programme - European Commission; Brussels 2004.
  • Lerda, Luisa; “La Tutela Giuridica Del Mobbing in Italia”; (Çevirimiçi); 18.11.2004; pp. 35-36.
  • Mikkelsen, Eva Gemzİe & Einarsen, Ståle; “Bullying in Danish Work-life: Prevalence and Health Correlates”; European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology; V.10/4; Dec. 2001; 393-413.
  • Miscione, Michele; “Mobbing, Norma Giurisprudenziale (la Responsabilità da Persecuzione nei Luoghi di Lavoro)”; Il Lavoro nella Giurisprudenza; V.4/2003; 305-307.
  • Namie, Gary; "Workplace Bullying: Escalated Incivility"; Ivey Business Journal; November/December 2002; 1-6.
  • OSHA; Preventing Psychosocial Risks at Work; European Agency for Safety and Health at Work;; 29/03/2004.
  • Palma, Giuseppe; “Normativa e Proposte Di Legge sul Mobbing”; (Çevirimiçi); 17.04.2004.
  • Paoli, Pascal & Thirion, Agnès Parent; Working Conditions in the Acceding and Candidate Countries; European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions; Dublin 2003.
  • Paoli, Pascal & Damien, Merllie; Third European Survey on Working Conditions 2000; European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions; Luxembourg 2001.
  • Riguzzi, S.; “ l Mobbing: Violeuze Morali e Persecuzioni Psicologiche Sullavoro”; Edizioni Cierre; Roma 2001.
  • Seward, Kare & Faby, Sheila; “Tackling Workplace Bullies”; Occupational Health; V. 55/5; May 2003; 16.
  • Stafford, Ned; “Workplace Bullying a Serious Problem in Germany”; Union Network International; (Çevirimiçi); 29.07.2002. Mobbing; Stop
  • “Legislazione Vigente in Italia”; (Çevirimiçi)
  •; 22.04.2005.
  • Tomev, Liuben & Daskalova, Nadejda & Ivanova, Violeta; Workplace Violence In The Health Sector Case Study Bulgaria (ILO Report); Geneva 2003.
  • Vandekerckhove, Wim & Commers, M. S. Ronald; “Downward Workplace Mobbing: A Sign of the Times?”; Journal of Business Ethics; V.45/1; Jun 2003; 41-50.
  • Zapf, Dieter; Organisational, Work Group Related and Personal Causes of Mobbing/Bullying at Work; International Journal of Manpower; V.20/1-2; 1999; 70-85.
Year 2007, Issue: 53, 232 - 254, 27.01.2011



  • Aprile, Salvatore; “Prontuario Sul Mobbing Dopo l D.Lgs. 9 Luglio 2003; N. 216; “Attuazione Della Direttiva Europea 2000/78/CE Per La Parità Di Trattamento In Materia Di Occupazione E Di Condizioni Di Lavoro”; Diritto & Diritti - Electronic Law Review; (Çevirimiçi) www.Diritto. t; 18.11.2004.
  • Bukspan, Wlizaberh; “Bullying at Work in France”; British Journal of Guidance & Couselling; V. 32/3; Agu 2004; 397.
  • Caccamo, A. & M, Mobiglia; ‘‘Mobbing: Tutela Attuale e Recenti Prospeltive’’; DPL (Inserto); n.18; 2000.
  • Caracuta, Fernando; “Il Mobbing e la Tutela Giudiziaria”; Diritto & Diritti - Electronic Law Review; (Çevirimiçi); 18.11.2004.
  • Cgiltoscana; “II Fenomeno Del Mobbing in Italia”; www.; 2005.
  • Chappell, Duncan & Martino, Di Vittorio; "Violence at Work"; Asian-Pacific Newsletter on Occupational Healthy and Safety; V.6/1; 1999; 1-9.
  • Cox, Liz; Mobbing; Raising Awareness on Women Victims of Mobbing: The UK Perspective; Report On Research; European Commission Daphne Program; Brussels 2004.
  • De Falco, G. & Messineo, A. & Messineo, F.; “Mobbing: Diagnosi, Prevenzione E Tutela Legale”; Epc Libri; Roma; 2003.
  • Di Marco, Daniela; Mobbing; Solidarietà di Polizia; n.2; Marzo 2003; 23-24.
  • Di Martino, Vittorio & Hoel, Helge & Cooper, Cary L.; Preventing Violence and Harassment in the Workplace; European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions; Ireland 2003.
  • Ege, Harald; I Numeri Del Mobbing; Pitagora Editrice; Bologna 1998.
  • Ege, Harald “Origini del Mobbing alla Valutazione del Danno”; Il Lavoro Nella Giurisprudenza; V.4/2003; pp.316-320.
  • Einarsen, Stale; "Bullying at Work”; European Agency for Safety and Health at Work; (Çevirimiçi); 29.03.2004.
  • European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO); Study Examines Mobbing at the Workplace; (Çevirimiçi); Germany 2003.
  • Facts; "Bullying at Work"; European Agency for Safety and Health at Work Sheets 23; Belgium 2002.
  • Ferrari, Elena; Raising Awareness on Mobbing: an EU Perspective; European Commission on Preventive Measures to Fight Violence Against Children, Young People and Women; Brussels 2004.
  • Feyereisen, Marc; “Sexual Harassment Guidelines Drawn Up For Finance Sector”; European Industrial Relations Observatory;; 2005.
  • Fleck, Fiane; “In Europe, Groups Seek to Attack Problem of Workplace Bullying”; Wall Street Journal; Dec. 2002; 12.
  • Giga, Sabir I. & Hoel, Helge; Violence and stress at Work in Financial Services ; University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology Sectoral Activities Programme Working Paper (WP210); Geneva 2003.
  • Hoel, Helga & Cooper, Cary; Destructive Conflict and Bullying at Work; Manchester Inst tute Science and Technology (UMIST); Manchester 2000. Mobbing-Raising Awareness on Women Victims of Mobbing: The Netherlands Contribution; Report On Research; European Commission Daphne Program (2004-1/173W); Brussels 2004.
  • Keane, Conor; “Culture of Fear Under Attack”; IBOA-The Finance Union; October 21, 2004.
  • Kvinnoforum; Status Report On Mobbing In The Workplace In Sweden; Daphne Programme - European Commission; Brussels 2004.
  • Lerda, Luisa; “La Tutela Giuridica Del Mobbing in Italia”; (Çevirimiçi); 18.11.2004; pp. 35-36.
  • Mikkelsen, Eva Gemzİe & Einarsen, Ståle; “Bullying in Danish Work-life: Prevalence and Health Correlates”; European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology; V.10/4; Dec. 2001; 393-413.
  • Miscione, Michele; “Mobbing, Norma Giurisprudenziale (la Responsabilità da Persecuzione nei Luoghi di Lavoro)”; Il Lavoro nella Giurisprudenza; V.4/2003; 305-307.
  • Namie, Gary; "Workplace Bullying: Escalated Incivility"; Ivey Business Journal; November/December 2002; 1-6.
  • OSHA; Preventing Psychosocial Risks at Work; European Agency for Safety and Health at Work;; 29/03/2004.
  • Palma, Giuseppe; “Normativa e Proposte Di Legge sul Mobbing”; (Çevirimiçi); 17.04.2004.
  • Paoli, Pascal & Thirion, Agnès Parent; Working Conditions in the Acceding and Candidate Countries; European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions; Dublin 2003.
  • Paoli, Pascal & Damien, Merllie; Third European Survey on Working Conditions 2000; European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions; Luxembourg 2001.
  • Riguzzi, S.; “ l Mobbing: Violeuze Morali e Persecuzioni Psicologiche Sullavoro”; Edizioni Cierre; Roma 2001.
  • Seward, Kare & Faby, Sheila; “Tackling Workplace Bullies”; Occupational Health; V. 55/5; May 2003; 16.
  • Stafford, Ned; “Workplace Bullying a Serious Problem in Germany”; Union Network International; (Çevirimiçi); 29.07.2002. Mobbing; Stop
  • “Legislazione Vigente in Italia”; (Çevirimiçi)
  •; 22.04.2005.
  • Tomev, Liuben & Daskalova, Nadejda & Ivanova, Violeta; Workplace Violence In The Health Sector Case Study Bulgaria (ILO Report); Geneva 2003.
  • Vandekerckhove, Wim & Commers, M. S. Ronald; “Downward Workplace Mobbing: A Sign of the Times?”; Journal of Business Ethics; V.45/1; Jun 2003; 41-50.
  • Zapf, Dieter; Organisational, Work Group Related and Personal Causes of Mobbing/Bullying at Work; International Journal of Manpower; V.20/1-2; 1999; 70-85.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Tekin Akgeyik This is me

Meltem Güngör This is me

Şelale Uşen This is me

Umut Omay This is me

Publication Date January 27, 2011
Submission Date January 27, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2007 Issue: 53


APA Akgeyik, T., Güngör, M., Uşen, Ş., Omay, U. (2011). İŞYERİNDE PSİKOLOJİK TACİZ FENOMENİ: ULUSLARARASI DENEYİMLER ve PERSPEKTİFLER. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi(53), 232-254.
AMA Akgeyik T, Güngör M, Uşen Ş, Omay U. İŞYERİNDE PSİKOLOJİK TACİZ FENOMENİ: ULUSLARARASI DENEYİMLER ve PERSPEKTİFLER. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. January 2011;(53):232-254.
Chicago Akgeyik, Tekin, Meltem Güngör, Şelale Uşen, and Umut Omay. “İŞYERİNDE PSİKOLOJİK TACİZ FENOMENİ: ULUSLARARASI DENEYİMLER Ve PERSPEKTİFLER”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, no. 53 (January 2011): 232-54.
EndNote Akgeyik T, Güngör M, Uşen Ş, Omay U (January 1, 2011) İŞYERİNDE PSİKOLOJİK TACİZ FENOMENİ: ULUSLARARASI DENEYİMLER ve PERSPEKTİFLER. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 53 232–254.
IEEE T. Akgeyik, M. Güngör, Ş. Uşen, and U. Omay, “İŞYERİNDE PSİKOLOJİK TACİZ FENOMENİ: ULUSLARARASI DENEYİMLER ve PERSPEKTİFLER”, Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, no. 53, pp. 232–254, January 2011.
ISNAD Akgeyik, Tekin et al. “İŞYERİNDE PSİKOLOJİK TACİZ FENOMENİ: ULUSLARARASI DENEYİMLER Ve PERSPEKTİFLER”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 53 (January 2011), 232-254.
JAMA Akgeyik T, Güngör M, Uşen Ş, Omay U. İŞYERİNDE PSİKOLOJİK TACİZ FENOMENİ: ULUSLARARASI DENEYİMLER ve PERSPEKTİFLER. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. 2011;:232–254.
MLA Akgeyik, Tekin et al. “İŞYERİNDE PSİKOLOJİK TACİZ FENOMENİ: ULUSLARARASI DENEYİMLER Ve PERSPEKTİFLER”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, no. 53, 2011, pp. 232-54.
Vancouver Akgeyik T, Güngör M, Uşen Ş, Omay U. İŞYERİNDE PSİKOLOJİK TACİZ FENOMENİ: ULUSLARARASI DENEYİMLER ve PERSPEKTİFLER. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. 2011(53):232-54.