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Heery, Edmund, (2002), Partnership Versus Organising: Alternative Futures for British Trade Unionism, Industrial Relations Journal, 33: 1.
Lane, Jan-Erik&Ersson, Svante, (2005), Social Policy and Trade Unions, (22.11.2005).
Liebhaberg, Bruno, (1980), Industrial Relations and Multinational Corporations in Europe, ECSIM, Belgium.
Panitch, Leo, (2002), Emek Stratejisi Üzerine Dü ünceler (çeviren: Ceren Kalfa), Praksis üç ayl k Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8 güz.
The Informal Sector: (December 99-January 2000), Unions Must Sieze the Opportunity, Trade Union World, No: 10.
Johns, Gary, (2002), Trade Unions and Civil Society, HR Nicholls Society XXIII Conference: The Changing Paradigm: Freedom, Jobs, Prosperity), Melbourne.
lmaz, Akgül Gülay, (2006), Kay t D Ekonomi ve Çözüm Yollar , stanbul Serbest
Muhasebeci Mali Mü avirler Odas , stanbul.
Whyman, Philip, (2002), British Trade Unions and Economic and Monetary Union, Industrial Relations, Vol. 41, No. 3.
Bassett Philip & Cave Alan,(1993), All For One:The Future of the Unions, Fabian society, 559.
Delamotte,Y., (1990), The Future Role of Trade Unions in Europe, The Future of Industrial. Relations in Europe, Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy, V17, The Netherlands.
Do an lyas, (2002), Özgürlükçü ve Totaliter Dü ünce Gelene inde Sivil Toplum, Alfa Bas m, stanbul.
Galin, Dan, (2004), Trade Unions and NGOs in Social Development: a Necessary Partnership, htt:// pdf.
Gunnigle, P.,Morely, M., Brewster,C., (1994), Continuity and Change in Europen Industrial Relations: Evidence From a14-Country Survey; Personel Rewiev;Vol. 23; No. 3; pp.4-20.
Heery, Edmund, (2002), Partnership Versus Organising: Alternative Futures for British Trade Unionism, Industrial Relations Journal, 33: 1.
Lane, Jan-Erik&Ersson, Svante, (2005), Social Policy and Trade Unions, (22.11.2005).
Liebhaberg, Bruno, (1980), Industrial Relations and Multinational Corporations in Europe, ECSIM, Belgium.
Panitch, Leo, (2002), Emek Stratejisi Üzerine Dü ünceler (çeviren: Ceren Kalfa), Praksis üç ayl k Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8 güz.
The Informal Sector: (December 99-January 2000), Unions Must Sieze the Opportunity, Trade Union World, No: 10.
Johns, Gary, (2002), Trade Unions and Civil Society, HR Nicholls Society XXIII Conference: The Changing Paradigm: Freedom, Jobs, Prosperity), Melbourne.
lmaz, Akgül Gülay, (2006), Kay t D Ekonomi ve Çözüm Yollar , stanbul Serbest
Muhasebeci Mali Mü avirler Odas , stanbul.
Whyman, Philip, (2002), British Trade Unions and Economic and Monetary Union, Industrial Relations, Vol. 41, No. 3.