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Year 2011, Issue: 60, 285 - 321, 25.01.2012


Kitle üretim sistemlerinden esnek üretim sistemlerine geçişle birlikte kümelenmeler, bölgesel gelişme teorilerinin en önemli çalışma alanı haline gelmiştir. Geçmişte endüstriyel bölgeler bağlamında ele alınan firma yığılmaları, günümüzde bilgi ve yenilikçilik yayılmalarının ve rekabet gücünün en önemli kaynağı olarak görülen kümelenme yaklaşımına doğru yer değiştirmiştir. Dolayısıyla küresel rekabetin şiddetlendiği günümüzde, kümelenmeler rekabetin dikkat çekici bir unsuru olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu düzlemde faaliyet gösteren kümelenmelerin bazıları gelişirken bazıları ise yok olmaktadır. Bu makalede, kümelenmenin tarihsel gelişimi de göz önünde bulundurularak başarılı kümelenme örneklerinin özellikleri konusuna açıklık getirilmeye çalışılmaktadır. Ayrıca uzun vadede kümelenmelerin ekonomik gelişme ve bölgesel kalkınmada bir strateji olarak değerlendirilip değerlendirilemeyeceği sorusuna da yanıt aramaktadır.


Along with the transition from the mass production methods to the flexible production methods clusterings have become the most important research field of the regional development theories. Agglomeration of firms which have been examined within the context of industrial districts in the past has now shifted towards the clustering approach, currently considered as the significant source of the propagation of the information and renovation as well as the competition power. Therefore the clusterings appears to be a significant element of the competition where the global competition intensifies. Whereas a number of clusterings operating in this level flourish, the others vanish. In this article, it has been aimed to clarify the issue of successful clustering examples by also taking the historical evolution of the clustering into consideration. Besides, this article tries to find a adequate response to the question whether the clusterings can be considered as a strategy of economical progress en regional development over the long term.


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  • AUDRETSCH, David B. ve Maryann P. FELDMAN (1996), “Innovative Clusters and the Industry Life Cycle”, Review of Industrial Organization, Vol: 11, No: 2, s. 253-273.
  • AYKAÇ, Mustafa, Zeki PARLAK ve Süleyman ÖZDEMİR (2008), Küreselleşme Sürecinde Rekabet Gücünün Artırılması ve Türkiye’de KOBİ’ler, İTO.
  • BECATTINI, Giacomo (1990), “The Marshallian Industrial District as a Socio-Economic Notion”, (içinde) Industrial Districts and Inter- firm Cooperation in Italy, (Der. Frank Pyke, Giacomo Becattini, Werner Sengenberger), Geneva: International Institute for Labor Studies, s. 37-51.
  • BEGIN, James P. (1997), “Dynamic Human Resource Systems Cross National Comparisons”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol: 38, No: 2, s. 313-326.
  • BRESNAHAN, Timothy, Alfonso GAMBARDELLA ve Annalee SAXENIAN (2001), “Old Economy for ‘New Economy’ Outcomes: Cluster Formation in the New Silicon Valleys”, Industrial and Corporate Change, No: 10, s. 835-860.
  • CANGEL, Ayça (2009), “Dünya Genelinde Sektörel Kümelenme Örnekleri”, Çerçeve, Yıl: 17, Sayı: 51, s. 44-48.
  • CAPELLO, Roberta, Roberto CAMAGNI, Barbara CHIZZOLINI ve Ugo FRATESI (2008), Modelling Regional Scenarios for the Enlarged Europe: European Competiveness, Springer, Berlin.
  • DELLER, Steven C. (2009), “Overview of Firm Location Theory and TRED”, (içinde) Targeting Regional Economic Development, (Der. Stephan, J. Goetz, Steven C.Deller ve Tom Haris), Madrid: Routledge, s. 47-67.
  • DOHSE, Dirk (2007), “Cluster-Based Technology Policy — The German Experience”, Industry and Innovation, Vol. 14, No: 1, s. 69-94.
  • DUNNING, John (1993), “Internationalizing Porter’s Diamond, Management International Review,” Special Issue, Vol: 33, No: 2, s. 7-15.
  • FERRI, Marisa ve Timothy WHITE (1999), “Regionalism, Cooperation and Economic Prosperity: Effective Autonomy in Emilia- Romagna”, Mediterranean Quarterly, Vol: 10, No: 3, s. 89-106.
  • GARAVAGLIA, Christian ve Stefano BRESCHI (2009), “The Co- Evolution of Entrepreneurship and Clusters” (içinde), Growth and Innovation of Competitive Regions: The Role of Internal and External Connections, (der. Ugo FRATESI ve Lanfranco SENN), Springer, s. 95-116.
  • HUMPHREY, John (2003), Opportunities for SME’s in Developing Countries to Upgrade in a Global Economy, SEED Working Paper No: 43, Geneva.
  • ISAKSEN, Arne (2005), Regional Clusters Building on Local and Non- local Relationships: A European Comparison, (içinde) Proximity, Distance and Diversity Issues on Economic and Local Development, (Der. Arnoud Lagendijk ve Päivi Oinas), s. 129-138.
  • LEVY, Brian ve Wen-Jeng KUO (1991), “The Strategic Orientations of Firms and the Performance of Korea and Taiwan in Frontier Industries: Lessons from Comparative Case Studies of Keyboard and Personal Computer Assembly”, World Development, Vol: 19, Issue: 4, s. 363-374.
  • MARSHALL, Alfred (1920), Principles of Economics, 8. Baskı, McMillan, London.
  • MEYER–STAMER, Jörg (1996),
  • Industrielle Netzwerke und
  • Wettbewerbsfahigkeit: Das Beispiel Santa Catarina, Berlin:
  • Deutsches Institute für Entwicklungspolitik, (aktaran) Hubert
  • Schmitz ve Khalid Nadvi (1999), “Clustering and Industrialization:
  • Introduction”, World Development, Vol: 27, Issue: 9, s. 1503-1514.
  • NADVI, Khalid (1999), “The Cutting Edge: Efficiency and International Competitiveness in Pakistan”, Oxford Development Studies, Vol: 27, No:1, s. 81-107.
  • PACK, Howard ve Larry E. WESTPHAL (1986), “Industrial Strategy and Technological Change: Theory versus Reality, Journal of Development Economics, Vol: 22, Issue: 1, s. 87-128.
  • PANICCIA, Ivana (2002), Industrial Districts. Evolution and Competitiveness in Italian Firms,Edward Elgar.
  • PIETROBELLI, Carlo (2007), Global Value Chains and Clusters in LDCs: What Prospects for Upgrading and Technological Capabilities, The Least Developed Countries Report 2007, Background Paper No: 1, UNCTAD, Geneva.
  • PORTER, Michael, Mercedes DELGADO, Scott STERN (2011), “Clusters, Convergence, and Economic Performance”,US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Paper No. CES-WP, s. 10-34
  • PORTER, Michael (1998), On Competition, Harvard Business Review Book, USA.
  • PORTER Michael, (1990), Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, New York.
  • PRASAD, Naren (2009), “Small Scale Activities and the Productivity Divide”, Small States: Economic Review and Basic Statics, Vol:13, Common Wealth secretariat, s. 53-82.
  • RABELOTTI, Roberta (2004), “How Globalization Affects Italian Industrial Districts: Case of Brenta” (içinde) Local Enterprises in Global Economy: Issues of Governance and Upgrading (Der. Hubert Schmitz), s. 140-173.
  • ROCHA, Hector O. (2004), “Entrepreneurship and Development: The Role of Clusters”, Small Business Economics, Vol: 23, No: 5, s. 363-400.
  • RODRÍGUEZ-POSE, Andrés ve Maria Cristina REFOLO (2000), The Link Between Clusters of SMEs Puplic and University Research in Italy http://ideas.repec.org ( Erişim15 Temmuz 2009).
  • RUGMAN, Alan M. ve Joseph R. D’Cruz (1993), “Double Diamond, Model of International Competitiveness,” International Review, Special Issue, Vol: 33, No: 2, s. 17-39.
  • SCHIUMA, Giovanni, Antonio LERRO ve Daniela CARLUCCI (2005), “An Interfirm Perspective on Intellectual Capital” (içinde) Perspectives on Intellectual Capital, (Der. Bernard MASS), Elsevier, s. 155-169.
  • SCHMITZ Hubert ve Khalid NADVI (1999), “Clustering and Industrialization: Introduction”, World Development, Vol: 27, Issue: 9, s. 1503-1514.
  • STEWART, Frances ve Ejaz GHANI (1991), “How Significant are Externalities for Development?”, World Development, Vol: 19, Issue: 6, s. 569-594.
  • SUN, Zhenming ve Martin Perry (2008), “The Role of Trading Cities in the Development of Chinese Business Cluster”, International Business Research, Vol: 1, No: 2, s. 69-81.
  • VAN DIJK, Meine Pieter ve Roberta RABELOTTI (1997), “Clusters and Networks as Sources of Co-operation and Technology Diffusion for Small Enterprises in Developing Countries”, (içinde) Enterprise Clusters and Networks in Developing Countries, (Der. Meine Pieter van Dijk ve Roberta Rabelotti), EADI Book Series 20, Frank Cass, London.
Year 2011, Issue: 60, 285 - 321, 25.01.2012



  • ALTENBURG, Tilman ve Ute ECKHARDT (2006), Productivity Enhancement and Equitable Development: Challenges for SME Development, UNIDO: Vienna.
  • AUDRETSCH, David B. ve Maryann P. FELDMAN (1996), “Innovative Clusters and the Industry Life Cycle”, Review of Industrial Organization, Vol: 11, No: 2, s. 253-273.
  • AYKAÇ, Mustafa, Zeki PARLAK ve Süleyman ÖZDEMİR (2008), Küreselleşme Sürecinde Rekabet Gücünün Artırılması ve Türkiye’de KOBİ’ler, İTO.
  • BECATTINI, Giacomo (1990), “The Marshallian Industrial District as a Socio-Economic Notion”, (içinde) Industrial Districts and Inter- firm Cooperation in Italy, (Der. Frank Pyke, Giacomo Becattini, Werner Sengenberger), Geneva: International Institute for Labor Studies, s. 37-51.
  • BEGIN, James P. (1997), “Dynamic Human Resource Systems Cross National Comparisons”, Journal of Management Studies, Vol: 38, No: 2, s. 313-326.
  • BRESNAHAN, Timothy, Alfonso GAMBARDELLA ve Annalee SAXENIAN (2001), “Old Economy for ‘New Economy’ Outcomes: Cluster Formation in the New Silicon Valleys”, Industrial and Corporate Change, No: 10, s. 835-860.
  • CANGEL, Ayça (2009), “Dünya Genelinde Sektörel Kümelenme Örnekleri”, Çerçeve, Yıl: 17, Sayı: 51, s. 44-48.
  • CAPELLO, Roberta, Roberto CAMAGNI, Barbara CHIZZOLINI ve Ugo FRATESI (2008), Modelling Regional Scenarios for the Enlarged Europe: European Competiveness, Springer, Berlin.
  • DELLER, Steven C. (2009), “Overview of Firm Location Theory and TRED”, (içinde) Targeting Regional Economic Development, (Der. Stephan, J. Goetz, Steven C.Deller ve Tom Haris), Madrid: Routledge, s. 47-67.
  • DOHSE, Dirk (2007), “Cluster-Based Technology Policy — The German Experience”, Industry and Innovation, Vol. 14, No: 1, s. 69-94.
  • DUNNING, John (1993), “Internationalizing Porter’s Diamond, Management International Review,” Special Issue, Vol: 33, No: 2, s. 7-15.
  • FERRI, Marisa ve Timothy WHITE (1999), “Regionalism, Cooperation and Economic Prosperity: Effective Autonomy in Emilia- Romagna”, Mediterranean Quarterly, Vol: 10, No: 3, s. 89-106.
  • GARAVAGLIA, Christian ve Stefano BRESCHI (2009), “The Co- Evolution of Entrepreneurship and Clusters” (içinde), Growth and Innovation of Competitive Regions: The Role of Internal and External Connections, (der. Ugo FRATESI ve Lanfranco SENN), Springer, s. 95-116.
  • HUMPHREY, John (2003), Opportunities for SME’s in Developing Countries to Upgrade in a Global Economy, SEED Working Paper No: 43, Geneva.
  • ISAKSEN, Arne (2005), Regional Clusters Building on Local and Non- local Relationships: A European Comparison, (içinde) Proximity, Distance and Diversity Issues on Economic and Local Development, (Der. Arnoud Lagendijk ve Päivi Oinas), s. 129-138.
  • LEVY, Brian ve Wen-Jeng KUO (1991), “The Strategic Orientations of Firms and the Performance of Korea and Taiwan in Frontier Industries: Lessons from Comparative Case Studies of Keyboard and Personal Computer Assembly”, World Development, Vol: 19, Issue: 4, s. 363-374.
  • MARSHALL, Alfred (1920), Principles of Economics, 8. Baskı, McMillan, London.
  • MEYER–STAMER, Jörg (1996),
  • Industrielle Netzwerke und
  • Wettbewerbsfahigkeit: Das Beispiel Santa Catarina, Berlin:
  • Deutsches Institute für Entwicklungspolitik, (aktaran) Hubert
  • Schmitz ve Khalid Nadvi (1999), “Clustering and Industrialization:
  • Introduction”, World Development, Vol: 27, Issue: 9, s. 1503-1514.
  • NADVI, Khalid (1999), “The Cutting Edge: Efficiency and International Competitiveness in Pakistan”, Oxford Development Studies, Vol: 27, No:1, s. 81-107.
  • PACK, Howard ve Larry E. WESTPHAL (1986), “Industrial Strategy and Technological Change: Theory versus Reality, Journal of Development Economics, Vol: 22, Issue: 1, s. 87-128.
  • PANICCIA, Ivana (2002), Industrial Districts. Evolution and Competitiveness in Italian Firms,Edward Elgar.
  • PIETROBELLI, Carlo (2007), Global Value Chains and Clusters in LDCs: What Prospects for Upgrading and Technological Capabilities, The Least Developed Countries Report 2007, Background Paper No: 1, UNCTAD, Geneva.
  • PORTER, Michael, Mercedes DELGADO, Scott STERN (2011), “Clusters, Convergence, and Economic Performance”,US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Paper No. CES-WP, s. 10-34
  • PORTER, Michael (1998), On Competition, Harvard Business Review Book, USA.
  • PORTER Michael, (1990), Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, New York.
  • PRASAD, Naren (2009), “Small Scale Activities and the Productivity Divide”, Small States: Economic Review and Basic Statics, Vol:13, Common Wealth secretariat, s. 53-82.
  • RABELOTTI, Roberta (2004), “How Globalization Affects Italian Industrial Districts: Case of Brenta” (içinde) Local Enterprises in Global Economy: Issues of Governance and Upgrading (Der. Hubert Schmitz), s. 140-173.
  • ROCHA, Hector O. (2004), “Entrepreneurship and Development: The Role of Clusters”, Small Business Economics, Vol: 23, No: 5, s. 363-400.
  • RODRÍGUEZ-POSE, Andrés ve Maria Cristina REFOLO (2000), The Link Between Clusters of SMEs Puplic and University Research in Italy http://ideas.repec.org ( Erişim15 Temmuz 2009).
  • RUGMAN, Alan M. ve Joseph R. D’Cruz (1993), “Double Diamond, Model of International Competitiveness,” International Review, Special Issue, Vol: 33, No: 2, s. 17-39.
  • SCHIUMA, Giovanni, Antonio LERRO ve Daniela CARLUCCI (2005), “An Interfirm Perspective on Intellectual Capital” (içinde) Perspectives on Intellectual Capital, (Der. Bernard MASS), Elsevier, s. 155-169.
  • SCHMITZ Hubert ve Khalid NADVI (1999), “Clustering and Industrialization: Introduction”, World Development, Vol: 27, Issue: 9, s. 1503-1514.
  • STEWART, Frances ve Ejaz GHANI (1991), “How Significant are Externalities for Development?”, World Development, Vol: 19, Issue: 6, s. 569-594.
  • SUN, Zhenming ve Martin Perry (2008), “The Role of Trading Cities in the Development of Chinese Business Cluster”, International Business Research, Vol: 1, No: 2, s. 69-81.
  • VAN DIJK, Meine Pieter ve Roberta RABELOTTI (1997), “Clusters and Networks as Sources of Co-operation and Technology Diffusion for Small Enterprises in Developing Countries”, (içinde) Enterprise Clusters and Networks in Developing Countries, (Der. Meine Pieter van Dijk ve Roberta Rabelotti), EADI Book Series 20, Frank Cass, London.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Tolga Öcal This is me

Hicran Uçar This is me

Publication Date January 25, 2012
Submission Date January 25, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2011 Issue: 60


APA Öcal, T., & Uçar, H. (2012). KÜMELENMELERDE YAPISAL DEĞİŞİM VE REKABET GÜCÜ. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi(60), 285-321.
AMA Öcal T, Uçar H. KÜMELENMELERDE YAPISAL DEĞİŞİM VE REKABET GÜCÜ. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. January 2012;(60):285-321.
Chicago Öcal, Tolga, and Hicran Uçar. “KÜMELENMELERDE YAPISAL DEĞİŞİM VE REKABET GÜCÜ”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, no. 60 (January 2012): 285-321.
EndNote Öcal T, Uçar H (January 1, 2012) KÜMELENMELERDE YAPISAL DEĞİŞİM VE REKABET GÜCÜ. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 60 285–321.
IEEE T. Öcal and H. Uçar, “KÜMELENMELERDE YAPISAL DEĞİŞİM VE REKABET GÜCÜ”, Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, no. 60, pp. 285–321, January 2012.
ISNAD Öcal, Tolga - Uçar, Hicran. “KÜMELENMELERDE YAPISAL DEĞİŞİM VE REKABET GÜCÜ”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi 60 (January 2012), 285-321.
JAMA Öcal T, Uçar H. KÜMELENMELERDE YAPISAL DEĞİŞİM VE REKABET GÜCÜ. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. 2012;:285–321.
MLA Öcal, Tolga and Hicran Uçar. “KÜMELENMELERDE YAPISAL DEĞİŞİM VE REKABET GÜCÜ”. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, no. 60, 2012, pp. 285-21.
Vancouver Öcal T, Uçar H. KÜMELENMELERDE YAPISAL DEĞİŞİM VE REKABET GÜCÜ. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi. 2012(60):285-321.