Journal of Art History- Sanat Tarihi Yıllığı, began its publication in 1964-65 with the first issue prepared by Oktay Aslanapa, Şerare Yetkin and Metin Sözen, as a periodical of Istanbul University, Institute of Art History. Today, it is the scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal of Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Art History Research Center. It is published annually and publication language of the journal are Turkish, English, German and French.
Journal of Art History aims to contribute to the world of science by publishing original articles with high quality scientific content in all fields of art history discipline.
Journal of Art History publishes original articles within the scope of art history discipline, especially in the fields of Byzantine art, Turkish-Islamic arts, Western art and contemporary art. In this context, the articles submitted to the Journal of Art History must be original works that have not been published elsewhere. Articles can be in Turkish, English, French and German.
Publication Policy
The subjects covered in the manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication must be in accordance with the aim and scope of the journal. The journal gives priority to original research papers submitted for publication.
Only those manuscripts approved by its every individual author and that were not published before in or sent to another journal are accepted for evaluation.
Submitted manuscripts that pass preliminary control are scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate software. After plagiarism check, the eligible ones are evaluated by editor-in-chief for their originality, methodology, the importance of the subject covered and compliance with the journal scope.
The editor hands over the papers matching the formal rules to at least two national/international referees for evaluation and makes last decision for publication upon modification by the authors in accordance with the referees’ claims.
Changing the name of an author (omission, addition or order) in papers submitted to the journal requires written permission of all declared authors.
Open Access Statement
The journal is an open access journal and all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Except for commercial purposes, users are allowed to read, download, copy, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
The open access articles in the journal are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. ( )
Article Processing
Charge All expenses of the journal are covered by the Istanbul University. Processing and publication are free of charge with the journal. There is no article processing charges or submission fees for any submitted or accepted articles.
Copyright Notice
Authors publishing with the journal retain the copyright to their work licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0) ( ) and grant the Publisher non-exclusive commercial right to publish the work. CC BY-NC 4.0 license permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
All authors must disclose all issues concerning financial relationship, conflict of interest, and competing interest that may potentially influence the results of the research or scientific judgment.
When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published paper, it is the author’s obligation to promptly cooperate with the Editor to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.
Responsibility for the Editor and Reviewers and Evaluation Process
Editor-in-Chief evaluates manuscripts for their scientific content without regard to ethnic origin, gender, citizenship, religious belief or political philosophy of the authors. He/She provides a fair double-blind peer review of the submitted articles for publication and ensures that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential before publishing.
Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the contents and overall quality of the publication, and must publish errata pages or make corrections when needed.
Editor-in-Chief does not allow any conflicts of interest between the authors, editors and reviewers, and is responsible for final decision for publication of the manuscripts in the journal. Reviewers must have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders. Their judgments must be objective.
Reviewers must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential and must report to the editor if they are aware of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side.
A reviewer who feels unqualified to review the topic of a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and excuse himself from the review process.
The editor informs the reviewers that the manuscripts are confidential information and that this is a privileged interaction. The reviewers and editorial board cannot discuss the manuscripts with other persons. The anonymity of the referees must be ensured. In particular situations, the editor may share the review of one reviewer with other reviewers to clarify a particular point.
Peer Review Process
Only those manuscripts approved by its every individual author and that were not published before in or sent to another journal, are accepted for evaluation.
Submitted manuscripts that pass preliminary control are scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate software. After plagiarism check, the eligible ones are evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief for their originality, methodology, the importance of the subject covered and compliance with the journal scope.
Editor evaluates manuscripts for their scientific content without regard to ethnic origin, gender, citizenship, religious belief or political philosophy of the authors and ensures a fair double-blind peer review of the selected manuscripts.
The selected manuscripts are sent to at least two national/international referees for evaluation and publication decision is given by Editor-in-Chief upon modification by the authors in accordance with the referees’ claims.
Editor-in-Chief does not allow any conflicts of interest between the authors, editors and reviewers and is responsible for final decision for publication of the manuscripts in the journal. Reviewers’ judgments must be objective. Reviewers’ comments on the following aspects are expected while conducting the review.
- Does the manuscript contain new and significant information?
- Does the abstract clearly and accurately describe the content of the manuscript?
- Is the problem significant and concisely stated? - Are the methods described comprehensively?
- Are the interpretations and consclusions justified by the results? - Is adequate references made to other Works in the field?
- Is the language acceptable?
Reviewers must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential and must report to the editor if they are aware of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side.
A reviewer who feels unqualified to review the topic of a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and excuse himself from the review process.
The editor informs the reviewers that the manuscripts are confidential information and that this is a privileged interaction. The reviewers and editorial board cannot discuss the manuscripts with other persons. The anonymity of the referees is important.
Manuscript Organization
Articles in Turkish, English, German and French are published. Submitted manuscript must include an abstract both in the article language and in English, and an extended abstract in English as well. However extended abstract in English is not required for articles in English.
Manuscript Organization and Submission
All correspondence will be sent to the first-named author unless otherwise specified. Manuscpript is to be submitted online via that can be accessed at https://dergipark. and it must be accompanied by a Title Page specifying the article category (i.e. research article, review etc.) and including information about the manuscript (see the Submission Checklist). Manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word 2003 and upper versions. In addition, Copyright Agreement Form that has to be signed by all authors must be submitted.
1. The manuscripts should be in A4 paper standards: having 2.5 cm margins from right, left, bottom and top, Times New Roman font style in 12 font size and line spacing of 1.5. Justify the text on both sides. Due to double blind peer review, the main manuscript document must not include any author information.
2. A title page including author information must be submitted together with the manuscript. The title page is to include fully descriptive title of the manuscript and, affiliation, title, e-mail address, postal address and phone number of the author(s) (see The Submission Checklist).
3. Before the introduction part, there should be an abstract between 180 and 200 words in Turkish and English, summarizing the scope, the purpose, the results of the study and the methodology used. Underneath the abstracts, five keywords that inform the reader about the content of the study should be specified in Turkish and in English. Extended abstract in English is required only for non-English manuscripts.
4. The manuscripts should contain mainly these components: title, abstract and keywords; extended abstract in English, sections, end notes and references.
5. Research article sections can be ordered as follows: “INTRODUCTION”, “AIM AND METHODOLOGY”, “DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION”, “ENDNOTES” and “REFERENCES” and “TABLES AND FIGURES”.
6. The captions of the visual materials used in the study should be listed as Figure 1 and Figure 2. In addition, in references to visual material in the work, the relevant image should be mentioned with its number (F.1) in parentheses. In captions, in case the said visual is a work of art, "name of the artist, title, date, collection/museum, the city in which it is located" must be stated. If the author deems it necessary, the technique, dimensions, and similar information of the work can also be conveyed in the caption. The source of the images should be specified in the caption.
7. References should be prepared in accordance with the reference style of the journal.
8. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work submitted to the Journal for publication.
Citation Style
Journal of Art History uses "Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS)". For detailed information:
A bibliography is needed at the end of research (original) articles, review articles and articles in translation. It should include all sources given in footnotes, captions and appendixes. The bibliography can include separate sections such as archival, manuscript, secondary, and/or electronic sources. Secondary sources are listed after the author’s name. When referring to archival material and manuscripts please note the name of the library and the collection, number and date of the document used if available.