Research Article
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Assessment of Luxury Trains in India: A Case Study of Maharajas’ Express

Year 2020, , 185 - 200, 28.12.2020


With Indian luxury trains recording a low rate of occupancy, it has become imperative to understand the perceptions of its service providers and consumers. The present study identifies the key concerns of service providers (n=83), which, according to them, are hampering the running of luxury trains in India. Service providers consulted for the study included employees and travel agents who were directly or indirectly associated with the functioning of luxury trains. Based on the identified themes of concerns, a total of 157 tourists from 20 countries were surveyed. To analyze the data, this study initially made use of the Structural Topic Model (STM), a general framework for topic modelling. Following this, the survey results along with the reviews on Tripadvisor, evince the radical validity of the identified themes that the employees and travel agents were primarily concerned with, i.e. pricing and policies, product marketing and amenities of the luxury train. The study, therefore, contributes by presenting the perspectives of service providers and tourists on India’s most luxurious train, the Maharajas’ Express.

Supporting Institution

The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.


  • Alrawadieh, Z., Guttentag, D., Cifci, M. A., & Cetin, G. (2020). Budget and midrange hotel managers’ perceptions of and responses to Airbnb. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(2), 588-604.
  • Amatulli, C., & Guido, G. (2011). Determinants of purchasing intention for fashion luxury goods in the Italian market. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 15(1), 123-136.
  • Armoni, N. L. E., Ernawati, N. M., & Jendra, I. W. (2018). A Service Perspective of Luxury Tourism. International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism and Events, 2(2), 118-124.
  • Berry, C. J. (1994). The idea of luxury: A conceptual and historical investigation (Vol. 30). Cambridge University Press.
  • Beyea, S. C., & Nicoll, L. H. (2000). Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting focus group data. AORN journal, 71(6), 1278-1278.
  • Blancheton, B., & Marchi, J. J. (2013). The three systems of rail tourism: French case. Tourism Management Perspectives, 5, 31-40.
  • Borden, N. H. (1964). The concept of the marketing mix. Journal of advertising research, 4(2), 2-7.
  • Brenner, L., & Aguilar, A. G. (2002). Luxury tourism and regional economic development in Mexico. The professional geographer, 54(4), 500-520.
  • Cetin, G., & Walls, A. (2016). Understanding the customer experiences from the perspective of guests and hotel managers: Empirical findings from luxury hotels in Istanbul, Turkey. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(4), 395-424.
  • Chan, W. W., To, C. K., Chu, A. W., & Zhang, Z. (2014). Behavioral Determinants that Drive Luxury Goods Consumption: A Study within the Tourist Context. Research Journal of Textile & Apparel, 18(2), 84-95.
  • Chang, Y., Ko, Y. J., & Leite, W. L. (2016). The effect of perceived brand leadership on luxury service WOM. Journal of Services Marketing, 30(6), 659-671.
  • Chevalier, M. and Mazzalovo, G. (2012). Luxury Brand Management: A World of Privilege (2nd ed.). Singapore: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Christodoulides, G., Michaelidou, N., & Li, C. H. (2009). Measuring perceived brand luxury: An evaluation of the BLI scale. Journal of Brand Management, 16(5-6), 395-405.
  • Correia, A., Kozak, M., & Del Chiappa, G. (2020). Examining the meaning of luxury in tourism: a mixed-method approach. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(8), 952-970.
  • Correia, A., Kozak, M., & Reis, H. (2016). Conspicuous consumption of the elite: Social and self-congruity in tourism choices. Journal of Travel Research, 55(6), 738-750.
  • D’Arpizio, C., Levato, F., Kamel, M.A., Montgolfier, J. (2017). Luxury Goods Worldwide Market Study, Fall-Winter 2017. Retrieved from
  • D’Arpizio, C., Levato, F., Zito, D., Kamel, M.A., Montgolfier, J. (2016). Luxury Goods Worldwide Market Study, Fall-Winter 2016. Retrieved from
  • De Barnier, V., & Valette-Florence, P. (2013). Culture and luxury: An analysis of luxury perceptions across frontiers. In Luxury marketing (pp. 37-56). Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden.
  • De Barnier, V., Falcy, S., & Valette-Florence, P. (2012). Do consumers perceive three levels of luxury? A comparison of accessible, intermediate and inaccessible luxury brands. Journal of Brand Management, 19(7), 623-636.
  • Demir, C., & Sarıbaş, Ö. (2014). Luxury Tourism in Turkey. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 4(1-2), 1-20.
  • Dhawan, H. (2016, April 7). Low occupancy slows down luxury trains [Press Release]. Retrieved from
  • Dubois, B., Laurent, G., & Czellar, S. (2001). Consumer rapport to luxury: Analyzing complex and ambivalent attitudes (No. 736). HEC Paris.
  • Eckhardt, G. M., Belk, R. W., & Wilson, J. A. (2015). The rise of inconspicuous consumption. Journal of Marketing Management, 31(7-8), 807-826.
  • Godey, B., Pederzoli, D., Aiello, G., Donvito, R., Wiedmann, K. P., & Hennigs, N. (2013). An intercultural comparison of the perception of luxury by young consumers. In K.P. Wiedmann & N. Hennigs (Eds.), Luxury Marketing (pp. 57-76). Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Goi, C. L. (2009). A review of marketing mix: 4Ps or more?. International journal of marketing studies, 1(1), 2-15.
  • Hagtvedt, H., & Patrick, V. M. (2009). The broad embrace of luxury: Hedonic potential as a driver of brand extendibility. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(4), 608-618.
  • Hallott, A. (2013). The future potential for developing luxury tourism and hospitality in Lapland (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from Theseus.
  • Han, H., & Hyun, S. S. (2015). Customer retention in the medical tourism industry: Impact of quality, satisfaction, trust, and price reasonableness. Tourism Management, 46, 20-29.
  • Hennigs, N., Wiedmann, K. P., & Klarmann, C. (2013). Consumer value perception of luxury goods: a cross-cultural and cross-industry comparison. In K.P. Wiedmann & N.
  • Hennigs (Eds.), Luxury Marketing (pp. 77-99). Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Ivanic, A. S. (2015). Status has its privileges: The psychological benefit of status‐reinforcing behaviors. Psychology & Marketing, 32(7), 697-708.
  • Janaki, M. (2016, April 16). Barring Maharajas’ Express, India’s luxury trains face low occupancy [Press Release]. Retrieved from
  • Kapferer, J. N. (1998). Why are we seduced by luxury brands?. Journal of Brand Management, 6(1), 44-49.
  • Kemp, S. (1998). Perceiving luxury and necessity. Journal of Economic Psychology, 19(5), 591-606.
  • Kovačić, M., & Milošević, T. (2016). Interdependence of transport and tourism. Pomorski zbornik, 52(1), 99-111.
  • Magatef, S. G. (2015). The impact of tourism marketing mix elements on the satisfaction of inbound tourists to Jordan. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(7), 41-58.
  • McCarthy, E.J. (1964). Basic Marketing, a Managerial Approach, Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.
  • Medlik, S. (2003). Dictionary of Travel, Tourism & Hospitality (3rd ed.). Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  • Morley, C. L. (1994). Discrete choice analysis of the impact of tourism prices. Journal of Travel Research, 33(2), 8-14.
  • Novotná, M., & Kunc, J. (2019). Luxury tourists and their preferences: Perspectives in the Czech Republic. Turizam: međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis, 67(1), 90-95.
  • Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Dickinson, W. B., Leech, N. L., & Zoran, A. G. (2009). A qualitative framework for collecting and analyzing data in focus group research. International journal of qualitative methods, 8(3), 1-21.
  • Popescu, I. V., & Olteanu, V. (2014). Luxury tourism: characteristics and trends of the behavior of purchase. Sea: Practical Application of Science, 2(2), 319-324.
  • Riley, R. W. (1995). Prestige-worthy tourism behavior. Annals of tourism research, 22(3), 630-649.
  • Roberts, M. E., Stewart, B. M., Tingley, D., Lucas, C., Leder‐Luis, J., Gadarian, S. K., ... & Rand, D. G. (2014a). Structural topic models for open‐ended survey responses. American Journal of Political Science, 58(4), 1064-1082.
  • Roberts, M. E., Stewart, B. M., & Tingley, D. (2014b). stm: R package for structural topic models. Journal of Statistical Software, 10(2), 1-40.
  • Shao, W., Grace, D., & Ross, M. (2019). Consumer motivation and luxury consumption: Testing moderating effects. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 46, 33-44.
  • Shekhar, Shashank. (2016, January 27). Lowering prices will affect exclusivity of a luxury train; exploring avenues to make business viable, reasons CMD, IRCTC [Press release]. Retrieved from
  • Sheth, A., Krishnan, S., Bhattacharya. J., Mazumdar, A., Gautam, S., Anandan, R., Agnihotri, V. (2019). How Does India Travel?. Retrieved from
  • Stamolampros, P., Korfiatis, N., Chalvatzis, K., & Buhalis, D. (2019a). Harnessing the “wisdom of employees” from online reviews. Annals of Tourism Research, 80.
  • Stamolampros, P., Korfiatis, N., Kourouthanassis, P., & Symitsi, E. (2019b). Flying to quality: Cultural influences on online reviews. Journal of Travel Research, 58(3), 496-511.
  • Taylor, J., Harrison, D., & Kraus, S. (2009). The new elite: Inside the minds of the truly wealthy. New York, NY: American Management Association.
  • Thirumaran, K., & Raghav, M. (2017). Luxury Tourism, Developing Destinations: Research Review and Trajectories. Asian Journal of Tourism Research, 2(2), 137-58.
  • Train Layout [Image] (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Tripadvisor. (2020). Maharajas’ Express Reviews. Retrieved from
  • Trochim, W. M. (2001). Research Methods Knowledge Base. Cincinnati, Ohio: Atomic Dog Publishing.
  • Truong, Y., Simmons, G., McColl, R., & Kitchen, P. J. (2008). Status and conspicuousness–are they related? Strategic marketing implications for luxury brands. Journal of strategic marketing, 16(3), 189-203.
  • Tynan, C., McKechnie, S., & Chhuon, C. (2010). Co-creating value for luxury brands. Journal of business research, 63(11), 1156-1163.
  • Vickers, J. S., & Renand, F. (2003). The marketing of luxury goods: An exploratory study–three conceptual dimensions. The Marketing Review, 3(4), 459-478.
  • Vigneron, F., & Johnson, L. W. (1999). A review and a conceptual framework of prestige-seeking consumer behavior. Academy of marketing science review, 1(1), 1-15.
  • Wikivoyage. (2019). Tourist trains. Retrieved from
  • World Tourism Organization. (2008). International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008. Retrieved from
  • Yeoman, I. (2011). The changing behaviours of luxury consumption. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 10(1), 47-50.
  • Yeoman, I., & McMahon-Beattie, U. (2006). Luxury markets and premium pricing. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 4(4), 319-328.
  • Yozcu, O. K. (2017). Competitiveness of Istanbul as a Tourism Destination for Luxury Market. Journal of Tourismology, 3(2), 2-13.
Year 2020, , 185 - 200, 28.12.2020



  • Alrawadieh, Z., Guttentag, D., Cifci, M. A., & Cetin, G. (2020). Budget and midrange hotel managers’ perceptions of and responses to Airbnb. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(2), 588-604.
  • Amatulli, C., & Guido, G. (2011). Determinants of purchasing intention for fashion luxury goods in the Italian market. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal, 15(1), 123-136.
  • Armoni, N. L. E., Ernawati, N. M., & Jendra, I. W. (2018). A Service Perspective of Luxury Tourism. International Journal of Applied Sciences in Tourism and Events, 2(2), 118-124.
  • Berry, C. J. (1994). The idea of luxury: A conceptual and historical investigation (Vol. 30). Cambridge University Press.
  • Beyea, S. C., & Nicoll, L. H. (2000). Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting focus group data. AORN journal, 71(6), 1278-1278.
  • Blancheton, B., & Marchi, J. J. (2013). The three systems of rail tourism: French case. Tourism Management Perspectives, 5, 31-40.
  • Borden, N. H. (1964). The concept of the marketing mix. Journal of advertising research, 4(2), 2-7.
  • Brenner, L., & Aguilar, A. G. (2002). Luxury tourism and regional economic development in Mexico. The professional geographer, 54(4), 500-520.
  • Cetin, G., & Walls, A. (2016). Understanding the customer experiences from the perspective of guests and hotel managers: Empirical findings from luxury hotels in Istanbul, Turkey. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(4), 395-424.
  • Chan, W. W., To, C. K., Chu, A. W., & Zhang, Z. (2014). Behavioral Determinants that Drive Luxury Goods Consumption: A Study within the Tourist Context. Research Journal of Textile & Apparel, 18(2), 84-95.
  • Chang, Y., Ko, Y. J., & Leite, W. L. (2016). The effect of perceived brand leadership on luxury service WOM. Journal of Services Marketing, 30(6), 659-671.
  • Chevalier, M. and Mazzalovo, G. (2012). Luxury Brand Management: A World of Privilege (2nd ed.). Singapore: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Christodoulides, G., Michaelidou, N., & Li, C. H. (2009). Measuring perceived brand luxury: An evaluation of the BLI scale. Journal of Brand Management, 16(5-6), 395-405.
  • Correia, A., Kozak, M., & Del Chiappa, G. (2020). Examining the meaning of luxury in tourism: a mixed-method approach. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(8), 952-970.
  • Correia, A., Kozak, M., & Reis, H. (2016). Conspicuous consumption of the elite: Social and self-congruity in tourism choices. Journal of Travel Research, 55(6), 738-750.
  • D’Arpizio, C., Levato, F., Kamel, M.A., Montgolfier, J. (2017). Luxury Goods Worldwide Market Study, Fall-Winter 2017. Retrieved from
  • D’Arpizio, C., Levato, F., Zito, D., Kamel, M.A., Montgolfier, J. (2016). Luxury Goods Worldwide Market Study, Fall-Winter 2016. Retrieved from
  • De Barnier, V., & Valette-Florence, P. (2013). Culture and luxury: An analysis of luxury perceptions across frontiers. In Luxury marketing (pp. 37-56). Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden.
  • De Barnier, V., Falcy, S., & Valette-Florence, P. (2012). Do consumers perceive three levels of luxury? A comparison of accessible, intermediate and inaccessible luxury brands. Journal of Brand Management, 19(7), 623-636.
  • Demir, C., & Sarıbaş, Ö. (2014). Luxury Tourism in Turkey. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences, 4(1-2), 1-20.
  • Dhawan, H. (2016, April 7). Low occupancy slows down luxury trains [Press Release]. Retrieved from
  • Dubois, B., Laurent, G., & Czellar, S. (2001). Consumer rapport to luxury: Analyzing complex and ambivalent attitudes (No. 736). HEC Paris.
  • Eckhardt, G. M., Belk, R. W., & Wilson, J. A. (2015). The rise of inconspicuous consumption. Journal of Marketing Management, 31(7-8), 807-826.
  • Godey, B., Pederzoli, D., Aiello, G., Donvito, R., Wiedmann, K. P., & Hennigs, N. (2013). An intercultural comparison of the perception of luxury by young consumers. In K.P. Wiedmann & N. Hennigs (Eds.), Luxury Marketing (pp. 57-76). Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Goi, C. L. (2009). A review of marketing mix: 4Ps or more?. International journal of marketing studies, 1(1), 2-15.
  • Hagtvedt, H., & Patrick, V. M. (2009). The broad embrace of luxury: Hedonic potential as a driver of brand extendibility. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(4), 608-618.
  • Hallott, A. (2013). The future potential for developing luxury tourism and hospitality in Lapland (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from Theseus.
  • Han, H., & Hyun, S. S. (2015). Customer retention in the medical tourism industry: Impact of quality, satisfaction, trust, and price reasonableness. Tourism Management, 46, 20-29.
  • Hennigs, N., Wiedmann, K. P., & Klarmann, C. (2013). Consumer value perception of luxury goods: a cross-cultural and cross-industry comparison. In K.P. Wiedmann & N.
  • Hennigs (Eds.), Luxury Marketing (pp. 77-99). Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Ivanic, A. S. (2015). Status has its privileges: The psychological benefit of status‐reinforcing behaviors. Psychology & Marketing, 32(7), 697-708.
  • Janaki, M. (2016, April 16). Barring Maharajas’ Express, India’s luxury trains face low occupancy [Press Release]. Retrieved from
  • Kapferer, J. N. (1998). Why are we seduced by luxury brands?. Journal of Brand Management, 6(1), 44-49.
  • Kemp, S. (1998). Perceiving luxury and necessity. Journal of Economic Psychology, 19(5), 591-606.
  • Kovačić, M., & Milošević, T. (2016). Interdependence of transport and tourism. Pomorski zbornik, 52(1), 99-111.
  • Magatef, S. G. (2015). The impact of tourism marketing mix elements on the satisfaction of inbound tourists to Jordan. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(7), 41-58.
  • McCarthy, E.J. (1964). Basic Marketing, a Managerial Approach, Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.
  • Medlik, S. (2003). Dictionary of Travel, Tourism & Hospitality (3rd ed.). Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  • Morley, C. L. (1994). Discrete choice analysis of the impact of tourism prices. Journal of Travel Research, 33(2), 8-14.
  • Novotná, M., & Kunc, J. (2019). Luxury tourists and their preferences: Perspectives in the Czech Republic. Turizam: međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis, 67(1), 90-95.
  • Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Dickinson, W. B., Leech, N. L., & Zoran, A. G. (2009). A qualitative framework for collecting and analyzing data in focus group research. International journal of qualitative methods, 8(3), 1-21.
  • Popescu, I. V., & Olteanu, V. (2014). Luxury tourism: characteristics and trends of the behavior of purchase. Sea: Practical Application of Science, 2(2), 319-324.
  • Riley, R. W. (1995). Prestige-worthy tourism behavior. Annals of tourism research, 22(3), 630-649.
  • Roberts, M. E., Stewart, B. M., Tingley, D., Lucas, C., Leder‐Luis, J., Gadarian, S. K., ... & Rand, D. G. (2014a). Structural topic models for open‐ended survey responses. American Journal of Political Science, 58(4), 1064-1082.
  • Roberts, M. E., Stewart, B. M., & Tingley, D. (2014b). stm: R package for structural topic models. Journal of Statistical Software, 10(2), 1-40.
  • Shao, W., Grace, D., & Ross, M. (2019). Consumer motivation and luxury consumption: Testing moderating effects. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 46, 33-44.
  • Shekhar, Shashank. (2016, January 27). Lowering prices will affect exclusivity of a luxury train; exploring avenues to make business viable, reasons CMD, IRCTC [Press release]. Retrieved from
  • Sheth, A., Krishnan, S., Bhattacharya. J., Mazumdar, A., Gautam, S., Anandan, R., Agnihotri, V. (2019). How Does India Travel?. Retrieved from
  • Stamolampros, P., Korfiatis, N., Chalvatzis, K., & Buhalis, D. (2019a). Harnessing the “wisdom of employees” from online reviews. Annals of Tourism Research, 80.
  • Stamolampros, P., Korfiatis, N., Kourouthanassis, P., & Symitsi, E. (2019b). Flying to quality: Cultural influences on online reviews. Journal of Travel Research, 58(3), 496-511.
  • Taylor, J., Harrison, D., & Kraus, S. (2009). The new elite: Inside the minds of the truly wealthy. New York, NY: American Management Association.
  • Thirumaran, K., & Raghav, M. (2017). Luxury Tourism, Developing Destinations: Research Review and Trajectories. Asian Journal of Tourism Research, 2(2), 137-58.
  • Train Layout [Image] (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Tripadvisor. (2020). Maharajas’ Express Reviews. Retrieved from
  • Trochim, W. M. (2001). Research Methods Knowledge Base. Cincinnati, Ohio: Atomic Dog Publishing.
  • Truong, Y., Simmons, G., McColl, R., & Kitchen, P. J. (2008). Status and conspicuousness–are they related? Strategic marketing implications for luxury brands. Journal of strategic marketing, 16(3), 189-203.
  • Tynan, C., McKechnie, S., & Chhuon, C. (2010). Co-creating value for luxury brands. Journal of business research, 63(11), 1156-1163.
  • Vickers, J. S., & Renand, F. (2003). The marketing of luxury goods: An exploratory study–three conceptual dimensions. The Marketing Review, 3(4), 459-478.
  • Vigneron, F., & Johnson, L. W. (1999). A review and a conceptual framework of prestige-seeking consumer behavior. Academy of marketing science review, 1(1), 1-15.
  • Wikivoyage. (2019). Tourist trains. Retrieved from
  • World Tourism Organization. (2008). International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics 2008. Retrieved from
  • Yeoman, I. (2011). The changing behaviours of luxury consumption. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 10(1), 47-50.
  • Yeoman, I., & McMahon-Beattie, U. (2006). Luxury markets and premium pricing. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 4(4), 319-328.
  • Yozcu, O. K. (2017). Competitiveness of Istanbul as a Tourism Destination for Luxury Market. Journal of Tourismology, 3(2), 2-13.
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Jeet Dogra 0000-0002-8786-2134

Karri Venkata Rohan Sharma This is me 0000-0002-7511-0058

Publication Date December 28, 2020
Submission Date March 18, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Dogra, J., & Rohan Sharma, K. V. (2020). Assessment of Luxury Trains in India: A Case Study of Maharajas’ Express. Journal of Tourismology, 6(2), 185-200.
AMA Dogra J, Rohan Sharma KV. Assessment of Luxury Trains in India: A Case Study of Maharajas’ Express. Journal of Tourismology. December 2020;6(2):185-200. doi:10.26650/jot.2020.6.2.0002
Chicago Dogra, Jeet, and Karri Venkata Rohan Sharma. “Assessment of Luxury Trains in India: A Case Study of Maharajas’ Express”. Journal of Tourismology 6, no. 2 (December 2020): 185-200.
EndNote Dogra J, Rohan Sharma KV (December 1, 2020) Assessment of Luxury Trains in India: A Case Study of Maharajas’ Express. Journal of Tourismology 6 2 185–200.
IEEE J. Dogra and K. V. Rohan Sharma, “Assessment of Luxury Trains in India: A Case Study of Maharajas’ Express”, Journal of Tourismology, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 185–200, 2020, doi: 10.26650/jot.2020.6.2.0002.
ISNAD Dogra, Jeet - Rohan Sharma, Karri Venkata. “Assessment of Luxury Trains in India: A Case Study of Maharajas’ Express”. Journal of Tourismology 6/2 (December 2020), 185-200.
JAMA Dogra J, Rohan Sharma KV. Assessment of Luxury Trains in India: A Case Study of Maharajas’ Express. Journal of Tourismology. 2020;6:185–200.
MLA Dogra, Jeet and Karri Venkata Rohan Sharma. “Assessment of Luxury Trains in India: A Case Study of Maharajas’ Express”. Journal of Tourismology, vol. 6, no. 2, 2020, pp. 185-00, doi:10.26650/jot.2020.6.2.0002.
Vancouver Dogra J, Rohan Sharma KV. Assessment of Luxury Trains in India: A Case Study of Maharajas’ Express. Journal of Tourismology. 2020;6(2):185-200.