Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 33 - 44, 20.06.2017


orientation concept has emerged in the 1990s as an application of marketing
concept. The concept
was the subject for many researchers`
studies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the fundamental
thoughts in literature about market orientation concept. The widespread thought
in the literature is that the market orientation comprise customers and
competitors. One of the main emphases of concept is that the business functions
are coordinated and market-oriented. The views of Kohli and Jaworski, Narver
and Slater, two leading views on the subject, overlap in this sense. However,
unlike Kohli and Jaworski, Narver and Slater underlined that the application of
marketing concept can not be realized in a single activity, but must also be
adopted as culture. There are also some opinions in the literature that argue
that customer orientation and competitive orientation can not be examined under
the same structure. Literature review has provided us with the result that
customer-oriented culture should be adopted as a culture, competitor-oriented
and customer-oriented behaviors should be fed from this culture.


  • ALHAKIMI, W., ve R. Baharun (2009), A synthesis model of market orientation constructs toward building customer value: A theoretical perspective, African Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 1(2) ss. 43- 49.
  • BERKOWITZ, E., R. Kerin, W. Rudelius, ve S. W. Hartley (1997), Marketing, McGrew-Hill Irwin, USA
  • CADOGAN, W.John, Adamantios Diamantopoulos ve Judy A. Siguaw (2002), Export Market-Oriented Activities: Their Antecedents and Performance Consequences, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.33, No.3, ss. 615-626.
  • DENG, S. ve J. Dart, (1994), Measuring Market Orientation: A Multi-factor, Multi-item Approach, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 10, ss. 725-742.
  • DESHPANDE, R. ve F.E. Webster Jr. (1989), Organizational Culture and Marketing: Defining the Research Agenda, The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 53, No.1, ss. 3-15.
  • DESHPANDE, R. ve J.U. Farley (1998), Measuring Market Orientation: Generalization and Synthesis, Journal of Market Focused Management, Vol. 2, ss. 213–232.
  • DESHPANDE, R., J.U. Farley ve F. Webster (1993), “Corporate Culture, Customer Orientation, and Innovativeness in Japanese Firms: A Quadrad Analysis”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57, No. 1, ss. 23-37.
  • DONG Xiaodan (Dani), Zelin Zhang, Christian Andrew Hinsch, Shaoming Zou (2016), Reconceptualizing the elements of market orientation: A process-based view, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 56, ss. 130–142.
  • EKBER, Ş. (2011), Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Pazar Odaklılık Ölçeklerinin Uygulanabilirliliği Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Azerbaycan Örneği, Doktora Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Sakarya.
  • ELLIS, Paul D. (2007), Distance, Dependence and Diversity of Markets: Effects On Market Orientation, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 38, ss. 374-386.
  • AKIMOVA, Irina (2000), Development of Market Orientation and Competitiveness of Ukrainian Firms, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 34, No. 9/10, ss. 1128-1148.
  • FARRELL, Mark (2002), A Critique of the Development of Alternative Measures of Market Orientation, Marketing Bulletin, Vol.13 No 3, Ss. 1-14.
  • FRÖSÉN Johanna, Matti Jaakkola, Iya Churakova, Henrikki Tikkanen (2016), Effective forms of market orientation across the business cycle: A longitudinal analysis of business-to-business firms, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 52, ss. 91–99.
  • GREENLEY, E. Gordon (1995), Forms Of Market Orıentatıon In Uk Companıes, Journal of Management Studies, Vol.32, No.l, ss. 47-66.
  • HOMBURG, C. ve C. Pflesser (2000), A Multiple-Layer Model of Market-Oriented Organizational Culture: Measurement Issues and Performance Outcomes, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 37, No. 4, ss. 449-462.
  • HOOLEY, Graham, John Fahy, Gordon Greenley, Jozsef Beracs, Krzysztof Fonfara ve Boris Snoj (2003), Market Orientation in the Service Sector of the Transition Economies of Central Europe, Europian Journal of Marketing, Vol.37, No.1/2, ss. 86-106.
  • HUNT, S. D. ve R. M. Morgan (1995), The Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition, The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 59, No. 2, ss. 1-15.
  • JAWORSKI, Bernard J. ve Ajay K. Kohli (1993), Market Orientation: Antecedents and Consequences, The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57, No. 3, ss. 53-70.
  • JOGARATNAM Giri, (2017), The effect of market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation and human capital on positional advantage: Evidence from the restaurant industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 60 ss. 104–113.
  • KEITH, Robert, (1960), Marketing Revolution, The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 24, No. 3, ss. 35-38.
  • KOHLI, Ajay. ve Bernard. J. Jaworski (1990), Market Orientation: The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial Implications, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 54, ss. 1-18.
  • LANGERAK, F. (2001), Effects Of Market Orientation On The Behaviors Of Salespersons And Purchasers, Channel Relationships, And Performance Of Manufacturers, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 18, ss. 221–234.
  • LINGS, Ian N. ve Gordon E. Greenley (2009), The İmpact Of İnternal And External Market Orientations On Firm Performance, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 17, No.1, ss. 41–53
  • McCARTHY, E.J. ve W.D. Perreault (1984), Basic Marketing, Richard D. Irwin, Inc, Homewood, IL.
  • McKITTERICK, J.B. (1957), “What Is the Marketing Management Concept?”, in The Frontiers of Marketing Thought and Science, Frank M. Bass, ed., American Marketing Association, Chicago, ss. 71-92.
  • MOKHTAR, Sany Sanuri Mohd (2009), Market Orientation Critical Success Factors of Malaysian Manufacturers and Its Impact on Financial Performance, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 1, No.1, ss. 77-84.
  • NARVER, John ve Stanley Slater ve B. Tietje (1998), Creating a Market Orientation, Journal of Market Focused Management, Vol. 2, ss. 241–255.
  • ORMROD Robert P., Ghasem Zaefarian, Stephan C. Henneberg, Philippe de Vries (2015), Strategy, market orientation and performance: the political context, Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 15 No 1, ss. 37–52
  • RUEKERT, R.W. (1992), “Developing a market orientation: an organizational strategy perspective”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 9, ss. 225-45.
  • SHAPIRO, B.P. (1988), “What the Hell is Market Oriented?”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 66, No. 6, ss. 119-125.
  • SLATER, Stanley F. (2001), Market Orientation At The Beginning Of A New Millennium, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 11, No. 4, ss. 230-232.
  • SLATER, Stanley F. ve John C. Narver (1998), Customer-Led and Market-Oriented: Let's Not Confuse the Two, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 19, No. 10, ss. 1001-1006.
  • YAPRAK Attila, Burcu Tasoluk, Cenk Kocas (2015), Market orientation, managerial perceptions, and corporate culture in an emerging market: Evidence from Turkey International Business Review, Vol. 24, ss. 443–456
  • ZHAO, Yushan ve S. Tamer Cavusgil (2006), The Effect Of Supplier’s Market Orientation On Manufacturer’s Trust, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 35, ss. 405 – 414.


Year 2017, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 33 - 44, 20.06.2017


Pazar odaklılık anlayışı pazarlama anlayışının
uygulanması olarak 1990`larda ortaya çıkmıştır. Anlayış birçok araştırmacının
araştırmasına konu olmuştur. Bu araştırmanın amacı pazar odaklılıkla ilgili
literatürdeki temel fikirleri eleştirel bir yaklaşımla incelemektir. Literatürde
yaygın düşünce pazar odaklılığın müşteri ve rakipleri kapsamalı olduğudur.
Anlayışın esas vurgularından bir diğeri işletme fonksiyonlarının koordinasyonlu
bir şekilde faaliyette bulunması ve pazar odaklı olmasıdır. Konuyla ilgili iki
öncü görüş olan Kohli ve Jaworski ile Narver ve Slater’in görüşleri de bu
anlamda örtüşmektedirler. Bununla birlikte Narver ve Slater Kohli ve
Jaworski`den farklı olarak pazarlama anlayışının uygulanmasının bir tek
faaliyetlerle gerçekleşemeyeceğini, aynı zamanda kültür olarak da
benimsenilmesi gerektiğinin altını çizmişler. Literatürde hem de, müşteri
odaklılıkla rakip odaklılığın aynı yapı altında incelenemeyeceğini savunan
görüşler de az değildir. Literatür incelemesi, müşteri odaklılığı kültür olarak
benimsemenin, rakip odaklılık ve müşteri odaklılık davranışlarının ise bu
kültürden beslenmış olmaları gerektiği sonucuna varmamızı sağlamıştır.


  • ALHAKIMI, W., ve R. Baharun (2009), A synthesis model of market orientation constructs toward building customer value: A theoretical perspective, African Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 1(2) ss. 43- 49.
  • BERKOWITZ, E., R. Kerin, W. Rudelius, ve S. W. Hartley (1997), Marketing, McGrew-Hill Irwin, USA
  • CADOGAN, W.John, Adamantios Diamantopoulos ve Judy A. Siguaw (2002), Export Market-Oriented Activities: Their Antecedents and Performance Consequences, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.33, No.3, ss. 615-626.
  • DENG, S. ve J. Dart, (1994), Measuring Market Orientation: A Multi-factor, Multi-item Approach, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 10, ss. 725-742.
  • DESHPANDE, R. ve F.E. Webster Jr. (1989), Organizational Culture and Marketing: Defining the Research Agenda, The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 53, No.1, ss. 3-15.
  • DESHPANDE, R. ve J.U. Farley (1998), Measuring Market Orientation: Generalization and Synthesis, Journal of Market Focused Management, Vol. 2, ss. 213–232.
  • DESHPANDE, R., J.U. Farley ve F. Webster (1993), “Corporate Culture, Customer Orientation, and Innovativeness in Japanese Firms: A Quadrad Analysis”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57, No. 1, ss. 23-37.
  • DONG Xiaodan (Dani), Zelin Zhang, Christian Andrew Hinsch, Shaoming Zou (2016), Reconceptualizing the elements of market orientation: A process-based view, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 56, ss. 130–142.
  • EKBER, Ş. (2011), Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Pazar Odaklılık Ölçeklerinin Uygulanabilirliliği Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Azerbaycan Örneği, Doktora Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Sakarya.
  • ELLIS, Paul D. (2007), Distance, Dependence and Diversity of Markets: Effects On Market Orientation, Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 38, ss. 374-386.
  • AKIMOVA, Irina (2000), Development of Market Orientation and Competitiveness of Ukrainian Firms, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 34, No. 9/10, ss. 1128-1148.
  • FARRELL, Mark (2002), A Critique of the Development of Alternative Measures of Market Orientation, Marketing Bulletin, Vol.13 No 3, Ss. 1-14.
  • FRÖSÉN Johanna, Matti Jaakkola, Iya Churakova, Henrikki Tikkanen (2016), Effective forms of market orientation across the business cycle: A longitudinal analysis of business-to-business firms, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 52, ss. 91–99.
  • GREENLEY, E. Gordon (1995), Forms Of Market Orıentatıon In Uk Companıes, Journal of Management Studies, Vol.32, No.l, ss. 47-66.
  • HOMBURG, C. ve C. Pflesser (2000), A Multiple-Layer Model of Market-Oriented Organizational Culture: Measurement Issues and Performance Outcomes, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 37, No. 4, ss. 449-462.
  • HOOLEY, Graham, John Fahy, Gordon Greenley, Jozsef Beracs, Krzysztof Fonfara ve Boris Snoj (2003), Market Orientation in the Service Sector of the Transition Economies of Central Europe, Europian Journal of Marketing, Vol.37, No.1/2, ss. 86-106.
  • HUNT, S. D. ve R. M. Morgan (1995), The Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition, The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 59, No. 2, ss. 1-15.
  • JAWORSKI, Bernard J. ve Ajay K. Kohli (1993), Market Orientation: Antecedents and Consequences, The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57, No. 3, ss. 53-70.
  • JOGARATNAM Giri, (2017), The effect of market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation and human capital on positional advantage: Evidence from the restaurant industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 60 ss. 104–113.
  • KEITH, Robert, (1960), Marketing Revolution, The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 24, No. 3, ss. 35-38.
  • KOHLI, Ajay. ve Bernard. J. Jaworski (1990), Market Orientation: The Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial Implications, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 54, ss. 1-18.
  • LANGERAK, F. (2001), Effects Of Market Orientation On The Behaviors Of Salespersons And Purchasers, Channel Relationships, And Performance Of Manufacturers, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 18, ss. 221–234.
  • LINGS, Ian N. ve Gordon E. Greenley (2009), The İmpact Of İnternal And External Market Orientations On Firm Performance, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Vol. 17, No.1, ss. 41–53
  • McCARTHY, E.J. ve W.D. Perreault (1984), Basic Marketing, Richard D. Irwin, Inc, Homewood, IL.
  • McKITTERICK, J.B. (1957), “What Is the Marketing Management Concept?”, in The Frontiers of Marketing Thought and Science, Frank M. Bass, ed., American Marketing Association, Chicago, ss. 71-92.
  • MOKHTAR, Sany Sanuri Mohd (2009), Market Orientation Critical Success Factors of Malaysian Manufacturers and Its Impact on Financial Performance, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 1, No.1, ss. 77-84.
  • NARVER, John ve Stanley Slater ve B. Tietje (1998), Creating a Market Orientation, Journal of Market Focused Management, Vol. 2, ss. 241–255.
  • ORMROD Robert P., Ghasem Zaefarian, Stephan C. Henneberg, Philippe de Vries (2015), Strategy, market orientation and performance: the political context, Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 15 No 1, ss. 37–52
  • RUEKERT, R.W. (1992), “Developing a market orientation: an organizational strategy perspective”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 9, ss. 225-45.
  • SHAPIRO, B.P. (1988), “What the Hell is Market Oriented?”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 66, No. 6, ss. 119-125.
  • SLATER, Stanley F. (2001), Market Orientation At The Beginning Of A New Millennium, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 11, No. 4, ss. 230-232.
  • SLATER, Stanley F. ve John C. Narver (1998), Customer-Led and Market-Oriented: Let's Not Confuse the Two, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 19, No. 10, ss. 1001-1006.
  • YAPRAK Attila, Burcu Tasoluk, Cenk Kocas (2015), Market orientation, managerial perceptions, and corporate culture in an emerging market: Evidence from Turkey International Business Review, Vol. 24, ss. 443–456
  • ZHAO, Yushan ve S. Tamer Cavusgil (2006), The Effect Of Supplier’s Market Orientation On Manufacturer’s Trust, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 35, ss. 405 – 414.
There are 34 citations in total.


Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Şahin Ekber

Fariz Ahmadov

Publication Date June 20, 2017
Submission Date February 16, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Ekber, Ş., & Ahmadov, F. (2017). PAZAR ODAKLILIK YAKLAŞIMLARI: BİR LİTERATÜR İNCELEMESİ. Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1(1), 33-44.
AMA Ekber Ş, Ahmadov F. PAZAR ODAKLILIK YAKLAŞIMLARI: BİR LİTERATÜR İNCELEMESİ. Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. June 2017;1(1):33-44.
Chicago Ekber, Şahin, and Fariz Ahmadov. “PAZAR ODAKLILIK YAKLAŞIMLARI: BİR LİTERATÜR İNCELEMESİ”. Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 1, no. 1 (June 2017): 33-44.
EndNote Ekber Ş, Ahmadov F (June 1, 2017) PAZAR ODAKLILIK YAKLAŞIMLARI: BİR LİTERATÜR İNCELEMESİ. Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 1 1 33–44.
IEEE Ş. Ekber and F. Ahmadov, “PAZAR ODAKLILIK YAKLAŞIMLARI: BİR LİTERATÜR İNCELEMESİ”, Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 33–44, 2017.
ISNAD Ekber, Şahin - Ahmadov, Fariz. “PAZAR ODAKLILIK YAKLAŞIMLARI: BİR LİTERATÜR İNCELEMESİ”. Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 1/1 (June 2017), 33-44.
JAMA Ekber Ş, Ahmadov F. PAZAR ODAKLILIK YAKLAŞIMLARI: BİR LİTERATÜR İNCELEMESİ. Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2017;1:33–44.
MLA Ekber, Şahin and Fariz Ahmadov. “PAZAR ODAKLILIK YAKLAŞIMLARI: BİR LİTERATÜR İNCELEMESİ”. Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, vol. 1, no. 1, 2017, pp. 33-44.
Vancouver Ekber Ş, Ahmadov F. PAZAR ODAKLILIK YAKLAŞIMLARI: BİR LİTERATÜR İNCELEMESİ. Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2017;1(1):33-44.