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Effect of Body Condition Score at Calving on 305-day and Test-day Milk Yield in Holstein-Friesian and Brown Swiss Cows

Year 2012, Volume: 38 Issue: 2, 141 - 149, 14.11.2012



The study included 37 cows, 20 of which were of the Holstein-Friesian and 17 of which were of the Brown Swiss breed at the Agricultural Institute's farm in Stara Zagora. The cows from both breeds were kept together under similar rearing and feeding conditions. A free-range production system with individual boxes for rest was applied. The cows were divided into three technological groups depending on their physiological condition, respectively: dry period, first lactation period (up to the 120th day of lactation) and second lactation period. Feeding was based on a complete ration including maize silage, alfalfa haylage, concentrated feed, and vitamin mineral premix. The concentrated feed during lactation was in accordance with the group's mean milk yield. The cows' body condition score (BCS) was measured monthly per a 5-grade evaluation system with accuracy of up to 0.5 points. The body condition score of the cows at calving was measured 7 to 10 days before calving. The BCS at calving had a significant influence on the 305-day lactation milk yield, test-day milk yield and peak lactation production. The cows that reached a BCS of 3.5 – 4 points at calving had sufficient body reserves for the lactation's beginning, which allowed them to reach higher milk yield during the peak of lactation, and higher yield for 305 days compared to cows with grades of 3 or lower at calving. The Holstein-Friesian cows had better mobilisation potential than Brown Swiss cows. At BCS of 2 to 2.5 points at calving, Holstein-Friesian cows reached a milk yield that was only 876 kg less than those of cows with high BCS (3.5 – 4 points), whereas in Brown Swiss cows the difference was 1,400 kg. The cows of the Brown Swiss breed had preserved to a greater extent the defence reaction to reduce milk production when body reserves were diminished.

Key Words: Body condition score evaluation, 305-day lactation, peak lactation, test-day milk yield, Holstein-Friesian, Brown Swiss cattle




Araştırma, Stara Zagora Ziraat Enstitüsü Çiftliğindeki 20 baş Siyah Alaca ve 17 baş Esmer olmak üzere toplam 37 baş inek ile yürütülmüştür. Her iki ırktan inekler benzer yetiştirme ve besleme koşullarında bakılmışlardır. İneklere serbest gezinmeli sistemde dinlenme için bireysel bokslar sağlanmıştır. İnekler fizyolojik durumlarına göre üç gruba ayrılmışlardır: a) Kuru dönem, b) I. laktasyon periodu (laktasyonun 120. gününe kadar) ve c) II. laktasyon periyodu. Mısır silajı, kuru yonca, konsantre yem ve vitamin - mineral premiksi içeren rasyona dayalı bir besleme programı uygulanmıştır. Laktasyon süresince verilen konsantre yem, grubun ortalama süt verimine göre düzenlenmiştir. İneklerin vücut kondisyon skoru (VKS), 5 dereceli değerlendirme sistemi ile 0,5 puanlık kesinlik ile aylık olarak ölçülmüştür. Buzağılama öncesi VKS, buzağılamadan 7-10 gün önce ölçülmüştür. Buzağılama öncesi VKS'nun 305-gün laktasyon süt verimi, test günü süt verimi ve pik süt verimi üzerine etkisi önemli bulunmuştur. Buzağılama öncesi VKS 3,5-4 puan olan ineklerin laktasyon başlangıcında yeterli vücut rezervlerine sahip oldukları ve böylece VKS 3 ve daha az olan ineklerle karşılaştırıldığında laktasyon pikinde daha yüksek süt verimine ulaştıkları ve daha yüksek 305-gün laktasyon süt verimine sahip oldukları sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Siyah Alaca ineklerin Esmer ineklerle karşılaştırıldığında daha iyi mobilizasyon potansiyeline sahip oldukları gözlenmiştir. Siyah Alaca ırkında buzağılama öncesi VKS 2-2,5 olan inekler, 3,5-4 VKS olanlara kıyasla sadece 876 kg daha az süt verimine sahip iken, Esmer ineklerde aradaki fark 1400 kg olarak belirlenmiştir. Vücut rezervleri azaldığında Esmer ırk inekler süt verimini azaltma savunma reaksiyonunu daha fazla ortaya koymuşlardır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Vücut kondisyon skoru değerlendirmesi, 305 gün laktasyon, laktasyon piki, test-günü, süt verimi, Siyah Alaca, Esmer


  • Broster, W.H., Broster, V.J., 1998. Body condition score of dairy cows: review. Journal of Dairy Research 65, 155-173.
  • Chagas, L.M., Lucy, M.C., Back, P.J., Blache, D., Lee, J.M., Gore, P.J.S., Sheahan, A.J., Roche, J.R., 2009. Insulin resistance in divergent strains of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows offered fresh pasture and increasing amounts of concentrate in early lactation. Journal of Dairy Science 92, 216-222.
  • Coffey, M.P., Simm, G., Oldham, J.D., Hill, W.G., Brotherstone, S., 2004. Genotype and diet effects on energy balance in the first three lactations of dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 87, 4318-4326.
  • Dillon, P., 2006. A comparison of different dairy cow breeds on a seasonal grass-based system of milk production. 2. Reproduction and survival. Livestock Production Science 83, 35-42.
  • Edmonson, A., Lean, I . , Weaver, L . , Farver, T., Webster, G., 1989. A body condition scoring chart for Holstein dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 72, 68-78.
  • Harrison, R., Ford, S., Young, J . , Conley, A., Freeman, A., 1990. Increased milk production versus reproductive and energy status of high producing cows. Journal of Dairy Science 73, 2749-2758.
  • Harvey, W.R., 1987. User's Guide for LSMMW PC-1 Version, Mixed Model Least-squares and Maximum Likelihood Computer Program. Ohio State University, Columbus.
  • Koenen, E . , Veerkamp, R., Dobbelaar, P., De Jong, G., 2001. Genetic analysis of body condition score of lactating Dutch Holstein and Red-and- White heifers. Journal of Dairy Science 84, 1265-1270.
  • Lucy, M., Verkerk, G., Whyte, B., Mcdonald, K., Burton, L . , Cursons, R., Roche, J . , Holms, I., 2009. Somatotropic axis components and nutrient partitioning in genetically diverse dairy cows managed feed allowance in a pasture system. Journal of Dairy Science 92, 526-539.
  • Macdonald, K., Verkerk, G., Thorrold, B., Pryce, J . , Penno, J . , McNaughton, L . , Burton, L . , Lancaster, J . , Williamson, J . , Holms., C., 2008. A comparison of three strains of Holstein- Friesian grazed on pasture and managed under different feed allowances. Journal of Dairy Science 91, 1693-1707.
  • McCarthy, S., Berry, D., Dillon, P., Rath, M., Horan, B., 2007. Influence of Holstein-Friesian strain and feed system on body weight and body condition score lactation profiles. Journal of Dairy Science 90, 1859-1869.
  • Mitev, J . , Todorov, N., Miteva, T., 1998. Effect of body condition at calving on milk yield of dairy cows. In: The 8t h World conference on Animal Production, June 28 - July 4, Seoul, Korea.
  • Pryce, J . , Coffey, M., Simm, G., 2001. The relationship between body condition score and reproductive performance. Journal of Dairy Science 84, 1508-1515.
  • Pryce, J . , Harris, B., 2004. Genetic and economic evaluation of dairy cow body condition score in New Zealand. In: Proceeding of the 2004 Interbull Meeting Souse, Tunisia, May 29-31, Bulletin 32, 82-85.
  • Renno, F.P., Pereira, J.C., Santos, A.D.F., Alves, N.G., Torres, C.A.A., Renno, L.N., Balbinot, P.Z., 2006. Effects of body condition at calving on milk yield and composition, lactation curve and body reserve mobilization of Holstein cows. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia 58 (2), 220-233.
  • Roche, J . , 2007. Milk production responses to pre- and post-calving dry matter intake in grazing dairy cows. Livestock Science 110, 12-24;
  • Roche, J . , Berry, D., Lee, J . , Macdonald, K., Boston, R., 2007. Describing body condition score change between successive calvings: A novel strategy generalizable to divers cohorts. Journal of Dairy Science 90, 4378-4396.
  • Samarutel, J . , Ling, K., Jaakson, H., Kaart, T., Kaart, O., 2006. Effect of body condition score at parturition on the production performance, fertility and culling in primiparous Estonian Holstein cows. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika 36, 69-74.
  • Waltner, S., McNamara, J . , Hillers, J . , 1993. Relationships of body condition score to production variables in high producing Holstein dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 76, 3410ı 3419.
Year 2012, Volume: 38 Issue: 2, 141 - 149, 14.11.2012



  • Broster, W.H., Broster, V.J., 1998. Body condition score of dairy cows: review. Journal of Dairy Research 65, 155-173.
  • Chagas, L.M., Lucy, M.C., Back, P.J., Blache, D., Lee, J.M., Gore, P.J.S., Sheahan, A.J., Roche, J.R., 2009. Insulin resistance in divergent strains of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows offered fresh pasture and increasing amounts of concentrate in early lactation. Journal of Dairy Science 92, 216-222.
  • Coffey, M.P., Simm, G., Oldham, J.D., Hill, W.G., Brotherstone, S., 2004. Genotype and diet effects on energy balance in the first three lactations of dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 87, 4318-4326.
  • Dillon, P., 2006. A comparison of different dairy cow breeds on a seasonal grass-based system of milk production. 2. Reproduction and survival. Livestock Production Science 83, 35-42.
  • Edmonson, A., Lean, I . , Weaver, L . , Farver, T., Webster, G., 1989. A body condition scoring chart for Holstein dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 72, 68-78.
  • Harrison, R., Ford, S., Young, J . , Conley, A., Freeman, A., 1990. Increased milk production versus reproductive and energy status of high producing cows. Journal of Dairy Science 73, 2749-2758.
  • Harvey, W.R., 1987. User's Guide for LSMMW PC-1 Version, Mixed Model Least-squares and Maximum Likelihood Computer Program. Ohio State University, Columbus.
  • Koenen, E . , Veerkamp, R., Dobbelaar, P., De Jong, G., 2001. Genetic analysis of body condition score of lactating Dutch Holstein and Red-and- White heifers. Journal of Dairy Science 84, 1265-1270.
  • Lucy, M., Verkerk, G., Whyte, B., Mcdonald, K., Burton, L . , Cursons, R., Roche, J . , Holms, I., 2009. Somatotropic axis components and nutrient partitioning in genetically diverse dairy cows managed feed allowance in a pasture system. Journal of Dairy Science 92, 526-539.
  • Macdonald, K., Verkerk, G., Thorrold, B., Pryce, J . , Penno, J . , McNaughton, L . , Burton, L . , Lancaster, J . , Williamson, J . , Holms., C., 2008. A comparison of three strains of Holstein- Friesian grazed on pasture and managed under different feed allowances. Journal of Dairy Science 91, 1693-1707.
  • McCarthy, S., Berry, D., Dillon, P., Rath, M., Horan, B., 2007. Influence of Holstein-Friesian strain and feed system on body weight and body condition score lactation profiles. Journal of Dairy Science 90, 1859-1869.
  • Mitev, J . , Todorov, N., Miteva, T., 1998. Effect of body condition at calving on milk yield of dairy cows. In: The 8t h World conference on Animal Production, June 28 - July 4, Seoul, Korea.
  • Pryce, J . , Coffey, M., Simm, G., 2001. The relationship between body condition score and reproductive performance. Journal of Dairy Science 84, 1508-1515.
  • Pryce, J . , Harris, B., 2004. Genetic and economic evaluation of dairy cow body condition score in New Zealand. In: Proceeding of the 2004 Interbull Meeting Souse, Tunisia, May 29-31, Bulletin 32, 82-85.
  • Renno, F.P., Pereira, J.C., Santos, A.D.F., Alves, N.G., Torres, C.A.A., Renno, L.N., Balbinot, P.Z., 2006. Effects of body condition at calving on milk yield and composition, lactation curve and body reserve mobilization of Holstein cows. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia 58 (2), 220-233.
  • Roche, J . , 2007. Milk production responses to pre- and post-calving dry matter intake in grazing dairy cows. Livestock Science 110, 12-24;
  • Roche, J . , Berry, D., Lee, J . , Macdonald, K., Boston, R., 2007. Describing body condition score change between successive calvings: A novel strategy generalizable to divers cohorts. Journal of Dairy Science 90, 4378-4396.
  • Samarutel, J . , Ling, K., Jaakson, H., Kaart, T., Kaart, O., 2006. Effect of body condition score at parturition on the production performance, fertility and culling in primiparous Estonian Holstein cows. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika 36, 69-74.
  • Waltner, S., McNamara, J . , Hillers, J . , 1993. Relationships of body condition score to production variables in high producing Holstein dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 76, 3410ı 3419.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Zhivka Gergovska This is me

Jurii Mıtev This is me

Teodora Angelova This is me

Daniela Yordanova This is me

Zhivko Krastanov This is me

Krassimira Uzunova This is me

Publication Date November 14, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 38 Issue: 2


APA Gergovska, Z., Mıtev, J., Angelova, T., Yordanova, D., et al. (2012). Effect of Body Condition Score at Calving on 305-day and Test-day Milk Yield in Holstein-Friesian and Brown Swiss Cows. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 38(2), 141-149.
AMA Gergovska Z, Mıtev J, Angelova T, Yordanova D, Krastanov Z, Uzunova K. Effect of Body Condition Score at Calving on 305-day and Test-day Milk Yield in Holstein-Friesian and Brown Swiss Cows. iuvfd. November 2012;38(2):141-149. doi:10.16988/iuvfd.48456
Chicago Gergovska, Zhivka, Jurii Mıtev, Teodora Angelova, Daniela Yordanova, Zhivko Krastanov, and Krassimira Uzunova. “Effect of Body Condition Score at Calving on 305-Day and Test-Day Milk Yield in Holstein-Friesian and Brown Swiss Cows”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 38, no. 2 (November 2012): 141-49.
EndNote Gergovska Z, Mıtev J, Angelova T, Yordanova D, Krastanov Z, Uzunova K (November 1, 2012) Effect of Body Condition Score at Calving on 305-day and Test-day Milk Yield in Holstein-Friesian and Brown Swiss Cows. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 38 2 141–149.
IEEE Z. Gergovska, J. Mıtev, T. Angelova, D. Yordanova, Z. Krastanov, and K. Uzunova, “Effect of Body Condition Score at Calving on 305-day and Test-day Milk Yield in Holstein-Friesian and Brown Swiss Cows”, iuvfd, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 141–149, 2012, doi: 10.16988/iuvfd.48456.
ISNAD Gergovska, Zhivka et al. “Effect of Body Condition Score at Calving on 305-Day and Test-Day Milk Yield in Holstein-Friesian and Brown Swiss Cows”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 38/2 (November 2012), 141-149.
JAMA Gergovska Z, Mıtev J, Angelova T, Yordanova D, Krastanov Z, Uzunova K. Effect of Body Condition Score at Calving on 305-day and Test-day Milk Yield in Holstein-Friesian and Brown Swiss Cows. iuvfd. 2012;38:141–149.
MLA Gergovska, Zhivka et al. “Effect of Body Condition Score at Calving on 305-Day and Test-Day Milk Yield in Holstein-Friesian and Brown Swiss Cows”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 38, no. 2, 2012, pp. 141-9, doi:10.16988/iuvfd.48456.
Vancouver Gergovska Z, Mıtev J, Angelova T, Yordanova D, Krastanov Z, Uzunova K. Effect of Body Condition Score at Calving on 305-day and Test-day Milk Yield in Holstein-Friesian and Brown Swiss Cows. iuvfd. 2012;38(2):141-9.