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Year 2006, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 29 - 35, 03.12.2012



This study was carried out to investigate effects of breed, mating season, age of ewe, birth type, sex of lamb and birth weight on gestation length in Hamdani, Red Karaman and Karakul ewes. In the study, data on 259 lambings of Hamdani, Red Karaman and Karakul sheep were analyzed.

Gestation length for Hamdani, Red Karaman and Karakul ewes were 149.77+0.18, 148.76±0.15 and 147.79±0.19 days, respectively. Gestation length was affected by breed (P<0.01). Gestation lengths of mated ewes in different seasons were similar (P>0.05). Gestation lengths of 2-yr-old ewes (148.76±0.17) and 4-yr-old ewes (148.78±0.12) were similar (P>0.05). Gestation length of ewes which gave birth to single lambs (149.36±0.11) were longer than those which gave birth to twin lambs (148.18±0.21) (P<0.01). Gestation length of ewes giving birth to male lamb (149.17±0.14) were longer than those giving birth to female lamb (148.37±0.13) (P<0.01). The ewes which gave birth to heavier lamb had a longer gestation length (P<0.01). This study showed that the gestation length was affected by breed, sex of lamb, birth type and birth weight of lamb, and was not affected by mating season and age of ewe.

Keywords: Hamdani, Red Karaman, Karakul, Gestation length




Bu çalışma, Hamdani, Morkaraman ve Karagül koyunlarının gebelik süresi üzerine ırk, tohumlama mevsimi, koyunun yaşı, doğum tipi. kuzunun cinsiyeti ve doğum ağırlığının etkilerini araştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada, Hamdani. Morkaraman ve Karagül koyunlarının dogumlarına ait 259 veri analiz edilmiştir. Hamdani, Morkaraman ve Karagül koyunlarında gebelik süresi sırasıyla 149.77±0.18, 148.76±0.15 ve 147.79+0.19 gün olarak belirlenmiştir. Gebelik süresiıirk tarafından etkilenmiştir (P<0.01). Farklı mevsimlerde tohumlanan koyunların gebelik süresi benzer olmuştur (P>0.05). İki yaşlı koyunların gebelik süresi (148.76+0.17 gün) ile 4 yaşlı koyunların gebelik süresi (148.78±0.12 gün) benzer bulunmuştur (P>0.05). Tek doğum yapan koyunların gebelik süresi (149.36±0.11 gün), ikiz doğum yapan koyunların gebelik süresinden (148.18+0.21 gün) daha uzun sürmüştür (P<0.01). Erkek kuzu doğuran koyunların gebelik süresi (149.17+0.14 gün), dişi kuzu doğuran koyunların gebelik süresinden (148.37+0.13 gün) daha uzun olmuştur (P<0.01). Daha ağır doğum ağırlığına sahip kuzuların analarına ait gebelik süresi daha uzun sürmüştür (P<0.01). Bu araştırma gösteriyor ki, gebelik süresini ırk, kuzunun cinsiyeti, doğum tipi ve doğum ağırlığı etkilemiş, tohumlama mevsimi ve koyunun yaşı etkilememiştir.

Anahtar kelimeler: Hamdani. Morkaraman, Karagül, Gebelik süresi


  • Akçapınar, IL, Kadak. R.: Bazı faktörlerin Akkaraman ve Morkaramanlarda gebelik süresi ve doğum ağırlığı üzerine etkileri. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg, 1982; 29: 392-400.
  • Al-Gubory, K.H.: Effects of the presence of rams during pregnancy of lambing performance in ewes. Anim. Reprod. Sci, 1998: 52 (3): 205-211.
  • Amir, D., Genizi, A., Schindler, I I . : Seasonal and other changes in the gestation duration. J. Agrie. Sci, 1980: 95:47-49.
  • Bradford, G.E., Quirke. J.F., Sitorus. P., Inounu, I . , Tiesnamurti, B., Bell, FX., Fletcher, J.C., Töreli, D.T.: Reproduction in javanesc sheep: evidence for a gene with large effect ovulation rate and litter size. J. Anim. Sci. 1986: 63: 418-431.
  • Cumiivski, B.: Fertility of Merino type of sheep when they are kept in the open the whole year, proceedings. 3 rd World Congress on Sheep and Beef Cattle Breeding. 1988; 1: 345-367.
  • Davies Morel, M.C.G ., Newcombe, J.R., Holland, S.J.: Factors affecting gestation length in the thoroughbred marc. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 2002; 74 (3-4): 175-85.
  • Duzgunes, O., Kesici, T., Gurbuz, F.: İstatistik metotları I. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi yayınlan no: 861. Ankara. 1983.
  • EI Karim, A.I.A., Owen. J.B.: Reproductive performance of two types of sudan desert sheep. Res. Dev. Agrie. 1987; 4: 183-187.
  • Effects of Some Factors on Gestation Length in Hamdani. Red Karaman and Karakul Sheep 35
  • Fernandes, A.P., Deshmukh, A.P.: Effect of various factors of reproduction on the birth of lambs bom to Deccani and its Crosses. Livestock Adviser, 1988: 13; 20-24.
  • Fuentes, J.L., Pulenets, N., Peron, N.: Gestation length of Pelibuey ewes, Revista Cubana de reproduction anim. 1987; 13:27-33.
  • Gabrilidis. G.T.: Traditional sheep breeds in Greece within intensive production system: growth rate, reproduction and milk production. Anim. Breed. Abstr. 1992; 60: 221.
  • Gordon, h: Controlled breeding in farm animals. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1983; 181-195.
  • Gordon, L: Controlled reproduction in sheep and goats, V. 2. CAB1 Publishing Wallingford Oxon OX10 8DE, 1997:260-262.
  • Harvey, W.R.: User's guide for LSMLMWPC-I version mixed model least squares and maximum likelihood computer program. Ohio State University. Columbus. Mimeo, 1987.
  • Joubert, D.M.: Sex behaviour of purebred and crossbred Merino and Persian ewes. J. Reprod. Fertil. 1962; 3:41^49.
  • Kassem, R., Owen, J.B., Fadel, I., Suha, H., Whitaker, C.J.: Aspects of fertility and lamb survival in Awassi sheep under semi arid conditions. Anim. Breed. Abstr, 1990; 58: 850.
  • Mavrogenis, A.P.: Breed group and parity effects on gestation duration and litter size at birth of sheep. Tech. Bull. Cyprus Agric. Res. Inst, 1992; 142.
  • Ozturk, A.: Akkaraman ve İvesi koyunlanmn gebelik süresine bazı çevre faktörlerinin etkisi. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 1994; 19: 449-452.
  • Özturk, A., Aktas, A.H.: Effect of environmental factors on gestation length in Konya Merino sheep. Small Rumin. Res. 1996; 22 (1): 85-88.
  • Roda, D.O., Otto, P.A.: Gestation period in Polwarth and Corriedale ewes. Anim. Breed. Abstr, 1992:60: 648.
  • Sahani, M.S., Chand, L.: Studies on gestation periods of exotic karakul sheep and its crosses with native carpet wool sheep. Anim. Breed. Abstr. 1991 ; 59: 902.
  • Shrestha, J.N.B., Heanay. D.P.: Genetic basis of variation in reproductive performance. 2. genetic correlation between gestation length and prolificacy in sheep. Anim. Breed. Abstr, 1991; 59: 338.
  • Toteda, F., Martemucci, G., Manchisi, A.: Pregnancy duration sheep of different genotypes reared in Apulia. Archivio Vcterinario İtaüano, 1988; 39: 21-30.
  • Trimnell, A.R., Osinowo, O.A., Olorun.ju, S.A.S., lîuvcnandran, V.: Environmental effects on gestation length in Yankasa sheep. J. Anim. Prod. Res, 1988; 8: 33-38.
  • Van Niekerk, B.D.H., Mulder, A.: Duration of pregnancy and of post-partum anoestrus in autumn mated Dorper. Dohne Merino and Merino ewes. Proc. S. Afr. Soc. Anim. Prod. 1965: 4: 205-212
Year 2006, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 29 - 35, 03.12.2012



  • Akçapınar, IL, Kadak. R.: Bazı faktörlerin Akkaraman ve Morkaramanlarda gebelik süresi ve doğum ağırlığı üzerine etkileri. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg, 1982; 29: 392-400.
  • Al-Gubory, K.H.: Effects of the presence of rams during pregnancy of lambing performance in ewes. Anim. Reprod. Sci, 1998: 52 (3): 205-211.
  • Amir, D., Genizi, A., Schindler, I I . : Seasonal and other changes in the gestation duration. J. Agrie. Sci, 1980: 95:47-49.
  • Bradford, G.E., Quirke. J.F., Sitorus. P., Inounu, I . , Tiesnamurti, B., Bell, FX., Fletcher, J.C., Töreli, D.T.: Reproduction in javanesc sheep: evidence for a gene with large effect ovulation rate and litter size. J. Anim. Sci. 1986: 63: 418-431.
  • Cumiivski, B.: Fertility of Merino type of sheep when they are kept in the open the whole year, proceedings. 3 rd World Congress on Sheep and Beef Cattle Breeding. 1988; 1: 345-367.
  • Davies Morel, M.C.G ., Newcombe, J.R., Holland, S.J.: Factors affecting gestation length in the thoroughbred marc. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 2002; 74 (3-4): 175-85.
  • Duzgunes, O., Kesici, T., Gurbuz, F.: İstatistik metotları I. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi yayınlan no: 861. Ankara. 1983.
  • EI Karim, A.I.A., Owen. J.B.: Reproductive performance of two types of sudan desert sheep. Res. Dev. Agrie. 1987; 4: 183-187.
  • Effects of Some Factors on Gestation Length in Hamdani. Red Karaman and Karakul Sheep 35
  • Fernandes, A.P., Deshmukh, A.P.: Effect of various factors of reproduction on the birth of lambs bom to Deccani and its Crosses. Livestock Adviser, 1988: 13; 20-24.
  • Fuentes, J.L., Pulenets, N., Peron, N.: Gestation length of Pelibuey ewes, Revista Cubana de reproduction anim. 1987; 13:27-33.
  • Gabrilidis. G.T.: Traditional sheep breeds in Greece within intensive production system: growth rate, reproduction and milk production. Anim. Breed. Abstr. 1992; 60: 221.
  • Gordon, h: Controlled breeding in farm animals. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 1983; 181-195.
  • Gordon, L: Controlled reproduction in sheep and goats, V. 2. CAB1 Publishing Wallingford Oxon OX10 8DE, 1997:260-262.
  • Harvey, W.R.: User's guide for LSMLMWPC-I version mixed model least squares and maximum likelihood computer program. Ohio State University. Columbus. Mimeo, 1987.
  • Joubert, D.M.: Sex behaviour of purebred and crossbred Merino and Persian ewes. J. Reprod. Fertil. 1962; 3:41^49.
  • Kassem, R., Owen, J.B., Fadel, I., Suha, H., Whitaker, C.J.: Aspects of fertility and lamb survival in Awassi sheep under semi arid conditions. Anim. Breed. Abstr, 1990; 58: 850.
  • Mavrogenis, A.P.: Breed group and parity effects on gestation duration and litter size at birth of sheep. Tech. Bull. Cyprus Agric. Res. Inst, 1992; 142.
  • Ozturk, A.: Akkaraman ve İvesi koyunlanmn gebelik süresine bazı çevre faktörlerinin etkisi. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 1994; 19: 449-452.
  • Özturk, A., Aktas, A.H.: Effect of environmental factors on gestation length in Konya Merino sheep. Small Rumin. Res. 1996; 22 (1): 85-88.
  • Roda, D.O., Otto, P.A.: Gestation period in Polwarth and Corriedale ewes. Anim. Breed. Abstr, 1992:60: 648.
  • Sahani, M.S., Chand, L.: Studies on gestation periods of exotic karakul sheep and its crosses with native carpet wool sheep. Anim. Breed. Abstr. 1991 ; 59: 902.
  • Shrestha, J.N.B., Heanay. D.P.: Genetic basis of variation in reproductive performance. 2. genetic correlation between gestation length and prolificacy in sheep. Anim. Breed. Abstr, 1991; 59: 338.
  • Toteda, F., Martemucci, G., Manchisi, A.: Pregnancy duration sheep of different genotypes reared in Apulia. Archivio Vcterinario İtaüano, 1988; 39: 21-30.
  • Trimnell, A.R., Osinowo, O.A., Olorun.ju, S.A.S., lîuvcnandran, V.: Environmental effects on gestation length in Yankasa sheep. J. Anim. Prod. Res, 1988; 8: 33-38.
  • Van Niekerk, B.D.H., Mulder, A.: Duration of pregnancy and of post-partum anoestrus in autumn mated Dorper. Dohne Merino and Merino ewes. Proc. S. Afr. Soc. Anim. Prod. 1965: 4: 205-212
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Orhan Yılmaz This is me

Davut Bayram This is me

Publication Date December 3, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 32 Issue: 1


APA Yılmaz, O., & Bayram, D. (2012). EFFECTS OF SOME FACTORS ON GESTATION LENGTH IN HAMDANI, RED KARAMAN AND KARAKUL SHEEP. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(1), 29-35.
AMA Yılmaz O, Bayram D. EFFECTS OF SOME FACTORS ON GESTATION LENGTH IN HAMDANI, RED KARAMAN AND KARAKUL SHEEP. iuvfd. December 2012;32(1):29-35. doi:10.16988/iuvfd.79326
Chicago Yılmaz, Orhan, and Davut Bayram. “EFFECTS OF SOME FACTORS ON GESTATION LENGTH IN HAMDANI, RED KARAMAN AND KARAKUL SHEEP”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 32, no. 1 (December 2012): 29-35.
EndNote Yılmaz O, Bayram D (December 1, 2012) EFFECTS OF SOME FACTORS ON GESTATION LENGTH IN HAMDANI, RED KARAMAN AND KARAKUL SHEEP. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 32 1 29–35.
IEEE O. Yılmaz and D. Bayram, “EFFECTS OF SOME FACTORS ON GESTATION LENGTH IN HAMDANI, RED KARAMAN AND KARAKUL SHEEP”, iuvfd, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 29–35, 2012, doi: 10.16988/iuvfd.79326.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Orhan - Bayram, Davut. “EFFECTS OF SOME FACTORS ON GESTATION LENGTH IN HAMDANI, RED KARAMAN AND KARAKUL SHEEP”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 32/1 (December 2012), 29-35.
MLA Yılmaz, Orhan and Davut Bayram. “EFFECTS OF SOME FACTORS ON GESTATION LENGTH IN HAMDANI, RED KARAMAN AND KARAKUL SHEEP”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 32, no. 1, 2012, pp. 29-35, doi:10.16988/iuvfd.79326.