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Year 2005, Volume: 31 Issue: 1, 195 - 201, 08.03.2013



Sütçü ineklerde meme başının antiseptikli solusyonlara batırılması (teat dipping- TD) ile meme derisi üzerindeki bakteri sayısı önemli ölçüde azalmaktadır. Bu nedenle TD mastitis kontrol programlarının önemli basamaklarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Çevresel ve bulaşıcı mastitis etkenleri üzerinde etkili olan bu işlem tüm dünyada yaygın olarak kullanılan etkili, ucuz ve kolay bir uygulamadır. Bu derlemede meme başı dezenfeksiyonunun önemi ve özellikleri son yıllarda yürütülen çalışmaların bulguları ile birlikte değerlendirilmektedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Sütçü inek, meme dezenfeksiyonu, teat dipping.




Total bacterial count on mammary skin may be decreased via teat dipping in dairy cows. TD is one of the most important procedures in mastitis control programs. This procedure which is effected envorimental and contagious mastitis pathogens is effective, cheap, practical application and widespread on the world. This articles examines the importance and features of teat disinfection with data of recently studies.

Key Words: Dairy cows, mammary disinfection, teat dipping.



  • A l a ç a m E.: Süt İneklerinin Mastİtisten K o r u n m a s ı n d a Teat D İ p p i n g ' i n Etkisi Ü z e r i n e Çalışmalar. Doçentlik Tezi, A . Ü . Veteriner Fakültesi, 1978. Ankara.
  • A l a ç a m E.: Meme Hastalıkları In: Sığır Hastalıkları. Ed. E A l a ç a m ve M Şahal. Medisan yayınevi, Ankara. 1997, 389-425.
  • Bloovvey R. and Collis K . : Effectof premilking teat disinfection on mastitis incidence. total bacıerial count. celi count and milk vield in three dairy herds. Vet. Rec. 1992.(130): 175-178. 200 Güneş SERİN
  • Bloovvey R . and Edmonson P.: Teat disinfection in dairy herds. In Practice, 1996: (18): 254-260.
  • D u Preez J . H . : The effect o f post-milking teat dipping on teat canal infections. J.S. Afr. Vet. Assoc, 1997; 58 (3): 119-123.
  • E b e r h a r t R . J . : Update o f teat-dipping (pre- and post-), backflushing, and dry cow therapy. Bovine Practitioner, 1986; (21): 85-86.
  • Edinger D., Tenhagen B . A . , Kalbe P., K l ü n d e r G . , Baumgartner B . , and Heuvvieser W.: Effect o f teat dipping vvith a germicide barrier teat dip in late gestation on intramammary infection and clinical mastitis during the first 5 days post-partum İn primiparous covvs. J. Vet. M e d . A . 2000; (47): 463-468.
  • F a n g W . , P y ö r a l a S. Teat Dipping in Mastitis Control. I n The Bovine Udder and mastitis, Ed. M . Sandholm. T . H . Buzalski, Kaartinen, L . , P y ö r a l a , Unİversity o f Helsinki, Finland, 1995; 246-251.
  • Fehlings K . , Deneke J . , and VVittkovvski G . : Prophylactic measures against infections in dairy cattle—the management o f hygiene is essential. Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wschr., 1997; 104 (8): 306.
  • Galton D . M . Effects o f an automatic postmilking teat dipping system on nevv intramammary infections and iodine in milk. J. Dairy Sci., 2004; 87 (1): 225-231,
  • Goldberg J . J . , M u r d o c h P.A., Hovvard A . B . , Drechsler P . A . , Pankey J . W . Ledbetter G . A . , Day L . L . and Day J . D . : Winter evaiuation o f a postmilking povvdered teat dip. J. Dairy Sci.. 1994; (77): 748-758.
  • Hansen S.R. Cleaning o f mlking equipment and byres. external udder hygiene and personal hygiene. Postgraduate Course in A n i m a l Science. 1973; Copenhagen.
  • L a m T . J . G . M . , van Vliet J . H . , Schukken Y . H . , G r o m m e r s F . J . , van Velden- Russcher A., B a r k e m a H A V . and B r a n d A.: The effect o f discontinucation o f postmilking teat disinfection in l o w somatic celi count herds. 1. Incidence o f clinical mastitis. The Veterinary Quarterly, 1997: 19 (2): 41-46.
  • Malinovvski M . : The role o f udder disinfection and sanitizar types. Medycyna Weterynarryjna, 2000; 56 (11): 709-714.
  • Manninen E . : Effect o f m i l k i n g and m i l k i n g machine on udder health. I n The Bovine Udder and Mastitis. Ed. M . Sandholm. T . H . Buzalski, Kaartinen, L . . Pyörala, Unİversity o f Helsinki, Finland, 1995; 235-245.
  • Oliver S.P., Gillespie B . E . , Levvis M . J . , Ivey S . J . , Almeida R . A . , L u t h e r D . A . , Johnson D . L . , L a m a r K . C . , Moorehead H . D . , and Dovvlon H . H . : Efficiacy o f a nevv premilking teat disinfectant containing a phenolic combination for the prevention o f mastitis. J. Dairy Sci, 2001;. (84): 1545-1549.
  • Pankey J . \ V . and Drechsler P.A.: Evolution o f udder hygiene. Premilking teat sanitation. Vet. Clin. North A m . Food A n i m . Pract., 1993; 9 (3): 519-530.
  • Pankey J . W . , E b e r h a r t R . J . , Cuming A . L . , Dagget R . D . , Fransvvorth R . J . , M c D u f f C . K . : Uptake on postmilking teat antisepsis. J. Dairy Sci., 1984; 67 (6): 1336-1353.
  • Pankey J A V . , Vv'ildman E . E . , Drescher R . A and Hogan J . S . : Field trial evaluation o f premilking teat disinfection. Journal o f Dairy Science, 1987; (70): 867-872.
  • Rabeling B.: Teat dipping disinfection effective tovvards Mycoplasma bovis. Praktische Tierarzt, İ 9 9 8 ; 79 (8): 760-761.
  • 1 . Rasmussen M . D . , Galton D . M . , Petersson L . G . : Efect o f premilking teat prepartion on spores o f anaerobes. bacteria and iodine residues in milk. J Dairy Sci 1991; (74): 2472-2478.
  • Ruegg P . L . , Dohoo 1. R.: A benefit to cost analysis o f the effect o f premilking tea hygiene on somatic celi count and intramammary infections in a commercial dairy herd. Scan.Vet. J. , 1997; 38 (10): 632-636.
  • Serieys F . , Poutrel B.: Field trial avaluation o f tvvo teat dips containing nişin or PVP iodophor designed for use before and after milking. Vet. R e c , 1996; 27 (3): 295-303.
  • Shailja S . M . : Postmilking teat dip effect on somatic celi count, m i l k produetion and composition in covvs and buffaloes. Asian-Australasian Journal o f Animal Sciences, 2002; 15(10): 1517-1522.
  • Shearn M . F . H . , Langridge S., Teverson R . M . , Booth J . M . , Hillerton J . E . : Effect o f premilking teat dipping on clinical mastitis. Vet. R e c , 1992; (131): 488- 4S9.
Year 2005, Volume: 31 Issue: 1, 195 - 201, 08.03.2013



  • A l a ç a m E.: Süt İneklerinin Mastİtisten K o r u n m a s ı n d a Teat D İ p p i n g ' i n Etkisi Ü z e r i n e Çalışmalar. Doçentlik Tezi, A . Ü . Veteriner Fakültesi, 1978. Ankara.
  • A l a ç a m E.: Meme Hastalıkları In: Sığır Hastalıkları. Ed. E A l a ç a m ve M Şahal. Medisan yayınevi, Ankara. 1997, 389-425.
  • Bloovvey R. and Collis K . : Effectof premilking teat disinfection on mastitis incidence. total bacıerial count. celi count and milk vield in three dairy herds. Vet. Rec. 1992.(130): 175-178. 200 Güneş SERİN
  • Bloovvey R . and Edmonson P.: Teat disinfection in dairy herds. In Practice, 1996: (18): 254-260.
  • D u Preez J . H . : The effect o f post-milking teat dipping on teat canal infections. J.S. Afr. Vet. Assoc, 1997; 58 (3): 119-123.
  • E b e r h a r t R . J . : Update o f teat-dipping (pre- and post-), backflushing, and dry cow therapy. Bovine Practitioner, 1986; (21): 85-86.
  • Edinger D., Tenhagen B . A . , Kalbe P., K l ü n d e r G . , Baumgartner B . , and Heuvvieser W.: Effect o f teat dipping vvith a germicide barrier teat dip in late gestation on intramammary infection and clinical mastitis during the first 5 days post-partum İn primiparous covvs. J. Vet. M e d . A . 2000; (47): 463-468.
  • F a n g W . , P y ö r a l a S. Teat Dipping in Mastitis Control. I n The Bovine Udder and mastitis, Ed. M . Sandholm. T . H . Buzalski, Kaartinen, L . , P y ö r a l a , Unİversity o f Helsinki, Finland, 1995; 246-251.
  • Fehlings K . , Deneke J . , and VVittkovvski G . : Prophylactic measures against infections in dairy cattle—the management o f hygiene is essential. Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wschr., 1997; 104 (8): 306.
  • Galton D . M . Effects o f an automatic postmilking teat dipping system on nevv intramammary infections and iodine in milk. J. Dairy Sci., 2004; 87 (1): 225-231,
  • Goldberg J . J . , M u r d o c h P.A., Hovvard A . B . , Drechsler P . A . , Pankey J . W . Ledbetter G . A . , Day L . L . and Day J . D . : Winter evaiuation o f a postmilking povvdered teat dip. J. Dairy Sci.. 1994; (77): 748-758.
  • Hansen S.R. Cleaning o f mlking equipment and byres. external udder hygiene and personal hygiene. Postgraduate Course in A n i m a l Science. 1973; Copenhagen.
  • L a m T . J . G . M . , van Vliet J . H . , Schukken Y . H . , G r o m m e r s F . J . , van Velden- Russcher A., B a r k e m a H A V . and B r a n d A.: The effect o f discontinucation o f postmilking teat disinfection in l o w somatic celi count herds. 1. Incidence o f clinical mastitis. The Veterinary Quarterly, 1997: 19 (2): 41-46.
  • Malinovvski M . : The role o f udder disinfection and sanitizar types. Medycyna Weterynarryjna, 2000; 56 (11): 709-714.
  • Manninen E . : Effect o f m i l k i n g and m i l k i n g machine on udder health. I n The Bovine Udder and Mastitis. Ed. M . Sandholm. T . H . Buzalski, Kaartinen, L . . Pyörala, Unİversity o f Helsinki, Finland, 1995; 235-245.
  • Oliver S.P., Gillespie B . E . , Levvis M . J . , Ivey S . J . , Almeida R . A . , L u t h e r D . A . , Johnson D . L . , L a m a r K . C . , Moorehead H . D . , and Dovvlon H . H . : Efficiacy o f a nevv premilking teat disinfectant containing a phenolic combination for the prevention o f mastitis. J. Dairy Sci, 2001;. (84): 1545-1549.
  • Pankey J . \ V . and Drechsler P.A.: Evolution o f udder hygiene. Premilking teat sanitation. Vet. Clin. North A m . Food A n i m . Pract., 1993; 9 (3): 519-530.
  • Pankey J . W . , E b e r h a r t R . J . , Cuming A . L . , Dagget R . D . , Fransvvorth R . J . , M c D u f f C . K . : Uptake on postmilking teat antisepsis. J. Dairy Sci., 1984; 67 (6): 1336-1353.
  • Pankey J A V . , Vv'ildman E . E . , Drescher R . A and Hogan J . S . : Field trial evaluation o f premilking teat disinfection. Journal o f Dairy Science, 1987; (70): 867-872.
  • Rabeling B.: Teat dipping disinfection effective tovvards Mycoplasma bovis. Praktische Tierarzt, İ 9 9 8 ; 79 (8): 760-761.
  • 1 . Rasmussen M . D . , Galton D . M . , Petersson L . G . : Efect o f premilking teat prepartion on spores o f anaerobes. bacteria and iodine residues in milk. J Dairy Sci 1991; (74): 2472-2478.
  • Ruegg P . L . , Dohoo 1. R.: A benefit to cost analysis o f the effect o f premilking tea hygiene on somatic celi count and intramammary infections in a commercial dairy herd. Scan.Vet. J. , 1997; 38 (10): 632-636.
  • Serieys F . , Poutrel B.: Field trial avaluation o f tvvo teat dips containing nişin or PVP iodophor designed for use before and after milking. Vet. R e c , 1996; 27 (3): 295-303.
  • Shailja S . M . : Postmilking teat dip effect on somatic celi count, m i l k produetion and composition in covvs and buffaloes. Asian-Australasian Journal o f Animal Sciences, 2002; 15(10): 1517-1522.
  • Shearn M . F . H . , Langridge S., Teverson R . M . , Booth J . M . , Hillerton J . E . : Effect o f premilking teat dipping on clinical mastitis. Vet. R e c , 1992; (131): 488- 4S9.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review

Güneş Serin This is me

Publication Date March 8, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 31 Issue: 1


APA Serin, G. (2013). SÜTÇÜ İNEKLERDE TEAT DIPPING. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 31(1), 195-201.
AMA Serin G. SÜTÇÜ İNEKLERDE TEAT DIPPING. iuvfd. March 2013;31(1):195-201. doi:10.16988/iuvfd.13123
Chicago Serin, Güneş. “SÜTÇÜ İNEKLERDE TEAT DIPPING”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 31, no. 1 (March 2013): 195-201.
EndNote Serin G (March 1, 2013) SÜTÇÜ İNEKLERDE TEAT DIPPING. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 31 1 195–201.
IEEE G. Serin, “SÜTÇÜ İNEKLERDE TEAT DIPPING”, iuvfd, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 195–201, 2013, doi: 10.16988/iuvfd.13123.
ISNAD Serin, Güneş. “SÜTÇÜ İNEKLERDE TEAT DIPPING”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 31/1 (March 2013), 195-201.
JAMA Serin G. SÜTÇÜ İNEKLERDE TEAT DIPPING. iuvfd. 2013;31:195–201.
MLA Serin, Güneş. “SÜTÇÜ İNEKLERDE TEAT DIPPING”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 31, no. 1, 2013, pp. 195-01, doi:10.16988/iuvfd.13123.
Vancouver Serin G. SÜTÇÜ İNEKLERDE TEAT DIPPING. iuvfd. 2013;31(1):195-201.