Aim of the study was to demonstrate some ultrasonography specifications of the normal pancreas in rabbit and their use as model for visual anatomical imaging study of pancreatic lesions in animals and humans. We used 12 clinically healthy 8 months old of New Zealand White rabbits between 2.8 and 3.2 kilos, who were mature and all anesthetized. Our investigation had been done Diagnostic Ultrasound System and micro convex multi frequency transducer. The trial animals were starved before the experiments. Before the study we injected (per os) isotonic solution. The animals were positioned in dorsal recumbency. The ultrasonographic accesses were percutaneus transobdominal epigastric and transgastric. The pancreas was scanned longitudinally, transverse and oblique. In the four of the studied animals the pancreas were extirpirated after their euthanasia. The organs were researched under liquid isotonic medium. We determined three parts of the gland. The pancreas showed similar acoustic density to the liver. The left lobe was more determined and showed more echogenisity. It has been visualized as striped finding in front of the cranial mesenteric vein. Great amount of adipose tissue has been seen in the peripheral part of the gland that gave hyperechogenic structure of the capsule. The glandular parenchyma showed hyperechogenic linear findings. Portal vein was near the cranial mesenteric vein. The caudal vena cava was seen on the right of the aorta. Transabdominal epigastric access is very good method for visualization of pancreas in rabbits. 8 hours after their last meal an isotonic liquid was injected before the study to provide quality visualization of the gland. The placement of the animals in dorsalrecumbency is suitable condition for visualization of the gland. Filling liquid of stomach is great acoustic window for the study of the pancreas in rabbits.
Aim of the study was to demonstrate some ultrasonography specifications of the normal pancreas in rabbit and their use as model for visual anatomical imaging study of pancreatic lesions in animals and humans. We used 12 clinically healthy 8 months old of New Zealand White rabbits between 2.8 and 3.2 kilos, who were mature and all anesthetized. Our investigation had been done Diagnostic Ultrasound System and micro convex multi frequency transducer. The trial animals were starved before the experiments. Before the study we injected (per os) isotonic solution. The animals were positioned in dorsal recumbency. The ultrasonographic accesses were percutaneus transobdominal epigastric and transgastric. The pancreas was scanned longitudinally, transverse and oblique. In the four of the studied animals the pancreas were extirpirated after their euthanasia. The organs were researched under liquid isotonic medium. We determined three parts of the gland. The pancreas showed similar acoustic density to the liver. The left lobe was more determined and showed more echogenisity. It has been visualized as striped finding in front of the cranial mesenteric vein. Great amount of adipose tissue has been seen in the peripheral part of the gland that gave hyperechogenic structure of the capsule. The glandular parenchyma showed hyperechogenic linear findings. Portal vein was near the cranial mesenteric vein. The caudal vena cava was seen on the right of the aorta. Transabdominal epigastric access is very good method for visualization of pancreas in rabbits. 8 hours after their last meal an isotonic liquid was injected before the study to provide quality visualization of the gland. The placement of the animals in dorsal recumbency is suitable condition for visualization of the gland. Filling liquid of stomach is great acoustic window for the study of the pancreas in rabbits.
Key Words: Pancreas, anatomy, ultrasonography, rabbit
Bu çalışmanın amacı tavşanlarda normal pankreasın bazı ultrasonografik özellikleri ve pankreatik lezyonların insanlarda ve hayvanlarda görsel anatomik görüntüleme çalışmaları için kullanılmasıdır. Bu amaçla 12 adet sağlıklı, 2,8-3,2 kilo arasındaki 8 aylık Yeni Zelanda beyaz tavşanı kullanılmıştır. Bütün hayvanlar anesteziye alınmıştır. Araştırmamız Diagnostik Ultrasound sistemi ve multikonveks multifrekans transduser kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Denekler deneyden önce aç bırakılmışlardır. Çalışmadan önce per os yolla izotonik solüsyonu verilmiştir. Hayvanlar dorsale doğru yatırılmıştır. Ultrasonografik erişim perkutanöz transabdominal epigastrik ve transgastrik yolları ile olmuştur. Pankreas longutidinal, transvers ve oblik açılarından incelenmiştir. 4 çalışma hayvanında ötenaziden sonar pankreas çıkarılmıştır. Organlar sıvı izotonik mediumunda incelenmiştir. Bezin üç bölümü olduğunu belirledik. Pankreasın akustik yoğunluğu karaciğerle aynıdır. Sol lob daha belirgindir ve daha ekojeniktir. Kranial mezenterik venanın önünde ince şerit gibi görülür. Kapsülüne hiperekojenik görünümünü veren bezin peripheral kısmında çok miktarda adipoz doku görülür. Glandular paranşim hiperekojenik çizgi şeklinde görülür. Portal vena kranial mezenterik venanın yakınındadır. Kaudal vena cava aortanın sağında görülür. Tavşanlardaki pankreasın görüntülenmesinde en iyi metot transabdominal epigastrik yoldur. Bezin görüntüsünün kalitesini artırmak için çalışma öncesindei son yemeklerinden 8 saat sonra sıvı izotonik enjekte edilmiştir. Bezin görüntülenmesi için hayvanların dorsal pozisyonda yatırılması uygundur. Tavşanlardaki pankreasın çalışması için mideyi sıvı ile doldurmak iyi bir akustik pencere oluşturur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Pankreas, anatomi, ultrasonografi, tavşan
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 10, 2013 |
Published in Issue | Year 2013 Volume: 39 Issue: 2 |