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Assessment of relationship between IGF-I concentration before parturition and postpartum endometritis and ovarian cysts in dairy cattle

Year 2015, Volume: 41 Issue: 1, 12 - 20, 05.01.2015


This study was carried out to assess the IGF-I, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), beta hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and glucose concentrations during the peripartum period of dairy cows in normal condition, and cows with endometritis puerperalis and cystic ovarian disease.  The study was conducted on 87 lactating Holstein cows (parity: 1-7) in the 9th month of pregnancy in Shiraz, Iran. Blood samples were collected every 2 weeks from 2 weeks before until 6 weeks after calving. Two, four and six weeks after calving, palpation of the reproductive tract was performed. Cows were first inspected for the presence of fresh abnormal discharge on the vulva, perineum, or tail then those were examined intra-vaginally. Following inspection, ultrasonographic assessment of uterus and ovaries was also performed and ovarian structures (palpable follicle, CL and cyst) were scanned. Prepartum IGF-I concentration was significantly lower in cows that developed cystic ovaries than non-cystic (35.89±9.09 versus 41.99±3.65 μg/L) and cows with clinical endometritis early postpartum than normal cows (36.65±5.38 versus 43.64±4.32 μg/L). Calving-first service interval and ovarian cycle resumption after calving was significantly shorter for cows without clinical endometritis than cows with clinical endometritis. In conclusion, prepartum IGF-I concentration was the main factor associated with occurrence of endometritis and cystic ovarian disease after calving and it was a notable feature of the current study.


  • Battaglia, D.F., Krasa, H.B., Padmanabhan, V., Viguie, C., Karsch, F.J., 2000. Endocrine alterations that underlie endotoxin-induced disruption of the follicular phase in ewes. Biology of Reproduction 62, 45-53.
  • Beam, S., Butler, W., 1998 Energy balance, metabolic early hormones, development in dairy cows fed prilled lipid. Journal of Dairy Science 81, 121-131. postpartum follicular
  • Cairoli, F., Comin, A., Scocca, S., Fazzini, U., De Amicis, I., Battocchio, M., 2008. Hormonal and metabolic profiles in post partum ovarian cysts in dairy cows. Veterinary Research Communication 32, Supplement 1, S123-125.
  • Clark, R., 1997. The somatogenic hormones and insulin-like growth factor-1: stimulators of lymphopoiesis and immune function. Endocrine Reveiw 18, 157-179.
  • Edmonson, A.J., Lean, I.J., Weaver, L.D., Farver, T., Webster, G., 1989. A body condition scoring chart for Holstein Dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 72, 68-78.
  • Fenwick, M., A., Fitzpatrick, R., Kenny, D.A., Diskin, M.G., Patton, J., Murphy, J.J., Wathes, D.C., 2008. Interrelationships between negative energy balance (NEB) and IGF regulation in liver of lactating dairy cows. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 35, 31-44.
  • Gilbert, R.O., Shin, S.T., Guard, C.L., Erb, H.N., Frajblat, M., 2005. Prevalence of endometritis and its effects on reproductive Theriogenology 64, 1879-1888. of dairy cows.
  • Heemskerk, V., Daemen, M., Buurman, W., 1999. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone (GH) in immunity and inflammation. Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews 10, 5-14.
  • Heuwieser, W., Tenhagen, B.A., Tischer, M., Luhr, J., Blum, H., 2000. Effect of three programmes for the treatment of endometritis on the reproductive performance of a dairy herd. Veterinary Record 146, 338-341.
  • Kadivar, A., Ahmadi, M.R., Gheisari, H.R., Nazifi, S., 2012. Assessment of IGF-I as a factor influencing postpartum reproductive performance and ovarian condition in dairy cattle. Comparative Clinical Pathology 21, 589-596.
  • Kawashima, C., Fukihara, S., Maeda, M., Kaneko, E., Montoya, C.A., Matsui, M., Shimizu, T., Matsunaga, N., Kida, K., Miyake, Y., Schams, D., Miyamoto, A., 2007. Relationship between metabolic hormones and ovulation of dominant follicle during the first follicular wave post-partum in high-producing dairy cows. Reproduction 133, 155-163.
  • LeBlanc, S.J., Duffield, T.F., Leslie, K.E., Bateman, K.G., Keefe, G.P., Walton, J.S., Johnson, W.H., 2002. The effect of treatment of clinical endometritis on reproductive performance in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 85, 2237-2249.
  • Lucy, M.C., Jiang, H., Kobayashi, Y., 2001. Changes in the somatotrophic axis associated with the initiation of lactation. Journal of Dairy Science 84, 113-119.
  • Mehrzad, J., Dosogne, H., Meyer, E., Heyneman, R., Burvenich, C., 2001. Respiratory burst activity of blood and milk neutrophils in dairy cows during different stages of lactation. Journal of Dairy Research 68, 399-415.
  • Moreira da Silva, F., Burvenich, C., Massart-Le¨en, A.M., Bross´e, L., 1998. Assessment of blood neutrophil oxidative burst activity in dairy cows during the period of parturition. Animal Science 67, 421-426.
  • Nakada, K., 2006. How to improve reproductive efficacy from now in Japan? Find out the factors of late lactation to predict postpartum reproductive diseases. Journal Reproduction Development 52, 177-183.
  • Ortega, H.H., Palomar, M.M., Acosta, J.C., Salvetti, N.R., Dallard, B.E., Lorente, J.A., Barbeito, C.G., Gimeno, E.J., 2008. Insulin-like growth factor I in sera, ovarian follicles and follicular fluid of cows with spontaneous or induced cystic ovarian disease. Research Veterinary Science 84, 419-427.
  • Peter, A.T., 2004. An update on cystic ovarian degeneration in cattle. Reproduction of Domestic Animal 39, 1-7.
  • Ptak, E., Satoła, A., Czaja, H., 2004. Prediction of 305-day lactation milk, fat and protein yields using Legendre polynomials and test-day yields from different parts of lactation. Animal Science Papers and Reports 22, 173-183.
  • Radcliff, R.P., McCormack, B.L., Keisler, D.H., Crooker, B.A., Lucy, M.C., 2006. Partial feed restriction decreases growth hormone receptor 1A mRNA expression in postpartum dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 89, 611-616.
  • Roche, J., 2006. The effect of nutritional management of the dairy cow on reproductive efficiency. Animal Reproduction Science 96, 282-296.
  • SAS, 2005. Statistical analysis system package. Cary, NC: SAS Institute, Inc.
  • Sheldon, I.M., 2004. The postpartum uterus. Veterinary Clinics of Notrth America-Food Animal 20, 569-591.
  • Sheldon, I.M., Cronin, J., Goetze, L., Donofrio, G., Schuberth, H.J., 2009. Defining postpartum uterine disease and the mechanisms of ınfection and ımmunity in the female reproductive tract in cattle. Biology Reproduction 8, 1025-1032.
  • Sheldon, I.M., Noakes, D.E., Rycroft, A.N., Dobson, H., 2003. The effect of intrauterine administration of estradiol on postpartum uterine involution in cattle. Theriogenology 59, 1357-1371.
  • Sheldon, I.M., Noakes, D.E., Rycroft, A.N., Pfeiffer, D.U., Dobson, H., 2002. Influence of uterine bacterial contamination after parturition on ovarian dominant follicle selection and follicle growth and function in cattle. Reproduction 12, 837-845.
  • Stagg, K., Spicer, L.J., Sreenan, J.M., Roche, J.F., Diskin, M.G., 1998. Effect of calf isolation on follicular wave dynamics, gonadotropin and metabolic hormone changes, and interval to first ovulation in beef cows fed either of two energy levels postpartum. Biology of Reproduction 59, 777-783.
  • Taylor, V., Cheng, Z., Pushpakumara, P., Beever, D., Wathes, D., 2004. Relationships between the plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-1 in dairy cows and their fertility and milk yield. Veterinary Record 155, 583-588.
  • Vangroenweghe, F., Dosogne, H., Mehrzad, J., Burvenich, C., 2001. Effect of milk sampling techniques on milk composition, bacterial contamination, viability and functions of resident cells in milk. Veterinary Research 32, 565-579.
  • Vanholder, T., Leroy, J.L., Dewulf, J., Duchateau, L., Coryn, M., de Kruif, A.G.O., 2005. Hormonal and metabolic profiles of high-yielding dairy cows prior to ovarian cyst formation or first ovulation postpartum. Reproduction Domestic Animal 40, 460-467.
  • Vanholder, T., Opsomer, G., de Kruif, A., 2006. Aetiology and pathogenesis of cystic ovarian follicles in dairy cattle: a review. Reproduction Nutrition Devlopment 46, 105-119.
  • Williams, E.J., Fischer, D.P., Pfeiffer, D.U., England, G.C.W., Noakes, D.E., Dobson, H., Sheldon, I.M., 2005. Clinical evaluation of postpartum vaginal mucus reflects uterine bacterial infection and the immune response in cattle. Theriogenology 63, 102-117.
  • Zerbe, H., Schneider, N., Leibold, W., Wensing, T., Kruip, T.A., Schuberth, H.J., 2000. Altered functional and immunophenotypical properties of neutrophilic granulocytes in postpartum cows associated with fatty liver. Theriogenology 54, 771-786.
  • Zulu, V.C., Sawamukal, Y., Nakada, K., 2002. Relationship among insulin-like growth factor-I, blood metabolites and postpartum ovarian function in dairy cows. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Science 64, 657-665.

Sütçü İneklerde Doğum Öncesi ve Postpartum Endometritis ve Yumurtalık Kistlerinde IGF-I Düzeylerindeki İlişkinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2015, Volume: 41 Issue: 1, 12 - 20, 05.01.2015


Bu çalışma peripartum dönem sırasında normal durumdaki sütçü inekler ile puerperal endometritis ve yumurtalık kisti olan ineklerdeki IGF-1, esterleşmemiş yağ asitleri (NEFA), beta hidroksibutirat (BHB) ve glukoz düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi için gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma İran, Şiraz’da gebeliklerinin 9. ayında bulunan 87 adet laktasyondaki Siyah Alaca (doğum sayısı: 1-7) inekte yürütülmüştür. Buzağı doğumlarından 2 hafta öncesinden başlayarak doğumdan 6 hafta sonrasına kadar her 2 haftada bir kan örnekleri alınmıştır. Buzağı doğumlarından iki, dört ve altı hafta sonra ineklerin genital organlarının durumları rektal palpasyon ile değerlendirilmiştir. İneklerin vulva, perineum ya da kuyruk bölgesinde taze anormal akıntı varlığı yönünden incelendikten sonra intravajinal incelemesi de yapılmıştır. İnceleme sonrası, rahim ve yumurtalıkların ultrasonografik değerlendirilmesi yapılmış ve yumurtalık yapıları (palpe edilebilen folikül, CL ve kist) taranmıştır. Prepartum IGF-I düzeyleri kistik yumurtalıkları oluşan ineklerde kistik olmayanlara göre (35,89±9,09’a karşı 41,99±3,65 μg/L) ve erken postpartum dönemde klinik endometritli ineklerde sağlıklı ineklere göre (36,65±5,38’a karşı 43,64±4,32 μg/L) anlamlı olarak daha düşük bulunmuştur. Klinik yönden endometritli olmayan ineklerde doğum sonrası ilk tohumlama aralığı ve doğum sonrası östrus siklusunun yeniden başlama sürelerinin klinik yönden endometritli ineklere göre anlamlı olarak daha kısa bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, prepartum IGF-I düzeyi doğum sonrası endometritis ve kistik ovaryumun oluşumu ile ilişkili temel faktördür ve ortaya konulan bu sonuç çalışmanın önemli bir özelliğidir.


  • Battaglia, D.F., Krasa, H.B., Padmanabhan, V., Viguie, C., Karsch, F.J., 2000. Endocrine alterations that underlie endotoxin-induced disruption of the follicular phase in ewes. Biology of Reproduction 62, 45-53.
  • Beam, S., Butler, W., 1998 Energy balance, metabolic early hormones, development in dairy cows fed prilled lipid. Journal of Dairy Science 81, 121-131. postpartum follicular
  • Cairoli, F., Comin, A., Scocca, S., Fazzini, U., De Amicis, I., Battocchio, M., 2008. Hormonal and metabolic profiles in post partum ovarian cysts in dairy cows. Veterinary Research Communication 32, Supplement 1, S123-125.
  • Clark, R., 1997. The somatogenic hormones and insulin-like growth factor-1: stimulators of lymphopoiesis and immune function. Endocrine Reveiw 18, 157-179.
  • Edmonson, A.J., Lean, I.J., Weaver, L.D., Farver, T., Webster, G., 1989. A body condition scoring chart for Holstein Dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 72, 68-78.
  • Fenwick, M., A., Fitzpatrick, R., Kenny, D.A., Diskin, M.G., Patton, J., Murphy, J.J., Wathes, D.C., 2008. Interrelationships between negative energy balance (NEB) and IGF regulation in liver of lactating dairy cows. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 35, 31-44.
  • Gilbert, R.O., Shin, S.T., Guard, C.L., Erb, H.N., Frajblat, M., 2005. Prevalence of endometritis and its effects on reproductive Theriogenology 64, 1879-1888. of dairy cows.
  • Heemskerk, V., Daemen, M., Buurman, W., 1999. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone (GH) in immunity and inflammation. Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews 10, 5-14.
  • Heuwieser, W., Tenhagen, B.A., Tischer, M., Luhr, J., Blum, H., 2000. Effect of three programmes for the treatment of endometritis on the reproductive performance of a dairy herd. Veterinary Record 146, 338-341.
  • Kadivar, A., Ahmadi, M.R., Gheisari, H.R., Nazifi, S., 2012. Assessment of IGF-I as a factor influencing postpartum reproductive performance and ovarian condition in dairy cattle. Comparative Clinical Pathology 21, 589-596.
  • Kawashima, C., Fukihara, S., Maeda, M., Kaneko, E., Montoya, C.A., Matsui, M., Shimizu, T., Matsunaga, N., Kida, K., Miyake, Y., Schams, D., Miyamoto, A., 2007. Relationship between metabolic hormones and ovulation of dominant follicle during the first follicular wave post-partum in high-producing dairy cows. Reproduction 133, 155-163.
  • LeBlanc, S.J., Duffield, T.F., Leslie, K.E., Bateman, K.G., Keefe, G.P., Walton, J.S., Johnson, W.H., 2002. The effect of treatment of clinical endometritis on reproductive performance in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 85, 2237-2249.
  • Lucy, M.C., Jiang, H., Kobayashi, Y., 2001. Changes in the somatotrophic axis associated with the initiation of lactation. Journal of Dairy Science 84, 113-119.
  • Mehrzad, J., Dosogne, H., Meyer, E., Heyneman, R., Burvenich, C., 2001. Respiratory burst activity of blood and milk neutrophils in dairy cows during different stages of lactation. Journal of Dairy Research 68, 399-415.
  • Moreira da Silva, F., Burvenich, C., Massart-Le¨en, A.M., Bross´e, L., 1998. Assessment of blood neutrophil oxidative burst activity in dairy cows during the period of parturition. Animal Science 67, 421-426.
  • Nakada, K., 2006. How to improve reproductive efficacy from now in Japan? Find out the factors of late lactation to predict postpartum reproductive diseases. Journal Reproduction Development 52, 177-183.
  • Ortega, H.H., Palomar, M.M., Acosta, J.C., Salvetti, N.R., Dallard, B.E., Lorente, J.A., Barbeito, C.G., Gimeno, E.J., 2008. Insulin-like growth factor I in sera, ovarian follicles and follicular fluid of cows with spontaneous or induced cystic ovarian disease. Research Veterinary Science 84, 419-427.
  • Peter, A.T., 2004. An update on cystic ovarian degeneration in cattle. Reproduction of Domestic Animal 39, 1-7.
  • Ptak, E., Satoła, A., Czaja, H., 2004. Prediction of 305-day lactation milk, fat and protein yields using Legendre polynomials and test-day yields from different parts of lactation. Animal Science Papers and Reports 22, 173-183.
  • Radcliff, R.P., McCormack, B.L., Keisler, D.H., Crooker, B.A., Lucy, M.C., 2006. Partial feed restriction decreases growth hormone receptor 1A mRNA expression in postpartum dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 89, 611-616.
  • Roche, J., 2006. The effect of nutritional management of the dairy cow on reproductive efficiency. Animal Reproduction Science 96, 282-296.
  • SAS, 2005. Statistical analysis system package. Cary, NC: SAS Institute, Inc.
  • Sheldon, I.M., 2004. The postpartum uterus. Veterinary Clinics of Notrth America-Food Animal 20, 569-591.
  • Sheldon, I.M., Cronin, J., Goetze, L., Donofrio, G., Schuberth, H.J., 2009. Defining postpartum uterine disease and the mechanisms of ınfection and ımmunity in the female reproductive tract in cattle. Biology Reproduction 8, 1025-1032.
  • Sheldon, I.M., Noakes, D.E., Rycroft, A.N., Dobson, H., 2003. The effect of intrauterine administration of estradiol on postpartum uterine involution in cattle. Theriogenology 59, 1357-1371.
  • Sheldon, I.M., Noakes, D.E., Rycroft, A.N., Pfeiffer, D.U., Dobson, H., 2002. Influence of uterine bacterial contamination after parturition on ovarian dominant follicle selection and follicle growth and function in cattle. Reproduction 12, 837-845.
  • Stagg, K., Spicer, L.J., Sreenan, J.M., Roche, J.F., Diskin, M.G., 1998. Effect of calf isolation on follicular wave dynamics, gonadotropin and metabolic hormone changes, and interval to first ovulation in beef cows fed either of two energy levels postpartum. Biology of Reproduction 59, 777-783.
  • Taylor, V., Cheng, Z., Pushpakumara, P., Beever, D., Wathes, D., 2004. Relationships between the plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-1 in dairy cows and their fertility and milk yield. Veterinary Record 155, 583-588.
  • Vangroenweghe, F., Dosogne, H., Mehrzad, J., Burvenich, C., 2001. Effect of milk sampling techniques on milk composition, bacterial contamination, viability and functions of resident cells in milk. Veterinary Research 32, 565-579.
  • Vanholder, T., Leroy, J.L., Dewulf, J., Duchateau, L., Coryn, M., de Kruif, A.G.O., 2005. Hormonal and metabolic profiles of high-yielding dairy cows prior to ovarian cyst formation or first ovulation postpartum. Reproduction Domestic Animal 40, 460-467.
  • Vanholder, T., Opsomer, G., de Kruif, A., 2006. Aetiology and pathogenesis of cystic ovarian follicles in dairy cattle: a review. Reproduction Nutrition Devlopment 46, 105-119.
  • Williams, E.J., Fischer, D.P., Pfeiffer, D.U., England, G.C.W., Noakes, D.E., Dobson, H., Sheldon, I.M., 2005. Clinical evaluation of postpartum vaginal mucus reflects uterine bacterial infection and the immune response in cattle. Theriogenology 63, 102-117.
  • Zerbe, H., Schneider, N., Leibold, W., Wensing, T., Kruip, T.A., Schuberth, H.J., 2000. Altered functional and immunophenotypical properties of neutrophilic granulocytes in postpartum cows associated with fatty liver. Theriogenology 54, 771-786.
  • Zulu, V.C., Sawamukal, Y., Nakada, K., 2002. Relationship among insulin-like growth factor-I, blood metabolites and postpartum ovarian function in dairy cows. Journal of Veterinary Medicine Science 64, 657-665.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Mohammad Ahmadı

Ali Kadıvar This is me

Hamid Gheısarı This is me

Publication Date January 5, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 41 Issue: 1


APA Ahmadı, M., Kadıvar, A., & Gheısarı, H. (2015). Assessment of relationship between IGF-I concentration before parturition and postpartum endometritis and ovarian cysts in dairy cattle. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(1), 12-20.
AMA Ahmadı M, Kadıvar A, Gheısarı H. Assessment of relationship between IGF-I concentration before parturition and postpartum endometritis and ovarian cysts in dairy cattle. iuvfd. January 2015;41(1):12-20. doi:10.16988/iuvfd.2015.37648
Chicago Ahmadı, Mohammad, Ali Kadıvar, and Hamid Gheısarı. “Assessment of Relationship Between IGF-I Concentration before Parturition and Postpartum Endometritis and Ovarian Cysts in Dairy Cattle”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 41, no. 1 (January 2015): 12-20.
EndNote Ahmadı M, Kadıvar A, Gheısarı H (January 1, 2015) Assessment of relationship between IGF-I concentration before parturition and postpartum endometritis and ovarian cysts in dairy cattle. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 41 1 12–20.
IEEE M. Ahmadı, A. Kadıvar, and H. Gheısarı, “Assessment of relationship between IGF-I concentration before parturition and postpartum endometritis and ovarian cysts in dairy cattle”, iuvfd, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 12–20, 2015, doi: 10.16988/iuvfd.2015.37648.
ISNAD Ahmadı, Mohammad et al. “Assessment of Relationship Between IGF-I Concentration before Parturition and Postpartum Endometritis and Ovarian Cysts in Dairy Cattle”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 41/1 (January 2015), 12-20.
JAMA Ahmadı M, Kadıvar A, Gheısarı H. Assessment of relationship between IGF-I concentration before parturition and postpartum endometritis and ovarian cysts in dairy cattle. iuvfd. 2015;41:12–20.
MLA Ahmadı, Mohammad et al. “Assessment of Relationship Between IGF-I Concentration before Parturition and Postpartum Endometritis and Ovarian Cysts in Dairy Cattle”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 41, no. 1, 2015, pp. 12-20, doi:10.16988/iuvfd.2015.37648.
Vancouver Ahmadı M, Kadıvar A, Gheısarı H. Assessment of relationship between IGF-I concentration before parturition and postpartum endometritis and ovarian cysts in dairy cattle. iuvfd. 2015;41(1):12-20.