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Clinical Trials during Late Pregnancy in Mares: Prevention of Abortion

Year 2015, Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 129 - 137, 01.07.2015


The paper observed the influence of the integrated treatment of abortion in mares with the supplement Haemobalans® to replace high-turnover vitamins, amino acids and minerals; and probiotics BF-15® which contains Bifidobacterium bifidum. The aims of this study were to prove the application of Haemobalans and BF-15 as adaptogens during late gestation. We examined 60 healthy adult Thoroughbred mares that were divided into four equal groups (n=15) on the 270 - 300th days of gestation. Test animals received the following treatment: 1 intramuscular injection of Haemobalans in 3 days, in a dose of 1 ml per 45 kg of body weight. BF-15 was also given for 10 days: 20 ml of the oral solution with oats two times per day. Reflex-1 group was treated with the same dose of Haemobalans. Reflex-2 group was treated with the same dose of BF-15. Control animals were also examined. Blood samples were taken before the treatment and two weeks after it. First examination showed the basic level of investigated sources, the last one showed the result of the treatment. The difference between the data (which were obtained before and after treatment) was compared in each group. In case of significant differences between the data of the test group relative to the other three groups, we talked about the reliability of the outcomes. Tissue of placentae were taken after delivery, fixed with neutral formalin and stained with hematoxylin and eosin.  Zones of pathological changes were identified. Database of categorical data was created in placental study. Number of cases for markers of placental insufficiency (PI) was determined. In the personal database of one animal the presence of a pathological case was marked (1) and the absence was marked (0). The objective excess of (1) was regarded as PI.  The concentrations of glucose, total protein, creatinine, hemoglobin, vitamin B12, ESR, count of lymphocyte and MCHC in the test group were significantly higher: 16.4%; 10.78%; 17.87%; 11.7%; 9.5%; 14.7%; 22.2%, 10.5% higher respectively (P<0.05; in relation on the other groups). In the histological study, placentae of mares which were treated with Haemobalans held proliferation and vascular congestion of villi. Histological changes of placentae in the control group and the reflex-2 group included hyperemia and diapedesis into chorionic villi, protein degeneration of syncytiotrophoblast, shortened villi. Thus, the complex of medications improves metabolism better than the use of a single medicine.


  • Danilevskaya, N.V., 2004. Pharmacology Supplement in the Perinatal Period in Pregnant Mares. PhD thesis, Moscow Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Russia.
  • Fedorova, M.V., Kalashnikov, E.P., 1986. Placenta and Its Role in Pregnancy. Medicine, Moscow, pp. 156-231.
  • Filippov, O.S., 2009. Placental Insufficiency. MED press-Inform, Moscow, pp. 13-46.
  • Giles, R.C., Donahue, J.M., Hong, C.B., Turtle, P.A., Petrites- Murphy, M.B., Poonacha, K.B., Roberts, A.W., Tramontin, R.R., Smith, B., Swerczek, T.W., 1993. Causes of abortion, stillbirth and perinatal death in horses: 3,527 cases (1986-1991). Journal of American Veterinary Medicine Association 203, 1170-1175.
  • Glade, M., 1991. Dietary yeast culture supplementation of mares during late gestation and early lactation. 2. Effects on milk production, milk composition, weight gain and linear growth of nursling foals. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 11, 89-95.
  • Hong, C.B., Donahue, J.M., Giles, R.C., 1993. Etiology and patology of equine placentitis. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 1, 56-63.
  • Karpenko, L.Y., 2006. Clinical Biochemistry in the Diagnosis of Equine Diseases. Publisher SPbGAVM. St. Petersburg, pp 13-54.
  • Karpenko, L.Y., Andreev, A.B., 2007. The influence of the drug haemobalans on factors of nonspecific resistance horses. Pet Industry Journal 3, 17-19.
  • Karpenko, L.Y., Andreev, A.B., Bakhta, A.A., 2008. Experience of using a complex preparation Haemobalans in the correction of anemia in pregnant mares. Journal of Vitebsk Veterinary Academy 44, 116-117.
  • Knottenbelt, D.C., 2003. Equine Stud Farm Medicine and Surgery. Gardners Books. Edinburg, pp. 213-224.
  • Merkulov, G.0., 1961. Patologogistologicheskoy Technology. Medgiz. Leningrad, pp. 231-267.
  • Middleton, M.R., 2013. The statistical analysis using Microsoft® Excel for Office XP. BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, Moscow, pp. 105-128.
  • Ousey, J.C., Rossdale, P.D., 1993. Diagnosis of fetoplacental problem during pregnancy and in the early postpartum period. Comparative Neonatology/Perinatology Journal 25, 518-521.
  • Parey, C.A., 2005. Reproduktionsmedizin beim Pferd, Stuttgard, pp. 235-238.
  • Plemyashov, K.V., 2010. The Role of Vitamins for Animal Reproduction. Publisher SPbGAVM. St. Petersburg, pp. 34-58.
  • Potapova, A.Y., Bazhenova, N.B., Plemyashov, K.V., 2014. Experience in the application of probiotics in pregnant mares. Russian Veterinary Journal 2, 38-39.
  • Salamon, R.V., Salamon, Sz., Cskao-Kiss, Zs., Csapo, J., 2009. Composition of mare’s colostrum and milk. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Alimentaria 2, 119-131.
  • Samper, J.C., Jonathan, F., Pycock, B., McKinnon, A.O., 2006. Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction. Elsevier, Hardbound, pp. 345-348 and pp 398-412.
  • Sapozhnikov, A.G., Dorosevich, A.E., 2000. Histological and Microscopic Technique. ACS Smolensk, pp. 325-327
  • Shefer, K., 2010. Drug Therapy during Pregnancy and Lactation. Logosphere. Moscow, pp. 59-146.
  • Smolenskaya-Suvorova, O.O., 2009. The problem of prematurity and physiological immaturity in horse breeding. Horse Breeding and Equestrian Sports Journal 2, 29-32.
  • Trafalska, E., Grzybowska, K., 2004. Probiotics - an alternative for antibiotics. Journal Wiad Lek 57, 491-498.
  • Whitwell, K.Е., 2001. Turning beak the gestational clock: a holistic approach to investigation and interpreting the morbid evidence in equine fetal and foal losses. Comparative Neonatology/Perinatology Journal 44 4- 13.

Kısraklarda Son Gebelik Dönemindeki Klinik Çalışmalar: Yavru Atmaların Önlenmesi

Year 2015, Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 129 - 137, 01.07.2015


Çalışmada kısraklardaki düşüklerin yüksek-dönüşüm hızlı vitaminlerin, amino asitlerin ve minerallerin yerine geçmesi amacıyla bir tamamlayıcı olan Haemobalans® ve Bifidobacterium bifidum içeren probiotik BF-15 ile entegre tedavisinin etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada, geç gebelik döneminde uygulanan Haemobalans ve BF-15 gibi adoptojenlerin etkilerinin ispat edilmesi amaçlandı. Çalışmada, gebeliğin 270 - 300. günlerinde dört eşit gruba (n=15) ayrılan 60 sağlıklı erişkin İngiliz kısrak araştırıldı. Kullanılan kısraklara 3 gün içinde, her 45 kg vücut ağırlığına 1 ml dozda olacak şekilde Haemobalans® intramüsküler yolla uygulandı. BF-15 de 10 gün süreyle günde 2 kez yulaflı 20 ml oral solüsyon olarak verildi. Reflex-1 grubu aynı doz Haemobalans ile tedavi edildi. Reflex-2 grubu aynı doz
BF-15 ile tedavi edildi. Kontrol hayvanları da incelemeye alındı. Tedaviden önce ve tedaviden iki hafta sonra kan örnekleri alındı. İlk inceleme araştırılan kan değerlerinin temel düzeylerini gösterdi, son inceleme ise tedavinin sonucunu gösterdi. Her grupta veriler arasındaki fark (tedaviden önce ve sonra elde edilen) karşılaştırıldı. Test grubundaki verilerin diğer üç gruba oranla anlamlı farklı olduğu durumda, sonuçların güvenirliği tartışıldı. Doğumdan sonra plasenta dokusu alındı, nötral formalin ile sabitlendi ve hematoksilin ve eosin ile boyandı. Patolojik değişim alanları belirlendi. Plasenta çalışmasında kategoriksel bilgilerin veritabanı oluşturuldu. Plasental yetersizlik (PI) belirteçleri için vaka sayıları belirlendi. Bir hayvanın kişisel veritabanında patolojik vaka mevcudiyeti (1), eksikliği ise (0) olarak belirtildi. (1)’in objektif olarak fazlası PI olarak kabul edildi. Test grubunda glukoz, total protein, kreatinin, hemoglobin, B12 vitamini, ESR, lenfosit sayısı ve MCHC anlamlı olarak daha yüksek bulundu: tespit edilen değerler sırasıyla %16,4, %10,78, %17,8, %11,7, %9,5, %14,7, %22,2, %10,5 (P<0,05). Histolojik çalışmada, Haemobalans ile tedavi edilen kısrak plasentalarında proliferasyon ve villuslarda vasküler konjesyon oluştuğu gözlendi. Kontrol grubunda ve Reflex-2 grubundaki plasentaların histolojik değişiklikleri arasında koryonik villuslara diapedesis ve hiperemi ile villuslarda kısalma ve sinsitiyotrofoblastlarda protein dejenerasyonu, tespit edildi. Bu sonuçlar ışığında, çoklu ilaç kullanımının metabolizmayı tek ilaç kullanmaktan daha iyi onardığı kanısına varıldı.


  • Danilevskaya, N.V., 2004. Pharmacology Supplement in the Perinatal Period in Pregnant Mares. PhD thesis, Moscow Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Russia.
  • Fedorova, M.V., Kalashnikov, E.P., 1986. Placenta and Its Role in Pregnancy. Medicine, Moscow, pp. 156-231.
  • Filippov, O.S., 2009. Placental Insufficiency. MED press-Inform, Moscow, pp. 13-46.
  • Giles, R.C., Donahue, J.M., Hong, C.B., Turtle, P.A., Petrites- Murphy, M.B., Poonacha, K.B., Roberts, A.W., Tramontin, R.R., Smith, B., Swerczek, T.W., 1993. Causes of abortion, stillbirth and perinatal death in horses: 3,527 cases (1986-1991). Journal of American Veterinary Medicine Association 203, 1170-1175.
  • Glade, M., 1991. Dietary yeast culture supplementation of mares during late gestation and early lactation. 2. Effects on milk production, milk composition, weight gain and linear growth of nursling foals. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 11, 89-95.
  • Hong, C.B., Donahue, J.M., Giles, R.C., 1993. Etiology and patology of equine placentitis. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 1, 56-63.
  • Karpenko, L.Y., 2006. Clinical Biochemistry in the Diagnosis of Equine Diseases. Publisher SPbGAVM. St. Petersburg, pp 13-54.
  • Karpenko, L.Y., Andreev, A.B., 2007. The influence of the drug haemobalans on factors of nonspecific resistance horses. Pet Industry Journal 3, 17-19.
  • Karpenko, L.Y., Andreev, A.B., Bakhta, A.A., 2008. Experience of using a complex preparation Haemobalans in the correction of anemia in pregnant mares. Journal of Vitebsk Veterinary Academy 44, 116-117.
  • Knottenbelt, D.C., 2003. Equine Stud Farm Medicine and Surgery. Gardners Books. Edinburg, pp. 213-224.
  • Merkulov, G.0., 1961. Patologogistologicheskoy Technology. Medgiz. Leningrad, pp. 231-267.
  • Middleton, M.R., 2013. The statistical analysis using Microsoft® Excel for Office XP. BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, Moscow, pp. 105-128.
  • Ousey, J.C., Rossdale, P.D., 1993. Diagnosis of fetoplacental problem during pregnancy and in the early postpartum period. Comparative Neonatology/Perinatology Journal 25, 518-521.
  • Parey, C.A., 2005. Reproduktionsmedizin beim Pferd, Stuttgard, pp. 235-238.
  • Plemyashov, K.V., 2010. The Role of Vitamins for Animal Reproduction. Publisher SPbGAVM. St. Petersburg, pp. 34-58.
  • Potapova, A.Y., Bazhenova, N.B., Plemyashov, K.V., 2014. Experience in the application of probiotics in pregnant mares. Russian Veterinary Journal 2, 38-39.
  • Salamon, R.V., Salamon, Sz., Cskao-Kiss, Zs., Csapo, J., 2009. Composition of mare’s colostrum and milk. Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Alimentaria 2, 119-131.
  • Samper, J.C., Jonathan, F., Pycock, B., McKinnon, A.O., 2006. Current Therapy in Equine Reproduction. Elsevier, Hardbound, pp. 345-348 and pp 398-412.
  • Sapozhnikov, A.G., Dorosevich, A.E., 2000. Histological and Microscopic Technique. ACS Smolensk, pp. 325-327
  • Shefer, K., 2010. Drug Therapy during Pregnancy and Lactation. Logosphere. Moscow, pp. 59-146.
  • Smolenskaya-Suvorova, O.O., 2009. The problem of prematurity and physiological immaturity in horse breeding. Horse Breeding and Equestrian Sports Journal 2, 29-32.
  • Trafalska, E., Grzybowska, K., 2004. Probiotics - an alternative for antibiotics. Journal Wiad Lek 57, 491-498.
  • Whitwell, K.Е., 2001. Turning beak the gestational clock: a holistic approach to investigation and interpreting the morbid evidence in equine fetal and foal losses. Comparative Neonatology/Perinatology Journal 44 4- 13.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Kirill Plemyashov This is me

Anna Potapova This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 41 Issue: 2


APA Plemyashov, K., & Potapova, A. (2015). Clinical Trials during Late Pregnancy in Mares: Prevention of Abortion. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 41(2), 129-137.
AMA Plemyashov K, Potapova A. Clinical Trials during Late Pregnancy in Mares: Prevention of Abortion. iuvfd. August 2015;41(2):129-137. doi:10.16988/iuvfd.2015.94892
Chicago Plemyashov, Kirill, and Anna Potapova. “Clinical Trials During Late Pregnancy in Mares: Prevention of Abortion”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 41, no. 2 (August 2015): 129-37.
EndNote Plemyashov K, Potapova A (August 1, 2015) Clinical Trials during Late Pregnancy in Mares: Prevention of Abortion. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 41 2 129–137.
IEEE K. Plemyashov and A. Potapova, “Clinical Trials during Late Pregnancy in Mares: Prevention of Abortion”, iuvfd, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 129–137, 2015, doi: 10.16988/iuvfd.2015.94892.
ISNAD Plemyashov, Kirill - Potapova, Anna. “Clinical Trials During Late Pregnancy in Mares: Prevention of Abortion”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 41/2 (August 2015), 129-137.
JAMA Plemyashov K, Potapova A. Clinical Trials during Late Pregnancy in Mares: Prevention of Abortion. iuvfd. 2015;41:129–137.
MLA Plemyashov, Kirill and Anna Potapova. “Clinical Trials During Late Pregnancy in Mares: Prevention of Abortion”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 41, no. 2, 2015, pp. 129-37, doi:10.16988/iuvfd.2015.94892.
Vancouver Plemyashov K, Potapova A. Clinical Trials during Late Pregnancy in Mares: Prevention of Abortion. iuvfd. 2015;41(2):129-37.