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Oymapınar Barajı Tetiklenmiş Depremselliği ve Deprem Karakteristiklerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2009, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 49 - 66, 20.03.2012


Inducued Seismicty of Oymapınar Dam and Investigation of Earthquake Characteristics 


  • Assumpçao, M., Marza, V., Barros, L., Chimpliganond, C., Soares, E.J., Carvalho, J., Caixeta, D., Amorim, A., Cabral, E., 2002, Reservoir induced seismicity in Brazil, Pure and Appl. Geophs., 159, 597-612.
  • Bath, M., 1965, Lateral inhomogeneities in the upper mantle, Tectonophsics, vol: 2,483-514.
  • Berg, E., 1968, Relation between earthquake foreshock stress and main shocks, Nature, 219, 1141-1143.
  • Carder, D.S., 1945, Seismic investigations in the Bouldeer Dam area, 1940-1944, and the influence of reservoir loading on earthquake activity. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 35, 175-192.
  • Chadha, R. K., Kuempel, H.-J., Shekar, M., 2008, Reservoir Triggered Seismicity (RTS) and well water level response in the Koyna–Warna region, India, Tectonophysics, 456, 94-102.
  • Chaudhury, H.M. and Srivastava, H.N., 1973, The time of occurrence and the magnitude of the largest aftershock over India, Pure and Appl. Geophys, 105, 770-780.
  • Enescu, B. and Ito, K., 2002, Spatial analysis of frequency distribution and decay rate of aftershock activity of the 2000 Western Tottori earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 54, 847-2002.
  • Frohlich, C. and Davis, S., 1993, Teleseismic b values: or, much ado about 1.0, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 631-644.
  • Guo, Z. and Ogata, Y., 1997, Statistical relations between the parameters of aftershocks in time, space and magnitude, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol: 102, No: B2, 2857-2873.
  • Gupta, H.K., Mohan, I. and Narain H., 1972, The Broach earthquake of March 23, 1970, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 62, 47-61.
  • Gupta, H.K. and Rastogi B.K., 1976, Dams and Earthquakes, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 0-444-41330-8.
  • Gupta, H.K. and Chadha, R.K., 1995, Induced Seismicity, Birkhauser, Basel-Boston-Berlin, 3-7643-5237-X.
  • Gupta, H.K, 2002, A reviewof recent studies of triggered earthquakes by artificial water reservoirs with special emphasis on earthquakes in Koyna, India, 58, 279-310.
  • Gupta, H.K., 2005, Artificial water reservoir-triggered earthquakes with special emphasis at Koyna, Current Science, vol:88, no:10, 1628-1631.
  • Gutenberg, R. and Richter, C.F., 1954, Earthquake magnitude, intensity, energy and acceleration, Bull. Seis and Soc. Am., 32, 163-191.
  • Kangi, A., and Heidari, N., 2008, Reservoir induced seismicty in Karun III dam (Southwestern Iran), J. Seismolgy, 12, 519-527.
  • Kisslinger, C. and Jones, L.M., 1991, Properties of afterschocks sequences in Southern California, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 11, 947- 11, 958
  • Kisslinger, C., 1996, Aftershock and fault-zone properties, Adv. Geophys., 38, 1-36.
  • Kocabaş, G. ve Ada, E., 1988, Oymapınar Baraj Gölünün Depremler Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması, Deprem Araştırma Bülteni, 60, 37-144.
  • Kocabaş, G. ve Ada, E., 1992, Oymapınar Baraj Gölünün Depremler Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması, DSİ Rapor V, 1-18.
  • Kocabaş, G. ve Ada, E., 1998, Oymapınar Baraj Gölünün Depremler Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması, DSİ Rapor VI, 1-18.
  • Liu, Z.R., 1986, Earthquake frequency and prediction, Bull. Sais. Soc. Am., 74, 255-265.
  • McClusky, S., Balassanian, S., Barka, A., Demir, C., Ergintav, S., Georgiev, I., Gurkan, O., Hamburger, M., Hurst, K., Kahle, H., Kastens, K., Kekelidze, G., King, R., Kotzev, V., Lenk, O., Mahmoud, S., Mishin, A., Nadariya, M., Ouzounis, A., Paradissis, D., Peter, Y., Prilepin, M., Reilinger, R., Sanli, I., Seeger, H., Tealeb, A., Toksöz, M.N., Veis, G., 2000, Global positioning system constrains on plate kinematics and dynamics in the eastern Mediterraneanand Gucasus : Journal of Geophyscial Research, V. 105, no.B3, 5695-5719.
  • Mc Evilly, T.V., and Casaday, K.B., 1967, The earthquake sequence of september 1965 Near Antioch, California, Bull. Seimol. Soc. Am., 57, 113-124.
  • Mc Evilly, T.V., Bakun, W.W.H. and Casaday, K.B., 1967, The Parkfield, California, earthquakes of 1966, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 57, 1221-1224.
  • Mekkawi, M., Grasso, Jr., Schnegg, P.A., 2004, A long-lasting relaxation of seismicity at Aswan reservoir Egypt, 1982-2001, Bulletin of the Seismological of Society of America, 94, 479-492.
  • Mogi, K., 1962, Study of elastic shocks caused by the fracture of heterogeneous materials and its relation to earthquake phenomena, Bull. Eartquake Res. Int., univ. Tokyo, 40, 125-173.
  • Mogi, K., 1963, Some discussions on aftershocks, foreshocks and earthquake swarms-the fracture of a semi-infinite body caused by an inner stress origin and its relation to the earthquake phenomena, Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst., 41, 615-658.
  • Mogi, K., 1967, Regional variation of aftershock activitiy, Bull. Earthquake. Res. Inst. Univ. Tokyo, 46, 175-203.
  • Olsson, R., 1999, An estimation of the maximum b value in the Gutenber-Richter relation, Geodynamics, 27, 547-552.
  • Papazachos, B.C., 1974, On the Relation between certain artificial lakes and the associated seismic sequences, Paper Presented at Int. Collog. on Seismic Effects of Reservoir Impounding, The Royal Society, London, March, 1973.
  • Papazachos, B., Delibasis, N., Liapis, N., Moumoulidis, G. and Purcasu, G., 1967, Aftershock sequence of some large earthquakes in the region Greece, Ann. Geofia. (Rome), 20, 1-93.
  • Rastogi, B.K., Chadha, R.K. and Sarma, S.P., 1995, Inverstigation of June 7, 1988 earthquake magnitude 4.5 near Iddukki dam in Southern India, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 145, no:1, 109-122.
  • Rastogi, B.K., Mandal, P. and Kumar, N., 1997, Seismicity around Dhamni Dam, Maharastra, India, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 150, 493-509.
  • Scholz, C.H., 1968, The frequency-magnitude relation of microfracturing in rock and its relation to earthquakes, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 58, 399-415.
  • Simpson, D.W., Leith, W.S. and Scholz C.H., 1988, Two types of reservoir-induced seismicity, 78, 6, 2025-2040.
  • Turcotte, D.L., 1986, A fractal model of crustal deformation, Tectonophy, 132, 261-269.
  • Utsu, T., 1957, Magnitude of Earthquakes and Occurrence of Their Afterschocks, J. Seism., Soc., Japan, II, 10, 35-45.
  • Utsu, T., 1961, A statistical study on the occurrence of aftershocks, Geophys. Mag. (Tokyo), 30 (4), 523-605.
  • Utsu, T., 1969, Aftershocks and earthquake statistic I. some parameters which characterize an aftershock sequence and their interrelations, J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. 7 (Geophysics), 3, 129-195.
  • Utsu, T., 1971, Aftershock and Earthquake Statistic (III): Analyses of the Distribution of Earthquakes in Magnitude, Time and Space with Special Consideration to Clustering Characteristics of Earthquake Occurrence (1), j. faculty Sci., Hokkaido University, Ser., VIII (Geophys.), 3, 379-441.
  • Utsu, T., Ogata, Y., and Matsu’ura, R.S., 1995, The centerary of the Omori formula for a decay law of afterschock activity, J. Phys. Earth, 43, 1-33.
  • Warren, N.W. and Latham, G.V., 1970, An experimental study of thermally induced microfracturing and its relation to volcanic seismicity, J. Geophys. Res., 75, 4455-4464.
  • Wessel, P. and W.H.F., Smıth, 1998, New, improved version of the Generic Mapping Tools released, EOS Trans. AGU, 79, 579.
  • Wiemer, S. and Mcnutt, S., 1997, Variations in frequency-magnitüde distribution with depth in two volcanic areas: Mounth St. Helens. Washington, and Mt. Spurr, Alaska, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 189-192.
  • Wiemer, S. and Katsumata, K., 1999, Spatial variability of seimicity parameters in aftershock zones, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 13135-13151.
  • Wiemer, S. and Mcnutt, S. And Wyss, M., 1998, Temporal and three-dimensional spatial analysis of the frequency-magnitude distribution near Long Valley Caldera, California., Geophys. J. Int., 134, 409-421.
  • Wyss, M., Shimazaki, K., and Wiemer, S., 1997, Mapping active magma chambers by b value beneath Off-Izu Volcano, Japan, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 20, 413-20, 433.
  • Yağmurlu, F. ve Şentürk, M., 2005, Güneybatı Anadolu’nun güncel tektonik yapısı, Türkiye Kuvaterner Sempozyumu, TURQUA-V, 55-61.,,,
Year 2009, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 49 - 66, 20.03.2012



  • Assumpçao, M., Marza, V., Barros, L., Chimpliganond, C., Soares, E.J., Carvalho, J., Caixeta, D., Amorim, A., Cabral, E., 2002, Reservoir induced seismicity in Brazil, Pure and Appl. Geophs., 159, 597-612.
  • Bath, M., 1965, Lateral inhomogeneities in the upper mantle, Tectonophsics, vol: 2,483-514.
  • Berg, E., 1968, Relation between earthquake foreshock stress and main shocks, Nature, 219, 1141-1143.
  • Carder, D.S., 1945, Seismic investigations in the Bouldeer Dam area, 1940-1944, and the influence of reservoir loading on earthquake activity. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 35, 175-192.
  • Chadha, R. K., Kuempel, H.-J., Shekar, M., 2008, Reservoir Triggered Seismicity (RTS) and well water level response in the Koyna–Warna region, India, Tectonophysics, 456, 94-102.
  • Chaudhury, H.M. and Srivastava, H.N., 1973, The time of occurrence and the magnitude of the largest aftershock over India, Pure and Appl. Geophys, 105, 770-780.
  • Enescu, B. and Ito, K., 2002, Spatial analysis of frequency distribution and decay rate of aftershock activity of the 2000 Western Tottori earthquake, Earth Planets Space, 54, 847-2002.
  • Frohlich, C. and Davis, S., 1993, Teleseismic b values: or, much ado about 1.0, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 631-644.
  • Guo, Z. and Ogata, Y., 1997, Statistical relations between the parameters of aftershocks in time, space and magnitude, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol: 102, No: B2, 2857-2873.
  • Gupta, H.K., Mohan, I. and Narain H., 1972, The Broach earthquake of March 23, 1970, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 62, 47-61.
  • Gupta, H.K. and Rastogi B.K., 1976, Dams and Earthquakes, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 0-444-41330-8.
  • Gupta, H.K. and Chadha, R.K., 1995, Induced Seismicity, Birkhauser, Basel-Boston-Berlin, 3-7643-5237-X.
  • Gupta, H.K, 2002, A reviewof recent studies of triggered earthquakes by artificial water reservoirs with special emphasis on earthquakes in Koyna, India, 58, 279-310.
  • Gupta, H.K., 2005, Artificial water reservoir-triggered earthquakes with special emphasis at Koyna, Current Science, vol:88, no:10, 1628-1631.
  • Gutenberg, R. and Richter, C.F., 1954, Earthquake magnitude, intensity, energy and acceleration, Bull. Seis and Soc. Am., 32, 163-191.
  • Kangi, A., and Heidari, N., 2008, Reservoir induced seismicty in Karun III dam (Southwestern Iran), J. Seismolgy, 12, 519-527.
  • Kisslinger, C. and Jones, L.M., 1991, Properties of afterschocks sequences in Southern California, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 11, 947- 11, 958
  • Kisslinger, C., 1996, Aftershock and fault-zone properties, Adv. Geophys., 38, 1-36.
  • Kocabaş, G. ve Ada, E., 1988, Oymapınar Baraj Gölünün Depremler Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması, Deprem Araştırma Bülteni, 60, 37-144.
  • Kocabaş, G. ve Ada, E., 1992, Oymapınar Baraj Gölünün Depremler Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması, DSİ Rapor V, 1-18.
  • Kocabaş, G. ve Ada, E., 1998, Oymapınar Baraj Gölünün Depremler Üzerine Etkisinin Araştırılması, DSİ Rapor VI, 1-18.
  • Liu, Z.R., 1986, Earthquake frequency and prediction, Bull. Sais. Soc. Am., 74, 255-265.
  • McClusky, S., Balassanian, S., Barka, A., Demir, C., Ergintav, S., Georgiev, I., Gurkan, O., Hamburger, M., Hurst, K., Kahle, H., Kastens, K., Kekelidze, G., King, R., Kotzev, V., Lenk, O., Mahmoud, S., Mishin, A., Nadariya, M., Ouzounis, A., Paradissis, D., Peter, Y., Prilepin, M., Reilinger, R., Sanli, I., Seeger, H., Tealeb, A., Toksöz, M.N., Veis, G., 2000, Global positioning system constrains on plate kinematics and dynamics in the eastern Mediterraneanand Gucasus : Journal of Geophyscial Research, V. 105, no.B3, 5695-5719.
  • Mc Evilly, T.V., and Casaday, K.B., 1967, The earthquake sequence of september 1965 Near Antioch, California, Bull. Seimol. Soc. Am., 57, 113-124.
  • Mc Evilly, T.V., Bakun, W.W.H. and Casaday, K.B., 1967, The Parkfield, California, earthquakes of 1966, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 57, 1221-1224.
  • Mekkawi, M., Grasso, Jr., Schnegg, P.A., 2004, A long-lasting relaxation of seismicity at Aswan reservoir Egypt, 1982-2001, Bulletin of the Seismological of Society of America, 94, 479-492.
  • Mogi, K., 1962, Study of elastic shocks caused by the fracture of heterogeneous materials and its relation to earthquake phenomena, Bull. Eartquake Res. Int., univ. Tokyo, 40, 125-173.
  • Mogi, K., 1963, Some discussions on aftershocks, foreshocks and earthquake swarms-the fracture of a semi-infinite body caused by an inner stress origin and its relation to the earthquake phenomena, Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst., 41, 615-658.
  • Mogi, K., 1967, Regional variation of aftershock activitiy, Bull. Earthquake. Res. Inst. Univ. Tokyo, 46, 175-203.
  • Olsson, R., 1999, An estimation of the maximum b value in the Gutenber-Richter relation, Geodynamics, 27, 547-552.
  • Papazachos, B.C., 1974, On the Relation between certain artificial lakes and the associated seismic sequences, Paper Presented at Int. Collog. on Seismic Effects of Reservoir Impounding, The Royal Society, London, March, 1973.
  • Papazachos, B., Delibasis, N., Liapis, N., Moumoulidis, G. and Purcasu, G., 1967, Aftershock sequence of some large earthquakes in the region Greece, Ann. Geofia. (Rome), 20, 1-93.
  • Rastogi, B.K., Chadha, R.K. and Sarma, S.P., 1995, Inverstigation of June 7, 1988 earthquake magnitude 4.5 near Iddukki dam in Southern India, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 145, no:1, 109-122.
  • Rastogi, B.K., Mandal, P. and Kumar, N., 1997, Seismicity around Dhamni Dam, Maharastra, India, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 150, 493-509.
  • Scholz, C.H., 1968, The frequency-magnitude relation of microfracturing in rock and its relation to earthquakes, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 58, 399-415.
  • Simpson, D.W., Leith, W.S. and Scholz C.H., 1988, Two types of reservoir-induced seismicity, 78, 6, 2025-2040.
  • Turcotte, D.L., 1986, A fractal model of crustal deformation, Tectonophy, 132, 261-269.
  • Utsu, T., 1957, Magnitude of Earthquakes and Occurrence of Their Afterschocks, J. Seism., Soc., Japan, II, 10, 35-45.
  • Utsu, T., 1961, A statistical study on the occurrence of aftershocks, Geophys. Mag. (Tokyo), 30 (4), 523-605.
  • Utsu, T., 1969, Aftershocks and earthquake statistic I. some parameters which characterize an aftershock sequence and their interrelations, J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. Ser. 7 (Geophysics), 3, 129-195.
  • Utsu, T., 1971, Aftershock and Earthquake Statistic (III): Analyses of the Distribution of Earthquakes in Magnitude, Time and Space with Special Consideration to Clustering Characteristics of Earthquake Occurrence (1), j. faculty Sci., Hokkaido University, Ser., VIII (Geophys.), 3, 379-441.
  • Utsu, T., Ogata, Y., and Matsu’ura, R.S., 1995, The centerary of the Omori formula for a decay law of afterschock activity, J. Phys. Earth, 43, 1-33.
  • Warren, N.W. and Latham, G.V., 1970, An experimental study of thermally induced microfracturing and its relation to volcanic seismicity, J. Geophys. Res., 75, 4455-4464.
  • Wessel, P. and W.H.F., Smıth, 1998, New, improved version of the Generic Mapping Tools released, EOS Trans. AGU, 79, 579.
  • Wiemer, S. and Mcnutt, S., 1997, Variations in frequency-magnitüde distribution with depth in two volcanic areas: Mounth St. Helens. Washington, and Mt. Spurr, Alaska, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 189-192.
  • Wiemer, S. and Katsumata, K., 1999, Spatial variability of seimicity parameters in aftershock zones, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 13135-13151.
  • Wiemer, S. and Mcnutt, S. And Wyss, M., 1998, Temporal and three-dimensional spatial analysis of the frequency-magnitude distribution near Long Valley Caldera, California., Geophys. J. Int., 134, 409-421.
  • Wyss, M., Shimazaki, K., and Wiemer, S., 1997, Mapping active magma chambers by b value beneath Off-Izu Volcano, Japan, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 20, 413-20, 433.
  • Yağmurlu, F. ve Şentürk, M., 2005, Güneybatı Anadolu’nun güncel tektonik yapısı, Türkiye Kuvaterner Sempozyumu, TURQUA-V, 55-61.,,,
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Hande AYKURT Yıldız Altınok This is me

Publication Date March 20, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 22 Issue: 1


APA Yıldız Altınok, H. A. (2012). Oymapınar Barajı Tetiklenmiş Depremselliği ve Deprem Karakteristiklerinin İncelenmesi. İstanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 22(1), 49-66.
AMA Yıldız Altınok HA. Oymapınar Barajı Tetiklenmiş Depremselliği ve Deprem Karakteristiklerinin İncelenmesi. İstanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi. March 2012;22(1):49-66.
Chicago Yıldız Altınok, Hande AYKURT. “Oymapınar Barajı Tetiklenmiş Depremselliği Ve Deprem Karakteristiklerinin İncelenmesi”. İstanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi 22, no. 1 (March 2012): 49-66.
EndNote Yıldız Altınok HA (March 1, 2012) Oymapınar Barajı Tetiklenmiş Depremselliği ve Deprem Karakteristiklerinin İncelenmesi. İstanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi 22 1 49–66.
IEEE H. A. Yıldız Altınok, “Oymapınar Barajı Tetiklenmiş Depremselliği ve Deprem Karakteristiklerinin İncelenmesi”, İstanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 49–66, 2012.
ISNAD Yıldız Altınok, Hande AYKURT. “Oymapınar Barajı Tetiklenmiş Depremselliği Ve Deprem Karakteristiklerinin İncelenmesi”. İstanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi 22/1 (March 2012), 49-66.
JAMA Yıldız Altınok HA. Oymapınar Barajı Tetiklenmiş Depremselliği ve Deprem Karakteristiklerinin İncelenmesi. İstanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi. 2012;22:49–66.
MLA Yıldız Altınok, Hande AYKURT. “Oymapınar Barajı Tetiklenmiş Depremselliği Ve Deprem Karakteristiklerinin İncelenmesi”. İstanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 1, 2012, pp. 49-66.
Vancouver Yıldız Altınok HA. Oymapınar Barajı Tetiklenmiş Depremselliği ve Deprem Karakteristiklerinin İncelenmesi. İstanbul Yerbilimleri Dergisi. 2012;22(1):49-66.