Writing Rules

A. General Conditions

Equinox, Journal of Economics, Business & Political Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published at least twice a year.

The language of the journal is Turkish, English articles can also be published.

Of articles submitted to the journal should be published anywhere before and must be previously entered in the evaluation process to be published anywhere.

Articles submitted to the journal are sent to arbitration if preconditions meet. Publication board decides to publish the article or not in accordance with arbitration reports. Unpublished articles will not be returned to the author.

Scientific responsibility of the articles published in journals belong to the authors.

After published in the Journal, all copyrights of the article belongs to Journal of Economic Innovation. The author of the unpublished articles is not paid royalty rate.

B. Terms of Writing Articles

Articles can be prepared in rtf, doc or docx format.

The name of the artical file must be saved giving surnames of the authors. The article can be written to the file or can be brought in the appropriate manner by copy / paste method.

Articles, with Microsoft Office Word program "Times New Roman 12 point" character and a "1" line spacing should be written.

A4 page structure should be chosen; left, right, top and bottom edges of "2.5 cm" clearance. Should not indent the beginning of paragraphs and between paragraphs must be a space.

The article should have summaries in Turkish; in English in the end of article. Both summaries should not exceed 150 words.  Turkish and English separately, at least 3, and at most 5 keywords should be given.

Turkish and foreign languages' titles should be included in the article.

In the journal, referencing;  in the text, author's surname and publication year should be given in brackets. Example: (Cem, 2009: 26).

Utilized resources should be shown in "Bibliography" respectively last name and in alphabetical order on a separate page, in the end of the article.

The authors should indicate JEL code in the articles submitted for publication. JEL code should be written at the bottom of the specified keywords written in Turkish or other languages. JEL code can be reached at the address below.



Arbitrator Evaluation Process

Journal of Economic Innovation  is a peer-reviewed journal. The purpose of the Arbitrator Evaluation Process is to ensure the publication of high scientific works which has high quality, high impact and originality. All articles submitted to publication in the Journal of Economic Innovation is undergoing Arbitrator Evaluation Process referred to below.

-Preliminary Consideration

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are subject to a preliminary assessment by the Editors. The articles not covered journal or do not fit the format of a scientific paper in terms of content and form requirements is reversed before the arbitration process initiated or some changes may be required.

-Arbitrator Policy

Journal of Economic Innovation , at every stage of the process, uses the double-blind refereeing system keeping confidential the names of arbitrators and authors.

-Arbitrator Evaluation

The articles passing pre-evaluation stage will be sent to the two arbitrators selected by the editors. Arbitrators are selected from the referee-pool considering their areas of expertise. Arbitrators evaluate writings submitted to them in terms of originality, contributing to the field, expressing the problem and to examine with a critical overview of the relevant literature, methods, presenting of the findings, discussing about the results correlating the literature and specifying the implications. Arbitrators may accept the article or reject, or may ask authors to do fixes for form or for self.  To be considered for publication an article, at least two arbitrators are required to report positive opinion. If one of the reports is positive and another one is negative, the article is sent to a third arbitrator.

Upon the request of the correction of arbitrator or arbitrators, author / authors send the required corrections to the editor back in with a text explaining the correction they did considering criticism and recommendations made by arbitrators; and requested corrections must be completed within 30 days.

The arbitrators may require multiple correction for the same article.

The articles not accepted for publication will not be returned to the authors.

-Final Evaluation

The last assessment for all articles which are ready for publication and have received a favorable opinion by the arbitrators is made by the editors. Articles is taken in the order of publication if the editor decides to publish the article.

- Length of the Arbitrator Review Process

Arbitrator Review Process can sometimes take a long time because of unwanted reasons. Under normal circumstances, preliminary evaluation phase is planned as a week and arbitrator review process is planned as a month by the editors. Arbitrator review process may extend if arbitrators don't give an opinion in time, or if it is assigned a new arbitrator etc.

Author / authors who sent an article to Journal of Economic Innovation are considered to have accepted arbitrator evaluation conditions and process.