Dr. Genc worked in various countries like the USA, Canada, Germany and France. By doing so he became aware of “Thinking Globally and Acting Locally’’. After returning back to Turkey, he continued to his business & teaching & research venture and he has been serving as full-time Prof at four different universities.
During his academic life, he shared his experiences with students
and other academicians. He specialized in Management and Strategy with special application in logistics and Tourism Management. Between various courses he taught, Cross-Cultural Management, Business Negotiations and Dispute Solving Methods (DSM), Tourism Management, International Hotel and Restaurant Management were just a few to mention at this point which might be useful to understand his international ties. He is a full-time faculty member of Turkish-German University in Istanbul at the present time.
Technical University of Istanbul, BS
University of Istanbul, MS
University of Istanbul, PhD
Management & Strategy, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Prof. Dr.
Fluent in English, French & German and Turkish
Some Academic Works (MAINLY LAST 5 YEARS !!!)
1) Genc, R., “The Methods and Concepts of Logistics and Supply Chain Management,” Amazon, ISBN: 978-1463743925 (2015).
2) Genc, R., “International Hotel and Restaurant Management, Modern Approaches”, Amazon. ISBN: 978-1496061171 (2015).
3) Genc, R., “The Methods and Concepts of International Management”, Amazon. ISBN: 978-149-2827-63-4 (2014).
4) Genc, R., “Uluslararası Otel ve Restoran Yönetimi (İlkeler, Kavramlar, Uluslararası Kaide ve Kurallar)”, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara, ISBN: 978-605-4940-26-4 (2014).
1) Genc, R., (2019) Production of Cultural Heritage in Smaller Communities: Slum Tourism in Creative Tourism and Sustainable Development in Smaller Communities, University of Calgary Press
2) Genc, R., The Impact of Augmented Reality Technology on Tourist Satisfaction, in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, 109-116 (2018) Springer, London
3) Genc, R., Gastronomy in a Co-creation Context, in Co-Creation in Tourist Experiences, (2017), Routledge, New York, London, ISBN: 978113818330-8
4) Genc, R., Value Creation Through Heritage and Identity, in Co-Creation in Tourist Experiences, 2017, Routledge, New York, London, ISBN: 978113818330-8
5) Genc, R., “Physical, Psychological, and Social Aspects of QOL Medical Tourism”, Handbook of Tourism and Quality-of-Life Research, Virginia Tech, Springer (2012).
6) Genc, R., “Tourist Consumption Behavior and Quality of Life”, Handbook of Tourism and Quality-of-Life Research, Virginia Tech, Springer (2012).
7) Genc, R., “Subjective Aspects of Tourists' Quality-of-Life (QOL)”, Handbook of
Tourism and Quality-of-Life Research, Virginia Tech, Springer (2012).
8) Genc, R., “Cultural Routes as a tool for sustainable tourism and Socio-Economic development”, In Advances in hospitality, tourism and the services industry (AHTSI) book series (pp. 17–31), IGI Global, (2022).
9) Genc, R., “Cultural Routes as a tool for sustainable tourism and Socio-Economic development”, In Advances in hospitality, tourism and the services industry (AHTSI) book series, Routledge (2022).
10) Genc, R., “Quality of Life: Demographic, Psychological, Social and Cultural Components”, In Handbook of Tourism and Quality-of-Life Research II, Springer (2023).
1) Genc, R., “Taşımacılık Yönetimi Sorunları”, Lojistikte Güncel Konular-Kavramlar ve Uygulamalar, Beykoz Lojistik Meslek Yüksekokulu Yayınları (2013)
2) Genc, R., “Organ Nakli ve Lojistiği”, Lojistikte Güncel Konular-Kavramlar ve
Uygulamalar, Beykoz Lojistik Meslek Yüksekokulu Yayınları (2013)
1) Genc, R. (2020): A Study on Carpooling Applications: The Development of Sharing Economy in the Age of Internet, International Journal of Business and Globalisation
2) Genc, R. (2020): The Impact of Business Model Innovation on Sustainable Tourism, The Gaze Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, Vol.11 no:1.
3) Genc, R. (2019) The Perception of Hospitality for Gen X versus Gen Y in Caribbean Region, International Journal of Information Systems and Tourism.
4) Genc, R., (2019) The Sharing Economy and Management of a Sustainable Environment in the Tourism Sector on a Global Scale, Tourism, Vol.20 no:2.
5) Genc, R., (2019) Alternative Winter Tourism Activities: How Destinations Adapt to Other Activities Than Skiing, ACTA Economica Et Turistica, Vol. 5, no:1, pp. 1-84.
6) Genc, R. (2019) The Concept of Post-humanism and Its Reflections on Tourism Education, The Gaze Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, Vol. 10, no: 1, pp. 1-7.
7) Genc, R. (2018) Catastrophe of Environment: The Impact of Natural Disasters on Tourism Industry, Journal of Tourism & Adventure, Vol. 1, no:1, pp. 86-94.
8) Genc, R., (2018) The Future of EU-Turkish Torusim Relation Under the Shade of
BREXIT, ACTA Universitatis Danubius, Vol. 14, no:5, pp. 736-744
9) Genc, R., (2018) Transactional Development of Medical Value Torusim between East
& West in General German-Turkish in Specific, ACTA Universitatis Danubius, Vol:14, No:3
10) Genc, R., Genc, Eda Aylin, (2017) Market-oriented Innovations in Tourism, Research in Hospitality Management, 7 (1), 51-57
11) Genc, R.; Genc, Eda Aylin, Promotion of Social Inclusion through New Steps in
Tourism, Acta Universitatis Danubius, (2017) Vol.13, no.3, 194-201
12) Genc, R., The Importance of Communication in Sustainability & Sustainable
Strategies, Procedia Manufacturing 8 (2017) 511-516
13) Genc, R., Gastronomic Heritage in Tourism Management, Journal of Innovation in
Hospitality and Tourism APJIHT, Vol.6, 1 (2017), 1-14, ISSN2289-1471
14) Genc, R., "Sustainability in Cruise Ship Management." International Journal of Social Science Studies 4.6 (2016): 76-83.
15) Genc, R., "Interdisciplinary Approach and Target in the Valuȩ-added Wine Tourism." Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism APJIHT (2015): 269.
16) Genc, R., The Contribution of NGOs in General and Skal International Particularly, in
Tourism Development. Asia-Pacific Journal of Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism APJIHT. 4 (1), 2015, 111-123
17) Genc, R., "Enhancement Approach in Well&Illness Tourism. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Economica.2, 2015
18) Genc, R., Which comes first: “Tourism or Oenogastronomy?” Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management. 2 (8), August 2014, 325-337
19) Genc, R., “Sustainable Strategies for Destination Management”, Acta Universitatis Danubius. Economica. 3, 2014, 91-101
20) Genc, R., “The sharing economy and management of a sustainable environment in the tourism sector on a global scale”, Turyzm/Tourism, Poland (2019).
21) Genc, R., “Alternative Winter Tourism Activities: How Destinations Adapt to Other Activities than Skiing”, Acta Economica Et Turistica, Romania (2019a).
22) Genc, R., “Glocalization Efforts in the Context of International Tourism”, Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, 10th International Conference On Sustainable Niche Tourism 3(1), 73, 26-28 June 2019, Da Nang, Vietnam.
1) Genc, R., An Inverstigation of Modernist Utopias on Tourism and Postmodern Critique of Modernist Tourism Practices, Journal of Tourism and Gastronmy Studies, 6(3), S. 396-403
2) Genc, R., Environmental Sustainability and Future of the Cruise Tourism: A Suggested Model, Cukurova Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Cilt: 22, Sayı:1, Juni 2018, S. 107-114
3) Genc, R., Future of the Hospitality Management: The Emergence of Network Hospitality, Trakya Üniversitesi İİBF Mecmuası, Cilt 7 Sayı 1, Juli 2018, S. 122-139
4) Genc, R., The Impact of Tourism in the Reduction of Gender Inequality, Trakya
Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Cilt 7 - Sayı 1 - Juli 2018, S. 20-35
5) Genc. R., Innovative Approaches for Tourism: The Impact of Cittaslow, Kent Akademisi, Vol, 11 (33), Issue 2, (2018) S. 256-263
6) Genc, R., Business Models: A Motivational Approach for Consumers in Tourism (İs Modelleri: Turizm Hizmeti Tüketicileri icin Motivasyonel bir Yaklaşım), Cukurova Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Cilt:22, Sayı:1, Juni 2018, S. 1-9
7) Genc, R., Türkiye Turizminin Gelişiminde Avrupa Birliği’nin Rolü ve Önemi: Güncel bir Bakış (The Role and Importance of European-Union in Tourism: A Contemporary
Outlook), Cukurova Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, Cilt:22, Sayı:1, Juni 2018, S .67-76.
1) Genc, R., Lojistürk, Lojistik Performansını İyileştirme, Akademi Beykoz, Sayı:37, Yıl:9, 2014, ISSN: 1309-4092
2) Genc, R., Jet Dönemi ve Doğurduğu Sadık Yolcu Programları, Akademi Beykoz, Yıl:2, Sayı:11, 2013, ISSN: 1309-4092
1) Genc, R,, Keynote Speaker, 1st Tourism Research Conference on Bridging the Academic-Practitioner GAP: Towards research based solutions, 11 September 2019, Zimbabwe
2) Genc, R., Keynote Speaker, Reciprocal Relationship between Peace and Tourism, 2019 Multidisciplinary Conference of Association for Tourism Development in Nigeria, 10-13 November 2019, Nsukka, Nigeria.
3) Genc, R., Development of Hospitality Services with Generation Y: The case of Caribbean Millennials, Latin American Congress on Research in the Hospitality Industry 2019: Opportunities and Challenges, 18-19 September 2019, Bogota, Colombia.
4) Genc, R., 10th International Conference on Sustainable Niche Tourism, 26.06.2019, Da Nang, Vietnam.
5) Genc, R., Invited Speaker by Ministry of Tourism Bulgaria, How Sustainable Black Sea Neighboring Countries Should be and their Networking, Investing in Tourism Sustainability Conference, 30 May–1 June 2019, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria.
6) Genc, R., Keynote Speaker, The Impact of Peace in Tourism Management, 5th International Conference of the Faculty of Tourism Management, 09-11 April 2019, Irbid, Jordan.
7) Genc, R., The Impact of Business Model Innovation on Sustainable Tourism, Transformative Business Models, 18-19 March 2019, Dubai, UAE.
8) Genc, R., Session Chair, International Conference of the Faculty of Tourism Management, 18-19 March 2019, Dubai, UAE.
9) Genc, R., Luxury Shopping as a New Opportunity for Tourism Market Development, International Research Networking Conference for Hospitality and Tourism, 06-09 March 2019, Viseu, Portugal.
10) Genc, R., Keynote Speaker, International Seminar on Peace Communication and Urban Tourism, 12.01.2019, Tehran, Iran
11) Genc, R., Keynote Speaker, Third International Conference on Tourism and Spirituality, 10.01.2019, Tehran, Iran.
12) Genc, R., Establishments of a Sustainable Future: De-Growth Policies in Tourism 27th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, 24-26 September 2018, Book of Abstract S:14, Alta, Norway
13) Genc, R., Artificial Intelligence and the Development of Smart Tourism, International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA South Africa), 06-10 August 2018, Pretoria, South Africa
14) Genc, R., Session Chair, International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA South Africa), 06-10 August 2018, Pretoria, South Africa
15) Genc, R., Tourist Satisfaction in the Context of Religious Tourism, International Conference on Tourism 2018 (ICOT 2018), Book of Abstracts: S.30, Kavala, Greece, 27-30 June 2018
16) Genc, R., Session Chair, International Conference on Tourism 2018 (ICOT 2018), Kavala, Greece, 27-30 June 2018
17) Genc, R., Sustainable Tourism Futures and Importance of Creative Tourism, Emerging and -Future Trends in Tourism, Abstract Book: P.64, Braga, Portugal, 7-9
June 2018
18) Genc, R., The Concept of Post-humanism and Its Reflections on Tourism Education, Tourism Education Futures Initiative, Proceedings: P.86-88, Pyhatunturi, Finland, 3-6 Juni 2018
19) Genc, R., Catastrophe of Environment: The Impact of Natural Disasters on Tourism Industry, Tourism & Sustainable Development 2018, Book of Abstract: P.7, Kathmandu, Nepal, 16-18 Mai 2018
20) Genc, R., An Investigation of Modernist Utopias on Tourism and Postmodern Critique of Modernist Tourism Practices, 5th Corfu Symposium on Managing & Marketing Places, Proceedings: P.59/61, Corfu, Greece, 16-19 April 2018
21) Genc, R., The Impact of Tourism in the Reduction of Gender Inequality, The Tourism Intelligence Forum (T-Forum), 32nd in Abstract Book, Palma, Spain, 1114 March 2018.
22) Genc, R., Innovative Approaches for Tourism: The Impact of Cittaslow, Sf.14, Culture Sustainability and Place CES, Abstract Book: P.64, 11-13 October 2017, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
23) Genc, R., The Development of Sharing Economy in the Age of Internet: A Study on Carpooling Applications, International Interdisciplinary Business-Economics
Advancement Conference 8th IIBA, Conference Proceedings: P. 25, ISSN: 2372-
5885, 18-23 November 2017, Miami, Florida, USA
24) Genc, R., Knowledge Co-creation through Ratings and Comments on the Internet, Conference Proceedings: Sf. 42-49, Tourism Education Futures Initiative TEFI, 20-22 August 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark ISBN:978-87-92305-31-2
25) Genc, R., Sharing Economy and Environmental Sustainability Management at Global Scale, Book of Abstract: Sf.36, International Conference on Tourism, ICOT2017, 28 June – 1 July 2017, Chiang Mai, Thailand
26) Genc, R., Session Chair, Tourism Education 1, Asia Pacific Tourism m Association, 18-21 June 2017, Busan, Korea
27) Genc, R., Alternative Winter Tourism Activities: How Destinations Adapt to Other Activities Than Skiing, Proceedings: P.19, Asia Pacific Tourism Association, 18-21 June 2017, Busan, Korea
28) Genc, R., Environmental Sustainability and the Future of the Cruise Tourism, CMT2017, International Congress on Costal and Marine Tourism, Proceedings: P.21, 13-16 June 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden
29) Genc, R., The Future of Hospitality Management: The Emergence of Network Hospitality, Council for Hospital Management Education, 18-19 May 2017, Proceedings, S.42/49 Aalborg, Denmark
30) Genc, R., Promotion of Social Inclusion Through New Steps in Tourism, Proceedings: P.45, The State of the Art in Creative Tourism: Leading, Research,
Advanced Practices, Future Trajectories, 1-2 June 2017, Curia, Portugal
31) Genc, R., Business Models: A Motivational Approach for Consumers in Tourism, Proceedings: P.94, International Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference, 9-14 April 2017, Miami, Florida, USA, ISSN:23725885
32) Genc, R., The Impact of Augmented Reality Technology Tourist Satisfaction, International AR and VR Conference, Proceedings: P.109-116, 2017, Manchester Metropolitan University, 23 February 2017, England
33) Genc, R., Warm Spots in Cold Climates, Book of Abstract: P.45, International Adventure Conference. 19-21 October, 2016, Tralee, Ireland.
34) Genc, R., The Positive Impact of Cruise Tourism, Proceedings: P.245, ITSA International Tourism Studies Association, 17-19 August, 2016, Greenwich,
England, The Impact of Cruise Tourism, Tourism in Contemporary Cities, Greenwich, Greenwich University Press (2017) 86/94, ISBN 978-0-900822-06-3
35) Genc, R., Market Oriented Innovations in Tourism. IRSSM 7th International Research Symposium in Service Management, Book of Abstract: P.245-246, 2-6
August 2016, Thailand
36) Genc, R., Value Creation Through Identity and Heritage. 12th International Conference on Responsible Tourism in Destinations, 9-10 June 2016. Jyvaskyla, Finland
37) Genc, R., The Importance of Gastronomy in Tourism Management. 6th IIBA International Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference, 09-13 Mai 2016. Florida, USA
38) Genc, R., Sustainability in Cruise Ship Management, Proceedings: P.65, 5th IIBA Conference, International Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference, 16-21 October, 2015, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA, ISSN: 23725885
39) Genc, R., Which Comes First: “Tourism or Oenogastronomy?”, P.30, 21st Asia Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference, APTA. Developments of the New Paradigm in the Asia Pacific Region. 14-17 Mai 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
40) Genc, R., The Contribution of NGOs in General and SKAL International Particularly, Sf.97, In Tourism Development. 3rd IIBA Conference, International Interdisciplinary
Business-Economic Advancement Conference, Western Caribbean Cruise Conference, 28 Mai - 2 April 2015, ISSN: 23725885
41) Genc, R., Interdisciplinary Approach and Target in the Wine Value Added Tourism, Sf.9, World Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Event Research & International Convention and Expo Summit, WHTER&ICES. 20-22 Mai 2015, Seul, Korea
42) Genc, R., “Sustainable Strategies for Destination Management”, P.52, 20th APTA Annual Conference, Development of Regional Tourism by Collaboration Between Public Sector and Academics in the Asia Pacific Region, 2014, Vietnam.
43) Genc, R., Moderator for Tourism Development Session, 20th APTA Annual Conference, Development of Regional Tourism by Collaboration Between Public Sector and Academics in the Asia Pacific Region, 2014, Vietnam.
44) Genc, R., “Enhancement Approach in Well & Illness Tourism”, P.5, World Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Event Research & the International Convention and Expo Summit, 25-28 Mai 2013, Thailand.
45) Genc, R., “War and Peace Dilemma & Quality of Life", Keynote speaker, "Consumer Behavior in Tourism Symposium (CBTS), 2012, Italy.
46) Genc, R., “The Impact of Business Model Innovation on Sustainable Tourism", Transformative Business Models Disruptive Innovation in Finance, Logistics and Tourism, 18-1 March 2019, Higher Colleges of Technology - Dubai Men’s, Dubai, UAE.
47) Genc, R., “Luxury Shopping as a new Opportunity for Tourism Market Development", International Research Networking Conference for Hospitality and Tourism, 6-9 March 2019, Viseu, Portugal.
48) Genc, R., Reciprocal relationship between peace and tourism, Keynote speaker, 4th Biennial Multidisciplinary Conference, 10-13 November 2019, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
49) Genc, R., 4th International Conference on Management, Innovation, Economics, and Social Sciences, Keynote speaker, 1-2 Mai 2023, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan.
50) Genc, R., International Conference of Research and Studies in Finance, Keynote speaker, 3-4 March 2020, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco.
51) Genc, R., International Seminar on Peace Communication and Urban Tourism, 12th January 2019, University of Tehran, Iran.
52) Genc, R., 3rd International Conference on Tourism and Spirituality, 10th January 2019, University of Science and Culture, Iran.
53) Genc, R., “Development of Hospitality Services with Generation Y: The case of Caribbean Millennials", Latin American Congress on Research in the Hospitality Industry 2019: Opportunities and Challenges, 18-19 September 2019, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogota, D.C.
54) Genc, R., “Creation of Cultural Narratives: The Impact of Social Media", Atlas Africa Conference 2019 Tourism and Innovation, 12-14 June 2019, Kampala, Uganda.
55) Genc, R., “The reciprocal relationship between tourism and peace”, Keynote speaker, 5th International Conference of the Faculty Tourism & Hotels “Tourism and Peace Way of Life”, 9-11 April 2019, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.
1)Genc, R., 1st International Lake Tourism and Current Trends in Tourism Congress, Keynote speaker, 5-7 October 2023, Beyşehir, Konya, Türkiye.
2)Genc, R., 9th International Vocational School Symposium, Keynote speaker, 18-20 November 2020, Istanbul, Türkiye.
Turkish-German University:
• BWL014 Konsumentenverhalten, TDU, BWL, SS 2016
• BWL102 Organisationslehre, TDU, BWL, SS 2015-2016-2017-2018
• BWL316 Internationale BWL, TDU, BWL, SS 2015-2018
• BWL005 Lieferkettenmanagement, TDU, BWL, WS 2015-2018
• Fachsprache, TDU, Zentrum für Fremdsprachen
Bilgi University:
• Management, WS 2012-2013-2014
• Logistics Management, SS 2012-2013-2014
• Food History, WS 2012-2013-2014
• Hotel Restaurant Management, SS 2012-2013-2014
- University Faculty Executive Board, Beykent University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences.
- Head of Department, Beykent University International Logistics and Transportation Department.
- Founding Director, Istanbul Bilgi University Laureate Universities, School of
Tourism and Hotel Management.2013/2015
- Vice Dean, Turkish-German University (TGU), Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, 2015 – 2016
- Membership in Academic Committee, GLOBE Conference
- Membership in Academic Committee, ICOT 2018
- Editor, Applied Economics and Finance Journal of Adventure Tourism
- Editor, IIB International Refereed Academic Social Sciences Journal
International Hotel und Restaurant Management, will be published by Springer Verlag Deutschland.
- Lecture about managerial subjeckts in our sister institution Bielefeld through Erasmus between 22-26 May 2019.
- Lecture about tourism management conducted on 16.05.2018 in Nepal College of Travel & Tourism Management.