Writing Rules

1- Articles can be written in English (US) or Turkish.

2- The word count for an article to be published in the journal should not be less than 4000 words and should not exceed 8000 words, including references. This limit includes tables, illustrations and related captions and subtitles.

3- The journal conducts the peer-review process with a blind referee system. Referees are selected by the Editorial Board of IŞIK JADA according to the characteristics of the articles in their fields.

4- Articles submitted to our journal for publication must be prepared in accordance with the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy.

5- No fee is charged and no royalties are paid to the authors at any of the stages of article submission, evaluation and publication in the journal.

6- The journal is an open access journal that provides online access to articles after publication.

7- Articles submitted for publication in our journal should be prepared according to the journal's article writing format.

8- Authors should upload the following four files at the beginning of their submission:

Işık JADA_COVER PAGE, is the cover page with author information. The cover page must be signed, scanning is acceptable. The names, ORCID numbers, institutions/organizations (department, faculty, university, city and country) and e-mail addresses of all authors, as well as the name and surname and telephone number of the corresponding author should be indicated. If the manuscript has been presented at a previous meeting, the name, date and city of the meeting should be indicated. The author can include the acknowledgment section here. (click here to download).

Işık JADA_Manuscript Format, is the section containing the full text of the article. This file is used as a stand-alone evaluation copy in all editorial and referee processes until the article is accepted for publication (click here to download).

Işık JADA_COPYRIGHT AND AUTHOR AGREEMENT, are the documents containing the agreement. The form should be filled in with the names and signatures of all authors and submitted during the application process The relevant document can be accessed after entering the metadata when the submission process is started with the 'Submit Article' button on the home page.

Işık JADA_Similarity Report, is the originality report of the article. The similarity rate of the article (when references are removed) should be less than 15%. Acceptable similarity review software are Ithenticate and Turnitin. Any discrepancies in the originality reports are the responsibility of the authors.

9- Uploaded article files should be saved in doc, docx, etc. editable extension.

10- The structure of the article should be as follows: Article title, author information, abstract, keywords, main text including tables and images with captions, references.

11- The title of the article should not exceed two lines in Calibri Bold, 16 font size, all capital letters.

12- The abstract should not be more than 250 words and should be prepared on a separate page in English and Turkish. The abstract should be in Calibri with a font size of 9 and line spacing should be 1.

13- Keywords should summarize the content of the article and should not be more than 5 words.

14- Main headings should be in Calibri font, 12-point bold and all characters should be capitalized. One line space should be left between the title and the text. Main headings should also be numbered.

15- Subheadings should be written in Calibri font in 12-point bold and only the first character of the title should be capitalized. One line space should be left between the title and the text. All headings in the manuscript should be numbered consecutively and hierarchically (1., 1.1.1., (except references and acknowledgments).

16- Headings should not be written as the last line of the page. If 2 lines of text cannot be written after the title, the title is placed on the next page. The first line of a paragraph cannot be written as the last line of the page and the last line of a paragraph cannot be written as the first line of the page.

17- The text of the article should be in Calibri font, 10 pt. font size and 1.15 line spacing.

18- There should be 1 line space before and after bullet points and explanations in the text. All pages should be numbered consecutively.

19- Tables and figures should be numbered and given in the text. Each figure, table and picture should be numbered in the text as Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Table 1, Table 2 and so on, independently of the title and subtitle numbers in the section in which it is written. Tables and figures should be legible and of high resolution (300 dpi). Tables should be prepared in editable text format, not as images. Permissions for copyrighted images should be obtained by the authors and copyright should be indicated in the relevant caption.

20- A bibliography in alphabetical order should be included at the end of the article. The referencing scheme for citations and references is in APA 7 format. All quotations used in the article should be referenced at the end of the article.

21- If you have any questions, please contact us at isik.jada@isikun.edu.tr

Last Update Time: 3/27/24, 8:11:40 PM