Mutual living with Pomacea maculata and catfish and their benefits for feeding
Year 2023,
, 383 - 387, 30.09.2023
Nilay Seyidoğlu
Çetin Yağcılar
Deniz Karakcı
Pomacea snails have been interested around the world due to their rich biological contents. In this study, we assessed the living condition and feeding strategies of catfish (Loricariidae) with Pomacea maculata. We used thirty catfish and ten P.maculata in three replicates for four months. There were two groups as: Control and P. maculata (catfish and P.maculata together). The body weights and lengths of catfish were measured monthly. Also feeding behavior of catfish was recorded during the trial. There were significant increases determined in last weight, total weight gain, last body length, and total body length gain in the Pomacea group compared to Control. It was observed that catfish in the Pomacea group ate the food which was lumped on the mucous of P.maculata. These results suggested that due to this feeding behavior of catfish, they had good progress. It can be concluded that P.maculata can be beneficial for ornamental fisheries.
- Buck, S. & Sazima, I. (1995). An assemblage of mailed
catfishes (Loricariidae) in southeastern Brazil:
distribution, activity, and feeding. Ichthyological
Exploration of Freshwaters, 6(4), 325-332.
- Burgess, W.E. (1989). An atlas of freshwater and marine
catfishes. A preliminary survey of the Siluriformes.
Neptune City: THF Publications. 784 p.
- Caglar, M. (1973). Omurgasız Hayvanlar (AnatomiSistematik). İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi
Yayınları. İstanbul, Türkiye, 400p.
- Campoy-Diaz, A.D., Arribére, M.A., Guevara, S.R. &
Vega, I.A. (2018). Bioindication of mercury, arsenic
and uranium in the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata
(Caenogastropoda, Ampullariidae):
bioconcentration and depuration in tissues and
symbiotic corpuscles. Chemosphere, 196, 196-205.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.12.145.
- Chimsung, N. & Tantikitti, C. (2014). Fermented golden
apple snails as an alternative protein source in sexreversed Red Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus x O.
mossambicus) diets. Agricultural Technology and
Biological Sciences. Walailak Journal, 11(1), 41-49.
DOI: 10.2004/wjst.v11i1.775.
- Cowie, R.H. (1997). Case 2996: Pila Röding, 1798 and
Pomacea Perry, 1810 (Mollusca, Gastropoda):
proposed placement on the Official List, and
Ampullariidae Gray, 1824: proposed confirmation
as the nomenclaturally valid synonym of Pilidae
Preston, 1915. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature,
54(2), 83-88.
- Cowie, R.H. (2002). Apple snails (Ampullariidae) as
agricultural pests: their biology, impacts and
management. In: G.M. Barker (Ed). Molluscs as
Crop Pests. 145-192p. Wallingford, UK.
- Cowie, R.H., Hayes, K.A., Strong, E.E. & Thiengo S.C.
(2017). Thiengo (Ed). Thiengo Non-native apple
snails: systematics, distribution, invasion history
and reasons for introduction. Biology and
management of invasive apple snails. 3-32p,
Philippine Rice Research Institute Muñoz,
Philippines, USA.
- Demirsoy, A. (1998). Omurgasızlar-Invertebrata (Böcekler
Dışında). Demirsoy (Ed). Yaşamın Temel Kuralları,
th ed., 518-572p, Meteksan press, Ankara, Turkey.
- Diomandé, M., Koussemon, M., Allou, K.V. & Kamenan,
A. (2008). Effect of snail (Achatina fulica) meal on
broiler production and meat sensorial quality.
Livestock Research for Rural Development, 20, 1-4.
- Dreon, M.S., Fernandez, P.E., Gimeno, E.J. & Heras, H.
(2014). Insights into Embryo Defenses of the
Invasive Apple Snail Pomacea canaliculata: Egg
Mass Ingestion Affects Rat Intestine Morphology
and Growth. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases,
8,6, e2961. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002961.
- Estebenet, A.L. & Martín, P.R., (2002). Pomacea
canaliculata (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae): lifehistory traits and their plasticity. Biocell, 26, 83-89.
Gabriel, U.I., Mirela, S. & Ionel, J. (2011). Quantification
of mucoproteins (glycoproteins) from snails’ mucus,
Helix aspersa and Helix Pomatia. Journal of
Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, 17,
- Giglio, M.L., Ituarte, S., Pasquevich, M.Y. & Heras, H.
(2016). The eggs of the apple snail Pomacea
maculata are defended by indigestible
polysaccharides and toxic proteins. Canadian
Journal of Zoology, 94, 777-785. DOI: 10.1139/cjz2016-0049.
- Giglio, M., Garro, C., Caviedes-Vidal, E. & Heras, H.
(2018). Egg perivitelline fluid of the invasive snail
Pomacea canaliculata affects mice gastrointestinal
function and morphology. Peer J, 6:e5314. DOI:
- Giraud-Billoud, M., Vega, I.A., Tosi, M.E.R., Abud, M.A.,
Calderon, M.L. & Castro-Vazquez, A. (2013).
Antioxidant and molecular chaperone defenses
during estivation and arousal in the South American
apple snail Pomacea canaliculata. Journal of
Experiment Biology, 216, 614-622. DOI:
- Halwart, M. (2008). The golden apple snail Pomacea
canaliculata in Asian rice farming systems: present
impact and future threat. International Journal of
Pest Management, 40(2), 199-206. DOI:
- Harti, A.S., Murharyati, A., Sulisetyawati, S. & Oktariani,
M. (2018). The effectiveness of snail mucus
(Achatina fulica) and chitosan toward limfosit
proliferation in vitro. Asian Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 11(3), 86-
88. DOI: 10.22159/ajpcr.2018.v11s3.30041.
- Hayes, K.A., Joshi, R.C., Thiengo, S.C. & Cowie, R.H.
(2008). Out of South America: multiple origins of
non-native apple snails in Asia. Diversity and
Distributions, 14, 701-712. DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-
- Hayes, K.A., Cowie, R.H., Jørgensen, A., Schultheiß, R.,
Albrecht, C. & Thiengo, S.C. (2009). Molluscan
models in evolutionary biology: apple snails
(Gastropoda: Ampullariidae) as a system for
addressing fundamental questions. American
Malacological Bulletin, 27(1-2), 47-58. DOI:
- Heras, H., Dreon, M.S., Ituarte, S. & Pollero, F.R. (2007).
Egg carotenoproteins in neotropical Ampullariidae
(Gastropoda: Arquitaenioglossa). Comparative
Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology
& Pharmacology, 146(1-2), 158-167. DOI:
- Jong-Brink, M., Boer, H.H. & Joosse, J. (1983). Mollusca.
In: M Jong-Brink, H.H. Boer, & J. Joosse (Ed). 297-
355p.Vol1, Reproductive biology of invertebrates.
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK.
- Nantarat, N., Tragoolpua, Y. & Gunama, P. (2019).
Antibacterial activity of the mucus extract from the
Giant African Snail (Lissachatina fulica) and golden
apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata). Against
Pathogenic Bacteria Causing Skin Diseases.
Tropical Natural History, 19(2), 103-112.
- Naylor, R. (1996). Invasions in agriculture: assessing the cost
of the golden apple snail in Asia. Ambio, 25, 443-
- Pitt, S.J., Graham, M.A., Dedi, C.G., Taylor-Harris, P.M.
& Gunn, A. (2015). Antimicrobial properties of
mucus from the brown garden snail Helix aspersa.
British Journal of Biomedical Science, 72(4), 174-
- Radzki, R.P., Bieńko, M., Polak, P., Szkucik, K., Ziomek,
M., Ostapiuk, M. & Bienias, J. (2017). Is the
consumption of snail meat actually healthy? An
analysis of the osteotropic influence of snail meat as
a sole source of protein in growing rats. Journal of
Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 102(2), 1-
7. DOI: 10.1111/jpn.12851.
- Ramakrishnan, V. (2007). Salinity, pH, temperature,
desiccation and hypoxia tolerance in the invasive
freshwater apple snail Pomacea insularum.
University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, USA.
- Rawlings, T.A., Hayes, K.A., Cowie, R.H. & Collins, T.M.
(2007). The identity, distribution, and impacts of
non-native apple snails in the Continental United
States. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 7(97), 1-14.
DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-7-97.
- Regan, C.T. (1904). A monograph of the fishes of the family
Loricariidae. Transactions of the Linnean Society of
London, 17, 191-324.
- Reporter, D.M. (2012). Snail slime hailed latest beauty
wonder product, promising to 'clear acne, reduce
scarring and beat wrinkles'. Daily Mail Press. [2020,
Oct 19].
- Robinson, E.H., Li, M.H. & Manning, B.B. (2001). A
Practical Guide to Nutrition, Feeds, and Feeding of
Catfish. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry
Experiment Station, Mississippi State University, 2nd
ed, Bulltein, 1113, Mississippi, USA.
- Santana, W.A., Melo, C., Cardoso, J., Nely Pereira-Filho,
R., Rabelo, A., Reis, F. & de Albuquerque, R.L.C.
(2012). Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity and
Healing Potential of Mucous Secretion of Achatina
fulica. International Journal of Morphology, 30,
365-373. DOI: 10.4067/S0717-
Pomacea maculata ile Cüce Vatoz Balığının Ortak Yaşamı ve Beslenme Açısından Faydaları
Year 2023,
, 383 - 387, 30.09.2023
Nilay Seyidoğlu
Çetin Yağcılar
Deniz Karakcı
Pomacea salyangozları, zengin biyolojik içerikleri nedeniyle dünya çapında ilgi görmektedir. Bu çalışmada Pomacea maculata ile cüce vatozun (Loricariidae) yaşam koşullarını ve beslenme stratejilerini değerlendirdik. Dört ay boyunca otuz cüce vatoz balığı ve on P.maculata kullanıldı. Kontrol ve P. maculata (cüce vatoz balığı ve P.maculata birlikte) olmak üzere iki grup oluşturuldu. Cüce vatoz balıklarının vücut ağırlıkları ve uzunlukları aylık olarak ölçüldü. Ayrıca deneme süresince cüce vatoz balıklarının beslenme davranışları da kayıt altına alındı. Bitiş ağırlık, toplam ağırlık artışı, bitiş canlı uzunluk ve toplam canlı uzunluk artışında Pomacea grubunda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı artışlar tespit edildi. Pomacea grubunda yer alan cüce vatoz balıklarının P.maculata'nın mukusları üzerinde topaklaşan yemleri yedikleri görüldü. Bu sonuçlar, cüce vatoz balıklarının bu beslenme davranışlarından dolayı iyi bir ilerleme kaydettiklerini göstermiştir. P.maculata'nın süs balıkçılığı için faydalı olabileceği sonucuna varılabilir.
- Buck, S. & Sazima, I. (1995). An assemblage of mailed
catfishes (Loricariidae) in southeastern Brazil:
distribution, activity, and feeding. Ichthyological
Exploration of Freshwaters, 6(4), 325-332.
- Burgess, W.E. (1989). An atlas of freshwater and marine
catfishes. A preliminary survey of the Siluriformes.
Neptune City: THF Publications. 784 p.
- Caglar, M. (1973). Omurgasız Hayvanlar (AnatomiSistematik). İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi
Yayınları. İstanbul, Türkiye, 400p.
- Campoy-Diaz, A.D., Arribére, M.A., Guevara, S.R. &
Vega, I.A. (2018). Bioindication of mercury, arsenic
and uranium in the apple snail Pomacea canaliculata
(Caenogastropoda, Ampullariidae):
bioconcentration and depuration in tissues and
symbiotic corpuscles. Chemosphere, 196, 196-205.
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.12.145.
- Chimsung, N. & Tantikitti, C. (2014). Fermented golden
apple snails as an alternative protein source in sexreversed Red Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus x O.
mossambicus) diets. Agricultural Technology and
Biological Sciences. Walailak Journal, 11(1), 41-49.
DOI: 10.2004/wjst.v11i1.775.
- Cowie, R.H. (1997). Case 2996: Pila Röding, 1798 and
Pomacea Perry, 1810 (Mollusca, Gastropoda):
proposed placement on the Official List, and
Ampullariidae Gray, 1824: proposed confirmation
as the nomenclaturally valid synonym of Pilidae
Preston, 1915. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature,
54(2), 83-88.
- Cowie, R.H. (2002). Apple snails (Ampullariidae) as
agricultural pests: their biology, impacts and
management. In: G.M. Barker (Ed). Molluscs as
Crop Pests. 145-192p. Wallingford, UK.
- Cowie, R.H., Hayes, K.A., Strong, E.E. & Thiengo S.C.
(2017). Thiengo (Ed). Thiengo Non-native apple
snails: systematics, distribution, invasion history
and reasons for introduction. Biology and
management of invasive apple snails. 3-32p,
Philippine Rice Research Institute Muñoz,
Philippines, USA.
- Demirsoy, A. (1998). Omurgasızlar-Invertebrata (Böcekler
Dışında). Demirsoy (Ed). Yaşamın Temel Kuralları,
th ed., 518-572p, Meteksan press, Ankara, Turkey.
- Diomandé, M., Koussemon, M., Allou, K.V. & Kamenan,
A. (2008). Effect of snail (Achatina fulica) meal on
broiler production and meat sensorial quality.
Livestock Research for Rural Development, 20, 1-4.
- Dreon, M.S., Fernandez, P.E., Gimeno, E.J. & Heras, H.
(2014). Insights into Embryo Defenses of the
Invasive Apple Snail Pomacea canaliculata: Egg
Mass Ingestion Affects Rat Intestine Morphology
and Growth. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases,
8,6, e2961. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002961.
- Estebenet, A.L. & Martín, P.R., (2002). Pomacea
canaliculata (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae): lifehistory traits and their plasticity. Biocell, 26, 83-89.
Gabriel, U.I., Mirela, S. & Ionel, J. (2011). Quantification
of mucoproteins (glycoproteins) from snails’ mucus,
Helix aspersa and Helix Pomatia. Journal of
Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, 17,
- Giglio, M.L., Ituarte, S., Pasquevich, M.Y. & Heras, H.
(2016). The eggs of the apple snail Pomacea
maculata are defended by indigestible
polysaccharides and toxic proteins. Canadian
Journal of Zoology, 94, 777-785. DOI: 10.1139/cjz2016-0049.
- Giglio, M., Garro, C., Caviedes-Vidal, E. & Heras, H.
(2018). Egg perivitelline fluid of the invasive snail
Pomacea canaliculata affects mice gastrointestinal
function and morphology. Peer J, 6:e5314. DOI:
- Giraud-Billoud, M., Vega, I.A., Tosi, M.E.R., Abud, M.A.,
Calderon, M.L. & Castro-Vazquez, A. (2013).
Antioxidant and molecular chaperone defenses
during estivation and arousal in the South American
apple snail Pomacea canaliculata. Journal of
Experiment Biology, 216, 614-622. DOI:
- Halwart, M. (2008). The golden apple snail Pomacea
canaliculata in Asian rice farming systems: present
impact and future threat. International Journal of
Pest Management, 40(2), 199-206. DOI:
- Harti, A.S., Murharyati, A., Sulisetyawati, S. & Oktariani,
M. (2018). The effectiveness of snail mucus
(Achatina fulica) and chitosan toward limfosit
proliferation in vitro. Asian Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 11(3), 86-
88. DOI: 10.22159/ajpcr.2018.v11s3.30041.
- Hayes, K.A., Joshi, R.C., Thiengo, S.C. & Cowie, R.H.
(2008). Out of South America: multiple origins of
non-native apple snails in Asia. Diversity and
Distributions, 14, 701-712. DOI: 10.1111/j.1472-
- Hayes, K.A., Cowie, R.H., Jørgensen, A., Schultheiß, R.,
Albrecht, C. & Thiengo, S.C. (2009). Molluscan
models in evolutionary biology: apple snails
(Gastropoda: Ampullariidae) as a system for
addressing fundamental questions. American
Malacological Bulletin, 27(1-2), 47-58. DOI:
- Heras, H., Dreon, M.S., Ituarte, S. & Pollero, F.R. (2007).
Egg carotenoproteins in neotropical Ampullariidae
(Gastropoda: Arquitaenioglossa). Comparative
Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology
& Pharmacology, 146(1-2), 158-167. DOI:
- Jong-Brink, M., Boer, H.H. & Joosse, J. (1983). Mollusca.
In: M Jong-Brink, H.H. Boer, & J. Joosse (Ed). 297-
355p.Vol1, Reproductive biology of invertebrates.
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK.
- Nantarat, N., Tragoolpua, Y. & Gunama, P. (2019).
Antibacterial activity of the mucus extract from the
Giant African Snail (Lissachatina fulica) and golden
apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata). Against
Pathogenic Bacteria Causing Skin Diseases.
Tropical Natural History, 19(2), 103-112.
- Naylor, R. (1996). Invasions in agriculture: assessing the cost
of the golden apple snail in Asia. Ambio, 25, 443-
- Pitt, S.J., Graham, M.A., Dedi, C.G., Taylor-Harris, P.M.
& Gunn, A. (2015). Antimicrobial properties of
mucus from the brown garden snail Helix aspersa.
British Journal of Biomedical Science, 72(4), 174-
- Radzki, R.P., Bieńko, M., Polak, P., Szkucik, K., Ziomek,
M., Ostapiuk, M. & Bienias, J. (2017). Is the
consumption of snail meat actually healthy? An
analysis of the osteotropic influence of snail meat as
a sole source of protein in growing rats. Journal of
Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 102(2), 1-
7. DOI: 10.1111/jpn.12851.
- Ramakrishnan, V. (2007). Salinity, pH, temperature,
desiccation and hypoxia tolerance in the invasive
freshwater apple snail Pomacea insularum.
University of Texas at Arlington, Texas, USA.
- Rawlings, T.A., Hayes, K.A., Cowie, R.H. & Collins, T.M.
(2007). The identity, distribution, and impacts of
non-native apple snails in the Continental United
States. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 7(97), 1-14.
DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-7-97.
- Regan, C.T. (1904). A monograph of the fishes of the family
Loricariidae. Transactions of the Linnean Society of
London, 17, 191-324.
- Reporter, D.M. (2012). Snail slime hailed latest beauty
wonder product, promising to 'clear acne, reduce
scarring and beat wrinkles'. Daily Mail Press. [2020,
Oct 19].
- Robinson, E.H., Li, M.H. & Manning, B.B. (2001). A
Practical Guide to Nutrition, Feeds, and Feeding of
Catfish. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry
Experiment Station, Mississippi State University, 2nd
ed, Bulltein, 1113, Mississippi, USA.
- Santana, W.A., Melo, C., Cardoso, J., Nely Pereira-Filho,
R., Rabelo, A., Reis, F. & de Albuquerque, R.L.C.
(2012). Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity and
Healing Potential of Mucous Secretion of Achatina
fulica. International Journal of Morphology, 30,
365-373. DOI: 10.4067/S0717-