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Güneydoğu Karadeniz Kıyıları Besin Tuzu Dinamiği

Year 2024, , 1 - 12, 31.03.2024


Güney Doğu Karadeniz (Artvin-Giresun) kıyıları boyunca Kasım 2014-Ağustos 2016 tarihleri arasında mevsimsel olarak yürütülen bu çalışmada besim tuzu konsantrasyonlarının zamansal ve alansal değişimleri araştırılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında 12 farklı istasyonda yüzeyden itibaren 10 m aralıklarla 40 m derinliğe kadar mevsimsel örneklemeler yapılmıştır. Çalışma bölgesinde sonbahar ve kış mevsiminde besin tuzu konsantrasyonları yüksek olup ilkbahar ve yaz mevsiminde fitoplanktonik aktiviteye bağlı olarak düşüş göstermiştir. Örnekleme istasyonlarında SiO2 (0,01-13,625 µM) en yüksek konsantrasyonda okunan besin elementi olup, bunu NO2+NO3 (0,001-3,346 µM) takip etmiştir. Bölgede o-PO4 konsantrasyonları (0,001-0,932 µM) genel anlamda düşük bulunmuştur. Çalışma bölgesinde yüzey suyu besin tuzu konsantrasyonları alansal ve zamansal önemli değişimler göstermiş ve kıyısal bölgenin daha zengin olduğu ve açığa gidildikçe konsantrasyonlarda önemli oranda azalmalar tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci yılında silikat ve fosfat konsantrasyonları 2 kata yakın bir oranda artış eğilimi sergilerken benzer bir artış eğilimi nitrit+nitrat için sadece ilkbahar mevsiminde gözlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, bölgede besin tuzu dinamiğinin biyolojik aktiviteye bağlı mevsimsel ölçekte önemli değişimler gösterdiğini gösterirken bölgenin sürekli olarak izlenmesi gerekliliğini de ortaya koymaktadır.

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Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK 113Y189 numaralı proje ile desteklenmiştir. Deniz çalışmaları esnasında yardımlarından dolayı proje ekibine, “R/V SÜRAT ARAŞTIRMA I” ve “R/V KARADENİZ ARAŞTIRMA” gemilerinin kaptan ve gemi adamlarına teşekkür ederiz.


  • Alkan, A., Serdar, S., Fidan, D., Akbaş, U., Zengin, B. & Kılıç, M. B. (2022). Spatial, temporal, and vertical variability of nutrients in the Southeastern Black Sea. Chemosphere, 302, 134809.
  • Ağırbaş, E. (2010). Güneydoğu Karadeniz’de Pigment Konsantrasyonu ve Birincil Üretimin Çevre Koşulları İle Etkileşimi. Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Trabzon, Türkiye, 199s.
  • Agirbas, E., Feyzioglu, A.M. & Kopuz, U. (2014). Seasonal changes of phytoplankton chlorophyll a, primary production and their relation in the Continental Shelf Area of the South-Eastern Black Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 14, 713-726.
  • Barale, A. & Murray, C. (1995). The Surface Colour Field of Enclosed Marine Basins: Pigment Patterns of the Black Sea. Remote Sensing Reviews, 12, 61-82.
  • Bat, L., Sezgin, M., Satilmis, H.H., Sahin, F, Ustun, F., Birinci-Ozdemir, Z. & Baki, O.G. (2011). Biological diversity of the Turkish Black Sea coast. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 11, 683- 692.
  • Bologa, A.S. (1986). Planktonic Primary Productivity of the Black Sea: A Review. Thalassia Jugoslavica, 21-22, (1-2), 1-22.
  • Brewer, P.G. & Murray, J.W. (1973). Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Black Sea. Deep Sea Research, 20, 803-808.
  • Çoban-Yıldız, Y., Tuğrul, S., Ediger, D., Yılmaz, A. & Polat, S.C. (2000). A Comparative Study on the Abundance and Elemental Composition of POM in three Interconnected basins: the Black, the Marmara and the Mediterranean Seas. Mediterranean Marine Science, 1, 51-63.
  • Eker-Develi, E. & Kideys, A.E. (2003). Distribution of phytoplankton in the southern Black Sea in summer 1996, spring and autumn1998. Journal of Marine Systems, 39, 203-211.
  • Feyzioglu, A.M. & Seyhan, K. (2007). Phytoplankton Composition of South East Black Sea Coast. Journal of the Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, 13, 61-71.
  • Finenko, Z.Z., Churilova, T.Y. & Lee, R.I. (2005). Dynamics of the vertical distributions of chlorophyll and phytoplankton biomass in the Black Sea. Oceanology, 45, 112-126.
  • Hiscock, W.T. & Millero, F.J. (2006). Alkalinity of the anoxic waters in the western Black Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 53, 1787-1801.
  • Ivanov, L. (1985). The Fisheries Resources of the Mediterranean Part Two: Black Sea, Etud. Rev, CGPM/ Stud. Rev, GFCM, 115.
  • Kaiser, M.J., Attrill, M.J., Jennings, S., Thomas, D.N., Barnes, D.K.A., Brierley, A.S., Polunin, N.V. C., Rafaelli, D.G. & Williams, P.J.B. (2005). Marine Ecology. Processes, Systems and Impacts. Oxford University Pres, 557s.
  • Kideys, A.E. (1994). Recent dramatic changes in the Black Sea ecosystem: The reason for the sharp decline in Turkish anchovy fisheries. Journal of Marine Systems, 5, 171- 181.
  • Kıdeyş, A.E., Mutlu, E., Oğuz, T., Okyar, M., Özsoy, E., Tuğrul, S. & Yılmaz, A. (2000). Akdeniz, Marmara Denizi, Türk Boğazlar Sistemi, Karadeniz ve Atmosfer Alt Projeleri, DAP ve Ulusal Deniz Araştırma ve İzleme Programı, 239-335.
  • Kıdeyş, A.E. (2002). Fall and Rise of the Black Sea Ecosystem. Science, 297, 1482-1484.
  • Koca, L. (2014). Güney Doğu Karadeniz Kıyıları (Rize) Diatom/Dinoflagellat Oranları Ve Pigment Kompozisyonun Zamansal Değişimi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 73s.
  • Kopelevich, O.V., Sheberstov, S.V., Yunev, O., Basturk, O., Finenko, Z.Z., Nikonov, S. & Vedernikov, V.I. (2002). Surface chlorophyll-a in the Black Sea over 1978-1986 derived from satellite and in situ data. Journal of Marine Systems, 3, 145-160.
  • Kopuz, U. (2012). Mikrobiyal Döngüde Pikoplankton Dinamiği ve Güneydoğu Karadeniz Pelajik Besin Zincirindeki Önemi. Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Sürmene Deniz Bilimleri Fakültesi, Trabzon.
  • Lalli, C. & Parsons, T. (1993). Biological Oceanography: An Introduction. Butterworth-Heinemann, 320s.
  • Lazar, L., Boicenco, L., Coatu, V., Oros, A., Țiganuș, D. & Mihailov, M.E. (2013). Nutrient levels and eutrophication of the Romanian Black Sea waters (2006-2011)-assessment related to the marine Strategy Framework directive implementation. Cercetari Marine-Recherches Marines, 43, 162-173.
  • Mee, L. (1992). The Black Sea in crisis: A need for concerted international action. Ambio, 21(4), 286.
  • Miladinova, S., Stips, A., Garcia-Gorriz, E. & Moy, D.M. (2016). Changes in the Black Sea physical properties and their effect on the ecosystem. In: EUR 28060 EN. Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Oguz, T. (2005). Black ecosystem response to climatic teleconnections. Oceanography, 18, 122-133.
  • Oguz, T., Velikova, V., Cociasu, A. & Korchenko, A. (2008). State of the Environment of the Black Sea (2001- 2006/7). 2008-3 Istanbul. Turkey.
  • Orekhova, N.A. (2021). Nutrients Dynamics in the Surface Waters of the Black Sea. Morskoy Physical Oceanography, 28(6), 660-676.
  • Ozkan, E. Y., Buyukisik, B. & Bat, L. (2019). Effects of biogeochemical processes on spatial distribution of iron, manganese, reactive phosphates and nitrates in the Black Sea. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 48 (6), 907-916.
  • Pakhomova, S., Vinogradova, E., Yakusheva, E., Zatsepin, A., Shtereva, G., Chasovnikov, V. & Podymov, O. (2014). Interannual variability of the Black Sea Proper oxygen and nutrients regime: the role of climatic and anthropogenic forcing. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 140, 134-145.
  • Parsons, T.R., Maita, Y. & Lalli, C. (1984). Manual of Chemical and Biological Methods for Sea Water Analysis. Pergamon Press, Great Britain, 173.
  • Sokal, R.R. & Rohlf, F.K. (1969). Introduction to Biostatistics. W. A. Freeman and Company. San Francisco, 363 pp. Sorokin, Y.U. (1986). The Black Sea in: Ecosystem of the World. 26 Estaures and Enclosed Seas, Elsevier Publishing, New York, 253-292.
  • Tankere, S.P.C., Muller, F.L.L., Burton, J.D., Statham, P.J., Guieu, C. & Martin, J.M. (2001). Trace metal distributions in shelf waters of the northwestern Black Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 21, 1501-1532.
  • Tait, R.V. (1988). Elements of Marine Ecology. 3rd Edn. University Press, Cambridge, 356 pp.
  • Tolmazin, D. (1985). Changing coastal oceanography of the Black Sea, I: Northwestern Shelf. Progress in Oceanography, 15, 217-276.
  • Tuğrul, S., Murray, J.W., Friederich, G.E. & Salihoğlu, I. (2014). Spatial and temporal variability in the chemical properties of the oxic and suboxic layers of the Black Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 135, 29-43.
  • Yakushev, E.V., Chasovnikov, V.K., Debolskaya, E.I., Egorov, A.V., Makkaveev, P.N., Pakhomova, S.V., Podymov, O.I. & Yakubenko, V.G. (2006). The northeastern Black Sea redox zone: hydrochemical structure and its temporal variability. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 53, 1769-1786.
  • Yakushev, E.V., Pollehne, F., Jost, G., Kuznetso, I., Schneider, B. & Urnlauf, L. (2007). Analysis of the water column oxic/anoxic interface in the Black and Baltic seas with a numerical model. Marine Chemistry, 107, 388-410.
  • Yılmaz, A. (2002). Türkiye Denizlerinin Biyo-jeokimyası: Dağılımlar ve Döngüler. Turkish Journal Engineering and Environmental Science, 26, 219-235.
  • Yunev, O., Vladimir, A., Baştürk, Ö., Yılmaz, A., Kideyş, A. E., Moncheva, S. & Konovalov, S. K. (2002). Longterm Variation of Surface Chlorophyll-a and Primary Production in the open Black Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 230, 11-28.
  • Yunev, O.A., Carstensen, J., Moncheva, S., Khaliulin, A., Aeligrtebjerg, G. & Nixon, S. (2007). Nutrient and phytoplankton trends on the western Black Sea shelf in response to cultural eutrophication and climate changes. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, 74, 63- 76.
  • Zaitsev, Y. (2008). An Introduction to the Black Sea Ecology. Smil Edition and Publishing Agency Ltd., Odessa.
  • Zaitsev, Y.P. (1991). Land- Based Sources of Current Anthropogenic Change in the Black Sea Ecosystem /ACOPS. Assessment of Land- Based Sources of Marine Pollution in the Seas Adjacent to the CIS., Book of Abstract, Sevastopal, April, 1, 38-41.

Nutrient Dynamics in the South-Eastern Black Sea

Year 2024, , 1 - 12, 31.03.2024


In the present study, spatio-temporal variations of nutrients from November 2014 to August 2016 were seasonally investigated along the south-eastern coasts (Giresun-Artvin) of the Black Sea. Along the 12 stations, seasonal samplings were obtained from surface to 40 m depths with 10 m intervals. In the study area, nutrient concentrations were high in autumn and winter, but decreased in spring and summer due to phytoplanktonic activity. SiO2 (0.01-13.625 µM) was characterised with high concentrations at the sampling stations, followed by NO2+NO3 (0.001-3.346 µM). The o-PO4 concentrations (0.001-0.932 µM) were generally low in the region. The surface nutrient concentrations in the study area revealed significant spatial and temporal changes, and the concentrations significantly decreases from coastal regions to offshore stations. In the second year of the study, silicate and phosphate concentrations showed a nearly 2-fold increase trend, while a similar increase trend was observed only in spring for nitrite+nitrate. While this study shows that the nutrient dynamics in the region show significant seasonal changes depending on biological activity, it also reveals the necessity of continuous monitoring of the region.

Project Number



  • Alkan, A., Serdar, S., Fidan, D., Akbaş, U., Zengin, B. & Kılıç, M. B. (2022). Spatial, temporal, and vertical variability of nutrients in the Southeastern Black Sea. Chemosphere, 302, 134809.
  • Ağırbaş, E. (2010). Güneydoğu Karadeniz’de Pigment Konsantrasyonu ve Birincil Üretimin Çevre Koşulları İle Etkileşimi. Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Trabzon, Türkiye, 199s.
  • Agirbas, E., Feyzioglu, A.M. & Kopuz, U. (2014). Seasonal changes of phytoplankton chlorophyll a, primary production and their relation in the Continental Shelf Area of the South-Eastern Black Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 14, 713-726.
  • Barale, A. & Murray, C. (1995). The Surface Colour Field of Enclosed Marine Basins: Pigment Patterns of the Black Sea. Remote Sensing Reviews, 12, 61-82.
  • Bat, L., Sezgin, M., Satilmis, H.H., Sahin, F, Ustun, F., Birinci-Ozdemir, Z. & Baki, O.G. (2011). Biological diversity of the Turkish Black Sea coast. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 11, 683- 692.
  • Bologa, A.S. (1986). Planktonic Primary Productivity of the Black Sea: A Review. Thalassia Jugoslavica, 21-22, (1-2), 1-22.
  • Brewer, P.G. & Murray, J.W. (1973). Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Black Sea. Deep Sea Research, 20, 803-808.
  • Çoban-Yıldız, Y., Tuğrul, S., Ediger, D., Yılmaz, A. & Polat, S.C. (2000). A Comparative Study on the Abundance and Elemental Composition of POM in three Interconnected basins: the Black, the Marmara and the Mediterranean Seas. Mediterranean Marine Science, 1, 51-63.
  • Eker-Develi, E. & Kideys, A.E. (2003). Distribution of phytoplankton in the southern Black Sea in summer 1996, spring and autumn1998. Journal of Marine Systems, 39, 203-211.
  • Feyzioglu, A.M. & Seyhan, K. (2007). Phytoplankton Composition of South East Black Sea Coast. Journal of the Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, 13, 61-71.
  • Finenko, Z.Z., Churilova, T.Y. & Lee, R.I. (2005). Dynamics of the vertical distributions of chlorophyll and phytoplankton biomass in the Black Sea. Oceanology, 45, 112-126.
  • Hiscock, W.T. & Millero, F.J. (2006). Alkalinity of the anoxic waters in the western Black Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 53, 1787-1801.
  • Ivanov, L. (1985). The Fisheries Resources of the Mediterranean Part Two: Black Sea, Etud. Rev, CGPM/ Stud. Rev, GFCM, 115.
  • Kaiser, M.J., Attrill, M.J., Jennings, S., Thomas, D.N., Barnes, D.K.A., Brierley, A.S., Polunin, N.V. C., Rafaelli, D.G. & Williams, P.J.B. (2005). Marine Ecology. Processes, Systems and Impacts. Oxford University Pres, 557s.
  • Kideys, A.E. (1994). Recent dramatic changes in the Black Sea ecosystem: The reason for the sharp decline in Turkish anchovy fisheries. Journal of Marine Systems, 5, 171- 181.
  • Kıdeyş, A.E., Mutlu, E., Oğuz, T., Okyar, M., Özsoy, E., Tuğrul, S. & Yılmaz, A. (2000). Akdeniz, Marmara Denizi, Türk Boğazlar Sistemi, Karadeniz ve Atmosfer Alt Projeleri, DAP ve Ulusal Deniz Araştırma ve İzleme Programı, 239-335.
  • Kıdeyş, A.E. (2002). Fall and Rise of the Black Sea Ecosystem. Science, 297, 1482-1484.
  • Koca, L. (2014). Güney Doğu Karadeniz Kıyıları (Rize) Diatom/Dinoflagellat Oranları Ve Pigment Kompozisyonun Zamansal Değişimi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 73s.
  • Kopelevich, O.V., Sheberstov, S.V., Yunev, O., Basturk, O., Finenko, Z.Z., Nikonov, S. & Vedernikov, V.I. (2002). Surface chlorophyll-a in the Black Sea over 1978-1986 derived from satellite and in situ data. Journal of Marine Systems, 3, 145-160.
  • Kopuz, U. (2012). Mikrobiyal Döngüde Pikoplankton Dinamiği ve Güneydoğu Karadeniz Pelajik Besin Zincirindeki Önemi. Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Sürmene Deniz Bilimleri Fakültesi, Trabzon.
  • Lalli, C. & Parsons, T. (1993). Biological Oceanography: An Introduction. Butterworth-Heinemann, 320s.
  • Lazar, L., Boicenco, L., Coatu, V., Oros, A., Țiganuș, D. & Mihailov, M.E. (2013). Nutrient levels and eutrophication of the Romanian Black Sea waters (2006-2011)-assessment related to the marine Strategy Framework directive implementation. Cercetari Marine-Recherches Marines, 43, 162-173.
  • Mee, L. (1992). The Black Sea in crisis: A need for concerted international action. Ambio, 21(4), 286.
  • Miladinova, S., Stips, A., Garcia-Gorriz, E. & Moy, D.M. (2016). Changes in the Black Sea physical properties and their effect on the ecosystem. In: EUR 28060 EN. Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Oguz, T. (2005). Black ecosystem response to climatic teleconnections. Oceanography, 18, 122-133.
  • Oguz, T., Velikova, V., Cociasu, A. & Korchenko, A. (2008). State of the Environment of the Black Sea (2001- 2006/7). 2008-3 Istanbul. Turkey.
  • Orekhova, N.A. (2021). Nutrients Dynamics in the Surface Waters of the Black Sea. Morskoy Physical Oceanography, 28(6), 660-676.
  • Ozkan, E. Y., Buyukisik, B. & Bat, L. (2019). Effects of biogeochemical processes on spatial distribution of iron, manganese, reactive phosphates and nitrates in the Black Sea. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 48 (6), 907-916.
  • Pakhomova, S., Vinogradova, E., Yakusheva, E., Zatsepin, A., Shtereva, G., Chasovnikov, V. & Podymov, O. (2014). Interannual variability of the Black Sea Proper oxygen and nutrients regime: the role of climatic and anthropogenic forcing. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 140, 134-145.
  • Parsons, T.R., Maita, Y. & Lalli, C. (1984). Manual of Chemical and Biological Methods for Sea Water Analysis. Pergamon Press, Great Britain, 173.
  • Sokal, R.R. & Rohlf, F.K. (1969). Introduction to Biostatistics. W. A. Freeman and Company. San Francisco, 363 pp. Sorokin, Y.U. (1986). The Black Sea in: Ecosystem of the World. 26 Estaures and Enclosed Seas, Elsevier Publishing, New York, 253-292.
  • Tankere, S.P.C., Muller, F.L.L., Burton, J.D., Statham, P.J., Guieu, C. & Martin, J.M. (2001). Trace metal distributions in shelf waters of the northwestern Black Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 21, 1501-1532.
  • Tait, R.V. (1988). Elements of Marine Ecology. 3rd Edn. University Press, Cambridge, 356 pp.
  • Tolmazin, D. (1985). Changing coastal oceanography of the Black Sea, I: Northwestern Shelf. Progress in Oceanography, 15, 217-276.
  • Tuğrul, S., Murray, J.W., Friederich, G.E. & Salihoğlu, I. (2014). Spatial and temporal variability in the chemical properties of the oxic and suboxic layers of the Black Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 135, 29-43.
  • Yakushev, E.V., Chasovnikov, V.K., Debolskaya, E.I., Egorov, A.V., Makkaveev, P.N., Pakhomova, S.V., Podymov, O.I. & Yakubenko, V.G. (2006). The northeastern Black Sea redox zone: hydrochemical structure and its temporal variability. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 53, 1769-1786.
  • Yakushev, E.V., Pollehne, F., Jost, G., Kuznetso, I., Schneider, B. & Urnlauf, L. (2007). Analysis of the water column oxic/anoxic interface in the Black and Baltic seas with a numerical model. Marine Chemistry, 107, 388-410.
  • Yılmaz, A. (2002). Türkiye Denizlerinin Biyo-jeokimyası: Dağılımlar ve Döngüler. Turkish Journal Engineering and Environmental Science, 26, 219-235.
  • Yunev, O., Vladimir, A., Baştürk, Ö., Yılmaz, A., Kideyş, A. E., Moncheva, S. & Konovalov, S. K. (2002). Longterm Variation of Surface Chlorophyll-a and Primary Production in the open Black Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 230, 11-28.
  • Yunev, O.A., Carstensen, J., Moncheva, S., Khaliulin, A., Aeligrtebjerg, G. & Nixon, S. (2007). Nutrient and phytoplankton trends on the western Black Sea shelf in response to cultural eutrophication and climate changes. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, 74, 63- 76.
  • Zaitsev, Y. (2008). An Introduction to the Black Sea Ecology. Smil Edition and Publishing Agency Ltd., Odessa.
  • Zaitsev, Y.P. (1991). Land- Based Sources of Current Anthropogenic Change in the Black Sea Ecosystem /ACOPS. Assessment of Land- Based Sources of Marine Pollution in the Seas Adjacent to the CIS., Book of Abstract, Sevastopal, April, 1, 38-41.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Marine and Estuarine Ecology, Biological Oceanography
Journal Section Articles

Ertuğrul Ağırbaş 0000-0001-7987-9668

Dilek Fidan 0000-0002-5248-7370

Project Number 113Y189
Early Pub Date March 19, 2024
Publication Date March 31, 2024
Submission Date August 17, 2023
Acceptance Date January 9, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Ağırbaş, E., & Fidan, D. (2024). Güneydoğu Karadeniz Kıyıları Besin Tuzu Dinamiği. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 9(1), 1-12.

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