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Karadut (Morus nigra L.) Yaprak Tozunun Yumurtacı Tavuklarda Performans, Yumurta Kalitesi, Yumurta Antioksidan Kapasitesi ve Kolesterol Düzeyine Etkileri

Year 2023, , 714 - 719, 31.12.2023


Oksidatif stresi önlemek ve yumurta kalitesini geliştirmek için kanatlı karma yemlerine farklı antioksidan maddeler ilave edilmektedir. Sentetik antioksidanların insan sağlığını olumsuz olarak etkilediği bilinmektedir. Bu nedenle doğal antioksidanlar sıklıkla araştırılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada karadut (Morus nigra L.) yaprak tozunun (BML) farklı düzeylerinin yumurtacı tavuklarda kullanım olanakları ortaya konuldu. Bu amaçla her bir grupta 24’er adet olmak üzere 3 grup oluşturuldu ve toplam 72 adet tavuk (35 haftalık, Brown Nick) bireysel kafeslere dağıtıldı. Kontrol grubu (BML-0), bazal yem ile beslendi. Deneme grupları ise bazal yeme sırasıyla 0.3 ve 0.6 g/kg BML ilavesi ile beslendi. Bir haftası alıştırma periyodu olacak şekilde toplam 9 hafta süren denemede performans, yumurta kalite özellikleri, yumurta sarısı TBARS, DPPH ve kolesterol düzeyleri değerlendirildi. Performans, yumurta kalite özellikleri ve yumurta sarısında DPPH % indirgeme gücü bakımından gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark olmadığı tespit edildi (P>0.05). Yumurta sarısı TBARS ve kolesterol düzeyleri ise karma yemdeki BML’den önemli düzeyde etkilendi (P<0.05). BML ilavesi ile yumurta sarısı kolesterol düzeyinin linear olarak azaldığı tespit edildi (P<0.05). BML ilavesinin yumurta sarısında TBARS değerinin azalması sonucunda lipid oksidasyonunu geciktirdiği belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, yumurtacı tavuk karma yemlerindeki karadut yaprağının performans parametrelerini olumsuz yönde etkilemeden düşük kolesterollü yumurta eldesinde ve lipid oksidasyonunun geciktirilmesinde kullanılabileceği görülmektedir. İleriki çalışmalarda karadut yaprağının farklı parametreler üzerindeki etkilerinin ortaya konulmasının faydalı olacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Ali, B., Ameha, N., Girma, M. & Zeryehun, T. (2023). Effect of black cumin (Nigella Sativa L.) seeds as an additive on performance of white leghorn layers. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology (NJAST), 6(1), 1-13.
  • Al-kirshi, R., Alimon, A.R., Zulkifli, I., Sazili, A., Wan Zahari, M. & Ivan, M. (2010). Utilization of mulberry leaf meal (Morus alba) as protein supplement in diets for laying hens. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 9(3), e51.
  • AOAC. (2000). Official methods of analysis (17th ed.). Assosication of Official Analytical Chemists, AOAC International, Maryland, USA.
  • Assi-Husain, H., Sadeghi, A. & Karimi, A. (2023). Effects of chicory, turmeric, artichoke and sage powder in high energy and low protein diets on yield, egg quality and fatty liver status in laying hens. Animal Sciences Journal, 36(138), 19-38.
  • Bagno, O.A., Prokhorov, O.N., Shevchenko, S.A., Shevchenko, A.I. & Dyadichkina, T.V. (2018). Use of phytobioticts in farm animal feeding. Agricultural Biology, 53(4), 687-697.
  • Butkhup, L., Samappito, W. & Samappito, S. (2013). Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of white mulberry (Morus alba L.) fruits. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 48(5), 934- 940.
  • Cimrin, T. (2019). Thyme (Thymbra spicata L.), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and vitamin E supplementation of laying hens. South African Journal of Animal Science, 49(5), 914-921.
  • Çufadar, Y. (2018). Effects of dietary different levels of rosemary essential oil on performance and eggshell quality parameters in laying hens. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 32(3), 454-457.
  • Duman, M., Şekeroğlu, A., Yıldırım, A., Eleroğlu, H. & Camcı, Ö. (2016). Relation between egg shape index and egg quality characteristics. European Poultry Science/Archiv für Geflügelkunde, 80(117).
  • Farivar, A. (2014). Düşük ve yüksek deasetilasyon derecesine sahip kitosanın, yumurtacı tavuk rasyonlarında kullanımının verim, kalite ve fonksiyonellik üzerine etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Adana, Türkiye, 174s.
  • Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Lang, A.G. & Buchner, A. (2007). G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behavior Research Methods, 39, 175-191.
  • Ghasemi, R., Zarei, M. & Torki, M. (2010). Adding medicinal herbs including garlic (Allium sativum) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris) to diet of laying hens and evaluating productive performance and egg quality characteristics. Am J Anim Vet Sci, 5(2), 151- 154.
  • Ghosh, T., Kumar, A., Sati, A., Mondal, B.C., Singh, S.K. & Kumar, R. (2020). Effect of dietary supplementation of herbal feed additives (black cumin, garlic and turmeric) in combination with linseed oil on production performance of white leghorn laying chickens. J Entomol Zool. Stud, 8(6), 478-482.
  • Huang, Z., Dai, H., Jiang, J., Ye, N., Zhu, S., Wei, Q., Zengpeng, L. & Shi, F. (2022). Dietary mulberryleaf flavonoids improve the eggshell quality of aged breeder hens. Theriogenology, 179, 177-186.
  • IBM Corp. (2012). IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 21.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.
  • Iskender, H., Yenice, G., Dokumacioglu, E., Kaynar, O., Hayirli, A. & Kaya, A. (2017). Comparison of the effects of dietary supplementation of flavonoids on laying hen performance, egg quality and egg nutrient profile. British Poultry Science, 58(5), 550-556.
  • Jain, C., Khatana, S. & Vijayvergia, R. (2019). Bioactivity of secondary metabolites of various plants: A review. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Res, 10(2), 494-504.
  • Johri, S., Chauhan, K. & Chauhan, G. (2013). Studies on hypoglycemic and hypocholesterolemic effects of mulberry leaves. Research Journal of Family, Community and Consumer Sciences, 1(13), 14-17.
  • Kamruzzaman, M., Khatun, M.A., Islam, M.S., Rahman, M.Z. & Yeasmin, T. (2014). Effect of dietary mulberry leaf meal on egg quality of laying hens. Journal of Science and Technology, 12(2), 17-21.
  • Kılıç, B. & Richards, M.P. (2003). Lipid oxidation in poultry doner kebap: prooxidative and antioxidative factors. Journal of Food Science, 68(2), 686-689.
  • Kılınç, G., Sezener, M.G. & Gülhan T. (2020). Yumurtacı tavuklarda hünnap (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) yaprak ekstraktının ince bağırsak mikroflorası ve bazı kan parametreleri üzerine etkileri. Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), 91-99.
  • Kılınç, G. (2023). The Effects of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root powder on performance, egg quality and yolk lipid oxidation in laying hens. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 8(1), 37-41.
  • Kılınç, G., Yalçın, S. & Yalçın, S. (2023). Effects of supplemental dried wild leek (Allium scorodoprasum L. subsp. rotundum) leaves on laying performance, egg quality characteristics, and oxidative stability in laying hens. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 55(3), 169.
  • Lin, W.C., Lee, M.T., Chang, S.C., Chang, Y.L., Shih, C.H., Yu, B. & Lee, T.T. (2017). Effects of mulberry leaves on production performance and the potential modulation of antioxidative status in laying hens. Poultry Science, 96(5), 1191-1203.
  • Lokaewmanee, K., Yamauchi, K. & Okuda, N. (2013). Effects of dietary red pepper on egg yolk colour and histological intestinal morphology in laying hens. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 97(5), 986-995.
  • Lorenzo, J.M., Pateiro, M., Domínguez, R., Barba, F.J., Putnik, P., Kovačević, D.B., Shpigelman, A., Granato, D. & Franco, D. (2018). Berries extracts as natural antioxidants in meat products: A review. Food Research International, 106, 1095-1104.
  • Mansoub, N.H. (2011). Assessment on effect of thyme on egg quality and blood parameters of laying hens. Annals of Biological Research, 2(4), 417-422.
  • Mohammed, A.B., Abdulwahid, A.S. & Raouf, S.M. (2022). Effect of Thymus vulgmus addition to the diet of laying hens on egg production, egg quality, biochemical and antioxidant parameters. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., 10(2), 427-433.
  • Olteanu, M., Panaite, T., Ciurescu, G. & Diana Criste, R. (2012). Effect of dietary mulberry leaves on performance parameters and nutrient digestibility of laying hens. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 82(8), 914.
  • Panja, P. (2013). The effects of dietary mulberry leaves (Morus alba L.) on chicken performance, carcass, egg quality and cholesterol content of meat and egg. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST), 10(2), 121-129.
  • Parizadian Kavan, B., Khosravinia, H., Karimirad, R. & Tavakolinasab, F. (2023). Effects of dietary supplementation of milk thistle and nettle essential oils on performance, egg quality, and hematological parameters in layer hens. Poultry Science Journal, 11(1), 125-131.
  • Pirgozliev, V., Rose, S.P. & Ivanova, S. (2019). Feed additives in poultry nutrition. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25(1), 8-11.
  • Placha, I., Gai, F. & Pogány Simonová, M. (2022). Natural feed additives in animal nutrition-Their potential as functional feed. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, 1062724.
  • Polumackanycz, M., Wesolowski, M. & Viapiana, A. (2021). Morus alba L. and Morus nigra L. leaves as a promising food source of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 76, 458-465.
  • Radojković, M., Moreira, M. M., Soares, C., Fátima Barroso, M., Cvetanović, A., Švarc‐Gajić, J., Morais, S. & Delerue‐Matos, C. (2018). Microwave‐assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Morus nigra leaves: optimization and characterization of the antioxidant activity and phenolic composition. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 93(6), 1684-1693.
  • Ryu, K.N., No, H.K. & Prinyawiwatkul, W. (2011). Internal quality and shelf life of eggs coated with oils from different sources. Journal of Food Science, 76(5), 325-329.
  • Sánchez, M.D. (2000). World distribution and utilization of mulberry, potential for animal feeding. In FAO electron. Conf. Mulberry animal prod.(Morus1-L) (Vol. 111).
  • Sandeep, K., Berwal, R.S. & Ravi, K. (2020). Effect of dietary supplementation of Ashwagandha root powder on production performance of laying hens. Haryana Veterinarian, 59(2), 201-205.
  • Sudha, G., Priya, M.S., Shree, R.I. & Vadivukkarasi, S. (2011). In vitro free radical scavenging activity of raw pepino fruit (Solanum muricatum aiton). Int. J. Curr. Pharm. Res., 3(2), 137-140.
  • Şekeroǧlu, A. & Altuntaş, E. (2009). Effects of egg weight on egg quality characteristics. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 89(3), 379-383.
  • Tian, M., He, X., Feng, Y., Wang, W., Chen, H., Gong, M., Liu, D., Clarke, J.L. & van Eerde, A. (2021).
  • Pollution by antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in livestock and poultry manure in China, and countermeasures. Antibiotics, 10(5), 539.
  • TSI. (1991). Animal feeds-determination of metabolizable energy (Chemical method). TS9610.
  • Washburn, K.W. & Nix, D.F. (1974). A rapid technique for extraction of yolk cholesterol. Poultry Science, 53, 1118-1122.
  • Vukmirović, S., Ilić, V., Tadić, V., Čapo, I., Pavlović, N., Tomas, A., Kusturica, M.P., Tomić, Maksimović, S. & Stilinović, N. (2023). Comprehensive analysis of antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties of Morus nigra L. Antioxidants, 12(2), 382.
  • Xue-dong, Z., You-gui, L., Lei, Z., Jing-hui, F., Shi, Z., Qing-hai, L. & Li-feng, L. (2013). Effect of dietary mulberry leaves on productive performance, egg quality and blood biochemistry in laying hens. Animal Husbandry and Feed Science, 5(2), 79.
  • Yigit, D., Akar, F., Baydas, E. & Buyukyildiz, M. (2010). Elemental composition of various mulberry species. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22(5), 3554.
  • Yitbarek, M.B. (2015). Phytogenics as feed additives in poultry production: a review. International Journal of Extensive Research, 3, 49-60.
  • Yu, C., Wei, J., Yang, C., Yang, Z., Yang, W. & Jiang, S. (2018). Effects of star anise (Illicium verum Hook. f.) essential oil on laying performance and antioxidant status of laying hens. Poultry Science, 97(11), 3957-3966.
  • Zhang, H., Ma, Z.F., Luo, X. & Li, X. (2018). Effects of mulberry fruit (Morus alba L.) consumption on health outcomes: A mini-review. Antioxidants, 7(5), 69.
  • Zhang, B., Wang, Z., Huang, C., Wang, D., Chang, D., Shi, X., Chen, Y. & Chen, H. (2022). Positive effects of mulberry leaf extract on egg quality, lipid metabolism, serum biochemistry, and antioxidant indices of laying hens. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, 1005643.

The Effects of Black Mulberry (Morus nigra L.) Leaf Powder on Performance, Egg Quality, Egg Antioxidant Capacity, and Yolk Cholesterol Levels in Laying Hens

Year 2023, , 714 - 719, 31.12.2023


Different antioxidant substance are supplemented to prevent oxidative stress and improve egg quality in poultry nutrition. It is known that synthetic antioxidants negatively affect human health. For this reason, natural antioxidants are often investigated. In this study, the possibilities of using different levels of black mulberry (Morus nigra L.) leaf powder (BML) in laying hens were revealed. For this purpose, 3 groups were formed, 24 in each group, and a total of 72 hens (35 weeks-old, Brown Nick) were distributed to individual cages. The control group (BML-0) was fed with a basal diet. Experimental groups were fed with the supplementation of 0.3 and 0.6 g/kg BML to the basal diet, respectively. Performance, egg quality characteristics, egg yolk TBARS, DPPH, and cholesterol levels were evaluated in the trial, which lasted for a total of 8 weeks, one week of which was the acclimatization period. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups regarding performance, egg quality characteristics, and DPPH reducing % in egg yolk (P>0.05). Egg yolk TBARS and cholesterol levels were significantly affected from supplemented-BML diet (P<0.05). It was determined that the cholesterol level of egg yolk decreased linearly with the addition of BML (P<0.05). It was determined that of the BML delayed lipid oxidation due to the decrease in TBARS value in the yolk. As a result, it is seen that black mulberry leaves can be used in obtaining low-cholesterol eggs and delaying lipid oxidation without adversely affecting performance parameters in laying hens. It is thought that it will be useful to reveal the effects of black mulberry leaf on different parameters in future studies.
Keywords: Antioxidant, black mulberry, egg quality, cholesterol, TBARS.


  • Ali, B., Ameha, N., Girma, M. & Zeryehun, T. (2023). Effect of black cumin (Nigella Sativa L.) seeds as an additive on performance of white leghorn layers. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology (NJAST), 6(1), 1-13.
  • Al-kirshi, R., Alimon, A.R., Zulkifli, I., Sazili, A., Wan Zahari, M. & Ivan, M. (2010). Utilization of mulberry leaf meal (Morus alba) as protein supplement in diets for laying hens. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 9(3), e51.
  • AOAC. (2000). Official methods of analysis (17th ed.). Assosication of Official Analytical Chemists, AOAC International, Maryland, USA.
  • Assi-Husain, H., Sadeghi, A. & Karimi, A. (2023). Effects of chicory, turmeric, artichoke and sage powder in high energy and low protein diets on yield, egg quality and fatty liver status in laying hens. Animal Sciences Journal, 36(138), 19-38.
  • Bagno, O.A., Prokhorov, O.N., Shevchenko, S.A., Shevchenko, A.I. & Dyadichkina, T.V. (2018). Use of phytobioticts in farm animal feeding. Agricultural Biology, 53(4), 687-697.
  • Butkhup, L., Samappito, W. & Samappito, S. (2013). Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of white mulberry (Morus alba L.) fruits. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 48(5), 934- 940.
  • Cimrin, T. (2019). Thyme (Thymbra spicata L.), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and vitamin E supplementation of laying hens. South African Journal of Animal Science, 49(5), 914-921.
  • Çufadar, Y. (2018). Effects of dietary different levels of rosemary essential oil on performance and eggshell quality parameters in laying hens. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 32(3), 454-457.
  • Duman, M., Şekeroğlu, A., Yıldırım, A., Eleroğlu, H. & Camcı, Ö. (2016). Relation between egg shape index and egg quality characteristics. European Poultry Science/Archiv für Geflügelkunde, 80(117).
  • Farivar, A. (2014). Düşük ve yüksek deasetilasyon derecesine sahip kitosanın, yumurtacı tavuk rasyonlarında kullanımının verim, kalite ve fonksiyonellik üzerine etkisi. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Adana, Türkiye, 174s.
  • Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Lang, A.G. & Buchner, A. (2007). G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behavior Research Methods, 39, 175-191.
  • Ghasemi, R., Zarei, M. & Torki, M. (2010). Adding medicinal herbs including garlic (Allium sativum) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris) to diet of laying hens and evaluating productive performance and egg quality characteristics. Am J Anim Vet Sci, 5(2), 151- 154.
  • Ghosh, T., Kumar, A., Sati, A., Mondal, B.C., Singh, S.K. & Kumar, R. (2020). Effect of dietary supplementation of herbal feed additives (black cumin, garlic and turmeric) in combination with linseed oil on production performance of white leghorn laying chickens. J Entomol Zool. Stud, 8(6), 478-482.
  • Huang, Z., Dai, H., Jiang, J., Ye, N., Zhu, S., Wei, Q., Zengpeng, L. & Shi, F. (2022). Dietary mulberryleaf flavonoids improve the eggshell quality of aged breeder hens. Theriogenology, 179, 177-186.
  • IBM Corp. (2012). IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 21.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.
  • Iskender, H., Yenice, G., Dokumacioglu, E., Kaynar, O., Hayirli, A. & Kaya, A. (2017). Comparison of the effects of dietary supplementation of flavonoids on laying hen performance, egg quality and egg nutrient profile. British Poultry Science, 58(5), 550-556.
  • Jain, C., Khatana, S. & Vijayvergia, R. (2019). Bioactivity of secondary metabolites of various plants: A review. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Res, 10(2), 494-504.
  • Johri, S., Chauhan, K. & Chauhan, G. (2013). Studies on hypoglycemic and hypocholesterolemic effects of mulberry leaves. Research Journal of Family, Community and Consumer Sciences, 1(13), 14-17.
  • Kamruzzaman, M., Khatun, M.A., Islam, M.S., Rahman, M.Z. & Yeasmin, T. (2014). Effect of dietary mulberry leaf meal on egg quality of laying hens. Journal of Science and Technology, 12(2), 17-21.
  • Kılıç, B. & Richards, M.P. (2003). Lipid oxidation in poultry doner kebap: prooxidative and antioxidative factors. Journal of Food Science, 68(2), 686-689.
  • Kılınç, G., Sezener, M.G. & Gülhan T. (2020). Yumurtacı tavuklarda hünnap (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) yaprak ekstraktının ince bağırsak mikroflorası ve bazı kan parametreleri üzerine etkileri. Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), 91-99.
  • Kılınç, G. (2023). The Effects of ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root powder on performance, egg quality and yolk lipid oxidation in laying hens. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 8(1), 37-41.
  • Kılınç, G., Yalçın, S. & Yalçın, S. (2023). Effects of supplemental dried wild leek (Allium scorodoprasum L. subsp. rotundum) leaves on laying performance, egg quality characteristics, and oxidative stability in laying hens. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 55(3), 169.
  • Lin, W.C., Lee, M.T., Chang, S.C., Chang, Y.L., Shih, C.H., Yu, B. & Lee, T.T. (2017). Effects of mulberry leaves on production performance and the potential modulation of antioxidative status in laying hens. Poultry Science, 96(5), 1191-1203.
  • Lokaewmanee, K., Yamauchi, K. & Okuda, N. (2013). Effects of dietary red pepper on egg yolk colour and histological intestinal morphology in laying hens. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 97(5), 986-995.
  • Lorenzo, J.M., Pateiro, M., Domínguez, R., Barba, F.J., Putnik, P., Kovačević, D.B., Shpigelman, A., Granato, D. & Franco, D. (2018). Berries extracts as natural antioxidants in meat products: A review. Food Research International, 106, 1095-1104.
  • Mansoub, N.H. (2011). Assessment on effect of thyme on egg quality and blood parameters of laying hens. Annals of Biological Research, 2(4), 417-422.
  • Mohammed, A.B., Abdulwahid, A.S. & Raouf, S.M. (2022). Effect of Thymus vulgmus addition to the diet of laying hens on egg production, egg quality, biochemical and antioxidant parameters. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., 10(2), 427-433.
  • Olteanu, M., Panaite, T., Ciurescu, G. & Diana Criste, R. (2012). Effect of dietary mulberry leaves on performance parameters and nutrient digestibility of laying hens. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 82(8), 914.
  • Panja, P. (2013). The effects of dietary mulberry leaves (Morus alba L.) on chicken performance, carcass, egg quality and cholesterol content of meat and egg. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST), 10(2), 121-129.
  • Parizadian Kavan, B., Khosravinia, H., Karimirad, R. & Tavakolinasab, F. (2023). Effects of dietary supplementation of milk thistle and nettle essential oils on performance, egg quality, and hematological parameters in layer hens. Poultry Science Journal, 11(1), 125-131.
  • Pirgozliev, V., Rose, S.P. & Ivanova, S. (2019). Feed additives in poultry nutrition. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 25(1), 8-11.
  • Placha, I., Gai, F. & Pogány Simonová, M. (2022). Natural feed additives in animal nutrition-Their potential as functional feed. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, 1062724.
  • Polumackanycz, M., Wesolowski, M. & Viapiana, A. (2021). Morus alba L. and Morus nigra L. leaves as a promising food source of phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 76, 458-465.
  • Radojković, M., Moreira, M. M., Soares, C., Fátima Barroso, M., Cvetanović, A., Švarc‐Gajić, J., Morais, S. & Delerue‐Matos, C. (2018). Microwave‐assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Morus nigra leaves: optimization and characterization of the antioxidant activity and phenolic composition. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 93(6), 1684-1693.
  • Ryu, K.N., No, H.K. & Prinyawiwatkul, W. (2011). Internal quality and shelf life of eggs coated with oils from different sources. Journal of Food Science, 76(5), 325-329.
  • Sánchez, M.D. (2000). World distribution and utilization of mulberry, potential for animal feeding. In FAO electron. Conf. Mulberry animal prod.(Morus1-L) (Vol. 111).
  • Sandeep, K., Berwal, R.S. & Ravi, K. (2020). Effect of dietary supplementation of Ashwagandha root powder on production performance of laying hens. Haryana Veterinarian, 59(2), 201-205.
  • Sudha, G., Priya, M.S., Shree, R.I. & Vadivukkarasi, S. (2011). In vitro free radical scavenging activity of raw pepino fruit (Solanum muricatum aiton). Int. J. Curr. Pharm. Res., 3(2), 137-140.
  • Şekeroǧlu, A. & Altuntaş, E. (2009). Effects of egg weight on egg quality characteristics. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 89(3), 379-383.
  • Tian, M., He, X., Feng, Y., Wang, W., Chen, H., Gong, M., Liu, D., Clarke, J.L. & van Eerde, A. (2021).
  • Pollution by antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance in livestock and poultry manure in China, and countermeasures. Antibiotics, 10(5), 539.
  • TSI. (1991). Animal feeds-determination of metabolizable energy (Chemical method). TS9610.
  • Washburn, K.W. & Nix, D.F. (1974). A rapid technique for extraction of yolk cholesterol. Poultry Science, 53, 1118-1122.
  • Vukmirović, S., Ilić, V., Tadić, V., Čapo, I., Pavlović, N., Tomas, A., Kusturica, M.P., Tomić, Maksimović, S. & Stilinović, N. (2023). Comprehensive analysis of antioxidant and hepatoprotective properties of Morus nigra L. Antioxidants, 12(2), 382.
  • Xue-dong, Z., You-gui, L., Lei, Z., Jing-hui, F., Shi, Z., Qing-hai, L. & Li-feng, L. (2013). Effect of dietary mulberry leaves on productive performance, egg quality and blood biochemistry in laying hens. Animal Husbandry and Feed Science, 5(2), 79.
  • Yigit, D., Akar, F., Baydas, E. & Buyukyildiz, M. (2010). Elemental composition of various mulberry species. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22(5), 3554.
  • Yitbarek, M.B. (2015). Phytogenics as feed additives in poultry production: a review. International Journal of Extensive Research, 3, 49-60.
  • Yu, C., Wei, J., Yang, C., Yang, Z., Yang, W. & Jiang, S. (2018). Effects of star anise (Illicium verum Hook. f.) essential oil on laying performance and antioxidant status of laying hens. Poultry Science, 97(11), 3957-3966.
  • Zhang, H., Ma, Z.F., Luo, X. & Li, X. (2018). Effects of mulberry fruit (Morus alba L.) consumption on health outcomes: A mini-review. Antioxidants, 7(5), 69.
  • Zhang, B., Wang, Z., Huang, C., Wang, D., Chang, D., Shi, X., Chen, Y. & Chen, H. (2022). Positive effects of mulberry leaf extract on egg quality, lipid metabolism, serum biochemistry, and antioxidant indices of laying hens. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, 1005643.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Gözde Kılınç 0000-0002-8667-3390

Early Pub Date December 28, 2023
Publication Date December 31, 2023
Submission Date October 3, 2023
Acceptance Date December 16, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Kılınç, G. (2023). The Effects of Black Mulberry (Morus nigra L.) Leaf Powder on Performance, Egg Quality, Egg Antioxidant Capacity, and Yolk Cholesterol Levels in Laying Hens. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 8(4), 714-719.

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JAES/AAS-Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences/Anatolian Academic Sciences&Anadolu Çevre ve Hayvancılık Dergisi/Anadolu Akademik Bilimler-AÇEH/AAS