Analysis the Metal Composition of Fish Samples Collected From Karacaören II Dam Lake
Year 2024,
, 74 - 81, 31.03.2024
Oğuz Kağan Köksal
Gökhan Apaydın
Erhan Cengiz
Murat Şirin
Hasan Baltas
Eyüp Çakmak
Engin Tıraşoğlu
The objective of this study was to analyze the metal content in the organs of Oncorhynchus mykiss, commonly known as rainbow trout, at 12 different locations within the cages located in Karacaören II Dam Lake. The metal contents in fish samples were analyzed using a PANalytical Epsilon5 energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer. We will analyze the findings by displaying the fluctuating metal concentrations in various internal organs over the seasons.
Ethical Statement
The authors explicitly declared the absence of any conflicts of interest.
Supporting Institution
The funding for this work was provided by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey under TÜBİTAK Project No. 115Y768. The authors express their gratitude to the pertinent institution for its help.
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Zn, and Cd pollution in bottom sediments of Wadi
Al-Arab Dam, Jordan. Chemosphere, 65(11),
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Scientific Research and Innovative Studies
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acharaka congress on life, engineering, and
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EDXRF for the study of heavy metal pollution of
Lake Victoria. Tanzania Journal of Science,
28(1), 7-24.
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water quality: second addendum. Vol. 1,
Recommendations: World Health Organization.
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(1987). Sediments as a source for contaminants?
Hydrobiologia, 149(1), 13-30.
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Criteria–Correction. EPA 822‐Z‐99–001.
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G. & Cevik, U. (2007). Assesment of trace
elements in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
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36(2), 579-587.
- URL-1. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı.”Su Kirliliği”.
n/afyon2/cevrekirliligi/SU%20K%C4%B0RL% C4%B0L%C4%B0%C4%9E%C4%B0.html Son Erişim Tarihi: 24.03.2014
- URL-2. Hakkında Bilgi İnternet Sitesi.”Su Kirliliği ve Nedenleri”. Son Erişim Tarihi: 24.03.2014.
- URL-3. Özgür, T. ”Karacaören 2 Barajı Antalya'nın Su Sorunu Çözecek”. Son Erişim Tarihi : 24.03.2014
- URL-4. İnternet gazete,ı-su-varsa-neden-kırlı-barajdan-su-getırıyorsun-----/ Son Erişim Tarihi : 20.05.2016
- URL-5. Hürriyet Gazetesi, Son Erişim Tarihi : 20.06.2016
- URL-6. Antalya Kent Konseyi, Son Erişim Tarihi : 12.07.2016
- URL-7. Maden Teknik Arama genel Müdürlüğü Son Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2017.
Karacaören II Dam Gölü'nden toplanan balık örneklerinin metal bileşimi analizi
Year 2024,
, 74 - 81, 31.03.2024
Oğuz Kağan Köksal
Gökhan Apaydın
Erhan Cengiz
Murat Şirin
Hasan Baltas
Eyüp Çakmak
Engin Tıraşoğlu
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Oncorhynchus mykiss'in organlarının metal içeriğini, Karacaören II Dam Gölü'nde bulunan 12 farklı kafeste , rainbow trout olarak bilinen organları analiz etmektir. Balık örneklerinde bulunan metal içeriği, PANalytical Epsilon5 enerji dağılımı X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spektrometresi kullanılarak analiz edildi. Sonuçları, çeşitli iç organlarda mevsimsel olarak değişen metal konsantrasyonlarını göstererek analiz edildi.
- Apaydin, G., Koksal, O. K., Cengiz, E., Tirasoglu, E.,
Baltaş, H., Karabulut, K. & Söğüt, Ö. (2019).
Assessment of natural radioactivity and
radiological risk of sediment samples in
Karacaören II dam Lake, Isparta/Turkey. ALKÜ
Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 28-35.
- Apaydin, G., Köksal, O. K., Cengiz, E., ŞİRİN, M.,
Baltas, H. & Tiraşoğlu, E. (2023). Exploration
of Seasonal Metal Pollution in Karacaören II Dam
Lake Sediment Samples using X-ray
Fluorescence Method. Cumhuriyet Science
Journal, 44(3), 567-582.
- Baltas, H., Dalgic, G., Bayrak, E., Sirin, M., Cevik, U.
& Apaydin, G. (2016). Experimental study on
copper uptake capacity in the Mediterranean
mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis).
Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
23, 10983-10989.
- Baltas, H., Kiris, E. & Sirin, M. (2017). Determination of
radioactivity levels and heavy metal
concentrations in seawater, sediment and anchovy
(Engraulis encrasicolus) from the Black Sea in
Rize, Turkey. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 116(1-
2), 528-533.
- FAO, F. (1983). Fishery Circular No. 464, 5-100.
Compilation of legal limits for hazardous
substances in fish and fishery products. Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
- Ghrefat, H. & Yusuf, N. (2006). Assessing Mn, Fe, Cu,
Zn, and Cd pollution in bottom sediments of Wadi
Al-Arab Dam, Jordan. Chemosphere, 65(11),
- Guliev, R., & Mavruk, C. (2023). 5. International Antalya
Scientific Research and Innovative Studies
- Madani, K. & Seenivasan, M. (2023). 4th international
acharaka congress on life, engineering, and
applied sciences.
- Mahommed, N., & Makundi, I. (2002). Optimization of
EDXRF for the study of heavy metal pollution of
Lake Victoria. Tanzania Journal of Science,
28(1), 7-24.
- Organization, W.H. (2008). Guidelines for drinking-
water quality: second addendum. Vol. 1,
Recommendations: World Health Organization.
- Salomons, W., De Rooij, N., Kerdijk, H., & Bril, J.
(1987). Sediments as a source for contaminants?
Hydrobiologia, 149(1), 13-30.
- USEPA. (1999). National Recommended Water Quality
Criteria–Correction. EPA 822‐Z‐99–001.
- Verep, B., Akin, S., Mutlu, C., Ertugral, B., Apaydin,
G. & Cevik, U. (2007). Assesment of trace
elements in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
cultured in the marine aquaculture cages on the
black sea coast. Fresenius Environmental
Bulletin, 16(9A), 1005.
- Verep, B., Mutlu, C., Apaydin, G. & Cevik, U. (2012).
The trace element analysis in freshwater fish
species, water and sediment in Iyidere stream
(Rize-Turkey). Pakistan Journal of Biological
Sciences: PJBS, 15(14), 658-665.
- Waheed, S., Malik, R. N., & Jahan, S. (2013). Health risk
from As contaminated fish consumption by
population living around River Chenab, Pakistan.
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology,
36(2), 579-587.
- URL-1. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı.”Su Kirliliği”.
n/afyon2/cevrekirliligi/SU%20K%C4%B0RL% C4%B0L%C4%B0%C4%9E%C4%B0.html Son Erişim Tarihi: 24.03.2014
- URL-2. Hakkında Bilgi İnternet Sitesi.”Su Kirliliği ve Nedenleri”. Son Erişim Tarihi: 24.03.2014.
- URL-3. Özgür, T. ”Karacaören 2 Barajı Antalya'nın Su Sorunu Çözecek”. Son Erişim Tarihi : 24.03.2014
- URL-4. İnternet gazete,ı-su-varsa-neden-kırlı-barajdan-su-getırıyorsun-----/ Son Erişim Tarihi : 20.05.2016
- URL-5. Hürriyet Gazetesi, Son Erişim Tarihi : 20.06.2016
- URL-6. Antalya Kent Konseyi, Son Erişim Tarihi : 12.07.2016
- URL-7. Maden Teknik Arama genel Müdürlüğü Son Erişim Tarihi: 26.02.2017.