Endüstriyel ürünlerin karbon ayak izini tasarım aşamasından itibaren azaltmak, uygulayıcılar ve akademisyenler için modern bir endişe konusudur. Endüstriyel tasarım bağlamında eko-tasarım yaklaşımı, ürün yaşam döngüsünün erken aşamalarından itibaren çevresel etkiyi en aza indirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yaşam Döngüsü Değerlendirmesi (YDD), çevresel etkileri değerlendirmek için geniş çapta kullanılan ve beşikten mezara metaforuna dayanan bir metodolojidir. Bu makalenin amacı, YDD'nin ürünlerin tasarım aşamasındaki karbon ayak izlerini nasıl ve ne ölçüde azaltabileceğini belirlemektir. Araştırma, dokuz pop-art sandalye tasarımı üzerinden gerçekleştirilen bir çoklu vaka çalışmasıdır. Çalışmada, karbon ayak izlerini azaltmaya yönelik eko-tasarım stratejileri temelinde özgün tasarımlar irdelenmiş; karbon ayak izlerinin hesaplanmasında CCaLC yazılımından yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular; vintage özellikleri, estetik değerleri ve işlevselliği koruyarak bile anlamlı bir karbon ayak izi azalımı sağlanabileceğini göstermektedir. Çalışma, ekotasarım stratejileri sayesinde tasarım ürünlerinin, performansını tehlikeye atmadan, karbon ayak izlerinin önemli ölçüde azaltılabileceğinin mümkün olduğu sonucuna ulaşmaktadır.
Alderson, S., Ball, R. & Barber, E. (2006). Pioneers:
Products from Phaidon design classics: 1,2,3.
Phaidon Press, Londra.
Anonymous. (2018). Chair: 500 designs that matter.
Phaidon Publishing, London.
Antmen, A. (2009). 20. yüzyıl batı sanatında akımlar. Sel
Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
Barca, S. (2011). Energy, property, and the industrial
revolution narrative. Ecological Economics,
70(7), 1309-1315. DOI:
Borchardt, M., Sellitto, M.A., Pereira, G.M. & Gomes,
L.P. (2012). Eco-design case studies for furniture
companies using the analytic hierarchy process.
International Journal of Industrial Engineering,
19(8), 330-340.
Bovea, M.D. & Vidal, R. (2004). Materials selection for
sustainable product design: A case study of wood-
based furniture eco-design. Materials & Design,
25(2), 111-116. DOI:
Cinar, H. (2005). Eco-design and furniture:
Environmental impacts of wood-based panels,
surface and edge finishes. Forest Products
Journal, 55(11), 27-33.
Cordella, M. & Hidalgo, C. (2016). Analysis of key
environmental areas in the design and labelling of
furniture products: Application of a screening
approach based on a literature review of LCA
studies. Sustainable Production & Consumption,
8: 64-77. DOI: 10.1016/j.spc.2016.07.002
Cordero, M. P., & Poler, R. (2012). Eco-Design in the
furniture and wood-processing sector in Spain:
Benefits and constraints. In Industrial
Engineering: Innovative Networks, 147-155p.
Springer London, Londra. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-
European Commission. (2016). Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA). https://eplca.jrc.ec.europa.eu/lifecycle
assessment.html. (24 Aralık 2020).
Fiell, C. & Fiell, P. (2019). 100 Ideas that changed design.
Laurence King Publishing, Londra.
Finnveden, G., Hauschild, M.Z., Ekvall, T., Guinée, J.,
Heijungs, R., Hellweg, S., Koehler, A.,
Pennington, D. & Suh, S. (2009). Recent
developments in Life Cycle Assessment. Journal
of Environmental Management, 91(1), 1-21. DOI:
Guinee, J.B., Heijungs, R., Huppes, G., Zamagni, A.,
Masoni, P., Buonamici, R., Ekvall, T. &
Rydberg, T. (2011). Life cycle assessment: Past,
present, and future. Environmental Science &
Technology, 45(1), 90-96. DOI:
Gonzalez-Garcia, S., Gasol, C.M., Lozano, R.G.,
Moreira, M.T., Gabarrell, X., Rieradevalli
Pons, J. & Feijoo, G. (2011). Assessing the
global warming potential of wooden products
from the furniture sector to improve their
ecodesign. Science of The Total Environment,
410-411, 16-25. DOI:
Gonzalez-Garcia, S., Garcia Lozano, R., Moreira,
M.T., Gabarrell, X., Rieradevall i Pons, J.,
Feijoo, G. & Murphy, R.J. (2012). Eco-
innovation of a wooden childhood furniture set:
An example of environmental solutions in the
wood sector. Science of The Total Environment,
426, 318-326. DOI:
Hahnel, G., Whyte, A. & Biswas, W.K. (2021). A
comparative life cycle assessment of structural
flooring systems in Western Australia. Journal of
Building Engineering, 35, 102109. DOI:
Hartini, S., Wicaksono, P.A., Prastawa, H., Hadyan,
A.F. & Sriyanto. (2019). The environmental
impact assessment of furniture production process
using the life cycle assessment. IOP Conference
Series: Materials Science & Engineering, 598(1),
012078. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/598/1/012078
Hill, M.K. (2020). Understanding environmental
pollution. Cambridge University Press,
Iritani, D.R., Silva, D.A.L., Saavedra, Y.M.B., Grael,
P.F.F. & Ometto, A.R. (2015). Sustainable
strategies analysis through Life Cycle
Assessment: A case study in a furniture industry.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 96, 308-318.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.05.029
ISO14040. (2006). International standard. Environmental
management-life cycle assessment-principles and
framework; International Organization for
ISO14044. (2006). International Standard. Environmental
management-life cycle assessment-requirements
and guidelines; International Organization for
Jeswani, H.K., Smith, R.W. & Azapagic, A. (2013).
Energy from waste: Carbon footprint of
incineration and landfill biogas in the UK. The
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,
18(1), 218-229. DOI: 10.1007/s11367-012-0441-
Klinpikul, N., & Srichandr, P. (2009). Status of eco-
design in Thai furniture industry. Key
Engineering Materials, 419-420: 769-772. DOI:
Kulözü-Uzunboy, N. & Sipahi, S. (2020). Mimaride
karbon ayak izini azaltmaya yönelik uygulamalı
bir ders deneyimi. Journal of International Social
Research, 13(73), 517-525.
Kulözü-Uzunboy, N. & Kocabaş, A. (2021). Aydınlanma
ekseninde insan-çevre iliskisinde yasanan
degisime odaklanılarak modernitenin çevresel
sonuçlarının kentlesme ve planlama ile birlikte
irdelenmesi. Sürdürülebilir Çevre Dergisi, 1(2),
Landeta‐Manzano, B., Arana‐Landín, G.,
RuizdeArbulo, P. & DíazdeBasurto, P. (2016).
Longitudinal analysis of the eco‐design
management standardization process in furniture
companies. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(5),
1356-1369. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12479
Mirabella, N., Castellani, V. & Sala, S. (2014). LCA for
assessing environmental benefit of eco-design
strategies and forest wood short supply chain: A
furniture case study. The International Journal of
Life Cycle Assessment, 19(8), 1536-1550. DOI:
Medeiros, D.L., Tavares, A.O. do C., Raposo, A.L.Q.R.
e S. & Kiperstok, A. (2017). Life cycle
assessment in the furniture industry: The case
study of an office cabinet. The International
Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 22(11), 1823-
1836. DOI: 10.1007/s11367-017-1370-3
Olagunju, B.D. & Olanrewaju, O.A. (2020). Comparison
of life cycle assessment tools in cement
production. South African Journal of Industrial
Engineering, 31(4). DOI: 10.7166/31-4-2317
Olkowicz, M. & Grzegorzewska, E. (2014). Eco-design
as a strategic way to competitiveness in global
markets for furniture family-owned MSMEs.
Journal of Intercultural Management, 6(4-1),
203-214. DOI: 10.2478/joim-2014-0046
Parikka-Alhola, K. (2008). Promoting environmentally
sound furniture by green public procurement.
Ecological Economics, 68(1-2), 472-485. DOI:
Paul, B.D. (2008). A History Of The Concept Of
Sustainable Development: Literature Review, The
Annals Of The University Of Oradea. Economic
Sciences Series, 17, 576-580.
Pereira, D., Cunha, S.K. da. & Pereira, L. (2018).
Ecodesign in the furniture industry: opportunities
and challenges for organizational insertion.
Ambiente & Sociedade, 21, 1-17. DOI:
Schramm, A., Richter, F. & Götze, U. (2020). Life Cycle
Sustainability Assessment for manufacturing –
analysis of existing approaches. Procedia
Manufacturing, 43, 712-719. DOI:
Sellitto, M.A., Luchese, J., Bauer, J.M., Saueressig,
G.G. & Viegas, C.V. (2017). Ecodesign practices
in a furniture industrial cluster of southern brazil:
From incipient practices to improvement. Journal
of Environmental Assessment Policy &
Management, 19(01), 1750001.
Sı̇pahı̇, M. & Yilmaz, H. (2022). Planning experience on
the factors affecting the physical land use change
and temporal change in the Eastern Black Sea
coastal settlements; the case of Çayeli. Journal of
Anatolian Environmental & Animal Sciences,
7(4), 397-405. DOI: 10.35229/jaes.1153664
Sipahi, S. & Kulözü-Uzunboy, N. (2021). A study on
reducing the carbon footprint of architectural
buildings based on their materials under the
guidance of eco-design strategies. Clean
Technologies & Environmental Policy, 23(3),
991-1005. DOI: 10.1007/s10098-020-02009-4
Stearns, P.N. (2020). The industrial revolution in world
history. Routledge, New York.
van Hemel, C. (1998). Ecodesign empirically explored:
Design for environment in Dutch small and
medium sized enterprises. University of
Technology, Doktora Tezi. Delft, Hollanda.
van Hemel, C. & Cramer, J. (2002). Barriers and stimuli
for ecodesign in SMEs. Journal of Cleaner
Production, 10(5), 439-453. DOI: 10.1016/s0959-
Wenker, J.L., Richter, K. & Rüter, S. (2017). A
methodical approach for systematic life cycle
assessment of wood‐based furniture. Journal of
Industrial Ecology, 22(4), 671-685. DOI:
Williamson, J.G. (2002). Coping with city growth during
the British industrial revolution. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
Xiong, X., Ma, Q., YingyingYuan, Wu, Z. & Zhang, M.
(2020). Current situation and key manufacturing
considerations of green furniture in China: A
review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 267,
121957. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121957.
Reducing Carbon Footprint of Pop-Art Chair Designs By Ecodesign Strategies
Reducing the footprint of industrial pieces since the design stage is a modern concern of practitioners and scholars. In the context of industrial design, the ecodesign approach aims at minimizing environmental impact from the early stages of the product lifecycle. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a widely used methodology to evaluate environmental impacts, relying on the cradle-to-grave metaphor. The purpose of this article is to identify how and to what extent LCA can reduce the carbon footprints of products in the early stage, the design. The research method is the multiple case study. The research object is a set of nine pop-art chairs. The CCaLC software supported the study. The study reviewed the original designs aiming at reducing carbon footprints by relying on eco-design strategies. The findings show that expressive reduction can be achieved, even by preserving vintage features, aesthetic values, and usefulness. The study concludes that is possible, owing to eco-design strategies, to significantly reduce the carbon footprints of design products without jeopardizing performance.
Alderson, S., Ball, R. & Barber, E. (2006). Pioneers:
Products from Phaidon design classics: 1,2,3.
Phaidon Press, Londra.
Anonymous. (2018). Chair: 500 designs that matter.
Phaidon Publishing, London.
Antmen, A. (2009). 20. yüzyıl batı sanatında akımlar. Sel
Yayıncılık, İstanbul.
Barca, S. (2011). Energy, property, and the industrial
revolution narrative. Ecological Economics,
70(7), 1309-1315. DOI:
Borchardt, M., Sellitto, M.A., Pereira, G.M. & Gomes,
L.P. (2012). Eco-design case studies for furniture
companies using the analytic hierarchy process.
International Journal of Industrial Engineering,
19(8), 330-340.
Bovea, M.D. & Vidal, R. (2004). Materials selection for
sustainable product design: A case study of wood-
based furniture eco-design. Materials & Design,
25(2), 111-116. DOI:
Cinar, H. (2005). Eco-design and furniture:
Environmental impacts of wood-based panels,
surface and edge finishes. Forest Products
Journal, 55(11), 27-33.
Cordella, M. & Hidalgo, C. (2016). Analysis of key
environmental areas in the design and labelling of
furniture products: Application of a screening
approach based on a literature review of LCA
studies. Sustainable Production & Consumption,
8: 64-77. DOI: 10.1016/j.spc.2016.07.002
Cordero, M. P., & Poler, R. (2012). Eco-Design in the
furniture and wood-processing sector in Spain:
Benefits and constraints. In Industrial
Engineering: Innovative Networks, 147-155p.
Springer London, Londra. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-
European Commission. (2016). Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA). https://eplca.jrc.ec.europa.eu/lifecycle
assessment.html. (24 Aralık 2020).
Fiell, C. & Fiell, P. (2019). 100 Ideas that changed design.
Laurence King Publishing, Londra.
Finnveden, G., Hauschild, M.Z., Ekvall, T., Guinée, J.,
Heijungs, R., Hellweg, S., Koehler, A.,
Pennington, D. & Suh, S. (2009). Recent
developments in Life Cycle Assessment. Journal
of Environmental Management, 91(1), 1-21. DOI:
Guinee, J.B., Heijungs, R., Huppes, G., Zamagni, A.,
Masoni, P., Buonamici, R., Ekvall, T. &
Rydberg, T. (2011). Life cycle assessment: Past,
present, and future. Environmental Science &
Technology, 45(1), 90-96. DOI:
Gonzalez-Garcia, S., Gasol, C.M., Lozano, R.G.,
Moreira, M.T., Gabarrell, X., Rieradevalli
Pons, J. & Feijoo, G. (2011). Assessing the
global warming potential of wooden products
from the furniture sector to improve their
ecodesign. Science of The Total Environment,
410-411, 16-25. DOI:
Gonzalez-Garcia, S., Garcia Lozano, R., Moreira,
M.T., Gabarrell, X., Rieradevall i Pons, J.,
Feijoo, G. & Murphy, R.J. (2012). Eco-
innovation of a wooden childhood furniture set:
An example of environmental solutions in the
wood sector. Science of The Total Environment,
426, 318-326. DOI:
Hahnel, G., Whyte, A. & Biswas, W.K. (2021). A
comparative life cycle assessment of structural
flooring systems in Western Australia. Journal of
Building Engineering, 35, 102109. DOI:
Hartini, S., Wicaksono, P.A., Prastawa, H., Hadyan,
A.F. & Sriyanto. (2019). The environmental
impact assessment of furniture production process
using the life cycle assessment. IOP Conference
Series: Materials Science & Engineering, 598(1),
012078. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/598/1/012078
Hill, M.K. (2020). Understanding environmental
pollution. Cambridge University Press,
Iritani, D.R., Silva, D.A.L., Saavedra, Y.M.B., Grael,
P.F.F. & Ometto, A.R. (2015). Sustainable
strategies analysis through Life Cycle
Assessment: A case study in a furniture industry.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 96, 308-318.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.05.029
ISO14040. (2006). International standard. Environmental
management-life cycle assessment-principles and
framework; International Organization for
ISO14044. (2006). International Standard. Environmental
management-life cycle assessment-requirements
and guidelines; International Organization for
Jeswani, H.K., Smith, R.W. & Azapagic, A. (2013).
Energy from waste: Carbon footprint of
incineration and landfill biogas in the UK. The
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,
18(1), 218-229. DOI: 10.1007/s11367-012-0441-
Klinpikul, N., & Srichandr, P. (2009). Status of eco-
design in Thai furniture industry. Key
Engineering Materials, 419-420: 769-772. DOI:
Kulözü-Uzunboy, N. & Sipahi, S. (2020). Mimaride
karbon ayak izini azaltmaya yönelik uygulamalı
bir ders deneyimi. Journal of International Social
Research, 13(73), 517-525.
Kulözü-Uzunboy, N. & Kocabaş, A. (2021). Aydınlanma
ekseninde insan-çevre iliskisinde yasanan
degisime odaklanılarak modernitenin çevresel
sonuçlarının kentlesme ve planlama ile birlikte
irdelenmesi. Sürdürülebilir Çevre Dergisi, 1(2),
Landeta‐Manzano, B., Arana‐Landín, G.,
RuizdeArbulo, P. & DíazdeBasurto, P. (2016).
Longitudinal analysis of the eco‐design
management standardization process in furniture
companies. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21(5),
1356-1369. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12479
Mirabella, N., Castellani, V. & Sala, S. (2014). LCA for
assessing environmental benefit of eco-design
strategies and forest wood short supply chain: A
furniture case study. The International Journal of
Life Cycle Assessment, 19(8), 1536-1550. DOI:
Medeiros, D.L., Tavares, A.O. do C., Raposo, A.L.Q.R.
e S. & Kiperstok, A. (2017). Life cycle
assessment in the furniture industry: The case
study of an office cabinet. The International
Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 22(11), 1823-
1836. DOI: 10.1007/s11367-017-1370-3
Olagunju, B.D. & Olanrewaju, O.A. (2020). Comparison
of life cycle assessment tools in cement
production. South African Journal of Industrial
Engineering, 31(4). DOI: 10.7166/31-4-2317
Olkowicz, M. & Grzegorzewska, E. (2014). Eco-design
as a strategic way to competitiveness in global
markets for furniture family-owned MSMEs.
Journal of Intercultural Management, 6(4-1),
203-214. DOI: 10.2478/joim-2014-0046
Parikka-Alhola, K. (2008). Promoting environmentally
sound furniture by green public procurement.
Ecological Economics, 68(1-2), 472-485. DOI:
Paul, B.D. (2008). A History Of The Concept Of
Sustainable Development: Literature Review, The
Annals Of The University Of Oradea. Economic
Sciences Series, 17, 576-580.
Pereira, D., Cunha, S.K. da. & Pereira, L. (2018).
Ecodesign in the furniture industry: opportunities
and challenges for organizational insertion.
Ambiente & Sociedade, 21, 1-17. DOI:
Schramm, A., Richter, F. & Götze, U. (2020). Life Cycle
Sustainability Assessment for manufacturing –
analysis of existing approaches. Procedia
Manufacturing, 43, 712-719. DOI:
Sellitto, M.A., Luchese, J., Bauer, J.M., Saueressig,
G.G. & Viegas, C.V. (2017). Ecodesign practices
in a furniture industrial cluster of southern brazil:
From incipient practices to improvement. Journal
of Environmental Assessment Policy &
Management, 19(01), 1750001.
Sı̇pahı̇, M. & Yilmaz, H. (2022). Planning experience on
the factors affecting the physical land use change
and temporal change in the Eastern Black Sea
coastal settlements; the case of Çayeli. Journal of
Anatolian Environmental & Animal Sciences,
7(4), 397-405. DOI: 10.35229/jaes.1153664
Sipahi, S. & Kulözü-Uzunboy, N. (2021). A study on
reducing the carbon footprint of architectural
buildings based on their materials under the
guidance of eco-design strategies. Clean
Technologies & Environmental Policy, 23(3),
991-1005. DOI: 10.1007/s10098-020-02009-4
Stearns, P.N. (2020). The industrial revolution in world
history. Routledge, New York.
van Hemel, C. (1998). Ecodesign empirically explored:
Design for environment in Dutch small and
medium sized enterprises. University of
Technology, Doktora Tezi. Delft, Hollanda.
van Hemel, C. & Cramer, J. (2002). Barriers and stimuli
for ecodesign in SMEs. Journal of Cleaner
Production, 10(5), 439-453. DOI: 10.1016/s0959-
Wenker, J.L., Richter, K. & Rüter, S. (2017). A
methodical approach for systematic life cycle
assessment of wood‐based furniture. Journal of
Industrial Ecology, 22(4), 671-685. DOI:
Williamson, J.G. (2002). Coping with city growth during
the British industrial revolution. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
Xiong, X., Ma, Q., YingyingYuan, Wu, Z. & Zhang, M.
(2020). Current situation and key manufacturing
considerations of green furniture in China: A
review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 267,
121957. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121957.
JAES/AAS-Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences/Anatolian Academic Sciences&Anadolu Çevre ve Hayvancılık Dergisi/Anadolu Akademik Bilimler-AÇEH/AAS