Monitoring Sea Level Changes Along the Coast of Rize, Turkey Throughout the Year
Year 2024,
, 785 - 794, 31.12.2024
Veli Süme
Hasan Oğulcan Marangoz
Global climate change is leading to significant environmental problems worldwide, with changes in sea level being one of the most critical issues. In countries like Turkey, which is surrounded by seas on three sides, the impacts of these changes are felt even more acutely. The rise and fall of sea levels pose significant risks, particularly for populations living in coastal areas and for economic activities in these regions. A substantial portion of the world's population resides in coastal areas that are 10-20 meters above sea level, and economically valuable structures such as agricultural lands, tourism facilities, and ports are also located along these coastlines. This study aims to detect the changes in sea level along the coastal strip of Rize province and to guide infrastructure and settlement planning based on these changes. In this context, data obtained from tide gauge stations established along the coast have been analyzed.
Supporting Institution
Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Scientific Research Committee
Project Number
This study was financially supported by the Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Scientific Research Committee under project number FYL-2020-1061.
- Baltacı, H. (2010). Examination of Landslide-Rainfall
Relationships and Determination of Minimum
Threshold Values in the Eastern Black Sea Region
(Rize, Trabzon, Giresun). Master’s Thesis,
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul.
- Batan, N., Atamov, V., Ekşi, S. & Erata, H. (2018).
Contrubition to the bryophyte flora of the İkizdere
district (Rize, Turkey). Phytologia Balcanica,
24(1), 9-15.
- Çakıcı, A. (2015). Identification of Behaviors in
Mareograph Stations Using Time Series Analysis:
The Case of TUDES Mareograph Stations.
Master’s Thesis, Aksaray University, Aksaray.
- Dağ, S. (2007). Landslide Susceptibility Analysis of Çayeli
(Rize) and Its Surroundings Using Statistical
Methods. PhD Thesis, Karadeniz Technical
University, Trabzon.
- Demir, C. & Yıldız, H. (2002). Investigation of Vertical
Crustal Movements Using Sea Level and
Geodetic Measurements at Erdek Mareograph
Station and Its Surroundings. Mapping Journal,
127, 9-18.
- Gürdal, M.A. (1998). Sea Level Measurements and
Mareograph Stations Operated by the Mapping
General Command. Mapping Journal, 119, 1-14.
- IPCC. (2019). Special Report on the Ocean and
Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
- IPCC. (2021). Climate Change 2021: The Physical
Science Basis. Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change.
- NASA. (2020). Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the
Planet. Retrieved from
- NOAA. (2021). National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Annual Climate Report. Retrieved
- Polat, P. & Sunkar, M. (2017). Climate Characteristics of
Rize and Trend Analyses of Long-Term
Temperature and Precipitation Data in the Rize
Region. Fırat University Journal of Social
Sciences, 27(1), 1-23.
- Pugh, D. (2004). Changing Sea Levels: Effects of Tides,
Weather, and Climate. Cambridge University
- Sezen, E. (2006). Investigation of Sea Level Changes at
Antalya-1 (1935-1977) and Antalya-2 (1985-
2005) Mareograph Stations. Master’s Thesis,
Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar.
- Simav, M. (2012). Investigation of the Possible Effects of
Sea Level Rise on Coastal Areas in Istanbul. PhD
Thesis, Istanbul Technical University.
- Simav, M. & Türkezer, A. (2011). Data Quality Control
and Management System of the Turkish National
Sea Level Monitoring Network. Mapping
Journal, 145, 15-28.
- Süme, V. (2007). Examination of "T" Groins for Coastal
Protection Between İyidere and Çayeli in Rize.
6th National Coastal Engineering Symposium,
- Süme, V. (2011). Sea Level Change in Rize. Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan University, Scientific Research Project,
- Turoğlu, H. (2017). Coastlines in Legal and Scientific
Dimensions. Publication of the Geomorphology
Association, Istanbul.
- Yalçın, A. & Bulut, F. (2007). Landslide Susceptibility
Mapping Using GIS and Digital Photogrammetric
Techniques: A Case Study from Ardeşen (NE-
Turkey). Natural Hazards, 41(1), 201-226.
- Yıldız, H. (2005). Investigation of Long-Term Absolute
Sea Level Changes Using Mareograph and Fixed
GPS Time Series Analysis. PhD Thesis, Istanbul
Technical University.
- Demir, C. & Yıldız, H. (2002). Investigation of Vertical
Crustal Movements Using Sea Level and
Geodetic Measurements at Erdek Mareograph
Station and Its Surroundings. Mapping Journal,
127, 9-18.
- Geymen, A. & Dirican, A.Y. (2016). Analysis of Sea
Level Changes Due to Climate Change Using
Geographic Information Systems. Electronic
Journal of Mapping Technologies, 8(2), 65-74.
- Greenland Ice Sheet Project. (2018). Global Climate
Change and the Greenland Ice Sheet. Retrieved
- Gürdal, M.A. (1998). Sea Level Measurements and
Mareograph Stations Operated by the Mapping
General Command. Mapping Journal, 119, 1-14.
- IPCC. (2021). Climate Change 2021: The Physical
Science Basis. Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change.
- NASA. (2020). Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the
Planet. Retrieved from
- Polat, P. & Sunkar, M. (2017). Climate Characteristics of
Rize and Trend Analyses of Long-term
Temperature and Precipitation Data in the Rize
Region. Fırat University Journal of Social
Sciences, 27(1), 1-23.
- Pugh, D. (2004). Changing Sea Levels: Effects of Tides,
Weather, and Climate. Cambridge University
- Sezen, E. (2006). Investigation of Sea Level Changes at
Antalya-1 (1935-1977) and Antalya-2 (1985-
2005) Mareograph Stations. Master’s Thesis,
Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar.
Rize, Türkiye Kıyılarında Deniz Seviyesi Değişimlerinin Yıl Boyunca İzlenmesi
Year 2024,
, 785 - 794, 31.12.2024
Veli Süme
Hasan Oğulcan Marangoz
Küresel iklim değişikliği, dünya genelinde ciddi çevresel sorunlara yol açmakta ve bu sorunların başında deniz seviyesindeki değişimler gelmektedir. Türkiye gibi üç tarafı denizlerle çevrili ülkelerde, bu değişimlerin etkileri çok daha belirgin hissedilmektedir. Deniz seviyesinde meydana gelen yükselme ve alçalmalar, özellikle kıyı bölgelerinde yaşayan nüfus ve bu bölgelerdeki ekonomik faaliyetler üzerinde önemli riskler yaratmaktadır. Dünya nüfusunun büyük bir kısmı, deniz seviyesinden 10-20 metre yükseklikteki kıyı alanlarında yaşamını sürdürmekte olup, tarım alanları, turizm tesisleri ve limanlar gibi ekonomik açıdan değerli yapılar da bu sahil şeritlerinde yer almaktadır. Bu çalışma, Rize ili sahil şeridinde deniz seviyesindeki değişimlerin tespit edilmesi ve bu değişimlerin altyapı ile yerleşim yeri planlamalarına rehberlik etmesini amaçlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda, deniz kıyılarına kurulan mareograf istasyonlarından elde edilen veriler incelenmiştir.
Supporting Institution
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Komitesi
Project Number
Bu çalışma, FYL-2020-1061 proje numarasıyla Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Komisyonu tarafından finansal olarak desteklenmiştir.
- Baltacı, H. (2010). Examination of Landslide-Rainfall
Relationships and Determination of Minimum
Threshold Values in the Eastern Black Sea Region
(Rize, Trabzon, Giresun). Master’s Thesis,
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul.
- Batan, N., Atamov, V., Ekşi, S. & Erata, H. (2018).
Contrubition to the bryophyte flora of the İkizdere
district (Rize, Turkey). Phytologia Balcanica,
24(1), 9-15.
- Çakıcı, A. (2015). Identification of Behaviors in
Mareograph Stations Using Time Series Analysis:
The Case of TUDES Mareograph Stations.
Master’s Thesis, Aksaray University, Aksaray.
- Dağ, S. (2007). Landslide Susceptibility Analysis of Çayeli
(Rize) and Its Surroundings Using Statistical
Methods. PhD Thesis, Karadeniz Technical
University, Trabzon.
- Demir, C. & Yıldız, H. (2002). Investigation of Vertical
Crustal Movements Using Sea Level and
Geodetic Measurements at Erdek Mareograph
Station and Its Surroundings. Mapping Journal,
127, 9-18.
- Gürdal, M.A. (1998). Sea Level Measurements and
Mareograph Stations Operated by the Mapping
General Command. Mapping Journal, 119, 1-14.
- IPCC. (2019). Special Report on the Ocean and
Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
- IPCC. (2021). Climate Change 2021: The Physical
Science Basis. Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change.
- NASA. (2020). Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the
Planet. Retrieved from
- NOAA. (2021). National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Annual Climate Report. Retrieved
- Polat, P. & Sunkar, M. (2017). Climate Characteristics of
Rize and Trend Analyses of Long-Term
Temperature and Precipitation Data in the Rize
Region. Fırat University Journal of Social
Sciences, 27(1), 1-23.
- Pugh, D. (2004). Changing Sea Levels: Effects of Tides,
Weather, and Climate. Cambridge University
- Sezen, E. (2006). Investigation of Sea Level Changes at
Antalya-1 (1935-1977) and Antalya-2 (1985-
2005) Mareograph Stations. Master’s Thesis,
Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar.
- Simav, M. (2012). Investigation of the Possible Effects of
Sea Level Rise on Coastal Areas in Istanbul. PhD
Thesis, Istanbul Technical University.
- Simav, M. & Türkezer, A. (2011). Data Quality Control
and Management System of the Turkish National
Sea Level Monitoring Network. Mapping
Journal, 145, 15-28.
- Süme, V. (2007). Examination of "T" Groins for Coastal
Protection Between İyidere and Çayeli in Rize.
6th National Coastal Engineering Symposium,
- Süme, V. (2011). Sea Level Change in Rize. Recep Tayyip
Erdoğan University, Scientific Research Project,
- Turoğlu, H. (2017). Coastlines in Legal and Scientific
Dimensions. Publication of the Geomorphology
Association, Istanbul.
- Yalçın, A. & Bulut, F. (2007). Landslide Susceptibility
Mapping Using GIS and Digital Photogrammetric
Techniques: A Case Study from Ardeşen (NE-
Turkey). Natural Hazards, 41(1), 201-226.
- Yıldız, H. (2005). Investigation of Long-Term Absolute
Sea Level Changes Using Mareograph and Fixed
GPS Time Series Analysis. PhD Thesis, Istanbul
Technical University.
- Demir, C. & Yıldız, H. (2002). Investigation of Vertical
Crustal Movements Using Sea Level and
Geodetic Measurements at Erdek Mareograph
Station and Its Surroundings. Mapping Journal,
127, 9-18.
- Geymen, A. & Dirican, A.Y. (2016). Analysis of Sea
Level Changes Due to Climate Change Using
Geographic Information Systems. Electronic
Journal of Mapping Technologies, 8(2), 65-74.
- Greenland Ice Sheet Project. (2018). Global Climate
Change and the Greenland Ice Sheet. Retrieved
- Gürdal, M.A. (1998). Sea Level Measurements and
Mareograph Stations Operated by the Mapping
General Command. Mapping Journal, 119, 1-14.
- IPCC. (2021). Climate Change 2021: The Physical
Science Basis. Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change.
- NASA. (2020). Global Climate Change: Vital Signs of the
Planet. Retrieved from
- Polat, P. & Sunkar, M. (2017). Climate Characteristics of
Rize and Trend Analyses of Long-term
Temperature and Precipitation Data in the Rize
Region. Fırat University Journal of Social
Sciences, 27(1), 1-23.
- Pugh, D. (2004). Changing Sea Levels: Effects of Tides,
Weather, and Climate. Cambridge University
- Sezen, E. (2006). Investigation of Sea Level Changes at
Antalya-1 (1935-1977) and Antalya-2 (1985-
2005) Mareograph Stations. Master’s Thesis,
Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar.