Chemical Modification of Carbon Black for Coloring
Year 2024,
, 832 - 838, 31.12.2024
Sibel Dikmen Küçük
Halil Uğraş
Sealing profiles that are mainly used to prevent the ingress of water, noise, dust and air in the automotive industry are produced from synthetic Ethylene-propylene-diene monomer (EPDM) rubber. Although EPDM rubber is preferred due to its high mechanical properties and waterproof structure, it is necessary to reinforce it with various additives due to the requirements for profiles in automotive manufacturers' specifications. One of the fillers used to keep the fluidity at the desired level during production and to improve the mechanical properties and UV resistance of the profiles is carbon black (CB) and has the highest contribution rate in the EPDM rubber formulation. Due to its high amount in the rubber formulation, it allows the rubber formulation and subsequently the sealing profiles produced with this formulation to be produced only in black. However, recently, automotive manufacturers have demanded different color profiles in line with the demands of end users. Solubility and reactivity of CB is low and it tends to aggregate. In order for CB to be colored, its surface will be activated and polarized using different chemicals. After that, a suitable dye can be attached to the structure after its structure has been determined by elemental analysis, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis (EDX) and Thermal Analysis (TGA-DSC). After EPDM rubber will be produced by colored CB, the first colored sealing profile that has not been produced in our country and in the world yet, can be achieved.
Ethical Statement
We declare that this study is among the studies that do not require ethics committee approval.
Supporting Institution
Duzce University
Project Number
BAP - 2020.05.03.1073
This work is supported by Düzce University Scientific Project (Project no: 2020.05.03.1073). The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of this work provided by the Duzce University Research Fund. The authors also wish to thank to the Standard Profile Corporation, Turkey, for technical support.
- Amornwachirabodee, K., et al. (2018). Oxidized Carbon
Black: Preparation, Characterization and
Application in Antibody Delivery across Cell
Membrane. Scientific Reports, 8, 2489-2499.
- Alp, R.B., Dilmac O.F. & Simsek, B. (2019). Grafit ve
ömrünü tamamlamış atık lastikten elde edilen
karbon siyahının iyileştirilmiş Hummers yöntemi
ile oksidasyonu. International Journal of
Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, 3,
- Belmont, J. & Adams, C. (1998). Non-aqueous inks and
coatings containing modified carbon products. US
Patent 5.713.988.
- Belmont, J., Johnson, J. & Adams, C. (1996). Ink jet ink
formulations containing carbonblack products.
US Patent 5.571.311.
- Cheng, J., Yu, Y., Li, T., Liu, Y. & Lu, C. (2015). A
Comparing Study on Copper Adsorption on
Nanoscale Carbon Black Modified by Different
Kinds of Acid. International Journal of
Nanoscience, 14(1-2), 1-6.
- Curtis, J.C., Taylor, R.L. & Joyce, G.A. (2000).
Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation of Carbon Black.
- Du, X., Zhang, Y., Pan, X., Meng, F., You, J. & Wang,
Z. (2019). Preparation and properties of modified
porous starch/ carbon black/natural rubber
composites. Composites Part B: Engineering,
156, 1-7.
- Eroglu, A.M., Albayrak, G., Aydin, I., Eren, M. &
Gurkaynak, M.A. (2006). Investigation of the
effect of carbon black particle size used in EPDM
based mixtures on the vulcanisation and physical
properties of final product. 7th National Chemical
Engineering Congress, Eskisehir.
- Freise, C.K. (2002). Handbuch der Karosseriedichtungen:
Inhaltsverzeichnis. Wolfsburg, Germany.
- Gomez de la Fuente, J.L., et al. (2005). Enhanced
methanol electrooxidation activity of PtRu
nanoparticles supported on H2O2-functionalized
carbon black. Carbon, 43, 3002-3039.
- Grunlan, C., Gerberich, W.W. & Francis, L.F. (2002).
Lowering the percolation thresholdof conductive
composites using particulate polymer
microstructure. Journal of Applied Polymer
Science, 80, 692-705.
- Gunasekaran, S., Natarajan, R.K. & Kala, A. (2007).
FTIR spectra and mechanical strength analysis of
some selected rubber derivatives. Spectrochimica
Acta Part A, 68, 323-330.
- Jeguirim, M., Tschamber, V., Brilhac, J.F. &
Ehrburger, P. (2005). Oxidation mechanism of
carbon black by NO2: effect of water vapor. Fuel,
84, 1949-1956.
- Jestin, F.D., Lacoste, J., Oudin, N.B., Cardinet, C. &
Lemaire, J. (2000). Photo, thermal and natural
ageing of ethylenepropylene-diene monomer
rubber used in automotive applications. Influence
of carbon black, crosslinking and stabilizing
agents. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 67,
- Keeney, J.D. (2002). Automotive Vehicle Seal and
Decorative Trim Strip. U.S. Patent 6 422 571.
Kumar, B., Rana, S. & Singh, R.P. (2007). Photo-
oxidation of EPDM/layered double hydroxides
composites: Influence of layered hydroxides and
stabilizers. Express Polymer Letters, 1(11), 748-
- Li, H.Y., Chen, H.Z., Xu, W.J., Yuan, F., Wang, J.R. &
Wang, M. (2005). Polymer-encapsulated
hydrophilic carbon black nanoparticles free from
aggregation. Colloid Surface A, 254, 173-178.
- Li, W., Xie, Z.M. & Li, Z.M. (2001). Synthesis,
characterization of polyacrylate-g-carbonblack
and its application to soap-free waterborne
coating. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 81,
- Lonkar, S.P., Rana, S., Singh, R.P., Lacoste, J.,
Gardette, J.L., Jestin, F. & Brocorde, E. (2007).
Synthesis, characterization, and performance
evaluation of polymeric HALS in ethylene-
propylenediene terpolymer (EPDM). Journal of
Macromolecular Science, Part A, 42(1), 1037-
- Markovic, M.G., Choudhury, N.R., Dimopoulos, M. &
Matisons, J.G. (2000). Weatherability of coated
EPDM rubber compound by controlled uv
irradiation. Polymer Degradation and Stability,
69, 157-168.
- Mazlum, U., Vahapoglu, V. & Karadeniz, S. (2015).
Experimental investigation of the stress relaxation
behaviours of EPDM synthetic rubbers. Sigma
Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences,
33(3), 365-375.
- Paredes, J.I., Gracia, M., Martínez Alonso, A. &
Tascón, J.M.D. (2005). Nanoscale investigation
of the structural and chemical changes induced by
oxidation on carbon black surfaces: a scanning
probe microscopy approach. Colloid Interface
Science, 288, 190-199.
- Pereira, T.D.S., Mauruto de Oliveira, G.C., Santos,
F.A., Raymundo-Pereira, P.A., Oliveira, O.N.
& Janegitz, B.C. (2019). Use of zein
microspheres to anchor carbon black and
hemoglobin in electrochemical biosensors to
detect hydrogen peroxide in cosmetic products,
food and biological fluids. Talanta, 194, 737-744.
- Qi, M., O’Brien, J.P. & Yang, J. (2007). A recombinant
triblock protein polymer with dispersant and
binding properties for digital printing. Peptide
Science, 90, 28-36.
- Quanlin, Z., Xiaogang, L. & Jin, G. (2007). Aging of
ethylene-propylene-diene monomer in artificial
weathering environment. Polymer Degradation
and Stability, 92, 1841-1846.
- Razdyakonova, G.I., Kokhanovskaya, O.A. &
Likholobov, V.A. (2015). Influence of
environmental conditions on carbon black
oxidation by reactive oxygen intermediates.
Procedia Engineering, 113, 43-50.
Standard Profile (2024).
(27 May 2024).
- Therias, S.M., Fanton, E., Tomer, N.S., Rana, S., Singh,
R.P. & Gardette, J.L. (2006). Photooxidation of
vulcanized EPDM/ montmorillonite
nanocomposites. Polymer Degradation and
Stability, 91, 3033-3039.
- Wang, R., Li, W., Liu, L., Qian, Y., Liu, F., Chen, M.,
Guo, Y. & Liu, L. (2019). Carbon
black/graphene-modified aluminum foil cathode
current collectors for lithium ion batteries with
enhanced electrochemical performances. Journal
of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 833, 63-69.
- Yuan, J.J., Hong, R.Y., Wang, Y.Q. & Feng, W.G.
(2014). Low-temperature plasma preparation and
application of carbon black nanoparticles.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 253, 107-120.
- Zhu, L., Lu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, L. & Wang, W.
(2012). Preparation and characterization of
dopamine-decorated hydrophilic carbon black.
Applied Surface Science, 258, 5387-5393.
Renklendirmek için Karbon Siyahının Kimyasal Modifikasyonu
Year 2024,
, 832 - 838, 31.12.2024
Sibel Dikmen Küçük
Halil Uğraş
Otomotiv sektöründe temel olarak su, gürültü, toz ve havanın içeri girmesini engellemek amacıyla kullanılan sızdırmazlık profilleri sentetik Etilen-propilen-dien monomer (EPDM) kauçuktan üretilmektedir. EPDM kauçuk, yüksek mekanik özellikleri ve su geçirmez yapısı nedeniyle tercih edilmesine rağmen, otomotiv üreticilerinin şartnamelerinde profillere yönelik talepler nedeniyle çeşitli katkı maddeleri ile güçlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Üretim esnasında akışkanlığın istenilen seviyede tutulması, profillerin mekanik özelliklerinin ve UV dayanımının artırılması amacıyla kullanılan dolgu maddelerinden biri de karbon siyahıdır (CB) ve EPDM kauçuk formülasyonunda en yüksek katkı oranına sahiptir. Kauçuk formülasyonunda yüksek miktarda bulunması sebebiyle kauçuk formülasyonunun ve dolayısıyla bu formülasyonla üretilen sızdırmazlık profillerinin sadece siyah renkte üretilmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. Ancak son dönemde otomotiv üreticileri, son kullanıcıların talepleri doğrultusunda farklı renk profilleri talep etmeye başlamıştır. CB'nin çözünürlüğü ve reaktivitesi düşüktür ve agregasyona eğilimlidir. CB'nin renklendirilebilmesi için yüzeyinin çeşitli kimyasallar kullanılarak aktifleştirilmesi ve polarize edilmesi gerekmektedir. Daha sonra yapının elementel analiz, Fourier Dönüşümlü Kızılötesi Spektroskopisi (FTIR), Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu (SEM), Enerji Dağıtıcı X-Işını Analizi (EDX) ve Termal Analiz (TGA-DSC) yöntemleri ile yapısı belirlendikten sonra yapıya uygun boya eklenebilecektir. Renkli CB ile EPDM kauçuğun üretilmesiyle ülkemizde ve dünyada henüz üretilmemiş ilk renkli sızdırmazlık profili elde edilebilecektir.
Ethical Statement
Bu çalışmanın etik kurul izni gerektirmeyen çalışmalar arasında yer aldığını beyan ederiz.
Supporting Institution
Düzce Üniversitesi
Project Number
BAP - 2020.05.03.1073
Bu çalışma Düzce Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü (Proje no: 2020.05.03.1073) tarafından desteklenmiştir. Yazarlar bu çalışmanın Düzce Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu tarafından sağlanan mali desteği için minnettardır. Yazarlar ayrıca teknik destek için Standard Profil, Türkiye firmasına teşekkür etmektedir.
- Amornwachirabodee, K., et al. (2018). Oxidized Carbon
Black: Preparation, Characterization and
Application in Antibody Delivery across Cell
Membrane. Scientific Reports, 8, 2489-2499.
- Alp, R.B., Dilmac O.F. & Simsek, B. (2019). Grafit ve
ömrünü tamamlamış atık lastikten elde edilen
karbon siyahının iyileştirilmiş Hummers yöntemi
ile oksidasyonu. International Journal of
Advances in Engineering and Pure Sciences, 3,
- Belmont, J. & Adams, C. (1998). Non-aqueous inks and
coatings containing modified carbon products. US
Patent 5.713.988.
- Belmont, J., Johnson, J. & Adams, C. (1996). Ink jet ink
formulations containing carbonblack products.
US Patent 5.571.311.
- Cheng, J., Yu, Y., Li, T., Liu, Y. & Lu, C. (2015). A
Comparing Study on Copper Adsorption on
Nanoscale Carbon Black Modified by Different
Kinds of Acid. International Journal of
Nanoscience, 14(1-2), 1-6.
- Curtis, J.C., Taylor, R.L. & Joyce, G.A. (2000).
Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation of Carbon Black.
- Du, X., Zhang, Y., Pan, X., Meng, F., You, J. & Wang,
Z. (2019). Preparation and properties of modified
porous starch/ carbon black/natural rubber
composites. Composites Part B: Engineering,
156, 1-7.
- Eroglu, A.M., Albayrak, G., Aydin, I., Eren, M. &
Gurkaynak, M.A. (2006). Investigation of the
effect of carbon black particle size used in EPDM
based mixtures on the vulcanisation and physical
properties of final product. 7th National Chemical
Engineering Congress, Eskisehir.
- Freise, C.K. (2002). Handbuch der Karosseriedichtungen:
Inhaltsverzeichnis. Wolfsburg, Germany.
- Gomez de la Fuente, J.L., et al. (2005). Enhanced
methanol electrooxidation activity of PtRu
nanoparticles supported on H2O2-functionalized
carbon black. Carbon, 43, 3002-3039.
- Grunlan, C., Gerberich, W.W. & Francis, L.F. (2002).
Lowering the percolation thresholdof conductive
composites using particulate polymer
microstructure. Journal of Applied Polymer
Science, 80, 692-705.
- Gunasekaran, S., Natarajan, R.K. & Kala, A. (2007).
FTIR spectra and mechanical strength analysis of
some selected rubber derivatives. Spectrochimica
Acta Part A, 68, 323-330.
- Jeguirim, M., Tschamber, V., Brilhac, J.F. &
Ehrburger, P. (2005). Oxidation mechanism of
carbon black by NO2: effect of water vapor. Fuel,
84, 1949-1956.
- Jestin, F.D., Lacoste, J., Oudin, N.B., Cardinet, C. &
Lemaire, J. (2000). Photo, thermal and natural
ageing of ethylenepropylene-diene monomer
rubber used in automotive applications. Influence
of carbon black, crosslinking and stabilizing
agents. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 67,
- Keeney, J.D. (2002). Automotive Vehicle Seal and
Decorative Trim Strip. U.S. Patent 6 422 571.
Kumar, B., Rana, S. & Singh, R.P. (2007). Photo-
oxidation of EPDM/layered double hydroxides
composites: Influence of layered hydroxides and
stabilizers. Express Polymer Letters, 1(11), 748-
- Li, H.Y., Chen, H.Z., Xu, W.J., Yuan, F., Wang, J.R. &
Wang, M. (2005). Polymer-encapsulated
hydrophilic carbon black nanoparticles free from
aggregation. Colloid Surface A, 254, 173-178.
- Li, W., Xie, Z.M. & Li, Z.M. (2001). Synthesis,
characterization of polyacrylate-g-carbonblack
and its application to soap-free waterborne
coating. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 81,
- Lonkar, S.P., Rana, S., Singh, R.P., Lacoste, J.,
Gardette, J.L., Jestin, F. & Brocorde, E. (2007).
Synthesis, characterization, and performance
evaluation of polymeric HALS in ethylene-
propylenediene terpolymer (EPDM). Journal of
Macromolecular Science, Part A, 42(1), 1037-
- Markovic, M.G., Choudhury, N.R., Dimopoulos, M. &
Matisons, J.G. (2000). Weatherability of coated
EPDM rubber compound by controlled uv
irradiation. Polymer Degradation and Stability,
69, 157-168.
- Mazlum, U., Vahapoglu, V. & Karadeniz, S. (2015).
Experimental investigation of the stress relaxation
behaviours of EPDM synthetic rubbers. Sigma
Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences,
33(3), 365-375.
- Paredes, J.I., Gracia, M., Martínez Alonso, A. &
Tascón, J.M.D. (2005). Nanoscale investigation
of the structural and chemical changes induced by
oxidation on carbon black surfaces: a scanning
probe microscopy approach. Colloid Interface
Science, 288, 190-199.
- Pereira, T.D.S., Mauruto de Oliveira, G.C., Santos,
F.A., Raymundo-Pereira, P.A., Oliveira, O.N.
& Janegitz, B.C. (2019). Use of zein
microspheres to anchor carbon black and
hemoglobin in electrochemical biosensors to
detect hydrogen peroxide in cosmetic products,
food and biological fluids. Talanta, 194, 737-744.
- Qi, M., O’Brien, J.P. & Yang, J. (2007). A recombinant
triblock protein polymer with dispersant and
binding properties for digital printing. Peptide
Science, 90, 28-36.
- Quanlin, Z., Xiaogang, L. & Jin, G. (2007). Aging of
ethylene-propylene-diene monomer in artificial
weathering environment. Polymer Degradation
and Stability, 92, 1841-1846.
- Razdyakonova, G.I., Kokhanovskaya, O.A. &
Likholobov, V.A. (2015). Influence of
environmental conditions on carbon black
oxidation by reactive oxygen intermediates.
Procedia Engineering, 113, 43-50.
Standard Profile (2024).
(27 May 2024).
- Therias, S.M., Fanton, E., Tomer, N.S., Rana, S., Singh,
R.P. & Gardette, J.L. (2006). Photooxidation of
vulcanized EPDM/ montmorillonite
nanocomposites. Polymer Degradation and
Stability, 91, 3033-3039.
- Wang, R., Li, W., Liu, L., Qian, Y., Liu, F., Chen, M.,
Guo, Y. & Liu, L. (2019). Carbon
black/graphene-modified aluminum foil cathode
current collectors for lithium ion batteries with
enhanced electrochemical performances. Journal
of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 833, 63-69.
- Yuan, J.J., Hong, R.Y., Wang, Y.Q. & Feng, W.G.
(2014). Low-temperature plasma preparation and
application of carbon black nanoparticles.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 253, 107-120.
- Zhu, L., Lu, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, L. & Wang, W.
(2012). Preparation and characterization of
dopamine-decorated hydrophilic carbon black.
Applied Surface Science, 258, 5387-5393.