Research Article
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Condition Factor, Length-Length and Length-Weight Relationships for Pagellus acarne Inhabiting the Sea of Marmara

Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 82 - 88, 31.08.2019


In this study, it was aimed to determine
the length-weight and length-length relationships with condition factor values for
P. acarne from
offshore waters of Tekirdağ in the Sea
of Marmara Sea. A total of 294 fish samples were studied as a result of working
in coordination with local fishermen.
A total of 294 fish samples were
obtained from a coordinated study between 2017 and 2018 with local fishermen. Total length(TL), fork length, standard length and
weight of the fish(W) samples were measured to the nearest 0.1 cm and 0.1 g
respectively. As a result of t-test, female and male samples were evaluated
together because there was no statistical difference between the measurements
of male and female samples. The minimum condition factor value of
, which were evaluated without regard to
sex, was 0.9954 and the maximum condition factor value was 1.4539. The
length-weight relationship equation and correlation coefficient of P. acarne were determined as W = 0.02TL2.8142
and r² = 0.8409, respectively. The 95% confidence interval of the ‘b’ value in the length- weight relationship
equation was 2.8109-2.8164. In this study, it was determined that P. acarne showed a negative allometric
growth in this habitat. Fork length-total length, standard length-total length
and standard length-fork length relationship equations and correlation
coefficients of P. acarne were
determined as y=0,7767x+0,1565 (r²=0,8910), y=0,8833x+0.2836 (r²=0,9185) and
y=0,8273x+0,4961 (r²=0,8585), respectively.
The determined parameters of
P. acarne species are the first data
for the Tekirdağ population in the Sea of Marmara.


  • Akel, E.H.K. (2016). Length-weight relationships and condition factors for fifteen species caught by experimental bottom trawl along the Egyptian Mediterranean coast. Acta Velit, 2:15-19.
  • Andaloro, F. (1982). Resume des paramétres biologiques sur Pagellus acarne de la mer Tyrrhenienne méridionale et de la mer Ionienne septentrionale. FAO Fish. Rep., No. 266, Rome, pp. 89-92.
  • Avşar, D. (1996). Balıkçılık Biyolojisi ve Populasyon Dinamiği. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi No:5, Baki Kitap ve Yayınevi, Adana, 303 s.
  • Bagenal, T.B. & Tesch, F.W. (1978). Age and growth. In: Bagenal T (Ed), Methods for assessment of fish production in fresh waters, 3 rd edn. IBP Handbook No. 3, Blackwell Science Publications, Oxford, 101-136.
  • Bostanci, D., Yedier, S., Kontaş, S., Kurucu, G. & Polat, N. (2017). Length-weight, length-length relationships and condition factors of some fish species in Yalıköy Stream (Ordu-Turkey). Aquaculture Studies 17: 375-383.
  • Campillo, A. (1992). Les pêcheries françaises de Méditerranée: synthèse des connaissances. IFREMER, France.
  • Coelho, R., Bentes, L., Correia, C., Gonçalves, J.M.S., Lino, P.G., Monteiro, P., Ribeiro, J. & Erzini, K. (2005). Age, growth and reproduction of the axillary seabream, Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1827), from the south coast of Portugal. Thalassas (International Journal of Marine Science), 21:79-84.
  • Crec'hriou, R., Neveu, R. & Lenfant, P. (2013). Length-weight relationship of main commercial fishes from the French Catalan coast. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 29:1191-1192.
  • Çiçek, E., Avşar, D., Yeldan, H. & Özütok, M. (2006). Length-weight relationships for 31 teleost fishes caught by bottom trawl net in the Babadillimani Bight (northeastern Mediterranean. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 22:290-292.
  • Dorel, D. (1986). Poissons de l'Atlantique nord-est relations taille-poids. Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer. Nantes, France, 165 p.
  • Družinin, A.D. (1976). Sparovye ryby Mirovogo okeana. [Sparid fishes of the world oceans.] Piŝevaja promyšlennost′, Moskva, USSR.
  • Dulčić, J. & Kraljević, M. (1996). Weight-length relationship for 40 fish species in the eastern Adriatic (Croatian waters). Fish. Res., 28(3):243-251.
  • Erkoyuncu, İ. (1995). Balıkçılık Biyolojisi ve Populasyon Dinamiği. Ondokuzmayıs Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No:95, Sinop, 265 s.
  • Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (2019). FishBase. Species list: World Wide Web electronic publication. Available from: Accessed 7 March 2019.
  • Froese, R., Tsikliras, A.C. & Stergiou, K.I. (2011). Editorial note on weight–length relations of fishes. Acta Ichth-yologica Et Piscatoria, 41(4):261-263.
  • Garcia, C.B., Buarte, J.O., Sandoval, N., Von Schiller, D. & Mello, N.P. (1989). Length-weight relationships of demersal fishes from The Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia. Fishbyte, 21:30-32.
  • Giacalone, V.M., D'Anna, G., Badalamenti, F. & Pipitone, C. (2010). Weight-length relationships and condition factor trends for thirty-eight fish species in trawled and untrawled areas off the coast of northern Sicily (central Mediterranean Sea). J. Appl. Ichthyol., 26:954-957.
  • Haimovici, M. & Velasco, G. (2000). Length-weight relationship of marine fishes from southern Brazil. The ICLARM Quarterly, 23(1):14-16.
  • Karachle, P.K., Başusta, A., Başusta, N., Bostanci, D., Buz, K., Girgin, H., Chater, I., Kokokiris, L., Kontaş, S., Ktari, M.-H., Maravelias, C.T., Minos, G., Özer, E.I., Romdhani, A., Tiralongo, F., Tibullo, D., Tserpes, G., Vasilakopoulos, P. (2015). New fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea (April, 2015). Mediterranean Marine science 16: 285-293.
  • Magnusson, J. & Magnusson, J.V.V. (1987). ICEIDA/Cape Verde Islands Fisheries Project. Survey of demersal fish resources in the waters off Cape Verde Islands. IV. Report: summary of information on species. Icelandic International Development Agency/Marine Research Institute. 114 p.
  • Mendes, B., Fonseca, P. & Campos, A. (2004). Weight–length relationships for 46 fish species of the Portuguese west coast. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 20:355-361.
  • Mennes, F. (1985). Multispecies assessment of fish stocks off the Western Sahara region with emphasis on the family Sparidae. Fishbyte, The WorldFish Center, 3(3):5-10.
  • Merella, P., Quetglas, A., Alemany, F. & Carbonell, A. (1997). Length–weight relationship of fishes and cephalopods from the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean). Naga, the ICLARM Quarterly, 20(3-4):66-68.
  • Morato, T., Solà, E., Pitta Grós, M. & Menendez, G. (2001). Feeding habits of two congener species of seabreams, Pagellus bogaraveo and Pagellus acarne, off the Azores (Northeastern Atlantic) during spring of 1996 and 1997. Bulletin of Marine Science, 69(3):1073-1087.
  • Moutopoulos, D.K. & Stergiou, K.I. (2002). Length-weight and length-length relationships of fish species of the Aegean Sea (Greece). J. Appl. Ichthyol., 18(3):200-203.
  • Özaydın, O., Uçkun, D., Akalın, S., Leblebici, S. & Tosunoğlu, Z. (2007). Length–weight relationships of fishes captured from Izmir Bay, Central Aegean Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23(6):695-696.
  • Pajuelo, J.G. & Lorenzo, J.M. (2000). Reproduction, age, growth and mortality of axillary seabream, Pagellus acarne (Sparidae), from the Canarian archipelago. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 16:41-47.
  • Petrakis, G. & Stergiou, K.I. (1995). Weight–length relationships for 33 fish species in Greek waters. Fish. Res., 21:465-469.
  • Ricker, W.A. (1975). Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, (191):382 p.
  • Sangun, L., Akamca, E. & Akar, M. (2007). Weight-length relationships for 39 fish species from the North-Eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 7:37-40.
  • Santos, M.N., Monteiro, C.C. & Erzini, K. (1995). Aspects of the biology and gillnet selectivity of the axillary seabream (Pagellus acarne, Risso) and common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus, Linnaeus) from the Algarve (south Portugal). Fish. Res., 23:223-236.
  • Santos, M.N., Gaspar, M.B., Vasconcelos, P. & Monteiro, C.C. (2002). Weight-length relationships for 50 selected fish species of the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Fish. Res., 59(1-2):289-295.
  • Saygın, S., Özpiçak, M., Aydın, A., Hançer, E., Yılmaz, S. & Polat, N. (2018). Length-weight and length-length relationships of the European bitterling, Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782) inhabiting inland waters of Samsun Province. BAUN Fen Bil. Enst. Dergisi, 20(2): 201-210.
  • Soykan, O., Ilkyaz A.T., Metin, G. & Kinacigil, H.T. (2015). Growth and reproduction of Boops boops, Dentex macrophthalmus, Diplodus vulgaris and Pagellus acarne (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Sparidae) from East-Central Aegean Sea, Turkey. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat., 45(1):39-55.
  • Stergiou, K.I. & Moutopoulos, D.K. (2001). A review of length-weight relationships of fishes from Greek marine waters. Naga ICLARM Q., 24(1&2):23-39.
  • Tsagarakis, K., Başusta, A., Başusta, N., Biandolino, F., Bostanci, D., Buz, K., Djodjo, Z., Dulcie, J., Gökoğlu, M., Gücü, A.C., Machias, A., Mara­velias, C.D., Özvarol, Y., Polat, N., Prato, E., Vasilakopoulos, P. & Yedier S. (2015). Length-weight and length-length relationships of three Alburnus species from different inland waters in Turkey. Collective Article B, In: New Fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea (October 2015). Mediterranean Marine Science 16(3): 703-713.
  • Türker-Çakır, D., Torcu-Koc, H., Başusta, A. & Başusta, N. (2008). Length-Weight Relationships of 24 Fish Species From Edremit Bay Aegean Sea. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 3(1):47-51.
  • Türker, D. & Bal, H. (2018). Length–weight relationshipsof 13 fish species from thewestern Black Sea (Zonguldak-Amasra), Turkey. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 24(2):115-127.
  • URL1, Accessed 17 October 2018.
  • Velasco, E., Jiménez-Tenorio, N., Del Arbol, J., Bruzón, M., Baro, J. & Sobrino, I. (2011). Age, growth and reproduction of the axillary seabream, Pagellus acarne, in the Atlantic and Mediterranean waters off southern Spain. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 91(6):1243-1253.
  • Yılmaz, S., Yazıcıoğlu, O., Yazıcı, R. & Polat, N. (2015). Age, growth and reproductive period of white bream, Blicca bjoerkna (L., 1758) in Lake Ladik, Turkey. Limnofish 1(1): 9-18.

Marmara Denizi'nde Yaşayan Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1827)'nin Kondisyon Faktörü, Boy-Boy ve Boy-Ağırlık İlişkileri

Year 2019, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 82 - 88, 31.08.2019


Bu çalışmada, Marmara Denizi’nin Tekirdağ açıklarında yayılım gösteren P.
türünün boy-ağırlık ve boy-boy ilişkileri ile kondisyon faktörü
değerlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
2017 ve 2018 yılları arasında yerel balıkçılarla koordineli bir çalışmanın
sonucunda elde edilen toplam 294 balık bireyi incelenmiştir. Balık bireylerinin
total boy(TB), çatal boy ve standart boy ölçümleri 0,1 cm hassasiyette
yapılmıştır. Balıkların ağırlıkları(W) ise 0,1 g hassasiyetle belirlenmiştir.
Yapılan t testi sonucunda dişi ve erkek bireylerin ölçümleri arasında
istatistiksel fark olmadığı için bu çalışmada dişi ve erkek bireyler beraber
değerlendirilmiştir. Eşey ayrımı gözetilmeden değerlendirilen P. acarne bireyinin
minimum kondisyon faktörü değeri 0,9954 ve maksimum kondisyon faktörü değeri
ise 1,4539 olarak hesaplanmıştır. P. acarne’nin boy-ağırlık ilişkisi
denklemi ve korelasyon katsayısı sırasıyla W=0,02TB2,8142 ve r²=0,8409
olarak belirlenmiştir. Boy-ağırlık ilişki denklemindeki “b” değerinin %95’lik güven aralığı 2,8109-2,8164 olarak
bulunmuştur. P. acarne türünün bu habitatta negatif allometrik bir
büyüme gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. P. acarne türünün çatal boy-total boy,
standart boy-total boy ve standart boy-çatal boy ilişkileri denklemleri ve
korelasyon katsayıları sırasıyla y=0,7767x+0,1565 (r²=0,8910), y=0,8833x+0.2836
(r²=0,9185) ve y=0,8273x+0,4961 (r²=0,8585) olarak belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen popülasyon parametreleri P.
türünün Marmara Denizi Tekirdağ popülasyonu için ilk


  • Akel, E.H.K. (2016). Length-weight relationships and condition factors for fifteen species caught by experimental bottom trawl along the Egyptian Mediterranean coast. Acta Velit, 2:15-19.
  • Andaloro, F. (1982). Resume des paramétres biologiques sur Pagellus acarne de la mer Tyrrhenienne méridionale et de la mer Ionienne septentrionale. FAO Fish. Rep., No. 266, Rome, pp. 89-92.
  • Avşar, D. (1996). Balıkçılık Biyolojisi ve Populasyon Dinamiği. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi No:5, Baki Kitap ve Yayınevi, Adana, 303 s.
  • Bagenal, T.B. & Tesch, F.W. (1978). Age and growth. In: Bagenal T (Ed), Methods for assessment of fish production in fresh waters, 3 rd edn. IBP Handbook No. 3, Blackwell Science Publications, Oxford, 101-136.
  • Bostanci, D., Yedier, S., Kontaş, S., Kurucu, G. & Polat, N. (2017). Length-weight, length-length relationships and condition factors of some fish species in Yalıköy Stream (Ordu-Turkey). Aquaculture Studies 17: 375-383.
  • Campillo, A. (1992). Les pêcheries françaises de Méditerranée: synthèse des connaissances. IFREMER, France.
  • Coelho, R., Bentes, L., Correia, C., Gonçalves, J.M.S., Lino, P.G., Monteiro, P., Ribeiro, J. & Erzini, K. (2005). Age, growth and reproduction of the axillary seabream, Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1827), from the south coast of Portugal. Thalassas (International Journal of Marine Science), 21:79-84.
  • Crec'hriou, R., Neveu, R. & Lenfant, P. (2013). Length-weight relationship of main commercial fishes from the French Catalan coast. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 29:1191-1192.
  • Çiçek, E., Avşar, D., Yeldan, H. & Özütok, M. (2006). Length-weight relationships for 31 teleost fishes caught by bottom trawl net in the Babadillimani Bight (northeastern Mediterranean. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 22:290-292.
  • Dorel, D. (1986). Poissons de l'Atlantique nord-est relations taille-poids. Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer. Nantes, France, 165 p.
  • Družinin, A.D. (1976). Sparovye ryby Mirovogo okeana. [Sparid fishes of the world oceans.] Piŝevaja promyšlennost′, Moskva, USSR.
  • Dulčić, J. & Kraljević, M. (1996). Weight-length relationship for 40 fish species in the eastern Adriatic (Croatian waters). Fish. Res., 28(3):243-251.
  • Erkoyuncu, İ. (1995). Balıkçılık Biyolojisi ve Populasyon Dinamiği. Ondokuzmayıs Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No:95, Sinop, 265 s.
  • Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (2019). FishBase. Species list: World Wide Web electronic publication. Available from: Accessed 7 March 2019.
  • Froese, R., Tsikliras, A.C. & Stergiou, K.I. (2011). Editorial note on weight–length relations of fishes. Acta Ichth-yologica Et Piscatoria, 41(4):261-263.
  • Garcia, C.B., Buarte, J.O., Sandoval, N., Von Schiller, D. & Mello, N.P. (1989). Length-weight relationships of demersal fishes from The Gulf of Salamanca, Colombia. Fishbyte, 21:30-32.
  • Giacalone, V.M., D'Anna, G., Badalamenti, F. & Pipitone, C. (2010). Weight-length relationships and condition factor trends for thirty-eight fish species in trawled and untrawled areas off the coast of northern Sicily (central Mediterranean Sea). J. Appl. Ichthyol., 26:954-957.
  • Haimovici, M. & Velasco, G. (2000). Length-weight relationship of marine fishes from southern Brazil. The ICLARM Quarterly, 23(1):14-16.
  • Karachle, P.K., Başusta, A., Başusta, N., Bostanci, D., Buz, K., Girgin, H., Chater, I., Kokokiris, L., Kontaş, S., Ktari, M.-H., Maravelias, C.T., Minos, G., Özer, E.I., Romdhani, A., Tiralongo, F., Tibullo, D., Tserpes, G., Vasilakopoulos, P. (2015). New fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea (April, 2015). Mediterranean Marine science 16: 285-293.
  • Magnusson, J. & Magnusson, J.V.V. (1987). ICEIDA/Cape Verde Islands Fisheries Project. Survey of demersal fish resources in the waters off Cape Verde Islands. IV. Report: summary of information on species. Icelandic International Development Agency/Marine Research Institute. 114 p.
  • Mendes, B., Fonseca, P. & Campos, A. (2004). Weight–length relationships for 46 fish species of the Portuguese west coast. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 20:355-361.
  • Mennes, F. (1985). Multispecies assessment of fish stocks off the Western Sahara region with emphasis on the family Sparidae. Fishbyte, The WorldFish Center, 3(3):5-10.
  • Merella, P., Quetglas, A., Alemany, F. & Carbonell, A. (1997). Length–weight relationship of fishes and cephalopods from the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean). Naga, the ICLARM Quarterly, 20(3-4):66-68.
  • Morato, T., Solà, E., Pitta Grós, M. & Menendez, G. (2001). Feeding habits of two congener species of seabreams, Pagellus bogaraveo and Pagellus acarne, off the Azores (Northeastern Atlantic) during spring of 1996 and 1997. Bulletin of Marine Science, 69(3):1073-1087.
  • Moutopoulos, D.K. & Stergiou, K.I. (2002). Length-weight and length-length relationships of fish species of the Aegean Sea (Greece). J. Appl. Ichthyol., 18(3):200-203.
  • Özaydın, O., Uçkun, D., Akalın, S., Leblebici, S. & Tosunoğlu, Z. (2007). Length–weight relationships of fishes captured from Izmir Bay, Central Aegean Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 23(6):695-696.
  • Pajuelo, J.G. & Lorenzo, J.M. (2000). Reproduction, age, growth and mortality of axillary seabream, Pagellus acarne (Sparidae), from the Canarian archipelago. J. Appl. Ichthyol., 16:41-47.
  • Petrakis, G. & Stergiou, K.I. (1995). Weight–length relationships for 33 fish species in Greek waters. Fish. Res., 21:465-469.
  • Ricker, W.A. (1975). Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, (191):382 p.
  • Sangun, L., Akamca, E. & Akar, M. (2007). Weight-length relationships for 39 fish species from the North-Eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 7:37-40.
  • Santos, M.N., Monteiro, C.C. & Erzini, K. (1995). Aspects of the biology and gillnet selectivity of the axillary seabream (Pagellus acarne, Risso) and common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus, Linnaeus) from the Algarve (south Portugal). Fish. Res., 23:223-236.
  • Santos, M.N., Gaspar, M.B., Vasconcelos, P. & Monteiro, C.C. (2002). Weight-length relationships for 50 selected fish species of the Algarve coast (southern Portugal). Fish. Res., 59(1-2):289-295.
  • Saygın, S., Özpiçak, M., Aydın, A., Hançer, E., Yılmaz, S. & Polat, N. (2018). Length-weight and length-length relationships of the European bitterling, Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782) inhabiting inland waters of Samsun Province. BAUN Fen Bil. Enst. Dergisi, 20(2): 201-210.
  • Soykan, O., Ilkyaz A.T., Metin, G. & Kinacigil, H.T. (2015). Growth and reproduction of Boops boops, Dentex macrophthalmus, Diplodus vulgaris and Pagellus acarne (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Sparidae) from East-Central Aegean Sea, Turkey. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat., 45(1):39-55.
  • Stergiou, K.I. & Moutopoulos, D.K. (2001). A review of length-weight relationships of fishes from Greek marine waters. Naga ICLARM Q., 24(1&2):23-39.
  • Tsagarakis, K., Başusta, A., Başusta, N., Biandolino, F., Bostanci, D., Buz, K., Djodjo, Z., Dulcie, J., Gökoğlu, M., Gücü, A.C., Machias, A., Mara­velias, C.D., Özvarol, Y., Polat, N., Prato, E., Vasilakopoulos, P. & Yedier S. (2015). Length-weight and length-length relationships of three Alburnus species from different inland waters in Turkey. Collective Article B, In: New Fisheries-related data from the Mediterranean Sea (October 2015). Mediterranean Marine Science 16(3): 703-713.
  • Türker-Çakır, D., Torcu-Koc, H., Başusta, A. & Başusta, N. (2008). Length-Weight Relationships of 24 Fish Species From Edremit Bay Aegean Sea. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 3(1):47-51.
  • Türker, D. & Bal, H. (2018). Length–weight relationshipsof 13 fish species from thewestern Black Sea (Zonguldak-Amasra), Turkey. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment 24(2):115-127.
  • URL1, Accessed 17 October 2018.
  • Velasco, E., Jiménez-Tenorio, N., Del Arbol, J., Bruzón, M., Baro, J. & Sobrino, I. (2011). Age, growth and reproduction of the axillary seabream, Pagellus acarne, in the Atlantic and Mediterranean waters off southern Spain. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 91(6):1243-1253.
  • Yılmaz, S., Yazıcıoğlu, O., Yazıcı, R. & Polat, N. (2015). Age, growth and reproductive period of white bream, Blicca bjoerkna (L., 1758) in Lake Ladik, Turkey. Limnofish 1(1): 9-18.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Serdar Yedier 0000-0003-0017-3502

Seda Kontaş 0000-0002-6582-6722

Derya Bostancı 0000-0003-3052-9805

Publication Date August 31, 2019
Submission Date March 19, 2019
Acceptance Date May 27, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Yedier, S., Kontaş, S., & Bostancı, D. (2019). Marmara Denizi’nde Yaşayan Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1827)’nin Kondisyon Faktörü, Boy-Boy ve Boy-Ağırlık İlişkileri. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 4(2), 82-88.

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