Diseases Transmission Via Semen: Importance and Control Strategies
Year 2021,
Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 409 - 413, 28.09.2021
Cumali Kaya
Melih Akar
Burcu Yalçın
Disease transmission via semen is an extremely adversarial situation in terms of animal husbandry and reproductive productivity. Artificial insemination is the most widely used method in reproductive biotechnology. The main purpose of artificial insemination is to make genetic improvement. Millions of semen doses produce and distributed throughout the world. With this method, semen obtained both domestically and abroad affects animal husbandry throughout the country. Therefore, absolutely semen should be free from all kinds of disease factors. Control strategies should be determined and implemented in the entire process, from semen procurement to storage. Serious measures should be taken in semen production facilities; breeding animals should be checked regularly. Semen obtained from breeding animals in sperm stations should be investigated for various pathogens. Care should be taken to vaccinate the animals, and disease-free herds should be created. The purpose of this review is to review the importance of diseases via semen and the determination of control strategies.
- Referans1 Amann, R. P. (1970). Sperm production rates. The testis, 1, 433-482.
- Referans2 Amann, R. P., Kavanaugh, J. F., Griel Jr, L. C. & Voglmayr, J. K. (1974). Sperm production of Holstein bulls determined from testicular spermatid reserves, after cannulation of rete testis or vas deferens, and by daily ejaculation. Journal of Dairy Science, 57(1), 93-99.
- Referans3 Bayvel, A. C. D. (2004, February). The OIE animal welfare strategic initiative—Progress, priorities and prognosis. In Proceedings of the Global Conference on animal welfare: an OIE initiative (pp. 13-17). Paris: World Organization for Animal Health.
- Referans4 Benchimol, M., de Andrade Rosa, I., da Silva Fontes, R. & Dias, Â. J. B. (2008). Trichomonas adhere and phagocytose sperm cells: adhesion seems to be a prominent stage during the interaction. Parasitology Research, 102(4), 597-604.
- Referans5 BonDurant, R. H. (2005). Venereal diseases of cattle: natural history, diagnosis, and the role of vaccines in their control. Veterinary Clinics: Food Animal Practice, 21(2), 383-408.
Referans6 Colenbrander, B., Feitsma, H. & Grooten, H. J. (1993). Optimizing semen production for artificial insemination in swine. Journal Of Reproductıon And Fertılıty-Supplement, 207-207.
- Referans7 Collins, M.T. & Stabel, J.R. (2011). Diseases of Dairy Animals Infectious Diseases: Johne’s Disease. Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, 2nd Edition, pp. 174–18. Academic Press
- Referans8 Eaglesome, M. D. & Garcia, M. M. (1997). Disease risks to animal health from artificial insemination with bovine semen. Revue scientifique et technique-Office international des épizooties, 16, 215-225.
- Referans9 Givens, M. D. & Marley, M. S. D. (2008). Pathogens that cause infertility of bulls or transmission via semen. Theriogenology, 70(3), 504-507.
- Referans10 Givens, M. D. (2018). Risks of disease transmission through semen in cattle. Animal, 12(1), 165-171.
- Referans11 Hage, J. J., Schukken, Y. H., Barkema, H. W., Benedictus, G., Rijsewijk, F. A. M. & Wentink, G. H. (1996). Population dynamics of bovine herpesvirus 1 infection in a dairy herd. Veterinary microbiology, 53(1-2), 169-180.
- Referans12 Horzinek, M.C. (1990). In: Dinter, Z., Morein, B. (Eds.), Virus Infections in Vertebrates: Virus Infections in Ruminants, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Series editor M.C. Horzinek. Eaglesome, M.D., Garcia, M.M., 1997. Disease risks to animal health from artificial insemination with bovine semen. Rev. Sci. Off. Int. Epiz. 16, 215–225.
- Referans13 Lanyon, S., Rogers, J., Kessell, A. & Reichel, M.P. (2012). Economic analysis of an acute outbreak of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in a South Australian dairy herd – a case study. Australian Cattle Veterinarian 63, 13–17.
- Referans14 Mathevon, M., Buhr, M. M. & Dekkers, J. C. M. (1998). Environmental, management, and genetic factors affecting semen production in Holstein bulls. Journal of dairy science, 81(12), 3321-3330.
Referans15 OIE (2017). Terrestrial Animal Health Code. Office International des Epizooties (OIE), Paris, France. Retrieved on 16 April 2017 from http://www.oie.int/ international-standard-setting/terrestrial-code/access-online/
- Referans16 Peter, D. (1997). Bovine venereal diseases. In Current therapy in large animal theriogenology (ed. RS Youngquist), Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 355–363p.
- Referans17 Sanderson, M. (2009). Biosecurity for cow-calf enterprises. Food Animal Practice, 594.
- Referans18 Schenk, J. L. (2018). Principles of maximizing bull semen production at genetic centers. animal, 12(1), 142-147.
- Referans19 Sibley, R. (2010). Biosecurity in the dairy herd. In Practice, 32(7), 274-280.
- Referans20 Villarroel, A., Dargatz, D. A., Lane, V. M., McCluskey, B. J. & Salman, M. D. (2007). Suggested outline of potential critical control points for biosecurity and biocontainment on large dairy farms. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 230(6), 808-819.
- Referans21 Wentink, G. H., Frankena, K., Bosch, J. C., Vandehoek, J. E. D. & Van Den Berg, T. (2000). Prevention of disease transmission by semen in cattle. Livestock Production Science, 62(3), 207-220.
Hastalıkların Sperma Yoluyla Bulaşması: Önemi ve Kontrol Stratejileri
Year 2021,
Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 409 - 413, 28.09.2021
Cumali Kaya
Melih Akar
Burcu Yalçın
Sperma yoluyla hastalık bulaşması, hayvancılık ve üreme verimliliği açısından son derece olumsuz bir durumdur. Suni tohumlama, üreme biyoteknolojileri arasında yaygın olarak kullanılan yöntemdir. Suni tohumlamanın temel amacı genetik iyileştirme sağlamaktır. Milyonlarca doz sperma dünya çapında üretilmekte ve dağıtılmaktadır. Bu yöntemle hem yurt içinden hem de yurt dışından elde edilen sperma ile tüm ülke genelinde hayvancılık etkilenmektedir. Bu nedenle sperma her türlü hastalık faktöründen ari olmalıdır. Spermanın alınması, işlenmesi ve depolanmasına kadar tüm süreçte kontrol stratejileri belirlenmeli ve uygulanmalıdır. Sperma üretim tesislerinde ciddi önlemler alınmalı, damızlık hayvanlar düzenli olarak kontrol edilmelidir. Sperma üretim istasyonlarında damızlık hayvanlardan elde edilen sperma, çeşitli patojenler yönünden düzenli olarak taranmalıdır. Hayvanların aşılanmasına özen gösterilmeli ve hastalıktan ari sürüler oluşturulması sağlanmalıdır. Bu derlemenin amacı sperma yoluyla bulaşan hastalıkların ve kontrol stratejilerinin önemini değerlendirmektir.
- Referans1 Amann, R. P. (1970). Sperm production rates. The testis, 1, 433-482.
- Referans2 Amann, R. P., Kavanaugh, J. F., Griel Jr, L. C. & Voglmayr, J. K. (1974). Sperm production of Holstein bulls determined from testicular spermatid reserves, after cannulation of rete testis or vas deferens, and by daily ejaculation. Journal of Dairy Science, 57(1), 93-99.
- Referans3 Bayvel, A. C. D. (2004, February). The OIE animal welfare strategic initiative—Progress, priorities and prognosis. In Proceedings of the Global Conference on animal welfare: an OIE initiative (pp. 13-17). Paris: World Organization for Animal Health.
- Referans4 Benchimol, M., de Andrade Rosa, I., da Silva Fontes, R. & Dias, Â. J. B. (2008). Trichomonas adhere and phagocytose sperm cells: adhesion seems to be a prominent stage during the interaction. Parasitology Research, 102(4), 597-604.
- Referans5 BonDurant, R. H. (2005). Venereal diseases of cattle: natural history, diagnosis, and the role of vaccines in their control. Veterinary Clinics: Food Animal Practice, 21(2), 383-408.
Referans6 Colenbrander, B., Feitsma, H. & Grooten, H. J. (1993). Optimizing semen production for artificial insemination in swine. Journal Of Reproductıon And Fertılıty-Supplement, 207-207.
- Referans7 Collins, M.T. & Stabel, J.R. (2011). Diseases of Dairy Animals Infectious Diseases: Johne’s Disease. Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, 2nd Edition, pp. 174–18. Academic Press
- Referans8 Eaglesome, M. D. & Garcia, M. M. (1997). Disease risks to animal health from artificial insemination with bovine semen. Revue scientifique et technique-Office international des épizooties, 16, 215-225.
- Referans9 Givens, M. D. & Marley, M. S. D. (2008). Pathogens that cause infertility of bulls or transmission via semen. Theriogenology, 70(3), 504-507.
- Referans10 Givens, M. D. (2018). Risks of disease transmission through semen in cattle. Animal, 12(1), 165-171.
- Referans11 Hage, J. J., Schukken, Y. H., Barkema, H. W., Benedictus, G., Rijsewijk, F. A. M. & Wentink, G. H. (1996). Population dynamics of bovine herpesvirus 1 infection in a dairy herd. Veterinary microbiology, 53(1-2), 169-180.
- Referans12 Horzinek, M.C. (1990). In: Dinter, Z., Morein, B. (Eds.), Virus Infections in Vertebrates: Virus Infections in Ruminants, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Series editor M.C. Horzinek. Eaglesome, M.D., Garcia, M.M., 1997. Disease risks to animal health from artificial insemination with bovine semen. Rev. Sci. Off. Int. Epiz. 16, 215–225.
- Referans13 Lanyon, S., Rogers, J., Kessell, A. & Reichel, M.P. (2012). Economic analysis of an acute outbreak of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in a South Australian dairy herd – a case study. Australian Cattle Veterinarian 63, 13–17.
- Referans14 Mathevon, M., Buhr, M. M. & Dekkers, J. C. M. (1998). Environmental, management, and genetic factors affecting semen production in Holstein bulls. Journal of dairy science, 81(12), 3321-3330.
Referans15 OIE (2017). Terrestrial Animal Health Code. Office International des Epizooties (OIE), Paris, France. Retrieved on 16 April 2017 from http://www.oie.int/ international-standard-setting/terrestrial-code/access-online/
- Referans16 Peter, D. (1997). Bovine venereal diseases. In Current therapy in large animal theriogenology (ed. RS Youngquist), Saunders Company, Philadelphia. 355–363p.
- Referans17 Sanderson, M. (2009). Biosecurity for cow-calf enterprises. Food Animal Practice, 594.
- Referans18 Schenk, J. L. (2018). Principles of maximizing bull semen production at genetic centers. animal, 12(1), 142-147.
- Referans19 Sibley, R. (2010). Biosecurity in the dairy herd. In Practice, 32(7), 274-280.
- Referans20 Villarroel, A., Dargatz, D. A., Lane, V. M., McCluskey, B. J. & Salman, M. D. (2007). Suggested outline of potential critical control points for biosecurity and biocontainment on large dairy farms. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 230(6), 808-819.
- Referans21 Wentink, G. H., Frankena, K., Bosch, J. C., Vandehoek, J. E. D. & Van Den Berg, T. (2000). Prevention of disease transmission by semen in cattle. Livestock Production Science, 62(3), 207-220.