Research Article
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Investigation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Some Non-Edible Wild Plant Species Around the Old Chromium Mine Site in Köyceğiz District of Muğla Province

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 359 - 368, 30.09.2024


In this study, the possible presence of heavy metals in the soil and wild plant species around the old Cr deposits of Köyceğiz-Dalyan Special Environmental Protection Area (Sandras Mountain) was investigated. Possible anthropogenic risk factors to which wild plant biodiversity is exposed are also the subject of this research. Fe, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni and Pb contents of soil, shoot and root samples of five wild plant species growing naturally in the region in question were investigated. These five species are: Alyssum masmenaeum (AM), Cytisopsis pseudocytisus (CP), Centaurea ensiformis (CE), Fumana aciphylla (FA), Phlomis angustissima (PA). The data obtained showed that heavy metals other than Ni, Cr and Co were found within normal limits in the soil samples. Particularly, soil Ni content is extremely high. Heavy metals except Ni, Cr and Fe were found within normal limits in shoot and root samples. One species (AM) for Ni and three species (FA, PA and CE) for Fe showed distinct hyperaccumulator properties. Ni hyperaccumulation detected in the Alyssum masmenaeum species is a particularly striking but well-known phenomenon. Since the research area has special environmental protection status, the soil structure and endemism of the region must be absolutely protected.


  • Adıgüzel, N. & Reeves, R.D. (2012). Important serpentine areas of Turkey and distribution patterns of serpentine endemics and nickel accumlators. Bocconea, 24, 7-17.
  • Allison, L.E. & Moodie. C.D. (1965). Carbonate. In: Black et al. (Ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis. 1379- 1400p, part 2. Agronomy, The American Society of Agronomy. Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Alloway, B.J. (1990). Heavy metals in soils. 368, New York.
  • Altınözlü, H., Karagoz, A., Polat, T. & Ünver, İ. (2012). Nickel hyperaccumulation by natural plants in Turkish serpentine soils. Turkish Journal of Botany, 36, 269-280.
  • Altıoğlu, Y. (2009). Eco-physiologic studies on some endemic plants living on serpentine at Sandras mountain (Muğla). Ege Univ. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc. 32p. İzmir- Turkey.
  • Bani, A., Imeri, A., Echevarria, G., Pavlova, D., Reeves, R.D., Morel, J.L. & Sulçe, S. (2013). Nickel hyperaccumlation in the serpentine flora of Albania. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22(6), 1792-1801.
  • Beckett, P.H.T., Davis, R.D., Brindley, P. & Chem, C. (1979). The disposal of sewage sludge onto farmland: The scope of the problem of toxic elements. Water Pollution Control Federation, 78, 419.
  • Bergmann, W. (1993). Ernährungsstörungen bei kulturpflanzen. Gustav Fisher Verleag Jena, Stutgart.
  • Brunetti, G., Soler-Rovira, P., Farrag, K. & Senesi, N. (2009). Tolerance and accumulation of heavy metals by wild plant species grown in contaminated soils in Apulia region, Southern Italy. Plant Soil, 318, 285-298.
  • Castanares, E. & Lojka, B. (2020). Potential hyperaccumulator plants for sustainable environment in tropical habitats. Earth and Environmental Science, 528, 1-10.
  • Cempel, M. & Nikel, G. (2006). Nickel: A review of its sources and Environmental Toxicology. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 15(3), 375382.
  • Chapman, H.D. & Pratt, F.P. (1982). Determination of minerals by titration method. Methods of analysis for soils, plants and water. 2nd ed. Oakland. CA, Agriculture Division, 169-170p, California University.
  • Çiçek, A. & Koparal, A.S. (2004). Accumulation of sulfur and heavy metals in soil and tree leaves sampled from the surroundings of Tunçbilek thermal power plant. Chemosphere, 57, 1031-1036. Dindaroğlu, T., Babur, E. & Laz, B. (2019). Ultramafik topraklardaki Alyssum Pateri bitkisinin ekolojisi ve ağır metal tolerans sınırının belirlenmesi. Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi 7(2), 110- 120.
  • Duke, J.M. (1980). Production and uses of nickel. In: Nriagu J.O. (Ed) Nickel in the Environment, 51- 65p. Wiley, New York.
  • EFSA, European Food Safety Authority (2021). efsa. [Online]. [cited 2021 November 7. Available from: s-contaminants- food.
  • FAO, (2004). Maximum Limits for Dangerous Substances in Soil and Groundwater Regulation of the Minister of the Environment No. 12 of 2 April 2004, No: 40/662, EX-FAOC097999
  • Güneş, A., Alpaslan, M., Çıkılı, Y. & Özcan, H. (2000). The effect of zinc on alleviation of boron toxicity in tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 24(4), 505-510.
  • Iyaka, Y.A. (2011). Nickel in soils: A review of its distribution and impacts. Scientific Research and Essays, Academic Journals Review, 6(33), 6774- 6777. DOI: 10.5897/SREX11.035
  • Junior, A.M.D., Oliveira, P.L., Perry, C.T., Atz, V.L., Rostirola, L.N.A. & Rodriguez, M.T.R. (2009). Using wild plant species as indicators for the accumulation of emissions from a thermal power plant, Candiota, South Brazil. Ecological Indicators, 9(6), 1156-1162.
  • Kabata-Pendias A. (2000). Trace elements in soils and plants. 3rd edition, Boca Raton- CRC Press, 432p, London.
  • Kabata-Pendias, A. & Pendias, A. (1992). Current problems in chemical degration of soils. Paper Presented at the Conf. on Soil and Plant Analyses in Environment Protection. Falenty/Warsaw.
  • Kacar, B. & Inal, A. (2008). Bitki analizleri: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti. Yayın No: 1241, Fen Bil: 63, ISBN: 978-605-395-036-3. 2. Basım, 912s, Ekim, 2010, Ankara.
  • Kacar, B. (2012). Toprak Analizleri, 3. Baskı, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Nobel Yayın No: 1387, Fen Bil: 90, ISBN: 978-605-395-386-1, 466s.
  • Kılıç, D.D. & Ortakci, G. (2021). Heavy metal accumulations in some terrestrial endemic and non-endemic plants in mine sites (Elazığ/Turkey). International Journal of Agriculture and Wildlife Science, 7(1), 126-136.
  • Kılıç, D.D., Sürmen, B., Kutbay, H.G. & Tuna, E.E. (2019). Doğal olarak yayılış gösteren Lepidium draba L. türünün fitoremediasyon yönteminde kullanılabilirliğinin araştırılması. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 17, 491-499.
  • Kramer, U. (2010). Metal hyperaccumulation in plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 61, 517-534.
  • Kumar, S., Prasad, S., Yadav, K.K., Shrivastava, M., Gupta, N. & Nagar, S. (2019). Hazardous metals contamination of vegetables and food chain: Role of sustainable remediation approaches - A review. Environmental Research. 179, 108792.
  • Lorestani, B., Cheraghi, M. & Yousefi, N. (2011). Accumulation of Pb, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn in plants and choice of hyperaccumulator plant in the industrial town of Vian, Iran. Archives of Biological Sciences, 63, 739-745.
  • Mansour S.A. (2017). Residual pesticides and heavy metals analysis in food. In: Wong, Y.C. & Lewis, R.J. (Eds), Analysis of Food Toxins and Toxicants. 1st ed. New, 537-571p. Jersey: Wiley Blackwell.
  • Mensah, E., Kyei-Baffour, N., Ofori, E. & Obeng, G. (2009). Influence of human activities and land use on heavy metal concentrations in irrigated vegetables in Ghana and their health implications. In: Yanful, E.K. (Ed), Appropriate Technologies for Environmental Protection in the Developing World. Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Muhammad, S., Shah, M.T., Khan, S., Saddique, U., Gul, N., Khan, M.U., Malik, R.N., Farooq, M. & Naz, A. (2013). Wild plant assessment for heavy metal phytoremediation potential along the mafic and ultramafic terrain in Northern Pakistan. Biomed Research International, 1(9).
  • Parolly, G. (2021). The serpentine vegetation of Sandras Dağı revisited-phytosociological studies on high- mountain plant communities of the South Anatolian Taurus Mountains, 4. Bocconea, 29, 203-244.
  • Rascio, N. & Navari-Izzo, F. (2011). Heavy metal hyperaccumulating plants: How and why do they do it? And what makes them so interesting? Plant Science, 180(2), 169-181.
  • Rashed, M.N. (2010). Monitoring of contaminated toxic and heavy metals from mine tailings through age accumulation in soil and some wild plants at southeast Egypt. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 178, 739-746.
  • Reeves, R.D. & Adıgüzel, N. (2008). The Nickel Hyper- accumulating plants of the serpentines of Turkey and adjacent areas: A Review with New Data, Turkish Journal of Biology, 32, 143-153.
  • Reeves, R.D., Baker, A.J.M., Jaffre, T., Echevarria, P.D. & Van der Ent, A. (2018). A global database for plants that hyperaccumulate metal and metalloid trace elements. The New Phytologist, 218(2), 407-411.
  • Reuter, D.J. & Robinson, J.B. (1986). Plant analysis: An interpretation manual. Inkata Press, Victoria, Australia.
  • Sarıkürkcü, C., Karabaş, M., Demir, M. & Yıldız, D. (2010). Muğla ve yöresinde sebze olarak tüketilen bazı yabani bitkilerin metal içeriklerinin belirlenmesi. I. Eser Analiz Çalıştayı (EsAn- 2010), Denizli 22-25 Nisan 2010.
  • Sauerbeek, D. (1982). Welche Schwermetallgehalte in Pflanzen duerfen nicht ueberschritten werden, um Wachstumsbeein traechtigungen zu vemeiden? Landw Forsch, 39, 108-129.
  • Scheffer, F. & Schachtschabel, P. (1989). Lehrbuch der bodenkunde. Springer-Verlag.
  • Sytar, O., Ghosh, S., Malinska, H., Zivcak, M. & Brestic, M. (2021). Physiological and molecular mechanisms of metal accumulation in hyperaccumulator plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 173(1), 148-166.
  • Tuna, A.L., Kaya, C., Yokaş, İ. & Altunlu, H. (2005). The osmoregulatory role of proline in plants under salt stress. International Conference on Biosaline Agriculture & High Salinity Tolerance, 9-14 January, Mugla-Turkey.
  • Tunçtürk, M., Tunçtürk, R., Eryiğit, T. & Kaya, A. R. (2018). Mineral and heavy metal constituents of three edible wild plants growing in Van Province. Iğdır University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 8(2), 293-298.
  • Uminska, R. (1988). Assessment of hazardous levels of trace elements to health in contaminated soils of Poland. Inst. Medycyny Wsi. Warszhova.
  • Walkley, A. & Black, I.A. (1934). An examination of the Degtjareff method for determining soil organic matter and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Sciences, 37, 29-38.
  • WHO/FAO. (2007). Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme Codex Alimentarius Commission Twenty-Seventh Session Report of the Thirty- Sixth Session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene. Food and Agriculture Organization.
  • Yağmur, B. & Okur, B. (2011). İzmir Kemalpaşa ilçesi kiraz bahçelerinin verimlilik durumları ve ağır metal içerikleri. Derim, 28(2), 1-13.

Muğla İli Köyceğiz İlçesinde Eski Krom Madeni Sahası Çevresindeki Bazı Yenilemeyen Yabani Bitki Türlerinde Ağır Metal Kirliliğinin Araştırılması

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 359 - 368, 30.09.2024


Bu çalışmada Köyceğiz-Dalyan Özel Çevre Koruma Bölgesi (Sandras Dağı) eski Cr yatakları çevresindeki toprakta ve yabani bitki türlerinde ağır metallerin olası varlığı araştırılmıştır. Yabani bitki biyoçeşitliliğinin maruz kaldığı olası antropojenik risk faktörleri de bu araştırmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Söz konusu bölgede doğal olarak yetişen beş yabani bitki türünün toprak, sürgün ve kök örneklerinin Fe, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni ve Pb içerikleri araştırıldı. Bu beş tür şunlardır: Alyssum masmenaeum (AM), Cytisopsis pseudocytisus (CP), Centaurea ensiformis (CE), Fumana aciphylla (FA), Phlomis angustissima (PA). Elde edilen veriler toprak örneklerinde Ni, Cr ve Co dışındaki ağır metallerin normal sınırlar içerisinde bulunduğunu gösterdi. Özellikle toprağın Ni içeriği son derece yüksektir. Sürgün ve kök örneklerinde Ni, Cr ve Fe dışındaki ağır metaller normal sınırlarda bulunmuştur. Ni için bir tür (AM) ve Fe için üç tür (FA, PA ve CE) farklı hiperakümülatör özellikler gösterdi. Alyssum masmenaeum türlerinde tespit edilen Ni hiperakümülüyonu özellikle çarpıcı ama iyi bilinen bir olgudur. Araştırma alanı özel çevre koruma statüsüne sahip olduğundan bölgenin toprak yapısının ve endemizminin mutlaka korunması gerekmektedir.


  • Adıgüzel, N. & Reeves, R.D. (2012). Important serpentine areas of Turkey and distribution patterns of serpentine endemics and nickel accumlators. Bocconea, 24, 7-17.
  • Allison, L.E. & Moodie. C.D. (1965). Carbonate. In: Black et al. (Ed.) Methods of Soil Analysis. 1379- 1400p, part 2. Agronomy, The American Society of Agronomy. Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Alloway, B.J. (1990). Heavy metals in soils. 368, New York.
  • Altınözlü, H., Karagoz, A., Polat, T. & Ünver, İ. (2012). Nickel hyperaccumulation by natural plants in Turkish serpentine soils. Turkish Journal of Botany, 36, 269-280.
  • Altıoğlu, Y. (2009). Eco-physiologic studies on some endemic plants living on serpentine at Sandras mountain (Muğla). Ege Univ. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, MSc. 32p. İzmir- Turkey.
  • Bani, A., Imeri, A., Echevarria, G., Pavlova, D., Reeves, R.D., Morel, J.L. & Sulçe, S. (2013). Nickel hyperaccumlation in the serpentine flora of Albania. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22(6), 1792-1801.
  • Beckett, P.H.T., Davis, R.D., Brindley, P. & Chem, C. (1979). The disposal of sewage sludge onto farmland: The scope of the problem of toxic elements. Water Pollution Control Federation, 78, 419.
  • Bergmann, W. (1993). Ernährungsstörungen bei kulturpflanzen. Gustav Fisher Verleag Jena, Stutgart.
  • Brunetti, G., Soler-Rovira, P., Farrag, K. & Senesi, N. (2009). Tolerance and accumulation of heavy metals by wild plant species grown in contaminated soils in Apulia region, Southern Italy. Plant Soil, 318, 285-298.
  • Castanares, E. & Lojka, B. (2020). Potential hyperaccumulator plants for sustainable environment in tropical habitats. Earth and Environmental Science, 528, 1-10.
  • Cempel, M. & Nikel, G. (2006). Nickel: A review of its sources and Environmental Toxicology. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 15(3), 375382.
  • Chapman, H.D. & Pratt, F.P. (1982). Determination of minerals by titration method. Methods of analysis for soils, plants and water. 2nd ed. Oakland. CA, Agriculture Division, 169-170p, California University.
  • Çiçek, A. & Koparal, A.S. (2004). Accumulation of sulfur and heavy metals in soil and tree leaves sampled from the surroundings of Tunçbilek thermal power plant. Chemosphere, 57, 1031-1036. Dindaroğlu, T., Babur, E. & Laz, B. (2019). Ultramafik topraklardaki Alyssum Pateri bitkisinin ekolojisi ve ağır metal tolerans sınırının belirlenmesi. Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi 7(2), 110- 120.
  • Duke, J.M. (1980). Production and uses of nickel. In: Nriagu J.O. (Ed) Nickel in the Environment, 51- 65p. Wiley, New York.
  • EFSA, European Food Safety Authority (2021). efsa. [Online]. [cited 2021 November 7. Available from: s-contaminants- food.
  • FAO, (2004). Maximum Limits for Dangerous Substances in Soil and Groundwater Regulation of the Minister of the Environment No. 12 of 2 April 2004, No: 40/662, EX-FAOC097999
  • Güneş, A., Alpaslan, M., Çıkılı, Y. & Özcan, H. (2000). The effect of zinc on alleviation of boron toxicity in tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 24(4), 505-510.
  • Iyaka, Y.A. (2011). Nickel in soils: A review of its distribution and impacts. Scientific Research and Essays, Academic Journals Review, 6(33), 6774- 6777. DOI: 10.5897/SREX11.035
  • Junior, A.M.D., Oliveira, P.L., Perry, C.T., Atz, V.L., Rostirola, L.N.A. & Rodriguez, M.T.R. (2009). Using wild plant species as indicators for the accumulation of emissions from a thermal power plant, Candiota, South Brazil. Ecological Indicators, 9(6), 1156-1162.
  • Kabata-Pendias A. (2000). Trace elements in soils and plants. 3rd edition, Boca Raton- CRC Press, 432p, London.
  • Kabata-Pendias, A. & Pendias, A. (1992). Current problems in chemical degration of soils. Paper Presented at the Conf. on Soil and Plant Analyses in Environment Protection. Falenty/Warsaw.
  • Kacar, B. & Inal, A. (2008). Bitki analizleri: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti. Yayın No: 1241, Fen Bil: 63, ISBN: 978-605-395-036-3. 2. Basım, 912s, Ekim, 2010, Ankara.
  • Kacar, B. (2012). Toprak Analizleri, 3. Baskı, Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Nobel Yayın No: 1387, Fen Bil: 90, ISBN: 978-605-395-386-1, 466s.
  • Kılıç, D.D. & Ortakci, G. (2021). Heavy metal accumulations in some terrestrial endemic and non-endemic plants in mine sites (Elazığ/Turkey). International Journal of Agriculture and Wildlife Science, 7(1), 126-136.
  • Kılıç, D.D., Sürmen, B., Kutbay, H.G. & Tuna, E.E. (2019). Doğal olarak yayılış gösteren Lepidium draba L. türünün fitoremediasyon yönteminde kullanılabilirliğinin araştırılması. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 17, 491-499.
  • Kramer, U. (2010). Metal hyperaccumulation in plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 61, 517-534.
  • Kumar, S., Prasad, S., Yadav, K.K., Shrivastava, M., Gupta, N. & Nagar, S. (2019). Hazardous metals contamination of vegetables and food chain: Role of sustainable remediation approaches - A review. Environmental Research. 179, 108792.
  • Lorestani, B., Cheraghi, M. & Yousefi, N. (2011). Accumulation of Pb, Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn in plants and choice of hyperaccumulator plant in the industrial town of Vian, Iran. Archives of Biological Sciences, 63, 739-745.
  • Mansour S.A. (2017). Residual pesticides and heavy metals analysis in food. In: Wong, Y.C. & Lewis, R.J. (Eds), Analysis of Food Toxins and Toxicants. 1st ed. New, 537-571p. Jersey: Wiley Blackwell.
  • Mensah, E., Kyei-Baffour, N., Ofori, E. & Obeng, G. (2009). Influence of human activities and land use on heavy metal concentrations in irrigated vegetables in Ghana and their health implications. In: Yanful, E.K. (Ed), Appropriate Technologies for Environmental Protection in the Developing World. Springer, Dordrecht.
  • Muhammad, S., Shah, M.T., Khan, S., Saddique, U., Gul, N., Khan, M.U., Malik, R.N., Farooq, M. & Naz, A. (2013). Wild plant assessment for heavy metal phytoremediation potential along the mafic and ultramafic terrain in Northern Pakistan. Biomed Research International, 1(9).
  • Parolly, G. (2021). The serpentine vegetation of Sandras Dağı revisited-phytosociological studies on high- mountain plant communities of the South Anatolian Taurus Mountains, 4. Bocconea, 29, 203-244.
  • Rascio, N. & Navari-Izzo, F. (2011). Heavy metal hyperaccumulating plants: How and why do they do it? And what makes them so interesting? Plant Science, 180(2), 169-181.
  • Rashed, M.N. (2010). Monitoring of contaminated toxic and heavy metals from mine tailings through age accumulation in soil and some wild plants at southeast Egypt. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 178, 739-746.
  • Reeves, R.D. & Adıgüzel, N. (2008). The Nickel Hyper- accumulating plants of the serpentines of Turkey and adjacent areas: A Review with New Data, Turkish Journal of Biology, 32, 143-153.
  • Reeves, R.D., Baker, A.J.M., Jaffre, T., Echevarria, P.D. & Van der Ent, A. (2018). A global database for plants that hyperaccumulate metal and metalloid trace elements. The New Phytologist, 218(2), 407-411.
  • Reuter, D.J. & Robinson, J.B. (1986). Plant analysis: An interpretation manual. Inkata Press, Victoria, Australia.
  • Sarıkürkcü, C., Karabaş, M., Demir, M. & Yıldız, D. (2010). Muğla ve yöresinde sebze olarak tüketilen bazı yabani bitkilerin metal içeriklerinin belirlenmesi. I. Eser Analiz Çalıştayı (EsAn- 2010), Denizli 22-25 Nisan 2010.
  • Sauerbeek, D. (1982). Welche Schwermetallgehalte in Pflanzen duerfen nicht ueberschritten werden, um Wachstumsbeein traechtigungen zu vemeiden? Landw Forsch, 39, 108-129.
  • Scheffer, F. & Schachtschabel, P. (1989). Lehrbuch der bodenkunde. Springer-Verlag.
  • Sytar, O., Ghosh, S., Malinska, H., Zivcak, M. & Brestic, M. (2021). Physiological and molecular mechanisms of metal accumulation in hyperaccumulator plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 173(1), 148-166.
  • Tuna, A.L., Kaya, C., Yokaş, İ. & Altunlu, H. (2005). The osmoregulatory role of proline in plants under salt stress. International Conference on Biosaline Agriculture & High Salinity Tolerance, 9-14 January, Mugla-Turkey.
  • Tunçtürk, M., Tunçtürk, R., Eryiğit, T. & Kaya, A. R. (2018). Mineral and heavy metal constituents of three edible wild plants growing in Van Province. Iğdır University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 8(2), 293-298.
  • Uminska, R. (1988). Assessment of hazardous levels of trace elements to health in contaminated soils of Poland. Inst. Medycyny Wsi. Warszhova.
  • Walkley, A. & Black, I.A. (1934). An examination of the Degtjareff method for determining soil organic matter and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Sciences, 37, 29-38.
  • WHO/FAO. (2007). Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme Codex Alimentarius Commission Twenty-Seventh Session Report of the Thirty- Sixth Session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene. Food and Agriculture Organization.
  • Yağmur, B. & Okur, B. (2011). İzmir Kemalpaşa ilçesi kiraz bahçelerinin verimlilik durumları ve ağır metal içerikleri. Derim, 28(2), 1-13.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pollution and Contamination (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Mahmut Yıldıztekin 0000-0002-0206-0117

Kenan Akbaş 0000-0002-0198-4668

Atilla Levent Tuna 0000-0001-5123-0031

Ömer Varol 0000-0001-6172-6049

Early Pub Date September 30, 2024
Publication Date September 30, 2024
Submission Date March 5, 2024
Acceptance Date July 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Yıldıztekin, M., Akbaş, K., Tuna, A. L., Varol, Ö. (2024). Investigation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Some Non-Edible Wild Plant Species Around the Old Chromium Mine Site in Köyceğiz District of Muğla Province. Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 9(3), 359-368.

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