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Türkiye Denizlerinde Dağılım Gösteren Vantuz Balıkları (Echeneidae)

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 314 - 320, 30.09.2024


Bu çalışma Türkçe’de vantuz balıkları olarak bilinen genellikle köpekbalıkları, vatozlar, deniz kaplumbağaları, deniz memelileri veya büyük kemikli balıklara tutunarak yaşamını sürdüren Echeneidae familyasının Türkiye sularında ki türlerine yönelik incelemeleri kapsamaktadır. Echeneidae familyasının en nadir türü olan Remora australis’in fiziksel kanıtı niteliğinde ki bir birey bu çalışmada rapor edilmektedir. Ayrıca diğer familya üyelerinden Remora osteochir ve Echeneis naucrates’in de Türkiye denizlerindeki dağılımları ve konaklarıyla olan ekolojik ilişkileri saha gözlemlerine dayalı olarak ortaya konulmaktadır. Sonuç olarak bu çalışma ile Türkiye ihtiyofaunasında dört tür ile temsil edilen Echeneidae familyasının mevcut statüsü ve ekolojik ilişkileri incelenmekte ve elde edilen türlere ait yeni kayıtlar sunulmaktadır.

Etik Beyan

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Bu araştırma da çalışma materyalinin temininde ki desteklerinden dolayı Fethiye bölgesi balıkçılarından Etem ÖCAL ve Arif ARIKAN ‘a teşekkür ederim.


  • Akyol, O., Ceyhan, T. & Capape, C. (2020). The second record of marlin sucker, Remora osteochir (Echeneidae) from the Turkish waters (eastern Mediterranean Sea). FishTaxa, 17, 12-14.
  • Baş, A.A. & Gönülal, O. (2017). First case of whalesucker, Remora australis, in association with delphinids in Antalya Bay, Turkey. New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (December 2017). Mediterranean Marine Science, 18, 534- 556. DOI: 10.12681/mms.15823
  • Battaglia, P., Potoschi, A., Valastro, M., Andaloro, F. & Romeo, T. (2016). Age, growth, biological and ecological aspects of Remora osteochir (Echeneidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 96(3), 639-645. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315415000867
  • Bekas, P. (2012). On the occurrence of the whalesucker Remora australis (Bennett, 1840) in Saronikos Gulf. Mediterranean Marine Science, 13(2), 312- 327. DOI: 10.12681/mms.313
  • Ben-Tuvia, A. (1971). Revised list of the Mediterranean fishes of Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology, 20, 1- 39.
  • Bilecenoğlu, M., Kaya, M., Cihangir, B. & Çiçek, E. (2014). An updated checklist of the marine fishes of Turkey, Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38(6), 901-929. DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1405-60
  • Brunnschweiler, J.M. & Sazima, I. (2006). A new and unexpected host for the sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates) with a brief review of the echeneid- host interaction,” JMBA2 Biodiversity Records, e41. DOI: 10.1017/S1755267206004349
  • Dennis, G.D., Hensley, D., Colin, P.L. & Kimmel, J.J. (2004). New records of marine fishes from the Puerto Rican Plateau, Caribbean Journal of Science, 40, 70-87.
  • Drapella, Z. (2016). The hitchhiker’s guide to the Maldives. The echeneid-host association between remoras and manta rays. Master Thesis, Marine Biology School of Ocean and Earth Science University of Southampton.
  • Erazi, R.A.R. (1942). Marine fishes found in the Sea of Marmara and in the Bosphorus. Rev Fac Sci Univ Istanbul 7, 103-114.
  • Ergüden, D. & Ayas, D. (2021). The confirmed occurrence of two specimens of Remora remora (Linnaeus, 1758) from Mersin Bay (Ne Mediterranean, Turkey). Aquatic Research, 4(3), 293-298. DOI: 10.3153/AR21023
  • Erguden, D., Karayakar, F., Acar, M.C. & Ayas, D. (2024). First record of Remora remora (Linnaeus, 1758) harvested from aquaculture cages in the Northeastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Species 25(75), e13s1643.
  • Fertl, D. & Landry A.M. Jr. (2002). Remoras. In Perrin W.F., Wursig B. and Thewissen J.G.M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. New York: Academic Press, pp. 1013-1015.
  • Fricke, R, Eschmeyer WN, R. & van der Laan (eds) (2021). Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes: Genera, Species, References. hthyology/catalog/fishcatmain.asp. Electronic version accessed 01.02.2024.
  • Froese, R. & D. Pauly. Editors. (2024). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication., (02/2024).
  • Geldiay, R. (1969). İzmir Körfezinin Başlıca Balıkları ve Muhtemel İnvasyonları. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Monografileri, İzmir, 135s.
  • Goddard, R. (2016). Analysis of the Phoretic Relationship Between Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus) and Remora (Remora remora) in the South Ari Atoll Marine Protected Area of the Maldives, as a Non- Invasive Associative Method for Classifying Levels of Recuperation in Sharks Following Deep Dives. University of South Wales. Lisans Tezi.
  • Mater, Ş., Kaya, M. & Bilecenoğlu, M. (2010). Türkiye Deniz Balıkları Atlası. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayınları No: 68. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir, 169 s.
  • Morota, A. & Fujita, K. (1995). Interrelationships of Echeneids and their hosts, and the reproductive habits of Remora osteochir in Hawaiian waters. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 42, 203-207.
  • Mucientes, G.R., Queiroz, N., Pierce, S.J., Sazima, I. & Brunnschweiler, J.M. (2008). Is host ectoparasite load related to echeneid fish presence? International Journal of Ecology, ID 107576, 1-4. DOI: 10.1155/2008/107576
  • Myoung, S.H., Myoung, J.G. & Kim, J.K. (2015). New records of Remora brachyptera and R. osteochir (Perciformes: Echeneidae) from Korea. Anim. Syst. Evol. Divers. 31(2), 101-106. DOI: 10.5635/ASED
  • Nicholson-Jack A.E, Harris J.L, Ballard K, Turner K.M.E. & Stevens G.M.W. (2021). A hitchhiker guide to manta rays: Patterns of association between Mobula alfredi, M. birostris, their symbionts, and other fishes in the Maldives. PLoS ONE 16(7), DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253704
  • Norman, B.M., Reynolds, S.D. & Morgan D.L. (2022). Three-way symbiotic relationships in whale sharks. Pacific Conservation Biology, 28(1), 80- 83. DOI: 10.1071/PC20043
  • O’Toole, B. (2002). Phylogeny of the Species of the Superfamily Echenoidea (Perciformes: Carangoidei: Echeneidae, Rachycentridae, and Coryphaenidae), with an Interpretation of Echeneid Hitchhiking Behavior. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 80, 596-623. DOI: 10.1139/z02-031
  • Paulin, C.D & Habib, G. (1982). Remoras (Pisces: Echeneidae) from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 9, 33-36. Perugia, A. (1881). Elenco dei pesci dell Adriatico. Milano, Hoepli, 60 pp.
  • Santos, M. C. de O. & Sazima, I. (2005). The sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates) attached to a tucuxi dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) in estuarine waters in south- eastern Brazil. JMBA2 – Biodiversity Records, 2. DOI: 10.1017/S1755267205000746
  • Sazima, I. & Grossman, A. (2006). Turtle riders: remoras on marine turtles in Southwest Atlantic. Neotropical Ichthyology, 4(1), 123-126. DOI: 10.1590/S1679-62252006000100014
  • Sazima, I. (2006). Species records, mistaken identifications, and their further use: the case of the diskfish Echeneis naucrates on a spinner dolphin. Neotropical Ichthyology, 4(4), 457-460. DOI: 10.1590/S1679-62252006000400010
  • Silva-JR, J.S. & Sazima, I. (2008). Whalesuckers on spinner dolphins: an underwater view. Marine Biodiversity Records, 1(e22). DOI: 0.1017/S1755267206002016
  • Slastanenko, E. (1955-1956). Karadeniz Havzası Balıkları. İstanbul: Et ve Balık Kurumu Yayınları. Tortonese, E. (1946). On some fishes from the Eastern Mediterranean (Island of Rhodes). Annals & Magazine of Natural History, 13, 710-715.
  • Tortonese, E. (1973). Les Poissons de la Famille Echeneidae (Remoras) de la Mer Ligure et de la Mer Tyrrhénienne. Revue des Travaux de l’Institut des Péches Maritimes, 37, 197-202.
  • Tuncer, S., Orlov, A.M. & Ozen, Ö. (2012). First Record of Marlin Sucker, Remora osteochir (Cuvier, 1829), from the Northeastern Aegean Sea, Turkey. Journal of Ichthyology, 52(6), 400-408. DOI: 10.1134/s0032945212040145.

The Distribution of Sucker Fishes (Echeneidae) in the Seas of Turkey

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 314 - 320, 30.09.2024


This study included the species of the family Echeneidae, known as sucker fishes in Turkish, which usually survive by attaching to sharks, rays, sea turtles, marine mammals or large bony fishes, in the waters of Turkey. Also, an specimens, which is the physical evidence of Remora australis, the rarest species of Echeneidae, is reported in this study. In addition, the distribution of other members of the family, Remora osteochir and Echeneis naucrates in the seas of Turkey and their ecological relationships with their hosts are also presented based on field observations. In conclusion, this study examines the current status and ecological relationships of the family Echeneidae, which is represented by four species in the ichthyofauna of Turkey, and presents new records of the species obtained.


  • Akyol, O., Ceyhan, T. & Capape, C. (2020). The second record of marlin sucker, Remora osteochir (Echeneidae) from the Turkish waters (eastern Mediterranean Sea). FishTaxa, 17, 12-14.
  • Baş, A.A. & Gönülal, O. (2017). First case of whalesucker, Remora australis, in association with delphinids in Antalya Bay, Turkey. New Mediterranean Biodiversity Records (December 2017). Mediterranean Marine Science, 18, 534- 556. DOI: 10.12681/mms.15823
  • Battaglia, P., Potoschi, A., Valastro, M., Andaloro, F. & Romeo, T. (2016). Age, growth, biological and ecological aspects of Remora osteochir (Echeneidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 96(3), 639-645. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315415000867
  • Bekas, P. (2012). On the occurrence of the whalesucker Remora australis (Bennett, 1840) in Saronikos Gulf. Mediterranean Marine Science, 13(2), 312- 327. DOI: 10.12681/mms.313
  • Ben-Tuvia, A. (1971). Revised list of the Mediterranean fishes of Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology, 20, 1- 39.
  • Bilecenoğlu, M., Kaya, M., Cihangir, B. & Çiçek, E. (2014). An updated checklist of the marine fishes of Turkey, Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38(6), 901-929. DOI: 10.3906/zoo-1405-60
  • Brunnschweiler, J.M. & Sazima, I. (2006). A new and unexpected host for the sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates) with a brief review of the echeneid- host interaction,” JMBA2 Biodiversity Records, e41. DOI: 10.1017/S1755267206004349
  • Dennis, G.D., Hensley, D., Colin, P.L. & Kimmel, J.J. (2004). New records of marine fishes from the Puerto Rican Plateau, Caribbean Journal of Science, 40, 70-87.
  • Drapella, Z. (2016). The hitchhiker’s guide to the Maldives. The echeneid-host association between remoras and manta rays. Master Thesis, Marine Biology School of Ocean and Earth Science University of Southampton.
  • Erazi, R.A.R. (1942). Marine fishes found in the Sea of Marmara and in the Bosphorus. Rev Fac Sci Univ Istanbul 7, 103-114.
  • Ergüden, D. & Ayas, D. (2021). The confirmed occurrence of two specimens of Remora remora (Linnaeus, 1758) from Mersin Bay (Ne Mediterranean, Turkey). Aquatic Research, 4(3), 293-298. DOI: 10.3153/AR21023
  • Erguden, D., Karayakar, F., Acar, M.C. & Ayas, D. (2024). First record of Remora remora (Linnaeus, 1758) harvested from aquaculture cages in the Northeastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Species 25(75), e13s1643.
  • Fertl, D. & Landry A.M. Jr. (2002). Remoras. In Perrin W.F., Wursig B. and Thewissen J.G.M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. New York: Academic Press, pp. 1013-1015.
  • Fricke, R, Eschmeyer WN, R. & van der Laan (eds) (2021). Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes: Genera, Species, References. hthyology/catalog/fishcatmain.asp. Electronic version accessed 01.02.2024.
  • Froese, R. & D. Pauly. Editors. (2024). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication., (02/2024).
  • Geldiay, R. (1969). İzmir Körfezinin Başlıca Balıkları ve Muhtemel İnvasyonları. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Monografileri, İzmir, 135s.
  • Goddard, R. (2016). Analysis of the Phoretic Relationship Between Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus) and Remora (Remora remora) in the South Ari Atoll Marine Protected Area of the Maldives, as a Non- Invasive Associative Method for Classifying Levels of Recuperation in Sharks Following Deep Dives. University of South Wales. Lisans Tezi.
  • Mater, Ş., Kaya, M. & Bilecenoğlu, M. (2010). Türkiye Deniz Balıkları Atlası. Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Yayınları No: 68. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, İzmir, 169 s.
  • Morota, A. & Fujita, K. (1995). Interrelationships of Echeneids and their hosts, and the reproductive habits of Remora osteochir in Hawaiian waters. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology, 42, 203-207.
  • Mucientes, G.R., Queiroz, N., Pierce, S.J., Sazima, I. & Brunnschweiler, J.M. (2008). Is host ectoparasite load related to echeneid fish presence? International Journal of Ecology, ID 107576, 1-4. DOI: 10.1155/2008/107576
  • Myoung, S.H., Myoung, J.G. & Kim, J.K. (2015). New records of Remora brachyptera and R. osteochir (Perciformes: Echeneidae) from Korea. Anim. Syst. Evol. Divers. 31(2), 101-106. DOI: 10.5635/ASED
  • Nicholson-Jack A.E, Harris J.L, Ballard K, Turner K.M.E. & Stevens G.M.W. (2021). A hitchhiker guide to manta rays: Patterns of association between Mobula alfredi, M. birostris, their symbionts, and other fishes in the Maldives. PLoS ONE 16(7), DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253704
  • Norman, B.M., Reynolds, S.D. & Morgan D.L. (2022). Three-way symbiotic relationships in whale sharks. Pacific Conservation Biology, 28(1), 80- 83. DOI: 10.1071/PC20043
  • O’Toole, B. (2002). Phylogeny of the Species of the Superfamily Echenoidea (Perciformes: Carangoidei: Echeneidae, Rachycentridae, and Coryphaenidae), with an Interpretation of Echeneid Hitchhiking Behavior. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 80, 596-623. DOI: 10.1139/z02-031
  • Paulin, C.D & Habib, G. (1982). Remoras (Pisces: Echeneidae) from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 9, 33-36. Perugia, A. (1881). Elenco dei pesci dell Adriatico. Milano, Hoepli, 60 pp.
  • Santos, M. C. de O. & Sazima, I. (2005). The sharksucker (Echeneis naucrates) attached to a tucuxi dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) in estuarine waters in south- eastern Brazil. JMBA2 – Biodiversity Records, 2. DOI: 10.1017/S1755267205000746
  • Sazima, I. & Grossman, A. (2006). Turtle riders: remoras on marine turtles in Southwest Atlantic. Neotropical Ichthyology, 4(1), 123-126. DOI: 10.1590/S1679-62252006000100014
  • Sazima, I. (2006). Species records, mistaken identifications, and their further use: the case of the diskfish Echeneis naucrates on a spinner dolphin. Neotropical Ichthyology, 4(4), 457-460. DOI: 10.1590/S1679-62252006000400010
  • Silva-JR, J.S. & Sazima, I. (2008). Whalesuckers on spinner dolphins: an underwater view. Marine Biodiversity Records, 1(e22). DOI: 0.1017/S1755267206002016
  • Slastanenko, E. (1955-1956). Karadeniz Havzası Balıkları. İstanbul: Et ve Balık Kurumu Yayınları. Tortonese, E. (1946). On some fishes from the Eastern Mediterranean (Island of Rhodes). Annals & Magazine of Natural History, 13, 710-715.
  • Tortonese, E. (1973). Les Poissons de la Famille Echeneidae (Remoras) de la Mer Ligure et de la Mer Tyrrhénienne. Revue des Travaux de l’Institut des Péches Maritimes, 37, 197-202.
  • Tuncer, S., Orlov, A.M. & Ozen, Ö. (2012). First Record of Marlin Sucker, Remora osteochir (Cuvier, 1829), from the Northeastern Aegean Sea, Turkey. Journal of Ichthyology, 52(6), 400-408. DOI: 10.1134/s0032945212040145.
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Balık Anatomisi, Balık Biyolojisi
Bölüm Makaleler

Erhan Irmak 0000-0002-8354-338X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 16 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 26 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Irmak, E. (2024). Türkiye Denizlerinde Dağılım Gösteren Vantuz Balıkları (Echeneidae). Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences, 9(3), 314-320.

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