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Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 157 - 170, 25.11.2022


The years of conflict in Syria has affected the cultural heritage severely and threatened social and symbolic values. This paper illustrates firstly the real condition of the city of Aleppo, through presenting some cases of high cultural value buildings damaged by the conflict, even some were totally collapsed, which represent an important bond of Aleppo citizens similar to the idea of “Istanza Psicologica” theorized by Roberto Pane. Secondly, the research aims to analyze the criteria of “second-day” intervention (conservation, restoration, enhancement and eventual reconstruction) on this damaged heritage, by investigating the cultural significant values of these buildings damaged or completely destroyed. Finally, the paper concludes with a few suggestions about the optimum intervention of different case studies represents the values mentioned before. To sum up, the research aims to involve the international debate about conservation and restoration with a critical situation of cultural heritage in crisis.


  • Abdulkarim, M. (2013). The Archaeological Heritage in Syria during the Crisis, General. Directorate of Antiquities & Museums, p. 42,
  • Agnoletto, M. (2004). Groundzero.exe. Costruire il vuoto. Edizione italiana ed inglese, Kappa.
  • Bianca, S. (2007). Medieval Citadels Between East and West. Aga Khan Trust for Culture, p.65. ISBN: 8842214493
  • Cantacuzino, S. (1984). Aleppo: Bab El Faraj. Mimar (12), 24-28.
  • Casiello, S. (2011). I ruderi e la guerra. Memoria, ricostruzioni, restauri. Nardini. ISBN: 9788840441979
  • Chibli, M. (2000). The City of Aleppo: Room for Rehabilitation. Medina, (11), 52-53.
  • Gizzi, S. (2008). Il vuoto e il suo contrario nella progettazione architettonica e nel restauro. Тopos e Progetto, 69-88.
  • Gonnella, J. (2008). The Citadel of Aleppo: Description, History, Site Plan and Visitor Tour (2nd Ed). Aga Khan Trust for Culture and the Syrian Directorate, General of Antiquities and Museums. p. 45-52, ISBN: 978-2-940212-02-6.
  • Houtsma, M.T. )1987). First Encyclopaedia of Islam. E.J. Brill's.
  • Hrietani, M. (2013). Public presentation “Challenges for Old City of Aleppo in the time of war” at Aleppo University. 21th March 2013.
  • Jodidio, P. (2011). The Aga Khan Historic Cities Programme, Strategies for urban regeneration. Prestel. ISBN: 978-3-7913-4406-5 pdf?1384801256
  • Mobaiyed, A.R. (2007). Aleppo monuments (in Arabic). Ministry of culture.
  • Morezzi, E. (2008) - Roberto Pane e l'istanza psicologica: sviluppi di un concetto nel caso-studio di Hiroshima. In S. Casiello and V. Russo (Eds.), Roberto Pane tra storia e restauro: architettura, citta, paesaggio (pp. 282-277). o_Architettura_citt%C3%A0_paesaggio_a_cura_di_S_Casiello_A_Pane_V_ Russo_Atti_del_Convegno_Nazionale_di_Studi_Napoli_27_28_ottobre_2 Salah Hajismail, Emanuele Morezzi008_Marsilio_Venezia_2010_ISBN_978_88_317_0633_9_editor_with_S_ Casiello_and_V_Russo_
  • Pane, R. (1959). Città antiche. edilizia nuova. Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
  • Safier, M. (2001). Cities Under Siege: September 11th and after. City, 5(3), 383. DOI: 10.1080/13604810120105000
  • Qudsi, A. (1984). Aleppo: A Struggle for Conservation, Mimar, (12), 67-70.
  • Tabaa, Y. (1997). Constructions of power and piety in medieval Aleppo. Penn State Press. ISBN: 978-0271015620
  • URL-1. Heritage for Peace (2022, Nov 24). Heritage for Peace. Heritageforpeace, Retrieved November 24, 2022, from
  • URL-2. Forum of Ummah Issues and Current Events (2014, Apr 1). The demolition of graves and shrines is no longer monopolized by ISIS, Al-Nusra Front is organizing the campaign. Retrieved July 7, 2014, from , Accessible now via:*/ t/*
  • URL 3. Alice Speri (2014, Mar 15). Syria’s Cultural Heritage Is a Major Victim of the Country’s Civil War. Vice. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from
  • URL-4. United States Institute of Peace (2013, May 17). Google, Facebook, Microsoft Eye Syria Social Media Data for Trends. USIP. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from
  • URL-5. Leon Watson (2013, Apr 25). This is like blowing up the Taj Mahal': Fierce fighting reduces iconic 11th-century minaret at Syria mosque to rubble. Dailymail. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from

الحفاظ أم إعادة الإعمار بعد الصراع: تحليل معايير وقيم التراث الثقافي السوري

Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 157 - 170, 25.11.2022


أثرت سنوات الصراع في سوريا على التراث الثقافي بشدة وهددت القيم الاجتماعية والرمزية. هذا البحث يوضح أولا وضع مدينة حلب الحالي، من خلال عرض بعض الحالات ذات القيمة الثقافية العالية لمبان تضررت من الصراع ، وبعضها انهار تماما، والتي تمثل رابطا هاما لمواطني حلب مماثلة لفكرة "Istanza Psicologica" في نظرية روبرتو بانة Roberto Pane. يهدف البحث ثانيا إلى تحليل معايير التدخل في "اليوم التالي" (الحفظ ، الترميم ، التعزيز واعادة الإعمار في نهاية المطاف) في هذا التراث المتضرر من خلال البحث عن القيم الثقافية الهامة لهذه المباني المتضررة او المدمرة. وأخيرا ، فإن البحث يخلص إلى بعض الاقتراحات حول التدخل الأمثل في
حالات مختلفة تمثل القيم أنفة الذكر. والحاصل أن البحث يهدف إلى إشراك النقاش الدولي حول الحفظ والترميم في حالة حرجة للتراث الثقافي في الأزمات.


  • Abdulkarim, M. (2013). The Archaeological Heritage in Syria during the Crisis, General. Directorate of Antiquities & Museums, p. 42,
  • Agnoletto, M. (2004). Groundzero.exe. Costruire il vuoto. Edizione italiana ed inglese, Kappa.
  • Bianca, S. (2007). Medieval Citadels Between East and West. Aga Khan Trust for Culture, p.65. ISBN: 8842214493
  • Cantacuzino, S. (1984). Aleppo: Bab El Faraj. Mimar (12), 24-28.
  • Casiello, S. (2011). I ruderi e la guerra. Memoria, ricostruzioni, restauri. Nardini. ISBN: 9788840441979
  • Chibli, M. (2000). The City of Aleppo: Room for Rehabilitation. Medina, (11), 52-53.
  • Gizzi, S. (2008). Il vuoto e il suo contrario nella progettazione architettonica e nel restauro. Тopos e Progetto, 69-88.
  • Gonnella, J. (2008). The Citadel of Aleppo: Description, History, Site Plan and Visitor Tour (2nd Ed). Aga Khan Trust for Culture and the Syrian Directorate, General of Antiquities and Museums. p. 45-52, ISBN: 978-2-940212-02-6.
  • Houtsma, M.T. )1987). First Encyclopaedia of Islam. E.J. Brill's.
  • Hrietani, M. (2013). Public presentation “Challenges for Old City of Aleppo in the time of war” at Aleppo University. 21th March 2013.
  • Jodidio, P. (2011). The Aga Khan Historic Cities Programme, Strategies for urban regeneration. Prestel. ISBN: 978-3-7913-4406-5 pdf?1384801256
  • Mobaiyed, A.R. (2007). Aleppo monuments (in Arabic). Ministry of culture.
  • Morezzi, E. (2008) - Roberto Pane e l'istanza psicologica: sviluppi di un concetto nel caso-studio di Hiroshima. In S. Casiello and V. Russo (Eds.), Roberto Pane tra storia e restauro: architettura, citta, paesaggio (pp. 282-277). o_Architettura_citt%C3%A0_paesaggio_a_cura_di_S_Casiello_A_Pane_V_ Russo_Atti_del_Convegno_Nazionale_di_Studi_Napoli_27_28_ottobre_2 Salah Hajismail, Emanuele Morezzi008_Marsilio_Venezia_2010_ISBN_978_88_317_0633_9_editor_with_S_ Casiello_and_V_Russo_
  • Pane, R. (1959). Città antiche. edilizia nuova. Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
  • Safier, M. (2001). Cities Under Siege: September 11th and after. City, 5(3), 383. DOI: 10.1080/13604810120105000
  • Qudsi, A. (1984). Aleppo: A Struggle for Conservation, Mimar, (12), 67-70.
  • Tabaa, Y. (1997). Constructions of power and piety in medieval Aleppo. Penn State Press. ISBN: 978-0271015620
  • URL-1. Heritage for Peace (2022, Nov 24). Heritage for Peace. Heritageforpeace, Retrieved November 24, 2022, from
  • URL-2. Forum of Ummah Issues and Current Events (2014, Apr 1). The demolition of graves and shrines is no longer monopolized by ISIS, Al-Nusra Front is organizing the campaign. Retrieved July 7, 2014, from , Accessible now via:*/ t/*
  • URL 3. Alice Speri (2014, Mar 15). Syria’s Cultural Heritage Is a Major Victim of the Country’s Civil War. Vice. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from
  • URL-4. United States Institute of Peace (2013, May 17). Google, Facebook, Microsoft Eye Syria Social Media Data for Trends. USIP. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from
  • URL-5. Leon Watson (2013, Apr 25). This is like blowing up the Taj Mahal': Fierce fighting reduces iconic 11th-century minaret at Syria mosque to rubble. Dailymail. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from
Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 157 - 170, 25.11.2022



  • Abdulkarim, M. (2013). The Archaeological Heritage in Syria during the Crisis, General. Directorate of Antiquities & Museums, p. 42,
  • Agnoletto, M. (2004). Groundzero.exe. Costruire il vuoto. Edizione italiana ed inglese, Kappa.
  • Bianca, S. (2007). Medieval Citadels Between East and West. Aga Khan Trust for Culture, p.65. ISBN: 8842214493
  • Cantacuzino, S. (1984). Aleppo: Bab El Faraj. Mimar (12), 24-28.
  • Casiello, S. (2011). I ruderi e la guerra. Memoria, ricostruzioni, restauri. Nardini. ISBN: 9788840441979
  • Chibli, M. (2000). The City of Aleppo: Room for Rehabilitation. Medina, (11), 52-53.
  • Gizzi, S. (2008). Il vuoto e il suo contrario nella progettazione architettonica e nel restauro. Тopos e Progetto, 69-88.
  • Gonnella, J. (2008). The Citadel of Aleppo: Description, History, Site Plan and Visitor Tour (2nd Ed). Aga Khan Trust for Culture and the Syrian Directorate, General of Antiquities and Museums. p. 45-52, ISBN: 978-2-940212-02-6.
  • Houtsma, M.T. )1987). First Encyclopaedia of Islam. E.J. Brill's.
  • Hrietani, M. (2013). Public presentation “Challenges for Old City of Aleppo in the time of war” at Aleppo University. 21th March 2013.
  • Jodidio, P. (2011). The Aga Khan Historic Cities Programme, Strategies for urban regeneration. Prestel. ISBN: 978-3-7913-4406-5 pdf?1384801256
  • Mobaiyed, A.R. (2007). Aleppo monuments (in Arabic). Ministry of culture.
  • Morezzi, E. (2008) - Roberto Pane e l'istanza psicologica: sviluppi di un concetto nel caso-studio di Hiroshima. In S. Casiello and V. Russo (Eds.), Roberto Pane tra storia e restauro: architettura, citta, paesaggio (pp. 282-277). o_Architettura_citt%C3%A0_paesaggio_a_cura_di_S_Casiello_A_Pane_V_ Russo_Atti_del_Convegno_Nazionale_di_Studi_Napoli_27_28_ottobre_2 Salah Hajismail, Emanuele Morezzi008_Marsilio_Venezia_2010_ISBN_978_88_317_0633_9_editor_with_S_ Casiello_and_V_Russo_
  • Pane, R. (1959). Città antiche. edilizia nuova. Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
  • Safier, M. (2001). Cities Under Siege: September 11th and after. City, 5(3), 383. DOI: 10.1080/13604810120105000
  • Qudsi, A. (1984). Aleppo: A Struggle for Conservation, Mimar, (12), 67-70.
  • Tabaa, Y. (1997). Constructions of power and piety in medieval Aleppo. Penn State Press. ISBN: 978-0271015620
  • URL-1. Heritage for Peace (2022, Nov 24). Heritage for Peace. Heritageforpeace, Retrieved November 24, 2022, from
  • URL-2. Forum of Ummah Issues and Current Events (2014, Apr 1). The demolition of graves and shrines is no longer monopolized by ISIS, Al-Nusra Front is organizing the campaign. Retrieved July 7, 2014, from , Accessible now via:*/ t/*
  • URL 3. Alice Speri (2014, Mar 15). Syria’s Cultural Heritage Is a Major Victim of the Country’s Civil War. Vice. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from
  • URL-4. United States Institute of Peace (2013, May 17). Google, Facebook, Microsoft Eye Syria Social Media Data for Trends. USIP. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from
  • URL-5. Leon Watson (2013, Apr 25). This is like blowing up the Taj Mahal': Fierce fighting reduces iconic 11th-century minaret at Syria mosque to rubble. Dailymail. Retrieved November 24, 2022, from
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Arabic
Subjects Urban and Regional Planning
Journal Section Research Articles

Emanuele Morezzi This is me 0000-0001-6533-9660


Salah Hajısmaıl

Publication Date November 25, 2022
Submission Date November 25, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Morezzi, E. (2022). الحفاظ أم إعادة الإعمار بعد الصراع: تحليل معايير وقيم التراث الثقافي السوري (S. Hajısmaıl, Trans.). Digital International Journal of Architecture Art Heritage, 1(2), 157-170.

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