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Marital Satisfaction and Depression in Older Adults: A Literature Review

Year 2022, , 7 - 16, 01.12.2022


Marital satisfaction is an important concept contributing to depression. In contrast to younger and middle-aged individuals, the negative association between marital satisfaction and depression has been reported to be strongest among older adults. This study reviewed the association between marital satisfaction and depression in older adults. Based on the literature review, findings demonstrated that older women have lower marital satisfaction and higher depression level compared to older men. Also, although spouse support is a primary source of social support and an influential protective factor against depression in older marriages, older women have less spouse support than older men. According to the findings, older women are at increased risk for depression due to poorer marital satisfaction and spousal support.


  • Alvarado, B. E., Guerra, R. O., & Zunzunegui, M. V. (2007). Gender Differences in Lower Extremity Function in Latin American Elders: Seeking Explanations From a Life-Course Perspective. Journal of Aging and Health, 19(6), 1004–1024.
  • Amato, P. R., Booth, A., Johnson, D., & Rogers, S. J. (2007). Alone together: How marriage in America is changing. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Depressive Disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.)
  • Amiri, S., Khousheh, M., Ranjbar, F., Fakhari, A., Mohagheghi, A., Farnam, A., Abdi, S., & Alizadeh, A. (2012). Factors related to marital satisfaction in women with major depressive disorder. Iranian journal of psychiatry, 7(4), 164–169.
  • Barnes, M. K., & Duck, S. (1994). Everyday communicative contexts for social support. In T. L. Albrecht, B. R. Burleson, & I. G. Sarason (Eds.), Communication of social support: Messages, interactions, relationships, and community, 175–194.
  • Beach, S. R. H., Arias, I., & O’Leary, K. D. (1986). The relationship of marital satisfaction and social support to depressive symptomatology. Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment, 8(4), 305–316.
  • Beach, S. R., Katz, J., Kim, S., & Brody, G. H. (2003). Prospective effects of marital satisfaction on depressive symptoms in established marriages: A dyadic model. Journal of social and personal relationships, 20(3), 355-371.
  • Bloch, J. R., Webb, D.A., Mathews, L., Dennis, E.F., Bennett, I.M., & Culhane, J. F. (2010). Beyond marital status: The quality of the mother-father relationship and its influence on reproductive health behaviors and outcomes among unmarried low income pregnant women. Maternal and child health journal, 14(5), 726–34.
  • Bodenmann, G., & Ledermann, T. (2008). Depressed mood and sexual functioning. International journal of sexual health, 19(4), 63-73.
  • Bookwala, J., & Jacobs, J. (2004). Age, marital processes, and depressed affect. The Gerontologist, 44(3), 328-338.
  • Bulanda, J. R. (2011). Gender, marital power, and marital quality in later life. Journal of women & aging, 23(1), 3-22.
  • Bulanda, J. R., Brown, J. S., & Yamashita, T. (2016). Marital quality, marital dissolution, and mortality risk during the later life course. Social science & medicine, 165, 119-127. Carr, D., & Springer, K. W. (2010). Advances in families and health research in the 21st century. Journal of marriage and family, 72(3), 743-761.
  • Carlson, R. G. (2012). Examining relationships among income, individual and relationship distress, and outcomes in marriage and relationship education for low-to-moderate income married couples.(Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Central Florida
  • Chen R., Simon M. A., Chang E. S., Zhen Y. & Dong X. (2014). The perception of social support among U.S. Chinese older adults: Findings from the PINE study. Journal of aging and health, 26, 1137-1154. doi: 10.1177/0898264314529332
  • Cheung, E.S.L. & Mui, A.C. (2021). Gender Variation and Late-life Depression: Findings from a National Survey in the USA. Ageing international .
  • Choi, N. G., & Ha, J. H. (2011). Relationship between spouse/partner support and depressive symptoms in older adults: Gender difference. Aging and Mental Health, 15(3), 307–317.
  • Ciftci Aridag, N., Erus, S. M., & Unsal Seydoogullari, U. (2019). The relationship of spouse support with the marital satisfaction and the psychological well-being. Electronic journal of social sciences, 18(71), 1014–1024.
  • Cohen, O., Geron, Y. & Farchi, A. (2009). Marital quality and global well-being among older adult Israeli couples in enduring marriages. The American journal of family therapy, 37, 299–317. doi:10.1080/01926180802405968.
  • Cole, M. G., Bellavance, F., & Mansour, A. (1999). Prognosis of depression in elderly community and primary care populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American journal of psychiatry, 156(8), 1182–1189.
  • Cole, M. G., & Dendukuri, N. (2003). Risk factors for depression among elderly community subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American journal of psychiatry, 160(6), 1147–1156.
  • Curun, F. (2006). The relationship between attributions, communication conflicts, sex and sex role orientation and marital satisfaction. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Cutrona C.E. (1996) Social Support as a Determinant of Marital Quality. In: Pierce G.R., Sarason B.R., Sarason I.G. (eds) Handbook of social support and the family. The Springer Series on Stress and Coping. Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Davila, J., Karney, B. R., Hall, T. W., & Bradbury, T. N. (2003). Depressive Symptoms and Marital Satisfaction: Within-Subject Associations and the Moderating Effects of Gender and Neuroticism. Journal of family psychology, 17(4), 557–570.
  • Dehle, C., & Weiss, R. L. (1998). Sex differences in prospective associations between marital quality and depressed mood. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60(4), 1002–1011.
  • Dempsey K. (2002). Who gets the best deal from marriage: women or men? Journal of sociology, 38(2), 91-110. doi:10.1177/144078302128756525
  • Druley, J. A., & Townsend, A. L. (1998). Self-esteem as a mediator between spousal support and depressive symptoms: A comparison of healthy individuals and individuals coping with arthritis. Health psychology, 17(3), 255–261.
  • Du Rocher Schudlich, T. D., Papp, L. M., & Cummings, E. M. (2011). Relations between spouses’ depressive symptoms and marital conflict: A longitudinal investigation of the role of conflict resolution styles. Journal of family psychology, 25(4), 531–540.
  • Faulkner, R. A., Davey, M. & Davey A. (2005). Gender-related predictors of change in marital satisfaction and marital conflict. American journal of family therapy, 33, 61–83. doi:10.1080/01926180590889211
  • Fiske, A., Wetherell, J. L., & Gatz, M. (2009). Depression in older adults. Annual review of clinical psychology, 5, 363–389.
  • Gagnon, M. D., Hersen, M., Kabacoff, R. I., & Van Hasselt, V. B. (1999). Interpersonal and psychological correlates of marital dissatisfaction in late life: A review. Clinical psychology review, 19(3), 359–378.
  • Gao J., Raven J.H., Tang S. Hospitalisation among the elderly in urban China (2007). Health policy, 84(2):210–219.
  • Gilmour, A. L., Whisman, M. A., & Whitton, S. W. (2022). A dyadic analysis of relationship satisfaction and depressive symptoms among same-sex couples. Journal of family psychology, 36(3), 372–377.
  • Gotlib, I. H., & Whiffen, V. E. (1989). Depression and marital functioning: An examination of specificity and gender differences. Journal of abnormal psychology, 98(1), 23–30.
  • Gutiérrez-Vega, M., Esparza-Del Villar, O. A., Carrillo-Saucedo, I. C., & Montañez-Alvarado, P. (2018). The Possible Protective Effect of Marital Status in Quality of Life Among Elders in a U.S.-Mexico Border City. Community mental health journal, 54(4), 480–484.
  • Hawkins, D. & Booth, A. (2005). Unhappily Ever After: Effects of Long-Term, Low-Quality Marriages on Well-Being. Social forces. 84. 451-471. 10.1353/sof.2005.0103.
  • Herr, N. R., Hammen, C., & Brennan, P. A. (2007). Current and past depression as predictors of family functioning: A comparison of men and women in a community sample. Journal of family psychology, 21(4), 694–702.
  • Holt-Lunstad, J., Birmingham, W., & Jones, B. Q. (2008). Is there something unique about marriage? The relative impact of marital status, relationship quality, and network social support on ambulatory blood pressure and mental health. Annuals of behavioral medicine, 35(2), 239–244.
  • Hoseini, S.S., Panaghi, L., Habibi, M., Davoodi, J. & Monajemi, M.B. (2015) The relation between social support and marital satisfaction and couples’ depression after the birth of the first child. The international journal of Indian psychology, 3(1), 5-14.
  • Jabamelian, S.A .(2011). The relationship between marital quality and health related quality of life. Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business, 3(7), 51-59. Kamp Dush, C. M., Taylor, M. G., & Kroeger, R. (2008). Marital happiness across and psychological the life course well-being. Family relations, 57(2), 211–226.
  • Katz, J., Monnier, J., Beach, S. R. H., Libet, J., & Shaw, D. (2000). Individual and crossover ffects of stress on adjustment: Social support and emotional contagion processes in medicalstudent marriages. Journal of marital and family therapy, 26, 341–351
  • Khan, F., & Aftab, S. (2013). Marital satisfaction and perceived social support as vulnerability factors to institute of clinical psychology. American international journal of social science, 2(5), 99–107.
  • Kim, H., Kwon, S., Hong, S. & Lee, S. (2018). Health behaviors influencing depressive symptoms in older Koreans living alone: secondary data analysis of the 2014 Korean longitudinal study of aging. BMC Geriatrics 18, 186- 197.
  • Lapierre, T. A. (2009). Marital status and depressive symptoms over time: Age and gender variations. Family relations, 58(4), 404–416.
  • Lewis, R. A., & Spanier, G. B. (1979). Theorizing about the quality and stability of marriage. In W. Burr, R. Hill, F. I. Nye, & I. Reiss (Eds.), Contemporary theories about the family (pp. 268-294). New York, NY: Free Press.
  • Mickelson, K. D., Claffey, S. T., & Williams, S. L. (2006). The moderating role of gender and gender role attitudes on the link between spousal support and marital quality. Sex roles, 55(1), 73–82.
  • Miller, R. B., Mason, T. M., Canlas, J. M.,Wang, D., Nelson, D. A., & Hart, C. H. (2013). Marital satisfaction and depressive symptoms in china. Journal of Family Psychology, 27(4), 677–682.
  • Padayachey, U. & Ramlall, S. & Chipps, J. (2017). Depression in older adults: prevalence and risk factors in a primary health care sample. South African family practice. 59(2), 61-66.
  • Pinquart, M., & Sörensen, S. (2006). Helping caregivers of persons with dementia: which interventions work and how large are their effects?. International psychogeriatrics, 18(4), 577–595.
  • Proulx, C. M., Helms, H. M., & Buehler, C. (2007). Marital quality and personal well-being: A meta-analysis. Journal of marriage and family, 69(3), 576–593.
  • Rao, S. L. (2017). Marital adjustment and depression among couples. The International journal of Indian psychology, 4(2), 34–42.
  • Robards, J., Evandrou, M., Falkingham, J., & Vlachantoni, A. (2012). Marital status, health and mortality. Maturitas, 73(4), 295–299.
  • Robles T. F. (2014). Marital quality and health: Implications for marriage in the 21st century. Current directions in psychological science, 23(6), 427–432.
  • Rodda, J., Walker, Z., & Carter, J. (2011). Depression in older adults. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 343, d5219.
  • Sewitch, M. J., McCusker, J., Dendukuri, N., & Yaffe, M. J. (2004). Depression in frail elders: impact on family caregivers. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 19(7), 655-665.
  • Sharma, N., Chakrabarti, S., & Grover, S. (2016). Gender differences in caregiving among family - caregivers of people with mental illnesses. World journal of psychiatry, 6(1), 7–17.
  • Shek, D.T.L. (1995). Gender differences in marital quality and well-being in Chinese married adults. Sex roles 32, 699–715 (1995).
  • Spiker, R. L. (2014). Mental health and marital status. The Wiley blackwell encyclopedia of health, illness, behavior and society, 1485–1489.
  • Stevenson, B., & Wolfers, J. (2009). The paradox of declining female happiness. American Economic journal: Economic policy, 1(2), 190–225.
  • Sung, M., & Joo, K. S. (2011). Relationships among marital satisfaction, spousal support and practice of taekyo in pregnant women. Korean journal of women health nursing, 17(1), 31–38.
  • Uchino B. N. (2006). Social support and health: a review of physiological processes potentially underlying links to disease outcomes. Journal of behavioral medicine, 29(4), 377–387.
  • Umberson, D., Williams, K., Powers, D. A., Liu, H., & Needham, B. (2006). You make me sick: Marital quality and health over the life course. Journal of health and social behavior, 47(1), 1–16.
  • Van de Velde, S., Bracke, P., & Levecque, K. (2010). Gender differences in depression in 23 European countries. Cross-national variation in the gender gap in depression. Social science & medicine, 71(2), 305-313.
  • Whisman, M. A. (2001). The association between depression and marital dissatisfaction. In S. R. H. Beach (Ed.), Marital and family processes in depression: A scientific foundation for clinical practice (pp. 3–24). American Psychological Association.
  • Whisman, M. A., Uebelacker, L.A., & Weinstock, L. M. (2004). Psychopathology and marital satisfaction: The importance of evaluating both partners. Journal of consulting and clinical Psychology, 72(5), 830–838.
  • Whisman, M. A., & Uebelacker, L. A. (2009). Prospective associations between marital discord and depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older adults. Psychology and aging, 24(1), 184–189.
  • Windsor, T. D., & Butterworth, P. (2010). Supportive, aversive, ambivalent, and indifferent partner evaluations in midlife and young-old adulthood. The journals of gerontology: series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 65B(3), 287–295.
  • Woods, S. B., Priest, J. B., Signs, T. L., & Maier, C. A. (2019). In sickness and in health: The longitudinal associations between marital dissatisfaction, depression and spousal health. Journal of family therapy, 41(1), 102–25.
Year 2022, , 7 - 16, 01.12.2022



  • Alvarado, B. E., Guerra, R. O., & Zunzunegui, M. V. (2007). Gender Differences in Lower Extremity Function in Latin American Elders: Seeking Explanations From a Life-Course Perspective. Journal of Aging and Health, 19(6), 1004–1024.
  • Amato, P. R., Booth, A., Johnson, D., & Rogers, S. J. (2007). Alone together: How marriage in America is changing. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Depressive Disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.)
  • Amiri, S., Khousheh, M., Ranjbar, F., Fakhari, A., Mohagheghi, A., Farnam, A., Abdi, S., & Alizadeh, A. (2012). Factors related to marital satisfaction in women with major depressive disorder. Iranian journal of psychiatry, 7(4), 164–169.
  • Barnes, M. K., & Duck, S. (1994). Everyday communicative contexts for social support. In T. L. Albrecht, B. R. Burleson, & I. G. Sarason (Eds.), Communication of social support: Messages, interactions, relationships, and community, 175–194.
  • Beach, S. R. H., Arias, I., & O’Leary, K. D. (1986). The relationship of marital satisfaction and social support to depressive symptomatology. Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment, 8(4), 305–316.
  • Beach, S. R., Katz, J., Kim, S., & Brody, G. H. (2003). Prospective effects of marital satisfaction on depressive symptoms in established marriages: A dyadic model. Journal of social and personal relationships, 20(3), 355-371.
  • Bloch, J. R., Webb, D.A., Mathews, L., Dennis, E.F., Bennett, I.M., & Culhane, J. F. (2010). Beyond marital status: The quality of the mother-father relationship and its influence on reproductive health behaviors and outcomes among unmarried low income pregnant women. Maternal and child health journal, 14(5), 726–34.
  • Bodenmann, G., & Ledermann, T. (2008). Depressed mood and sexual functioning. International journal of sexual health, 19(4), 63-73.
  • Bookwala, J., & Jacobs, J. (2004). Age, marital processes, and depressed affect. The Gerontologist, 44(3), 328-338.
  • Bulanda, J. R. (2011). Gender, marital power, and marital quality in later life. Journal of women & aging, 23(1), 3-22.
  • Bulanda, J. R., Brown, J. S., & Yamashita, T. (2016). Marital quality, marital dissolution, and mortality risk during the later life course. Social science & medicine, 165, 119-127. Carr, D., & Springer, K. W. (2010). Advances in families and health research in the 21st century. Journal of marriage and family, 72(3), 743-761.
  • Carlson, R. G. (2012). Examining relationships among income, individual and relationship distress, and outcomes in marriage and relationship education for low-to-moderate income married couples.(Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Central Florida
  • Chen R., Simon M. A., Chang E. S., Zhen Y. & Dong X. (2014). The perception of social support among U.S. Chinese older adults: Findings from the PINE study. Journal of aging and health, 26, 1137-1154. doi: 10.1177/0898264314529332
  • Cheung, E.S.L. & Mui, A.C. (2021). Gender Variation and Late-life Depression: Findings from a National Survey in the USA. Ageing international .
  • Choi, N. G., & Ha, J. H. (2011). Relationship between spouse/partner support and depressive symptoms in older adults: Gender difference. Aging and Mental Health, 15(3), 307–317.
  • Ciftci Aridag, N., Erus, S. M., & Unsal Seydoogullari, U. (2019). The relationship of spouse support with the marital satisfaction and the psychological well-being. Electronic journal of social sciences, 18(71), 1014–1024.
  • Cohen, O., Geron, Y. & Farchi, A. (2009). Marital quality and global well-being among older adult Israeli couples in enduring marriages. The American journal of family therapy, 37, 299–317. doi:10.1080/01926180802405968.
  • Cole, M. G., Bellavance, F., & Mansour, A. (1999). Prognosis of depression in elderly community and primary care populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American journal of psychiatry, 156(8), 1182–1189.
  • Cole, M. G., & Dendukuri, N. (2003). Risk factors for depression among elderly community subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American journal of psychiatry, 160(6), 1147–1156.
  • Curun, F. (2006). The relationship between attributions, communication conflicts, sex and sex role orientation and marital satisfaction. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Cutrona C.E. (1996) Social Support as a Determinant of Marital Quality. In: Pierce G.R., Sarason B.R., Sarason I.G. (eds) Handbook of social support and the family. The Springer Series on Stress and Coping. Springer, Boston, MA.
  • Davila, J., Karney, B. R., Hall, T. W., & Bradbury, T. N. (2003). Depressive Symptoms and Marital Satisfaction: Within-Subject Associations and the Moderating Effects of Gender and Neuroticism. Journal of family psychology, 17(4), 557–570.
  • Dehle, C., & Weiss, R. L. (1998). Sex differences in prospective associations between marital quality and depressed mood. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60(4), 1002–1011.
  • Dempsey K. (2002). Who gets the best deal from marriage: women or men? Journal of sociology, 38(2), 91-110. doi:10.1177/144078302128756525
  • Druley, J. A., & Townsend, A. L. (1998). Self-esteem as a mediator between spousal support and depressive symptoms: A comparison of healthy individuals and individuals coping with arthritis. Health psychology, 17(3), 255–261.
  • Du Rocher Schudlich, T. D., Papp, L. M., & Cummings, E. M. (2011). Relations between spouses’ depressive symptoms and marital conflict: A longitudinal investigation of the role of conflict resolution styles. Journal of family psychology, 25(4), 531–540.
  • Faulkner, R. A., Davey, M. & Davey A. (2005). Gender-related predictors of change in marital satisfaction and marital conflict. American journal of family therapy, 33, 61–83. doi:10.1080/01926180590889211
  • Fiske, A., Wetherell, J. L., & Gatz, M. (2009). Depression in older adults. Annual review of clinical psychology, 5, 363–389.
  • Gagnon, M. D., Hersen, M., Kabacoff, R. I., & Van Hasselt, V. B. (1999). Interpersonal and psychological correlates of marital dissatisfaction in late life: A review. Clinical psychology review, 19(3), 359–378.
  • Gao J., Raven J.H., Tang S. Hospitalisation among the elderly in urban China (2007). Health policy, 84(2):210–219.
  • Gilmour, A. L., Whisman, M. A., & Whitton, S. W. (2022). A dyadic analysis of relationship satisfaction and depressive symptoms among same-sex couples. Journal of family psychology, 36(3), 372–377.
  • Gotlib, I. H., & Whiffen, V. E. (1989). Depression and marital functioning: An examination of specificity and gender differences. Journal of abnormal psychology, 98(1), 23–30.
  • Gutiérrez-Vega, M., Esparza-Del Villar, O. A., Carrillo-Saucedo, I. C., & Montañez-Alvarado, P. (2018). The Possible Protective Effect of Marital Status in Quality of Life Among Elders in a U.S.-Mexico Border City. Community mental health journal, 54(4), 480–484.
  • Hawkins, D. & Booth, A. (2005). Unhappily Ever After: Effects of Long-Term, Low-Quality Marriages on Well-Being. Social forces. 84. 451-471. 10.1353/sof.2005.0103.
  • Herr, N. R., Hammen, C., & Brennan, P. A. (2007). Current and past depression as predictors of family functioning: A comparison of men and women in a community sample. Journal of family psychology, 21(4), 694–702.
  • Holt-Lunstad, J., Birmingham, W., & Jones, B. Q. (2008). Is there something unique about marriage? The relative impact of marital status, relationship quality, and network social support on ambulatory blood pressure and mental health. Annuals of behavioral medicine, 35(2), 239–244.
  • Hoseini, S.S., Panaghi, L., Habibi, M., Davoodi, J. & Monajemi, M.B. (2015) The relation between social support and marital satisfaction and couples’ depression after the birth of the first child. The international journal of Indian psychology, 3(1), 5-14.
  • Jabamelian, S.A .(2011). The relationship between marital quality and health related quality of life. Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business, 3(7), 51-59. Kamp Dush, C. M., Taylor, M. G., & Kroeger, R. (2008). Marital happiness across and psychological the life course well-being. Family relations, 57(2), 211–226.
  • Katz, J., Monnier, J., Beach, S. R. H., Libet, J., & Shaw, D. (2000). Individual and crossover ffects of stress on adjustment: Social support and emotional contagion processes in medicalstudent marriages. Journal of marital and family therapy, 26, 341–351
  • Khan, F., & Aftab, S. (2013). Marital satisfaction and perceived social support as vulnerability factors to institute of clinical psychology. American international journal of social science, 2(5), 99–107.
  • Kim, H., Kwon, S., Hong, S. & Lee, S. (2018). Health behaviors influencing depressive symptoms in older Koreans living alone: secondary data analysis of the 2014 Korean longitudinal study of aging. BMC Geriatrics 18, 186- 197.
  • Lapierre, T. A. (2009). Marital status and depressive symptoms over time: Age and gender variations. Family relations, 58(4), 404–416.
  • Lewis, R. A., & Spanier, G. B. (1979). Theorizing about the quality and stability of marriage. In W. Burr, R. Hill, F. I. Nye, & I. Reiss (Eds.), Contemporary theories about the family (pp. 268-294). New York, NY: Free Press.
  • Mickelson, K. D., Claffey, S. T., & Williams, S. L. (2006). The moderating role of gender and gender role attitudes on the link between spousal support and marital quality. Sex roles, 55(1), 73–82.
  • Miller, R. B., Mason, T. M., Canlas, J. M.,Wang, D., Nelson, D. A., & Hart, C. H. (2013). Marital satisfaction and depressive symptoms in china. Journal of Family Psychology, 27(4), 677–682.
  • Padayachey, U. & Ramlall, S. & Chipps, J. (2017). Depression in older adults: prevalence and risk factors in a primary health care sample. South African family practice. 59(2), 61-66.
  • Pinquart, M., & Sörensen, S. (2006). Helping caregivers of persons with dementia: which interventions work and how large are their effects?. International psychogeriatrics, 18(4), 577–595.
  • Proulx, C. M., Helms, H. M., & Buehler, C. (2007). Marital quality and personal well-being: A meta-analysis. Journal of marriage and family, 69(3), 576–593.
  • Rao, S. L. (2017). Marital adjustment and depression among couples. The International journal of Indian psychology, 4(2), 34–42.
  • Robards, J., Evandrou, M., Falkingham, J., & Vlachantoni, A. (2012). Marital status, health and mortality. Maturitas, 73(4), 295–299.
  • Robles T. F. (2014). Marital quality and health: Implications for marriage in the 21st century. Current directions in psychological science, 23(6), 427–432.
  • Rodda, J., Walker, Z., & Carter, J. (2011). Depression in older adults. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 343, d5219.
  • Sewitch, M. J., McCusker, J., Dendukuri, N., & Yaffe, M. J. (2004). Depression in frail elders: impact on family caregivers. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 19(7), 655-665.
  • Sharma, N., Chakrabarti, S., & Grover, S. (2016). Gender differences in caregiving among family - caregivers of people with mental illnesses. World journal of psychiatry, 6(1), 7–17.
  • Shek, D.T.L. (1995). Gender differences in marital quality and well-being in Chinese married adults. Sex roles 32, 699–715 (1995).
  • Spiker, R. L. (2014). Mental health and marital status. The Wiley blackwell encyclopedia of health, illness, behavior and society, 1485–1489.
  • Stevenson, B., & Wolfers, J. (2009). The paradox of declining female happiness. American Economic journal: Economic policy, 1(2), 190–225.
  • Sung, M., & Joo, K. S. (2011). Relationships among marital satisfaction, spousal support and practice of taekyo in pregnant women. Korean journal of women health nursing, 17(1), 31–38.
  • Uchino B. N. (2006). Social support and health: a review of physiological processes potentially underlying links to disease outcomes. Journal of behavioral medicine, 29(4), 377–387.
  • Umberson, D., Williams, K., Powers, D. A., Liu, H., & Needham, B. (2006). You make me sick: Marital quality and health over the life course. Journal of health and social behavior, 47(1), 1–16.
  • Van de Velde, S., Bracke, P., & Levecque, K. (2010). Gender differences in depression in 23 European countries. Cross-national variation in the gender gap in depression. Social science & medicine, 71(2), 305-313.
  • Whisman, M. A. (2001). The association between depression and marital dissatisfaction. In S. R. H. Beach (Ed.), Marital and family processes in depression: A scientific foundation for clinical practice (pp. 3–24). American Psychological Association.
  • Whisman, M. A., Uebelacker, L.A., & Weinstock, L. M. (2004). Psychopathology and marital satisfaction: The importance of evaluating both partners. Journal of consulting and clinical Psychology, 72(5), 830–838.
  • Whisman, M. A., & Uebelacker, L. A. (2009). Prospective associations between marital discord and depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older adults. Psychology and aging, 24(1), 184–189.
  • Windsor, T. D., & Butterworth, P. (2010). Supportive, aversive, ambivalent, and indifferent partner evaluations in midlife and young-old adulthood. The journals of gerontology: series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 65B(3), 287–295.
  • Woods, S. B., Priest, J. B., Signs, T. L., & Maier, C. A. (2019). In sickness and in health: The longitudinal associations between marital dissatisfaction, depression and spousal health. Journal of family therapy, 41(1), 102–25.
There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Geriatrics and Gerontology, Psychology, Applied and Developmental Psychology
Journal Section Articles

Selin Karaköse 0000-0001-8629-4422

Publication Date December 1, 2022
Acceptance Date August 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Karaköse, S. (2022). Marital Satisfaction and Depression in Older Adults: A Literature Review. Journal of Aging and Long-Term Care, 5(1), 7-16.

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The National and Applied Gerontology Association (NASAG) is a leading non-profit organization in Türkiye that promotes healthy and productive aging via evidence-based research. The utilization of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research in gerontology is crucial in integrating research, practice, and policy, given the need for evidence-based programming to improve the quality of life in old age. As an advocate for social action for older people, the NASAG is particularly concerned that public policies are strongly and genuinely focused on supporting and protecting the most vulnerable, marginalized, or disadvantaged older people.

The NASAG has been a member of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) since 2007.