Research Article
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A detailed investigation on Thyroid Nuclear Medicine Examinations and organ dose assessment: A Monte Carlo simulation study

Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 13 - 19, 03.07.2021


The importance of radionuclide dosimetry was that as nuclear medicine grew to include new therapeutic and diagnostic techniques as well as new radiopharmaceutical products. Dosimetry of radionuclide should be used for the purpose of planning radionuclide therapy as the dosimetry for external radiotherapy is used. In order to achieve nuclear therapy treatment planning, it is important to understand and distinguish between biological and dosimetry factors. Therefore, continuing improvements in dosimetry and codes are crucial in nuclear medicine to ensure that the role of dosimetry can be adequately evaluated in relation to biological factors. In this study, the VMC general-purpose Monte Carlo code has been utilized for the evaluation of absorbed organ doses from Technetium-99m applied in the Thyroid Gland scan. For this aim, radioactivity amounts of Technetium-99m have been changed from 5 mCi to 10 mCi, respectively. In each simulation run, the absorbed dose amount was recorded. The outcomes of recent investigation can be useful for the assessment of Technetium-99m radioactivity utilization Thyroid Gland scan considering the potential risks, cancer history, and general condition of the patient.


This study is the part of an undergraduate researchproject in University of Sharjah, College of HealthSciences, Medical Diagnostic Imaging (MDI)Department. Therefore, authors would like to express their appreciation to Head of MDI department Prof. Dr. Bashar ISSA, for his motivational scientific supports.


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  • [2] NCRP. NCRP Report No. 160. Bethesda, MD:National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurements; 2009. Ionizing radiation exposure ofthe population of the United States.
  • [3] NCRP. NCRP Report No. 100. Bethesda, MD:National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurements; 1989. Exposure of the U.S. populationfrom diagnostic medical radiation: recommendationsof the National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurements.
  • [4] NCRP. NCRP Report No. 160. Bethesda, MD:National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurements; 2009. Ionizing radiation exposure ofthe population of the United States.
  • [5] NCRP. NCRP Report No. 93. Bethesda, MD: NationalCouncil on Radiation Protection and Measurements;1987. Ionizing radiation exposure of the population ofthe United States.
  • [6] NCRP. NCRP Report No. 160. Bethesda, MD:National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurements; 2009. Ionizing radiation exposure ofthe population of the United States.
  • [7] Little MP, Heidenreich WF, Moolgavkar SH,Schöllnberger H, Thomas DC. Radiat Environ Biophys2008;47:39-47.
  • [8] Hamada N, Fujimichi Y. J Radiat Res 2014;55:629-640.
  • [9] Hamada N, Fujimichi Y, Iwasaki T et al., J Radiat Res2014;55:831-846.
  • [10] European Society of Radiology (ESR). InsightsImaging 2011;2:357-362.
  • [11] Gibbs Sj. Radiobiology. In: Diagnostic NuclearMedicine. Sandler MP, Coleman RE, Patton JA, WackersFJTh, Gottschalk A, Editors. 4th Edition. Philadelphia:LipıncottWilliams&Wilkins; 2003.p. 185-204.
  • [12] National Academy of Sciences/National ResearchCouncil (NAS/NRC), Health Risks from Exposure toLow Levels of Ionizing Radiation: BEIR VII Phase 2,Washington, DC 2006.
  • [13] Military Medical Operations. Armed ForcesRadiobiology Research Institute. Delayed Effects. In:Medical Mangement of Radiological Casualties. 3rdEdition. Bethesda: Maryland; 2010. p. 41-43.
  • [14] Sugarman SL, Goans RE, Garrett SA, LivingstonGK. Delayed Effects.2009. p. 44-46.http://www.orise.orau. gov/reacts
  • [15] Hunt, J. G., Dantas B. M., Azeredo, A. M. G. F.In.Workshop on Uncertainty Assessment inComputational Dosimetry, Bologna, 2007.
  • [16] Hunt, J. G., Cavalcanti, E. G., dos Santos D. S.,Azeredo, A. M. G.In. 11th International CongressofThe International Radiation Protection Association,Madrid, IRPA -11 Proceedings and Abstracts, 2004.
  • [17] Hunt, J. G., da Silva, F. C., Mauricio, C. L.Radiationprotection and Dosimetry, Vol 108, no. 1, pp. 85-89,2004.
  • [18] Hunt, J. G, Dantas, B. M., Lourenço M. C.Workshopon Internal Dosimetry of Radionuclides, Oxford, 2002.
  • [19] Hunt, J.G, Dantas, B. M, Malatova, I.,Proceedingsof the V Regional Congress on Radiation Protectionand Safety–IRPA –Recife, CD-ROM, 2001.
  • [20] Hunt, J. G.; Santos, D. S.; Silva, F. C.; Malatova, I.;Foltanova, S.; Dantas, B. M.; Azeredo, A. M. G. F.In.10th International Congress Of The InternationalRadiation Protection Association, Hiroshima-IRPA -10 Proceedings and Abstracts , v. 1 , n. 1 , p. 78 –78,2000.
  • [21] Malatova, I.; Foltanova, S.; Hunt, J. G.In. 10thInternational Congress of the International RadiationProtection Association, 2000,HiroshimaProceedings and Abstracts of the IRPA10 , v. 1 , n. 1 , p. 84 –84.
  • [22] Hunt, J. G.; Silva, F. C.; Santos, D. S.; Malatova, I.;Dantas, B. M.; Azeredo, A.In. MONTE CARLO 2000,2000,Lisbon , 2000.
  • [23] Hunt, J. G.; Malatova, I.; Foltanova, S.; Dantas, B.M.In. IN VIVO WORKSHOP, 1999,Mol Proceedings ofthe In Vivo Workshop, 1999.
  • [24]Hunt, J. G., Malátová, I., Foltánová, S.Radiat. Prot.Dosim.82(3), 215-218 (1999).
  • [25] Hunt, J. G., Bertelli, L., Dantas, B. M., Lucena,E.Radiat. Prot. Dosim.76(3), 179 -184 (1998).
  • [26] Hunt, J. G., Dantas, B.M., Lucena, E.Proceedings ofa Workshop on Internal Radionuclides, Avignon, 1997.Radiat. Prot. Dosim.79(1-4), 425-427(1998).19

Tiroid Nükleer Tıp Muayeneleri ve organ doz değerlendirmesi üzerine detaylı bir araştırma: Monte Carlo simülasyon çalışması

Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 13 - 19, 03.07.2021


Radyonüklid dozimetrisinin önemi, nükleer tıp ilerledikçe yeni terapatik ve diagnostik tekniklerin yanı sıra yeni radyofarmasötik ürünleri de kapsamasıydı. Harici radyoterapi için dozimetri kullanıldığı için radyonüklid tedavisinin planlanması amacıyla radyonüklid dozimetrisi kullanılmalıdır. Nükleer tedavi planlamasını gerçekleştirmek için biyolojik ve dozimetrik faktörleri anlamak ve ayırt etmek önemlidir. Bu nedenle dozimetri ve kodlarda devam eden gelişmeler, dozimetrinin biyolojik faktörlerle ilişkili olarak yeterince değerlendirilebilmesini sağlamak için nükleer tıpta çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, Tiroid Bezitaramasında uygulanan Technetium-99m'den absorbe edilen organ dozlarının değerlendirilmesi için VMC genel amaçlı Monte Carlo kodu kullanılmıştır. Bu amaçla Technetium-99m'nin radyoaktivite miktarları sırasıyla 5 mCi'den 10 mCi'ye değiştirilmiştir. Her simülasyon çalışmasında emilen doz miktarı kaydedilmiştir. Son araştırmanın sonuçları, Teknetyum-99m radyoaktivite kullanımının Tiroid Bezi taramasının potansiyel riskleri, kanser öyküsü ve hastanın genel durumu dikkate alınarak değerlendirilmesi için faydalıolabilir.13


  • [1] UNSCEAR. United Nations Scientific Committee onthe Effects of Atomic Radiation 1988 Report to theGeneral Assembly. United Nations Publication, salesno. E.88.IX.7; New York: 1988. Sources and effects ofionizing radiation. Exposures from medical uses ofradiation, annex C.
  • [2] NCRP. NCRP Report No. 160. Bethesda, MD:National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurements; 2009. Ionizing radiation exposure ofthe population of the United States.
  • [3] NCRP. NCRP Report No. 100. Bethesda, MD:National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurements; 1989. Exposure of the U.S. populationfrom diagnostic medical radiation: recommendationsof the National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurements.
  • [4] NCRP. NCRP Report No. 160. Bethesda, MD:National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurements; 2009. Ionizing radiation exposure ofthe population of the United States.
  • [5] NCRP. NCRP Report No. 93. Bethesda, MD: NationalCouncil on Radiation Protection and Measurements;1987. Ionizing radiation exposure of the population ofthe United States.
  • [6] NCRP. NCRP Report No. 160. Bethesda, MD:National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurements; 2009. Ionizing radiation exposure ofthe population of the United States.
  • [7] Little MP, Heidenreich WF, Moolgavkar SH,Schöllnberger H, Thomas DC. Radiat Environ Biophys2008;47:39-47.
  • [8] Hamada N, Fujimichi Y. J Radiat Res 2014;55:629-640.
  • [9] Hamada N, Fujimichi Y, Iwasaki T et al., J Radiat Res2014;55:831-846.
  • [10] European Society of Radiology (ESR). InsightsImaging 2011;2:357-362.
  • [11] Gibbs Sj. Radiobiology. In: Diagnostic NuclearMedicine. Sandler MP, Coleman RE, Patton JA, WackersFJTh, Gottschalk A, Editors. 4th Edition. Philadelphia:LipıncottWilliams&Wilkins; 2003.p. 185-204.
  • [12] National Academy of Sciences/National ResearchCouncil (NAS/NRC), Health Risks from Exposure toLow Levels of Ionizing Radiation: BEIR VII Phase 2,Washington, DC 2006.
  • [13] Military Medical Operations. Armed ForcesRadiobiology Research Institute. Delayed Effects. In:Medical Mangement of Radiological Casualties. 3rdEdition. Bethesda: Maryland; 2010. p. 41-43.
  • [14] Sugarman SL, Goans RE, Garrett SA, LivingstonGK. Delayed Effects.2009. p. 44-46.http://www.orise.orau. gov/reacts
  • [15] Hunt, J. G., Dantas B. M., Azeredo, A. M. G. F.In.Workshop on Uncertainty Assessment inComputational Dosimetry, Bologna, 2007.
  • [16] Hunt, J. G., Cavalcanti, E. G., dos Santos D. S.,Azeredo, A. M. G.In. 11th International CongressofThe International Radiation Protection Association,Madrid, IRPA -11 Proceedings and Abstracts, 2004.
  • [17] Hunt, J. G., da Silva, F. C., Mauricio, C. L.Radiationprotection and Dosimetry, Vol 108, no. 1, pp. 85-89,2004.
  • [18] Hunt, J. G, Dantas, B. M., Lourenço M. C.Workshopon Internal Dosimetry of Radionuclides, Oxford, 2002.
  • [19] Hunt, J.G, Dantas, B. M, Malatova, I.,Proceedingsof the V Regional Congress on Radiation Protectionand Safety–IRPA –Recife, CD-ROM, 2001.
  • [20] Hunt, J. G.; Santos, D. S.; Silva, F. C.; Malatova, I.;Foltanova, S.; Dantas, B. M.; Azeredo, A. M. G. F.In.10th International Congress Of The InternationalRadiation Protection Association, Hiroshima-IRPA -10 Proceedings and Abstracts , v. 1 , n. 1 , p. 78 –78,2000.
  • [21] Malatova, I.; Foltanova, S.; Hunt, J. G.In. 10thInternational Congress of the International RadiationProtection Association, 2000,HiroshimaProceedings and Abstracts of the IRPA10 , v. 1 , n. 1 , p. 84 –84.
  • [22] Hunt, J. G.; Silva, F. C.; Santos, D. S.; Malatova, I.;Dantas, B. M.; Azeredo, A.In. MONTE CARLO 2000,2000,Lisbon , 2000.
  • [23] Hunt, J. G.; Malatova, I.; Foltanova, S.; Dantas, B.M.In. IN VIVO WORKSHOP, 1999,Mol Proceedings ofthe In Vivo Workshop, 1999.
  • [24]Hunt, J. G., Malátová, I., Foltánová, S.Radiat. Prot.Dosim.82(3), 215-218 (1999).
  • [25] Hunt, J. G., Bertelli, L., Dantas, B. M., Lucena,E.Radiat. Prot. Dosim.76(3), 179 -184 (1998).
  • [26] Hunt, J. G., Dantas, B.M., Lucena, E.Proceedings ofa Workshop on Internal Radionuclides, Avignon, 1997.Radiat. Prot. Dosim.79(1-4), 425-427(1998).19
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Metrology, Applied and Industrial Physics, Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Ashalul Mohamud This is me

Fatima Alloghani This is me

Waad Alhussein This is me

Shams A.m. Issa This is me

Hüseyin Ozan Tekin This is me

Publication Date July 3, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Mohamud, A., Alloghani, F., Alhussein, W., Issa, S. A., et al. (2021). Tiroid Nükleer Tıp Muayeneleri ve organ doz değerlendirmesi üzerine detaylı bir araştırma: Monte Carlo simülasyon çalışması. Journal of Anatolian Physics and Astronomy, 1(1), 13-19.