Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

JASAM aims to:

  • Contribute to the advancement of aerospace science and technology by providing a forum for the dissemination of original research findings.
  • Promote the exchange of knowledge and ideas among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in the field of aerospace.
  • Encourage the development of new technologies and solutions to address the challenges facing the aerospace industry.

Journal of Aerospace Science and Management (JASAM) is the scientific publication of the Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Erciyes University. It is published twice a year, in June and December.

JASAM being launched in 2022, is a peer-reviewed, open access, scientific journal.

The journal publishes original research articles, case studies, invited and editor-approved reviews, short communications, and letters to the editor in Turkish or English that have not been previously submitted simultaneously to another journal and cover the following areas:

Aerospace Safety
History of Aviation
Aviation Education
Aviation Meteorology
Aviation Business
Aviation Management
Aviation Finance and Economics
Aviation Marketing
Airport Planning and Management
Aviation Law
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Airline Industry / Commercial Aviation
Flight Operations Management
Risk Management in Aviation
Safety Management Systems
Aircraft Structures, Engine and Maintenance
Structural Mechanics and Materials
Aircraft Materials Manufacturing
Aircraft Systems
Air Traffic Management
Air Traffic Control
Flight Mechanics
Airport Design
Aircraft Aerodynamics
Structural Design/Dynamics
Avionics Systems

You can access;

The manuscript format https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/journal/4298/file-manager/30155/download  

The title page: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/32677 

The property rights transfer form:  https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/32678 

In case you experience difficulties in downloading the formats, try loging in DergiPark with your user name or send an email requesting the formats (jasam@erciyes.edu.tr) 

Manuscript Structure and Formatting

Page Margins: Top and bottom margins should be 2.5 cm, and left and right margins should be 2 cm. Page numbers should be placed on the bottom right corner of the page.
Font and Size: The main text should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 point size, and 1.15 line spacing. Paragraphs should have a 0.5 cm indent and 6 nk space between paragraphs.
First Page: The first page should include the following in order: Turkish title, author names, Turkish abstract, English title, and English abstract. The left side of the first page should be divided into Turkish and English sections for the article information, author contact information, and keywords.


Language: The journal accepts manuscripts in Turkish or English.
Originality: Manuscripts must be original and not previously submitted simultaneously to another journal.
Scope: The journal covers a wide range of topics in aerospace science and management, including:

  • Aerospace Safety
    History of Aviation
    Aviation Education
    Aviation Meteorology
    Aviation Business
    Aviation Management
    Aviation Finance and Economics
    Aviation Marketing
    Airport Planning and Management
    Aviation Law
    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
    Airline Industry / Commercial Aviation
    Flight Operations Management
    Risk Management in Aviation
    Safety Management Systems
    Aircraft Structures, Engine and Maintenance
    Structural Mechanics and Materials
    Aircraft Materials Manufacturing
    Aircraft Systems
    Air Traffic Management
    Air Traffic Control
    Flight Mechanics
    Airport Design
    Aircraft Aerodynamics
    Structural Design/Dynamics
    Avionics Systems

Manuscript Preparation

Title and Author Information: The title and author information should be given in the title page, written in both Turkish and English, with the first letter of each word capitalized. The author names should be written in Times New Roman font, 10 point size, and bold. The author affiliations should be written in 9 point size and left-aligned. The ORCID of the authors shall be written.
Abstract and Keywords: The abstract should be no more than 250 words and should be written in both Turkish and English. The keywords should be listed below the abstract, with at least 3 and no more than 5 keywords.
Headings and Subheadings: Headings and subheadings should be numbered and written in bold. The main text should be divided into sections with clear headings.
Tables, Figures, and Graphics: Tables, figures, and graphics should be numbered consecutively and placed in the center of the page. They should have a title and be referred to in the text.
Mathematical Equations: Mathematical equations should be centered and left-aligned. They should be numbered consecutively and placed in parentheses on the right side of the line.
References: References should be listed at the end of the manuscript in APA style.

Additional Notes:

The manuscript should be submitted in electronic format as a Microsoft Word document.

The manuscript shall not include any details about authors, to provide blind reviewed. 
The manuscript should be checked for spelling and grammar errors before submission.
The authors are responsible for the originality and accuracy of their work.

Ethical Guidelines for Authors Submitting to the Journal of Aerospace Science and Management (JASAM)

Author Responsibilities

Originality: Submitted manuscripts must be original and not previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Citations and quotations from other works must be accurately and adequately indicated in accordance with APA style.
Authorship: Only individuals who made significant contributions to the content of the manuscript should be listed as authors. Conversely, all individuals who made significant contributions to the manuscript content should be listed as authors.
Conflict of Interest: Any conflict of interest associated with the manuscript should be disclosed by the authors.
Data Usage: Authors must possess documentation demonstrating they hold the rights to use the data presented in the manuscript and have obtained any necessary permissions for the research/analysis conducted.
Errors and Corrections: If an error or omission is discovered in the published manuscript, authors must inform the journal editor and cooperate with any necessary corrections or retractions.
Simultaneous Submissions: The same manuscript cannot be submitted to multiple journals concurrently. Each submission must follow the completion of the previous submission. Manuscripts published elsewhere are ineligible for submission to JASAM.
Respect for Reviewers: Respectful engagement with reviewer feedback is expected, avoiding offensive or derogatory language.

Reviewer Responsibilities

Expertise: Reviewers should only accept to review manuscripts within their area of expertise.
Objectivity: Reviews must be impartial and objective, avoiding bias based on factors such as nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political views, or commercial interests.
Confidentiality: Reviewers must treat reviewed manuscripts confidentially and dispose of them after the review process. They can only use final published versions of reviewed manuscripts, with proper citation.
Constructive Feedback: Reviews should be presented in a constructive and respectful manner, avoiding hostility, defamation, or insulting personal comments.
Timely Review: Reviewers should complete their assigned reviews within the designated timeframe.

Editor Responsibilities

Fair Evaluation: Editors evaluate all manuscripts solely based on their intellectual content, irrespective of the author's gender, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or political beliefs.
Double-Blind Review: Editors follow a double-blind review process, concealing reviewer identities from authors.
Impartiality: Editors uphold impartiality and objectivity throughout the review process.
Respect for Authors and Reviewers: Editors treat authors and reviewers with respect.
Transparency: Editors are transparent about the journal's publication policies and review process.

Publisher's Responsibilities

Independence: The publisher ensures editors' independent decision-making.
Intellectual Property: The publisher protects the copyright and intellectual property of all published articles.
Scientific Misconduct: The publisher takes all possible measures against scientific misconduct, citation manipulation, and plagiarism.

Additional Information

JASAM utilizes Crossref Similarity Check to detect plagiarism and scientific misconduct.
Authors are encouraged to review JASAM's author guidelines before submitting their manuscripts.

Importance of Ethical Guidelines

Following ethical guidelines is crucial for maintaining the reliability and quality of scientific publications. These guidelines define the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders (authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers) and ensure the accurate and transparent dissemination of scientific knowledge.


If you have any questions regarding the ethical guidelines, please contact the JASAM editors (jasam@erciyes.edu.tr).

JASAM is an Open Access (OA) journal, free to publish and read.
All costs related to publication is reimbursed by Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Erciyes University
The copyright holder of manuscripts submöitted to JASAM accepts that usage rights are granted to readers using an open license (Creative Commons) when accepted for publication. This allows for immediate free access to the work and permits any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.
The full text of all contentis available for free and open access without delay when accepted for publication.
No embargo period
No requirement for users to register to read content

Publication of Erciyes University, Aviation Sciences Application and Research Center, 2021 | jasam@erciyes.edu.tr

This publication is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0by-nc-sa.png