Organik Hayvansal Üretimde Biyoteknolojik Uygulamalar
Year 2018,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 9 - 13, 24.12.2018
Kadir Karakuş
Hasan Çelikyürek
Organik hayvancılık, üretimde artan kimyasal girdilerin ve uygulanan bazı yöntemlerin kullanımının insan sağlığı ve doğa üzerinde yarattığı olumsuz etkilerin yanı sıra ticari problemlerin aşılmasında bir alternatif yöntem olarak doğmuştur. Aynı zamanda tüm canlılara ve çevreye dost üretim sistemlerini içeren; yetiştiricilikte, insana ve çevreye zararlı kimyasal girdilerin kullanılmadığı bir üretim şeklidir. Moleküler biyoloji ve genetik alanında yaşanan gelişmelere paralel olarak tarımsal üretimde biyoteknolojik uygulamalar hız kazanmıştır. Biyoteknolojik yöntemler kullanılarak elde edilen konvansiyonel ürünler ve kullanılmadan ya da sınırlı kullanılarak elde edilen organik ürünlerin sağlık ve ekolojiye olan etkilerinin belirlenmesi ve tüketicilerin daha yoğun bilinçlendirilmesi gerekmektedir.
- Ak, İ. 2002. Ekolojik Tarım ve Hayvancılık, Gıda ve Yem Bilimi Teknolojisi 2: 31-39.
- Anonim, 2017a. Ecology and Farming Ecology & Farming No. 47 February 2010,plus IFOAM pages, Global Monitor, Publications and Events The magazine of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements.
- Anonim, 2017b. Vaquitec, Ovitec, Cunitec, Porcitec, Agritec Software. (Erişim tarihi: 3 Mayıs 2017).
- Çelikyürek, H., Karakuş, K. 2017. The Importance of Use of Computer Technology in Ecological Livestock, Türk Tarım-Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 5 (13): 1750-1756.
- IFOAM, 2014. The IFOAM NORMS for Organic Production and Processing Version Published in Germany. ISBN: 978-3-944372-10-5.
- Karakuş, K., Tuncer, S.S., Celen, M.F. 2014. Organic Animal Production For Eastern Anatolian Region. International Mesopotamia Congress.
- Karakuş, K., Comba, B., Koyun, H., Sarıpınar, D., Taş, A. 2015. Organik Hayvancılıkta Hayvan Davranışı ve Refahı.9. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi, s:635, 3-5 Eylül 2015, KONYA.
- Karakuş, K., Koyun, H., Taş, A. 2016a. Goat in organic animal production. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews 9 (2): 03-05.
- Karakuş, K., Koyun, H., Taş, A. 2016b. The Importance of Keeping Records in Organic Animal Production. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews 9 (1):84- 85.
- Kučević, D., Trivunović, S., Bogdanović, V., Čobanović, K., Janković, D., Stanojević, D. 2016. Composition of Raw Milk From Conventional and Organic Dairy Farming. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 32 (2): 133-143.
- Nauta, W. 2009. Selective Breeding in Organic Dairy Production; PhD thesis; Institute of Animal Science (WIAS). Wageningen University.
- Nauta, W.J., Roep, D., Baars, T. 2005. Animal breeding in organic dairy farming: an inventory of farmers' views and difficulties to overcome. NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences53(1): 19-34.
- Rahman, G., Godinho, D., (Ed). 2012. Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry. Proceedings of the ’2nd IFOAM / ISOFAR International Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry, Hamburg / Trenthorst, Germany, September 12-14.
- Rahman, G. 2006. Do endangered sheep breeds have an advantage in organic farming? In: Atkinson, Chris and Younie, David (Eds.) What will organic farming deliver?, AAB Office, Warwick, UK, Aspects of Applied Biology 79: 247-252.
- Spengler Neff, A., Mahrer, D., Moll, J., Burren, A., Flury, C. 2012. Analyses of different brown cattle breeds and their crosses in Switzerland, EAAP-meeting, Bratislava, August 27-31.
- Yeşilbağ, D. 2004. Tarımsal ve Hayvansal Ürünlerde Modern Biyoteknoloji ve Organik Üretim. Uludag Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med. 23 (1-2-3) : 157-162.
Biotechnological Practices in Organic Animal Production
Year 2018,
Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 9 - 13, 24.12.2018
Kadir Karakuş
Hasan Çelikyürek
Organic livestock has emerged as an alternative method to overcome the adverse effects of increased use of chemical inputs and some methods applied on nature and human health. At the same time, it includes all living and friendly production systems; Biochemical applications in agricultural production have gained momentum in parallel with the developments in the field of molecular biology and genetics. It is necessary to determine the health and ecological effects of conventional products obtained using biotechnological methods and organic products obtained with or without limited use, and consumers should be more intensified.
- Ak, İ. 2002. Ekolojik Tarım ve Hayvancılık, Gıda ve Yem Bilimi Teknolojisi 2: 31-39.
- Anonim, 2017a. Ecology and Farming Ecology & Farming No. 47 February 2010,plus IFOAM pages, Global Monitor, Publications and Events The magazine of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements.
- Anonim, 2017b. Vaquitec, Ovitec, Cunitec, Porcitec, Agritec Software. (Erişim tarihi: 3 Mayıs 2017).
- Çelikyürek, H., Karakuş, K. 2017. The Importance of Use of Computer Technology in Ecological Livestock, Türk Tarım-Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi 5 (13): 1750-1756.
- IFOAM, 2014. The IFOAM NORMS for Organic Production and Processing Version Published in Germany. ISBN: 978-3-944372-10-5.
- Karakuş, K., Tuncer, S.S., Celen, M.F. 2014. Organic Animal Production For Eastern Anatolian Region. International Mesopotamia Congress.
- Karakuş, K., Comba, B., Koyun, H., Sarıpınar, D., Taş, A. 2015. Organik Hayvancılıkta Hayvan Davranışı ve Refahı.9. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi, s:635, 3-5 Eylül 2015, KONYA.
- Karakuş, K., Koyun, H., Taş, A. 2016a. Goat in organic animal production. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews 9 (2): 03-05.
- Karakuş, K., Koyun, H., Taş, A. 2016b. The Importance of Keeping Records in Organic Animal Production. Turkish Journal of Scientific Reviews 9 (1):84- 85.
- Kučević, D., Trivunović, S., Bogdanović, V., Čobanović, K., Janković, D., Stanojević, D. 2016. Composition of Raw Milk From Conventional and Organic Dairy Farming. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 32 (2): 133-143.
- Nauta, W. 2009. Selective Breeding in Organic Dairy Production; PhD thesis; Institute of Animal Science (WIAS). Wageningen University.
- Nauta, W.J., Roep, D., Baars, T. 2005. Animal breeding in organic dairy farming: an inventory of farmers' views and difficulties to overcome. NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences53(1): 19-34.
- Rahman, G., Godinho, D., (Ed). 2012. Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry. Proceedings of the ’2nd IFOAM / ISOFAR International Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry, Hamburg / Trenthorst, Germany, September 12-14.
- Rahman, G. 2006. Do endangered sheep breeds have an advantage in organic farming? In: Atkinson, Chris and Younie, David (Eds.) What will organic farming deliver?, AAB Office, Warwick, UK, Aspects of Applied Biology 79: 247-252.
- Spengler Neff, A., Mahrer, D., Moll, J., Burren, A., Flury, C. 2012. Analyses of different brown cattle breeds and their crosses in Switzerland, EAAP-meeting, Bratislava, August 27-31.
- Yeşilbağ, D. 2004. Tarımsal ve Hayvansal Ürünlerde Modern Biyoteknoloji ve Organik Üretim. Uludag Univ. J. Fac. Vet. Med. 23 (1-2-3) : 157-162.