Exploring Cargo Potential of an Airport: Pre-Feasibility Study and Policy Recommendations for Hasan Polatkan Airport
Year 2024,
, 277 - 287, 22.10.2024
Ferhan Şengür
Vildan Durmaz
Mustafa Uzgör
Temel Caner Ustaömer
Although air passenger transportation has grown steadily since liberalization movements, it has experienced a sharp decline with the COVID-19 pandemic. However, air cargo transportation has been relatively less affected by this crisis due to the increasing volume of e-commerce and the critical importance of supply chains. Air cargo positively affects the regional economy through the logistics and trade channels it provides. This study aims to investigate Eskişehir Hasan Polatkan Airport's cargo transportation potential and make its pre-feasibility as an air cargo hub. In this context, as a case study, interviews were conducted with stakeholders regarding the cargo potential of Hasan Polatkan Airport, and qualitative data were obtained. The authors qualitatively analyzed the data, and the findings were compiled under two headings: findings on demand and findings on technical/operational requirements. Considering these findings, alternative business models are discussed, and different policy recommendations are provided.
Ethical Statement
This research study complies with research and publishing ethics.
Supporting Institution
There is no financial support or relationships that may pose a conflict of interest.
We want to thank reviewers and editors for taking their time and reviewing this work.
- Baker, M. (2020). Venango Regional Airport Air Cargo Feasibility Study. Report prepared for the Northwest
Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission.
- Bakhitiyorjon, A. and Lee, H. Y. (2017). A Study on the Factors Affecting the Flexibility of cargo airlines to switch
airports. Ticari inceleme araştırmaları, 19(2), 237-258.
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Urban Studies, 50(2), 329–340.
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edition.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE.
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Spectrum, 35(2), 325–362.
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- Eski, S. and Tasus, H. S. (2018). Havaalanlarında sunulan yer hizmetlerinin Avrupa ekonomisine etkisi: Türkiye,
Almanya ve İngiltere uygulamaları. Kastamonu University Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences
Faculty, 20(1), 56–83.
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http://ecas.anadolu.edu.tr/birimler_havaalani.html. Accessed October 12, 2021.
- Freightwaves (2019). Amazon to open Dallas regional air hub next month.
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/ amazon-to-open-dallas-regional-air-hub-next-month. Accessed
December 19, 2021.
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Operations. Transportation Journal, 42(4), 5–15.
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Transport Geography, 30, 17-25.
- Hong, S. and Zhang, A. (2010). An efficiency study of airlines and air cargo/passenger divisions: a DEA
approach. World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 3(1-2), 137-149.
- IATA. (2020). World Air Transport Statistics 2020. International Air Transport Association. Montreal.
- IATA. (2021). Air Cargo Matters. International Air Transport Association.
https://www.iata.org/en/programs/cargo/sustainability/benefits/. Accessed October 11, 2021.
- Kupfer, F., Meersman, H., Onghena, E. and Van de Voorde, E. (2017). The underlying drivers and future
development of air cargo. Journal of Air Transport Management, 61(2017), 6–14.
- Lakew, P. A. and Tok, Y. C. A. (2015). Determinants of air cargo traffic in California. Transportation Research
Part A: Policy and Practice, 80(March 2000), 134–150.
- Lo, W. W. L., Wan, Y. and Zhang, A. (2015). Empirical estimation of price and income elasticities of air cargo
demand: The case of Hong Kong. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 78, 309–324.
- Magaña, U., Mansouri, S. A. and Spiegler, V. L. M. (2017). Improving demand forecasting in the air cargo
handling industry: a case study. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 20(4), 359–380.
- Reynolds-Feighan, A. J. (1995). European and American approaches to air transport liberalisation: some
implications for small communities. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 29(6), 467-483.
- Sengur, F. K. (2020). Public-private partnerships in airports: the Turkish experience. World Review of
Intermodal Transportation Research, 9(3), 217-244.
- Sengur, F.K., Durmaz, V., Uzgör, M and Ustaömer, T.C. (2019). Eskişehir Hasan Polatkan Havalimanı Kargo
Operasyonları Ön Fizibilite Çalışması. Technical Report, Eskisehir Technical University.
- SHGM (2015). HAD/T-23 Kargo Hizmetleri. Ankara.
- SHGM (2018). Havaalanları Yer Hizmetleri Yönetmeliği No. 30519. Ankara.
- Tuncer, B. and Aydoğan, K. (2019). The Effects of Fuel Costs on The Air Cargo Quantity: 2007-2018 Case of
Turkey. International Journal of Economics and Administrative Studies, Bor Special Issue, 143-158.
- Uzgör, M. and Şengür, F. (2022). Investigating an underutilized subsidized routes scheme: Underlying reasons
and policy recommendations. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(1), 287-299.
- Wadud, Z. (2013). Simultaneous modeling of passenger and cargo demand at an airport. Transportation
Research Record, 2336(1), 63–74. doi:10.3141/2336-08
- Yin, R. K. (2008). Case study research : design and methods (Fourth.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
- Yu, C. and Zou, L. (2022). Air Trade, Air Cargo Demand, and Network Analysis: Case of the United States," Nolan,
J. and Peoples, J. (Ed.) The International Air Cargo Industry (Advances in Airline Economics, Vol. 9), Emerald
Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 207-239.
- Zhang, A. (2003). Analysis of an international air-cargo hub: The case of Hong Kong. Journal of Air Transport
Management, 9(2), 123–138.
- Zhang, A. and Zhang, Y. (2002). Issues on liberalisation of air cargo services in international aviation. Journal of Air Transport Management 8, 275–287.
Year 2024,
, 277 - 287, 22.10.2024
Ferhan Şengür
Vildan Durmaz
Mustafa Uzgör
Temel Caner Ustaömer
- Baker, M. (2020). Venango Regional Airport Air Cargo Feasibility Study. Report prepared for the Northwest
Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission.
- Bakhitiyorjon, A. and Lee, H. Y. (2017). A Study on the Factors Affecting the Flexibility of cargo airlines to switch
airports. Ticari inceleme araştırmaları, 19(2), 237-258.
- Button, K., and Yuan, J. (2013). Airfreight Transport and Economic Development: An Examination of Causality.
Urban Studies, 50(2), 329–340.
- Buyck, C., (2002). Location, location, location. Air Transport World 39, 70–74.
- Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches (2nd
edition.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE.
- Derigs, U. and Friederichs, S. (2013). Air cargo scheduling: Integrated models and solution procedures. OR
Spectrum, 35(2), 325–362.
- DHMİ. (2021). İstatistikler. https://www.dhmi.gov.tr/ Sayfalar/Istatistikler.aspx. Accessed October 11, 2021.
- Eski, S. and Tasus, H. S. (2018). Havaalanlarında sunulan yer hizmetlerinin Avrupa ekonomisine etkisi: Türkiye,
Almanya ve İngiltere uygulamaları. Kastamonu University Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences
Faculty, 20(1), 56–83.
- ESTÜ. (2021). Havaalanı Bilgileri. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi.
http://ecas.anadolu.edu.tr/birimler_havaalani.html. Accessed October 12, 2021.
- Freightwaves (2019). Amazon to open Dallas regional air hub next month.
https://www.freightwaves.com/news/ amazon-to-open-dallas-regional-air-hub-next-month. Accessed
December 19, 2021.
- Golicic, S. L., Teresa, M. M. and Mentzer, J. T. (2003). Conducting a Market Opportunity Analysis for Air Cargo
Operations. Transportation Journal, 42(4), 5–15.
- Grubesic, T. H. and Wei, F. (2013). Essential Air Service: a local, geographic market perspective. Journal of
Transport Geography, 30, 17-25.
- Hong, S. and Zhang, A. (2010). An efficiency study of airlines and air cargo/passenger divisions: a DEA
approach. World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research, 3(1-2), 137-149.
- IATA. (2020). World Air Transport Statistics 2020. International Air Transport Association. Montreal.
- IATA. (2021). Air Cargo Matters. International Air Transport Association.
https://www.iata.org/en/programs/cargo/sustainability/benefits/. Accessed October 11, 2021.
- Kupfer, F., Meersman, H., Onghena, E. and Van de Voorde, E. (2017). The underlying drivers and future
development of air cargo. Journal of Air Transport Management, 61(2017), 6–14.
- Lakew, P. A. and Tok, Y. C. A. (2015). Determinants of air cargo traffic in California. Transportation Research
Part A: Policy and Practice, 80(March 2000), 134–150.
- Lo, W. W. L., Wan, Y. and Zhang, A. (2015). Empirical estimation of price and income elasticities of air cargo
demand: The case of Hong Kong. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 78, 309–324.
- Magaña, U., Mansouri, S. A. and Spiegler, V. L. M. (2017). Improving demand forecasting in the air cargo
handling industry: a case study. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 20(4), 359–380.
- Reynolds-Feighan, A. J. (1995). European and American approaches to air transport liberalisation: some
implications for small communities. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 29(6), 467-483.
- Sengur, F. K. (2020). Public-private partnerships in airports: the Turkish experience. World Review of
Intermodal Transportation Research, 9(3), 217-244.
- Sengur, F.K., Durmaz, V., Uzgör, M and Ustaömer, T.C. (2019). Eskişehir Hasan Polatkan Havalimanı Kargo
Operasyonları Ön Fizibilite Çalışması. Technical Report, Eskisehir Technical University.
- SHGM (2015). HAD/T-23 Kargo Hizmetleri. Ankara.
- SHGM (2018). Havaalanları Yer Hizmetleri Yönetmeliği No. 30519. Ankara.
- Tuncer, B. and Aydoğan, K. (2019). The Effects of Fuel Costs on The Air Cargo Quantity: 2007-2018 Case of
Turkey. International Journal of Economics and Administrative Studies, Bor Special Issue, 143-158.
- Uzgör, M. and Şengür, F. (2022). Investigating an underutilized subsidized routes scheme: Underlying reasons
and policy recommendations. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(1), 287-299.
- Wadud, Z. (2013). Simultaneous modeling of passenger and cargo demand at an airport. Transportation
Research Record, 2336(1), 63–74. doi:10.3141/2336-08
- Yin, R. K. (2008). Case study research : design and methods (Fourth.). Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
- Yu, C. and Zou, L. (2022). Air Trade, Air Cargo Demand, and Network Analysis: Case of the United States," Nolan,
J. and Peoples, J. (Ed.) The International Air Cargo Industry (Advances in Airline Economics, Vol. 9), Emerald
Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 207-239.
- Zhang, A. (2003). Analysis of an international air-cargo hub: The case of Hong Kong. Journal of Air Transport
Management, 9(2), 123–138.
- Zhang, A. and Zhang, Y. (2002). Issues on liberalisation of air cargo services in international aviation. Journal of Air Transport Management 8, 275–287.