Research Article
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The Lessons from Sanctions on Iran and Their Impacts on the Development of Civil Aviation Understanding and Iranian Airlines

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 368 - 376


After the Islamic Revolution, Iran lived through many hard times not only because of its economic and financial resources such as oil and petroleum but also because of its historical, social, supremacy and leadership of some other Islamic countries and communities. Essentially, it has tried to defend its position for many years without sacrificing its Idiosyncratic Islamic governance structure within the world context or other Islamic countries, for these reasons, it has witnessed a lot of economic and financial sanctions or bans. Although Iran has a lot of highly qualified academicians and a workforce in the science of aviation, its civil aviation management structure and related activities, such as airline management, are very far from the average of the world depending on these financial and economic sanctions and bans by international orders. This situation is subjected to this research as a gap. This paper will analyse the civil aviation and air carrier industry of Iran under the impacts of these economic and financial bans and sanctions regarding four dimensions: Maintenance, Training and licensing, corporal development, and relationships with manufacturers. Essentially, at the beginning of the new age, in terms of international politics and conflicts in every continent of the world, new sanctions and bans are on the trouble agenda of world civil aviation agencies and institutions because of their highly political structure, and these bans and sanctions carry generally economic and financial identities, although they have international policy claims. There are a lot of possibilities on the desks of the civil aviation authorities for the burdens of these sanctions and bans and their sustainability impacts on civil aviation. Moving from the situation of Iran, the correct courses and necessary economic and financial policies will be suggested in this new world context and understanding.


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  • Akbarlı, A., Öndeş, E. B., Gezer, D., & Açıkel, B. (2022). The Impact of the Ukraine-Russia Conflict on the Aviation Sector: February-May 2022. Journal of Aviation, 6(3), 346-354.
  • Al Rawahi, S. H., Jamaluddin, Z. B., & Bhuiyan, A. B. (2020). The Conceptual Framework for the Resources Management Attributes and Aircraft Maintenance Efficiency in the Aviation Industries in Oman. International Journal of Accounting & Finance Review, 5(3), 31-40.
  • Amir, T. (2017). Iran Sanctions: A Compliance Perspective The Promise and Peril of Entering the Islamic Republic. Fordham J. Corp. & Fin. L., 23, 503.
  • Annaç Göv, S. and Paksoy, H.M. (2021). An Investigation on effects of certificates to the corporate structure of enterprises in the civil aviation sector. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Journal of Social Sciences, 18(2), 1218-1246.
  • Askari, H., Forrer, J., Teegen, H., & Yang, J. (2001). Us economic sanctions: Lessons from the iranian experience: The most visible sanctions, those on trade, may not be the most important; and it is not clear that the cost of the sanctions are warranted by their benefits. Business Economics, 7-19.
  • Ateş, S. S., & Kafalı, H. (2020). Personnel Licencing in Aviation Authorities: An Implementation in Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Eskisehir Technical University. Journal of Aviation, 4(1), 103-114.
  • Avers, K. B., Johnson, B., Banks, J. O., & Wenzel, B. M. (2012). Technical documentation challenges in aviation maintenance: A proceedings report (No. DOT/FAA/AM-12/16). United States. Office of Aerospace Medicine.
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  • Ben-Saed, M., & Pilbeam, C. (2022). The effect of an embargo, sanctions and culture on safety climate: A qualitative view from aviation maintenance in the MENA region. Journal of safety research, 81, 259-269.
  • Brusnikin, V. Y., Sharypov, A. N., Glukhov, G. E., Karapetyan, A. G., Koval, S. V., & Chernikov, P. E. (2020). Aircraft components life cycle monitoring system as an element of the state control of aviation equipment operation maintenance. Test Engineering and Management/Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. ISSN, 0193-4120.
  • Butler, R.W. (1993), “Tourism – an evolutionary perspective”, in Nelson, J.G., Butler, R. and Wall, G. (Eds), Tourism and Sustainable Development: Monitoring, Planning and Managing, Department of Geography Series, Waterloo, Canada, pp. 27-43.
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  • Cocis, A. D., Batrancea, L., & Tulai, H. (2021). The link between corporate reputation and financial performance and equilibrium within the airline industry. Mathematics, 9(17), 2150.
  • Jehn, K. A., & Scott, E. D. (2015). Lies in the sky: Effects of employee dishonesty on organizational reputation in the airline industry. Business and Society Review, 120(1), 115-136.
  • Dadpay, A. (2019). Iran Aviation Industry and Nuclear Deal: The Poster Child of Sanctions and JCPOA. Available at SSRN 3364680.
  • Davidson, G. E. (1993). United States' Use of Economic Sanctions, Treaty Bending, and Treaty Breaking in International Aviation. J. Air L. & Com., 59, 291.
  • Dempsey, P. S. (1986). The role of the International Civil Aviation Organization on deregulation, discrimination, and dispute resolution. J. Air L. & Com., 52, 529.
  • Draca, M., Garred, J., Stickland, L., Warrinnie, N. (2019). On target? The incidence of sanctions across listed firms in Iran, LICOS Discussion Paper, No. 413, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance.
  • Leuven Fardnia, P., Khadivar, H., & Walker, T. (2022). Corporate Governance and Safety in the Aviation Industry. Available at SSRN 4277654.
  • Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, M. (2022). Ordering global governance complexes: The evolution of the governance complex for international civil aviation. The Review of International Organizations, 17(2), 293-322.
  • Enrico, Z. I. O., Mengfei, F. A. N., Zhiguo, Z. E. N. G., & Rui, K. A. N. G. (2019). Application of reliability technologies in civil aviation: Lessons learnt and perspectives. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 32(1), 143-158.
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  • Gauci, J., De Carlo, J., Golfetti, A., Tomasello, P., Napoletano, L., Turhan, U., ... & Drogoul, F. (2021, May). From education and training to the workplace: Gaps and challenges in aviation. In Contemporary EHF 2021.
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Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 368 - 376



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  • Akbarlı, A., Öndeş, E. B., Gezer, D., & Açıkel, B. (2022). The Impact of the Ukraine-Russia Conflict on the Aviation Sector: February-May 2022. Journal of Aviation, 6(3), 346-354.
  • Al Rawahi, S. H., Jamaluddin, Z. B., & Bhuiyan, A. B. (2020). The Conceptual Framework for the Resources Management Attributes and Aircraft Maintenance Efficiency in the Aviation Industries in Oman. International Journal of Accounting & Finance Review, 5(3), 31-40.
  • Amir, T. (2017). Iran Sanctions: A Compliance Perspective The Promise and Peril of Entering the Islamic Republic. Fordham J. Corp. & Fin. L., 23, 503.
  • Annaç Göv, S. and Paksoy, H.M. (2021). An Investigation on effects of certificates to the corporate structure of enterprises in the civil aviation sector. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Journal of Social Sciences, 18(2), 1218-1246.
  • Askari, H., Forrer, J., Teegen, H., & Yang, J. (2001). Us economic sanctions: Lessons from the iranian experience: The most visible sanctions, those on trade, may not be the most important; and it is not clear that the cost of the sanctions are warranted by their benefits. Business Economics, 7-19.
  • Ateş, S. S., & Kafalı, H. (2020). Personnel Licencing in Aviation Authorities: An Implementation in Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Eskisehir Technical University. Journal of Aviation, 4(1), 103-114.
  • Avers, K. B., Johnson, B., Banks, J. O., & Wenzel, B. M. (2012). Technical documentation challenges in aviation maintenance: A proceedings report (No. DOT/FAA/AM-12/16). United States. Office of Aerospace Medicine.
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  • Ben-Saed, M., & Pilbeam, C. (2022). The effect of an embargo, sanctions and culture on safety climate: A qualitative view from aviation maintenance in the MENA region. Journal of safety research, 81, 259-269.
  • Brusnikin, V. Y., Sharypov, A. N., Glukhov, G. E., Karapetyan, A. G., Koval, S. V., & Chernikov, P. E. (2020). Aircraft components life cycle monitoring system as an element of the state control of aviation equipment operation maintenance. Test Engineering and Management/Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. ISSN, 0193-4120.
  • Butler, R.W. (1993), “Tourism – an evolutionary perspective”, in Nelson, J.G., Butler, R. and Wall, G. (Eds), Tourism and Sustainable Development: Monitoring, Planning and Managing, Department of Geography Series, Waterloo, Canada, pp. 27-43.
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  • Cocis, A. D., Batrancea, L., & Tulai, H. (2021). The link between corporate reputation and financial performance and equilibrium within the airline industry. Mathematics, 9(17), 2150.
  • Jehn, K. A., & Scott, E. D. (2015). Lies in the sky: Effects of employee dishonesty on organizational reputation in the airline industry. Business and Society Review, 120(1), 115-136.
  • Dadpay, A. (2019). Iran Aviation Industry and Nuclear Deal: The Poster Child of Sanctions and JCPOA. Available at SSRN 3364680.
  • Davidson, G. E. (1993). United States' Use of Economic Sanctions, Treaty Bending, and Treaty Breaking in International Aviation. J. Air L. & Com., 59, 291.
  • Dempsey, P. S. (1986). The role of the International Civil Aviation Organization on deregulation, discrimination, and dispute resolution. J. Air L. & Com., 52, 529.
  • Draca, M., Garred, J., Stickland, L., Warrinnie, N. (2019). On target? The incidence of sanctions across listed firms in Iran, LICOS Discussion Paper, No. 413, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, LICOS Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance.
  • Leuven Fardnia, P., Khadivar, H., & Walker, T. (2022). Corporate Governance and Safety in the Aviation Industry. Available at SSRN 4277654.
  • Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, M. (2022). Ordering global governance complexes: The evolution of the governance complex for international civil aviation. The Review of International Organizations, 17(2), 293-322.
  • Enrico, Z. I. O., Mengfei, F. A. N., Zhiguo, Z. E. N. G., & Rui, K. A. N. G. (2019). Application of reliability technologies in civil aviation: Lessons learnt and perspectives. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 32(1), 143-158.
  • Esfandiary, D., & Fitzpatrick, M. (2011). Sanctions on Iran: Defining and enabling ‘success’. Survival, 53(5), 143- 156.
  • Fidanoglu, M., Ungor, U., Ozkol, I., & Komurgoz, G. (2017). Application of Weibull distribution method for aircraft component life estimation in the civil aviation sector. Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering Vol, 5(1).
  • Fleming, C. H., Spencer, M., Thomas, J., Leveson, N., & Wilkinson, C. (2013). Safety assurance in NextGen and complex transportation systems. Safety Science, 55, 173-187.
  • Gališanskis, A. (2004). Aspects of quality evaluation in aviation maintenance. Aviation, 8(3), 18-26.
  • Gauci, J., De Carlo, J., Golfetti, A., Tomasello, P., Napoletano, L., Turhan, U., ... & Drogoul, F. (2021, May). From education and training to the workplace: Gaps and challenges in aviation. In Contemporary EHF 2021.
  • Herrera, I. A., Nordskag, A. O., Myhre, G., & Halvorsen, K. (2009). Aviation safety and maintenance under major organizational changes, investigating non-existing accidents. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 41(6), 1155-1163.
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  • Intaek, H., & Ji-Hyang, J. (2013). Blessing or Curse? The Unintended Consequences of the Iran Sanctions Regime. by Ji-Hyang Jang and Peter Lee. Published by the Asian Institute for Policy Studies.
  • International Federation of Chemical, Energy and General Workers' Unions website (2024) market/#:~:text=Iran/20is/20a/20major/20sender,than/2095/2C000/20Iranians/20studied/20abroad, Access time: 27.01.2024.
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  • Jalali, J. (2011). The Impact of Sanctions upon Civil Aviation Safety. McGill University (Canada).
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  • Karacasulu, N., & Karakir, I. A. (2014). EU Sanctions Regime: The Case of Iran. The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 26(3), 371-387.
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  • Katzman, K., & Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division. (2005, April). The Iran-Libya Sanctions Act (ILSA). Congressional Research Service [Library of Congress].
  • Kraśnicka, I. (2016). English with flying colors: The aviation english and the international civil aviation organization. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 45(1), 111-124.
  • Latorella, K. A., & Prabhu, P. V. (2017). A review of human error in aviation maintenance and inspection. Human Error in Aviation, 521-549.
  • Learn, W. C. N. (2013). Aviation Licensing and Lifetime Management–What Can Nuclear Learn?.
  • Liangrokapart, J., & Sittiwatethanasiri, T. (2023). Strategic direction for aviation maintenance, repair, and overhaul hub after crisis recovery. Asia Pacific Management Review, 28(2), 81-89.
  • Liu, D., Zhang, J., & Yu, M. M. (2023). Decomposing airline profit inefficiency in NDEA through the non- competitive Nerlovian profit inefficiency model. Journal of Air Transport Management, 107, 102350.
  • Lin, Y., & Ryan, C. (2016). From mission statement to airline branding. Journal of Air Transport Management, 53, 150-160.
  • Lopes, I. T., & Rodrigues, A. M. G. (2007). Specific intangible assets in the air transportation sector: a theoretical construct for their identification and valuation. The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, 154-172.
  • M. H. MoghimiEsfandabadi, M. H. Djavareshkian and S. Abedi. “Significance of Aviation Safety, Its Evaluation, and Ways to Strengthen Security,” International Journal of Reliability, Risk and Safety: Theory and Application, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 37-45, 2023.
  • McInally, J. (2010). Eurocontrol history book. Brussels: EUROCONTROL. Meeusen, W., & van den Broeck, J.(1977). Efficiency Estimation From Cobb-Douglas.
  • Mendonca, F. A., Keller, J., & Dillman, B. G. (2019). Competency-Based Education: A Framework for a More Efficient and Safer Aviation Industry. , (). Retrieved from
  • Mirani, S. Z. (2013, September). Investigating the Effect of Sanctions on the Tourism Industry of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Case Study: Hospitality and Aviation Industry). In International E-Conference on Economy under sanctions.
  • Miremadi, T., & Baharloo, M. (2020). A technological innovation system approach to analysis knowledge spillover, the case of rotary-wing technology in Iran. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 11(4), 537-561.
  • Mustilli, M., & Izzo, F. (2009). Corporate governance relationships in complex product development: evidence from the business aviation industry. Corporate Ownership and Control, 7(1), 60.
  • Newcomer, J. M., Marion Jr, J. W., & Earnhardt, M. P. (2014). Aviation managers’ perspective on the importance of education. International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace, 1(2), 4.
  • Olfat, L., & Pishdar, M. (2017). Interval type-2 fuzzy dynamıc network data envelopment analysıs wıth undesırable outputs consıderıng double frontıers: an applıcatıon to ıran aırports'sustaınabılıty evaluatıon. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 24(6).
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There are 91 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Regional Development and Globalisation in International Economics, Air Transportation and Freight Services
Journal Section Research Articles

Olcay Ölçen 0000-0002-4835-1171

Early Pub Date October 13, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date August 16, 2024
Acceptance Date September 30, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


APA Ölçen, O. (2024). The Lessons from Sanctions on Iran and Their Impacts on the Development of Civil Aviation Understanding and Iranian Airlines. Journal of Aviation, 8(3), 368-376.

Journal of Aviation - JAV -

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