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Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems: An In-Depth Analysis of Hardware, Software, And Communication Systems

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 225 - 240, 26.02.2025


This paper presents a comprehensive overview of multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems, focusing on the mechanical integration of quadcopters. The rapid advancement and widespread adoption of UAVs have established them as a significant research and development field. This review examines the key components and technologies in UAV design and operation, including frame types, flight control boards, motors, electronic speed controllers, batteries, propellers, communication systems, and software. It analyzes various frame materials and configurations, detailing their advantages and limitations. The paper examines the essential role of flight control boards and inertial measurement units in maintaining stability and enabling autonomous flight. It explores motors, propellers, and power systems selection criteria and characteristics in detail. The review evaluates UAV communication technologies, including radio frequency, WIFI, Bluetooth, and infrared, comparing their capabilities and limitations. It also covers autopilot software and ground control stations for mission planning and execution. This comprehensive analysis serves as a valuable resource for researchers, engineers, and enthusiasts working with design, development, and application of multirotor UAV systems.


  • A. Junid, S. A. Zaki, S. Susilawati, and Y. A. Abakr. (2017). Efficiency of brushed and brushless electronic speed control systems and Lithium batteries. 2017 IEEE 15th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 332–337.
  • A. Zul Azfar and D. Hazry. (2011). A simple approach on implementing IMU sensor fusion in PID controller for stabilizing quadrotor flight control. 2011 IEEE 7th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, 28–32.
  • Al-Haddad, L. A., Jaber, A. A., Giernacki, W., Khan, Z. H., Ali, K. M., Tawafik, M. A. and Humaidi, A. J. (2024). Quadcopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Structural Design Using an Integrated Approach of Topology Optimization and Additive Manufacturing. Designs, 8(3), 58.
  • Aliane, N. (2024). A Survey of Open-Source UAV Autopilots. Electronics, 13(23), 4785.
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Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 225 - 240, 26.02.2025



  • A. Junid, S. A. Zaki, S. Susilawati, and Y. A. Abakr. (2017). Efficiency of brushed and brushless electronic speed control systems and Lithium batteries. 2017 IEEE 15th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 332–337.
  • A. Zul Azfar and D. Hazry. (2011). A simple approach on implementing IMU sensor fusion in PID controller for stabilizing quadrotor flight control. 2011 IEEE 7th International Colloquium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, 28–32.
  • Al-Haddad, L. A., Jaber, A. A., Giernacki, W., Khan, Z. H., Ali, K. M., Tawafik, M. A. and Humaidi, A. J. (2024). Quadcopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Structural Design Using an Integrated Approach of Topology Optimization and Additive Manufacturing. Designs, 8(3), 58.
  • Aliane, N. (2024). A Survey of Open-Source UAV Autopilots. Electronics, 13(23), 4785.
  • Altın, C. (2013). Multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle attitude and altitude control [Dört rotorlu insansiz hava aracinin yükseklik ve konum kontrolü]. Bozok University (Master of Science).
  • Altınışık, N. S. (2019). The investigation of the use of the underwater air vehicle (UAV) in the studies of the renovation of the cadastreal padches: Corum-Osmancik-Karaköy [Kadastro güncelleme çalışmalarında insansız hava aracı (İHA)’nın kullanımının irdelenmesi: Çorum-Osmancık-Karaköy örneği]. Aksaray University (Master of Science)
  • ArduPilot. (2020). Bluetooth Telemetry radio—Copter documentation.
  • Asif, G. A., Ariffin, N. H., Aziz, N. A., Mukhtar, M. H. H. and Arsad, N. (2024). True north measurement: A comprehensive review of Carouseling and Maytagging methods of gyrocompassing. Measurement, 226, 114- 121.
  • B B V L, D. and Singh, P. (2016). A survey on design and development of an unmanned aerial vehicle (quadcopter). International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems, 4(2), 70–106.
  • Balamurugan, C., Revathy, S. and Vijayakumar, P. (2020). Quadcopter based emergency medikit delivery system for hill stations. International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems, 9(3), 201.
  • Başaran, E. (2017). Propeller performance analysis with analytical and numerical methods [Pervane Performansının Analitik ve Sayısal Yöntemlerle Hesabı]. TOBB University of Economics and Technology (Master of Science).
  • Batmaz, A. U. (2013). Design of multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle and optimization of resource allocation in wireless sensor networks [Çok rotorlu insansız hava aracı tasarımı ve kablosuz algılayıcı ağlarda kaynak ataması eniyilemesi]. TOBB University of Economics and Technology (Master of Science).
  • Bin Junaid, A., Diaz De Cerio Sanchez, A., Betancor Bosch, J., Vitzilaios, N. and Zweiri, Y. (2018). Design and implementation of a dual-axis tilting quadcopter. Robotics, 7(4), 65.
  • Borah, D. R., Debnath, L. and Gogoi, M. (2016). A review on Quadcopter Surveillance and Control. ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology, 4(1), 116-119.
  • Bretterbauer, K. and Weber, R. (2003). A primer of geodesy for GIS users. (Vol. 64). Inst. of Geodesy and Geophysics, Dept. of Advanced Geodesy.
  • Bulut, E. (2019). A study about behavior of four rotors ummanned aerial vehicle (Quadrotor) in the different weather conditions [Dört rotorlu insansız hava aracının (Quadrotor) farklı hava koşullarındaki davranışı üzerine bir inceleme]. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University (Master of Science).
  • Çabuk, N. and Yıldırım, Ş. (2021). Design, Modelling and Control of an Eight-Rotors UAV with Asymmetric Configuration for Use in Remote Sensing Systems. Journal of Aviation, 5(2), 72–81.
  • Çakıcı, E. (2019). Development of a brushless motor test system for mini unmanned air vehicles [Mini İnsansız Hava Araçları İçin Bir Fırçasız Motor Test Sistemi Geliştirilmesi]. Eskişehir Osmangazi University (Master of Science).
  • Carvalho, I. D. de S. B. (2013). Low Reynolds propellers for increased quadcopters endurance. University of da Beira Interior (Master of Science).
  • Çelebi, Y. and Cengiz, M. (2024). Verification and Validation of UAV Propeller using CFD. 47–59.
  • Çelebi, Y., Cengiz, M. and Aydın, H. (2024). Propeller Design of UAV Under Low Reynolds Numbers. In Article and Reviews in Engineering Sciences. 407–438. Platanus Publishing.
  • Çetin, O. (2019). From aerial photographs and different unmanned aerial vehicle images, measurement of land topography, analysis of results and comparison (The study of Haymana Yeşilyurt village) [Hava fotoğrafları ve insansız hava aracı görüntülerinden arazi topoğrafyası ölçümü, sonuçların analizi ve karşılaştırması]. Konya Technical University (Master of Science).
  • Çetinkaya, Ö. (2017). An experimental and theoretical i̇nvestigation unmanned air vehicle goes the remotely given coordinates [Uzaktan verilen koordinatlara insansız gidebilen hava araının tasarımı ve deneysel araştırılması]. Trakya University (Doctoral Dissertation).
  • Çetinsoy, E., Öner, K. T., Kandemir, İ., Akşit, M. F., Ünel, M. and Gülez, K. (2008). Yeni bir insansız hava aracının (SUAVi) mekanik ve aerodinamik tasarımı. 36.
  • Chen, Z., Yan, J., Ma, B., Shi, K., Yu, Q. and Yuan, W. (2023). A Survey on Open-Source Simulation Platforms for Multi-Copter UAV Swarms. Robotics, 12(2), 53.
  • Colombo, O. L. and Evans, A. G. (1998). Testing decimeter-level, kinematic, differential GPS over great distances at sea and on land. 1257–1264.
  • D. A. Gandhi and M. Ghosal. (2018). Novel Low Cost Quadcopter for Surveillance Application. 2018 International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), 412–414.
  • D. Erdos, A. Erdos, and S. E. Watkins. (2013). An experimental UAV system for search and rescue challenge. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 28(5), 32–37.
  • Elmas, E. E. (2019). An unmanned aerial vehicle realization and its use in detecting and tracking moving objects [Bir insansız hava aracı gerçekleştirme ve hareketli nesnelerin tespit ve takibinde kullanımı]. Gazi University (Master of Science).
  • Elmeseiry, N., Alshaer, N. and Ismail, T. (2021). A Detailed Survey and Future Directions of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with Potential Applications. Aerospace, 8(12), 363.
  • Eugene, C., Lim, J., Nirmal, U. and Lau, S. T. (2019). Battery powered RC boats: A review of its developments for various applications. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 33(5), 1–29.
  • Filippeschi, A., Schmitz, N., Miezal, M., Bleser, G., Ruffaldi, E. and Stricker, D. (2017). Survey of Motion Tracking Methods Based on Inertial Sensors: A Focus on Upper Limb Human Motion. Sensors, 17(6), 12-57.
  • Fu, Q., Chen, X.-Y. and He, W. (2019). A Survey on 3D Visual Tracking of Multicopters. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 16(6), 707–719.
  • G. Özdoğan and K. Leblebicioğlu. (2022). Design, Modeling, and Control Allocation of a Heavy-Lift Aerial Vehicle Consisting of Large Fixed Rotors and Small Tiltrotors. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 27(5), 4011–4021.
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There are 88 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Aerospace Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Review

Yahya Çelebi 0000-0002-4686-9794

Hüseyin Aydın 0000-0002-5415-0405

Early Pub Date February 25, 2025
Publication Date February 26, 2025
Submission Date October 15, 2024
Acceptance Date January 14, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Çelebi, Y., & Aydın, H. (2025). Multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems: An In-Depth Analysis of Hardware, Software, And Communication Systems. Journal of Aviation, 9(1), 225-240.

Journal of Aviation - JAV -

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