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Innovative Contributions of Space Research to Other Sectors: Recommendations for Technology Policy Makers

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 216 - 224, 26.02.2025


Space research is not only limited to the development of space technologies, but also has the potential to provide innovative solutions to other sectors. This study examines how the technological advances achieved by space research can be transferred to various industries and the role of policy makers in this process. In particular, the innovative contributions of space technologies to strategic sectors such as energy, health, agriculture, communications and defence are discussed and concrete examples of the applicability of these technologies to other fields are presented. In this context, the study provides strategic recommendations for technology policy makers and underlines the necessary steps for sectoral transformation and sustainable growth. Technologies derived from space exploration offer effective solutions in a wide range of fields, from innovative materials to artificial intelligence, from robotic systems to data processing capacity. The study emphasises that policy makers should embrace these innovative solutions provided by space exploration and support sectoral adaptation processes. By creating regulations that encourage the transfer of innovative technologies, policy makers can strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation and accelerate the diffusion of new technologies. Moreover, the establishment of cooperation platforms between the public and private sectors can increase the sharing of technological know-how and contribute to the development of the innovation ecosystem.


  • Abiri, R. Rizan, N. Balasundram, S.K. Shahbazi, A.B. and Abdul-Hamid, H. (2023). Application of digital technologies for ensuring agricultural productivity. Heliyon, 9(12), e22601.
  • Adams, B. (2019). Cooperation in space: An international comparison for the benefit of emerging space agencies. Acta Astronautica, 162, 409-416.
  • Al-Shetwi, A.Q. (2022). Sustainable development of renewable energy integrated power sector: Trends, environmental impacts, and recent challenges. Science of The Total Environment, 822, 153645.
  • Arciénaga Morales, A.A. Nielsen, J. Bacarini, H.A. Martinelli, S.I. Kofuji, S.T. and García Díaz, J. F. (2018). Technology and innovation management in higher education—Cases from Latin America and Europe. Administrative Sciences, 8(2), 11.
  • Asi, Y.M. and Williams, C. (2018). The role of digital health in making progress toward Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 in conflict-affected populations. International journal of medical informatics, 114, 114-120.
  • Așchilean, I. Cobîrzan, N. Bolboaca, A. Boieru, R. and Felseghi, R. A. (2021). Pairing solar power to sustainable energy storage solutions within a residential building: A case study. International Journal of Energy Research, 45(10), 15495-15511.
  • Bermudez-Garcia, A. Voarino, P. and Raccurt, O. (2021). Environments, needs and opportunities for future space photovoltaic power generation: A review. Applied Energy, 290, 116757.
  • Bi, Z. Yung, K.L. Ip, A.W. Tang, Y.M. Zhang, C.W. and Da Xu, L. (2022). The state of the art of information integration in space applications. IEEE Access, 10, 110110-110135.
  • Bull, B. and McNeill, D. (2019). From market multilateralism to governance by goal setting: SDGs and the changing role of partnerships in a new global order. Business and Politics, 21(4), 464-486.
  • Chel, A. and Kaushik, G. (2018). Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building. Alexandria engineering journal, 57(2), 655-669.
  • Cooke, P. (2004). The role of research in regional innovation systems: new models meeting knowledge economy demands. International Journal of Technology Management, 28(3-6), 507-533.
  • Dastagiri, M.B. and PV, N.S. (2020). Satellite farming in global agriculture: New tech revolution for food security and planet safety for future generation. Scientific Agriculture, 4(4), 02-10.
  • Denis, G. Alary, D. Pasco, X. Pisot, N. Texier, D. and Toulza, S. (2020). From new space to big space: How commercial space dream is becoming a reality. Acta Astronautica, 166, 431-443.
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  • Gohardani, O. Elola, M.C. and Elizetxea, C. (2014). Potential and prospective implementation of carbon nanotubes on next generation aircraft and space vehicles: A review of current and expected applications in aerospace sciences. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 70, 42-68.
  • Hew, K.F. and Brush, T. (2007). Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: Current knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research. Educational technology research and development, 55, 223-252.
  • Holland, J. Kingston, L. McCarthy, C. Armstrong, E. O’Dwyer, P. Merz, F. and McConnell, M. (2021). Service robots in the healthcare sector. Robotics, 10(1), 47.
  • Jemison, M. and Olabisi, R. (2021). Biomaterials for human space exploration: a review of their untapped potential. Acta Biomaterialia, 128, 77-99.
  • Kumar, V. Sharma, K.V. Kedam, N. Patel, A. Kate, T.R. and Rathnayake, U. (2024). A Comprehensive Review on Smart and Sustainable Agriculture Using IoT Technologies. Smart Agricultural Technology, 8, 100487.
  • Levchenko, I. Bazaka, K. Belmonte, T. Keidar, M. and Xu, S. (2018). Advanced materials for next‐generation spacecraft. Advanced Materials, 30(50), 1802201.
  • Martos, V. Ahmad, A. Cartujo, P. and Ordoñez, J. (2021). Ensuring agricultural sustainability through remote sensing in the era of agriculture 5.0. Applied Sciences, 11(13), 5911.
  • NASA. (2013). Water Recovery System Technology and NASA’s Contributions to Earth Water Purification. NASA.
  • NASA. (2018). Space technology and innovations for solar energy. NASA.
  • NASA. (2020). Veggie Plant Growth Experiment in Space. NASA.
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  • Neukart, F. (2024). Towards sustainable horizons: A comprehensive blueprint for Mars colonization. Heliyon. 10(4), e26180.
  • OECD. (2020). Public-Private Partnerships for Technology Transfer: A Global Overview. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Retrieved from
  • Omer, A.M. (2008). Energy, environment and sustainable development. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 12(9), 2265-2300.
  • Oshri, B. Hu, A. Adelson, P. Chen, X. Dupas, P. Weinstein, J. Burke, M. Lobell, D. and Ermon, S. (2018). Infrastructure quality assessment in africa using satellite imagery and deep learning. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery & data mining (pp. 616-625).
  • Pandey, N. de Coninck, H. and Sagar, A.D. (2022). Beyond technology transfer: Innovation cooperation to advance sustainable development in developing countries. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 11(2), e422.
  • Pesapane, F. Codari, M. and Sardanelli, F. (2018). Artificial intelligence in medical imaging: threat or opportunity? Radiologists again at the forefront of innovation in medicine. European radiology experimental, 2(35), 1-10.
  • Pramod, D. (2022), Robotic process automation for industry: adoption status, benefits, challenges and research agenda. Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 29 No. 5, pp. 1562-1586.
  • Pyka, A. (2017). Dedicated innovation systems to support the transformation towards sustainability: Creating income opportunities and employment in the knowledge-based digital bioeconomy. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 3(4), 1-18.
  • Rausser, G. Choi, E. and Bayen, A. (2023). Public–private partnerships in fostering outer space innovations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(43), e2222013120.
  • Rashid, A.B. Kausik, A.K. Al Hassan Sunny, A. and Bappy, M.H. (2023). Artificial intelligence in the military: An overview of the capabilities, applications, and challenges. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2023(1), 8676366.
  • Rausser, G. Choi, E. and Bayen, A. (2023). Public–private partnerships in fostering outer space innovations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(43), e2222013120.
  • Scarpa, J. Parazynski, S. and Strangman, G. (2023). Space exploration as a catalyst for medical innovations. Frontiers in Medicine, 10, 1226531.
  • Schiavon, E. Taramelli, A. Tornato, A. and Pierangeli, F. (2021). Monitoring environmental and climate goals for European agriculture: User perspectives on the optimization of the Copernicus evolution offer. Journal of Environmental Management, 296, 113121.
  • Sebestyén, V. Czvetkó, T. and Abonyi, J. (2021). The applicability of big data in climate change research: The importance of system of systems thinking. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 619092.
  • Shirowzhan, S. Sepasgozar, S.M. Edwards, D.J. Li, H. and Wang, C. (2020). BIM compatibility and its differentiation with interoperability challenges as an innovation factor. Automation in Construction, 112, 103086.
  • Shmeleva, N. Gamidullaeva, L. Tolstykh, T. and Lazarenko, D. (2021). Challenges and opportunities for technology transfer networks in the context of open innovation: Russian experience. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(3), 197.
  • Shirah, B. Bukhari, H. Pandya, S. and Ezmeirlly, H.A. (2023). Benefits of space medicine research for healthcare on earth. Cureus, 15(5), e39174.
  • Silva, S.S.D. Feldmann, P.R. Spers, R.G. and Bambini, M.D. (2019). Analysis of the process of technology transfer in public research institutions: The Embrapa agrobiology case. Innovation & Management Review, 16(4), 375- 390.
  • Standke, K.H. (2006). Science and technology in global cooperation: The case of the United Nations and UNESCO. Science and Public Policy, 33(9), 627-646.
  • Stewart, W. and Dittmer, J. (2023). More-than-Human Space Diplomacy: Assembling Internationalism in Orbit. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 18(2-3), 219-252.
  • Stone, D. Porto de Oliveira, O. and Pal, L.A. (2020). Transnational policy transfer: the circulation of ideas, power and development models. Policy and Society, 39(1), 1-18.
  • Vance, A. (2015). Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future. Harper Collins.
  • Verduci, R. Romano, V. Brunetti, G. Yaghoobi Nia, N. Di Carlo, A. D'Angelo, G. and Ciminelli, C. (2022). Solar energy in space applications: review and technology perspectives. Advanced Energy Materials, 12(29), 2200125.
  • Victor, N. Maddikunta, P.K.R. Mary, D.R.K. Murugan, R. Chengoden, R. Gadekallu, T.R. Rakesh, N. Zhu, Y. and Paek, J. (2024). Remote Sensing for Agriculture in the Era of Industry 5.0–A survey. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 17, 5920-5945.
  • Voulvoulis, N. and Burgman, M.A. (2019). The contrasting roles of science and technology in environmental challenges. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 49(12), 1079-1106.
  • Wulf, A. and Butel, L. (2017). Knowledge sharing and collaborative relationships in business ecosystems and networks: A definition and a demarcation. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 117(7), 1407-1425.
  • Yazıcı, A.M. and Darıcı, S. (2019). The new opportunities in Space Economy. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(4), 3252-3271. Darıcı, S. (2019). The new opportunities in Space Economy. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(4), 3252-3271.
  • Zang, Y. Zhang, F. Di, C.A. and Zhu, D. (2015). Advances of flexible pressure sensors toward artificial intelligence and health care applications. Materials Horizons, 2(2), 140-156.
  • Zaussinger, F. Dorigo, W. Gruber, A. Tarpanelli, A. Filippucci, P. and Brocca, L. (2019). Estimating irrigation water use over the contiguous United States by combining satellite and reanalysis soil moisture data. Hydrology and earth system sciences, 23(2), 897-923.
  • Zhang, Q. Tezuka, T. Ishihara, K. N. and Mclellan, B. C. (2012). Integration of PV power into future low-carbon smart electricity systems with EV and HP in Kansai Area, Japan. Renewable Energy, 44, 99-108.
  • Zhang, X. Chen, Y. and Hu, J. (2018). Recent advances in the development of aerospace materials. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 97, 22-34.
  • Zickafoose, A. Ilesanmi, O. Diaz-Manrique, M. Adeyemi, A.E. Walumbe, B. Strong, R. Wingenbach, G. Rodriguez, M.T. and Dooley, K. (2024). Barriers and Challenges Affecting Quality Education (Sustainable Development Goal# 4) in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2030. Sustainability, 16(7), 2657.
  • Zohrehvandi, S. Vanhoucke, M. and Khalilzadeh, M. (2020). A project buffer and resource management model in energy sector; a case study in construction of a wind farm project. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 14(6), 1123-1142.
Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 216 - 224, 26.02.2025



  • Abiri, R. Rizan, N. Balasundram, S.K. Shahbazi, A.B. and Abdul-Hamid, H. (2023). Application of digital technologies for ensuring agricultural productivity. Heliyon, 9(12), e22601.
  • Adams, B. (2019). Cooperation in space: An international comparison for the benefit of emerging space agencies. Acta Astronautica, 162, 409-416.
  • Al-Shetwi, A.Q. (2022). Sustainable development of renewable energy integrated power sector: Trends, environmental impacts, and recent challenges. Science of The Total Environment, 822, 153645.
  • Arciénaga Morales, A.A. Nielsen, J. Bacarini, H.A. Martinelli, S.I. Kofuji, S.T. and García Díaz, J. F. (2018). Technology and innovation management in higher education—Cases from Latin America and Europe. Administrative Sciences, 8(2), 11.
  • Asi, Y.M. and Williams, C. (2018). The role of digital health in making progress toward Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 in conflict-affected populations. International journal of medical informatics, 114, 114-120.
  • Așchilean, I. Cobîrzan, N. Bolboaca, A. Boieru, R. and Felseghi, R. A. (2021). Pairing solar power to sustainable energy storage solutions within a residential building: A case study. International Journal of Energy Research, 45(10), 15495-15511.
  • Bermudez-Garcia, A. Voarino, P. and Raccurt, O. (2021). Environments, needs and opportunities for future space photovoltaic power generation: A review. Applied Energy, 290, 116757.
  • Bi, Z. Yung, K.L. Ip, A.W. Tang, Y.M. Zhang, C.W. and Da Xu, L. (2022). The state of the art of information integration in space applications. IEEE Access, 10, 110110-110135.
  • Bull, B. and McNeill, D. (2019). From market multilateralism to governance by goal setting: SDGs and the changing role of partnerships in a new global order. Business and Politics, 21(4), 464-486.
  • Chel, A. and Kaushik, G. (2018). Renewable energy technologies for sustainable development of energy efficient building. Alexandria engineering journal, 57(2), 655-669.
  • Cooke, P. (2004). The role of research in regional innovation systems: new models meeting knowledge economy demands. International Journal of Technology Management, 28(3-6), 507-533.
  • Dastagiri, M.B. and PV, N.S. (2020). Satellite farming in global agriculture: New tech revolution for food security and planet safety for future generation. Scientific Agriculture, 4(4), 02-10.
  • Denis, G. Alary, D. Pasco, X. Pisot, N. Texier, D. and Toulza, S. (2020). From new space to big space: How commercial space dream is becoming a reality. Acta Astronautica, 166, 431-443.
  • European Commission. (2020). The European Green Deal. European Commission. Retrieved from
  • European Commission. (2021). Horizon Europe: The EU Research and Innovation Programme. Retrieved from
  • European Space Agency (ESA). (2022). How ESA is advancing the energy sector through space technologies. ESA.
  • Gao, Y. and Chien, S. (2017). Review on space robotics: Toward top-level science through space exploration. Science Robotics, 2(7), eaan5074.
  • Garon, S. (2006). Space project management lessons learned: a powerful tool for success. Journal of Knowledge Management, 10(2), 103-112.
  • Gohardani, O. Elola, M.C. and Elizetxea, C. (2014). Potential and prospective implementation of carbon nanotubes on next generation aircraft and space vehicles: A review of current and expected applications in aerospace sciences. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 70, 42-68.
  • Hew, K.F. and Brush, T. (2007). Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: Current knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research. Educational technology research and development, 55, 223-252.
  • Holland, J. Kingston, L. McCarthy, C. Armstrong, E. O’Dwyer, P. Merz, F. and McConnell, M. (2021). Service robots in the healthcare sector. Robotics, 10(1), 47.
  • Jemison, M. and Olabisi, R. (2021). Biomaterials for human space exploration: a review of their untapped potential. Acta Biomaterialia, 128, 77-99.
  • Kumar, V. Sharma, K.V. Kedam, N. Patel, A. Kate, T.R. and Rathnayake, U. (2024). A Comprehensive Review on Smart and Sustainable Agriculture Using IoT Technologies. Smart Agricultural Technology, 8, 100487.
  • Levchenko, I. Bazaka, K. Belmonte, T. Keidar, M. and Xu, S. (2018). Advanced materials for next‐generation spacecraft. Advanced Materials, 30(50), 1802201.
  • Martos, V. Ahmad, A. Cartujo, P. and Ordoñez, J. (2021). Ensuring agricultural sustainability through remote sensing in the era of agriculture 5.0. Applied Sciences, 11(13), 5911.
  • NASA. (2013). Water Recovery System Technology and NASA’s Contributions to Earth Water Purification. NASA.
  • NASA. (2018). Space technology and innovations for solar energy. NASA.
  • NASA. (2020). Veggie Plant Growth Experiment in Space. NASA.
  • NASA. (2020). NASA Technology Transfer Program. NASA. Retrieved from
  • Neukart, F. (2024). Towards sustainable horizons: A comprehensive blueprint for Mars colonization. Heliyon. 10(4), e26180.
  • OECD. (2020). Public-Private Partnerships for Technology Transfer: A Global Overview. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Retrieved from
  • Omer, A.M. (2008). Energy, environment and sustainable development. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 12(9), 2265-2300.
  • Oshri, B. Hu, A. Adelson, P. Chen, X. Dupas, P. Weinstein, J. Burke, M. Lobell, D. and Ermon, S. (2018). Infrastructure quality assessment in africa using satellite imagery and deep learning. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery & data mining (pp. 616-625).
  • Pandey, N. de Coninck, H. and Sagar, A.D. (2022). Beyond technology transfer: Innovation cooperation to advance sustainable development in developing countries. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, 11(2), e422.
  • Pesapane, F. Codari, M. and Sardanelli, F. (2018). Artificial intelligence in medical imaging: threat or opportunity? Radiologists again at the forefront of innovation in medicine. European radiology experimental, 2(35), 1-10.
  • Pramod, D. (2022), Robotic process automation for industry: adoption status, benefits, challenges and research agenda. Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 29 No. 5, pp. 1562-1586.
  • Pyka, A. (2017). Dedicated innovation systems to support the transformation towards sustainability: Creating income opportunities and employment in the knowledge-based digital bioeconomy. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 3(4), 1-18.
  • Rausser, G. Choi, E. and Bayen, A. (2023). Public–private partnerships in fostering outer space innovations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(43), e2222013120.
  • Rashid, A.B. Kausik, A.K. Al Hassan Sunny, A. and Bappy, M.H. (2023). Artificial intelligence in the military: An overview of the capabilities, applications, and challenges. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2023(1), 8676366.
  • Rausser, G. Choi, E. and Bayen, A. (2023). Public–private partnerships in fostering outer space innovations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(43), e2222013120.
  • Scarpa, J. Parazynski, S. and Strangman, G. (2023). Space exploration as a catalyst for medical innovations. Frontiers in Medicine, 10, 1226531.
  • Schiavon, E. Taramelli, A. Tornato, A. and Pierangeli, F. (2021). Monitoring environmental and climate goals for European agriculture: User perspectives on the optimization of the Copernicus evolution offer. Journal of Environmental Management, 296, 113121.
  • Sebestyén, V. Czvetkó, T. and Abonyi, J. (2021). The applicability of big data in climate change research: The importance of system of systems thinking. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 619092.
  • Shirowzhan, S. Sepasgozar, S.M. Edwards, D.J. Li, H. and Wang, C. (2020). BIM compatibility and its differentiation with interoperability challenges as an innovation factor. Automation in Construction, 112, 103086.
  • Shmeleva, N. Gamidullaeva, L. Tolstykh, T. and Lazarenko, D. (2021). Challenges and opportunities for technology transfer networks in the context of open innovation: Russian experience. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(3), 197.
  • Shirah, B. Bukhari, H. Pandya, S. and Ezmeirlly, H.A. (2023). Benefits of space medicine research for healthcare on earth. Cureus, 15(5), e39174.
  • Silva, S.S.D. Feldmann, P.R. Spers, R.G. and Bambini, M.D. (2019). Analysis of the process of technology transfer in public research institutions: The Embrapa agrobiology case. Innovation & Management Review, 16(4), 375- 390.
  • Standke, K.H. (2006). Science and technology in global cooperation: The case of the United Nations and UNESCO. Science and Public Policy, 33(9), 627-646.
  • Stewart, W. and Dittmer, J. (2023). More-than-Human Space Diplomacy: Assembling Internationalism in Orbit. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 18(2-3), 219-252.
  • Stone, D. Porto de Oliveira, O. and Pal, L.A. (2020). Transnational policy transfer: the circulation of ideas, power and development models. Policy and Society, 39(1), 1-18.
  • Vance, A. (2015). Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future. Harper Collins.
  • Verduci, R. Romano, V. Brunetti, G. Yaghoobi Nia, N. Di Carlo, A. D'Angelo, G. and Ciminelli, C. (2022). Solar energy in space applications: review and technology perspectives. Advanced Energy Materials, 12(29), 2200125.
  • Victor, N. Maddikunta, P.K.R. Mary, D.R.K. Murugan, R. Chengoden, R. Gadekallu, T.R. Rakesh, N. Zhu, Y. and Paek, J. (2024). Remote Sensing for Agriculture in the Era of Industry 5.0–A survey. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 17, 5920-5945.
  • Voulvoulis, N. and Burgman, M.A. (2019). The contrasting roles of science and technology in environmental challenges. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 49(12), 1079-1106.
  • Wulf, A. and Butel, L. (2017). Knowledge sharing and collaborative relationships in business ecosystems and networks: A definition and a demarcation. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 117(7), 1407-1425.
  • Yazıcı, A.M. and Darıcı, S. (2019). The new opportunities in Space Economy. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(4), 3252-3271. Darıcı, S. (2019). The new opportunities in Space Economy. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(4), 3252-3271.
  • Zang, Y. Zhang, F. Di, C.A. and Zhu, D. (2015). Advances of flexible pressure sensors toward artificial intelligence and health care applications. Materials Horizons, 2(2), 140-156.
  • Zaussinger, F. Dorigo, W. Gruber, A. Tarpanelli, A. Filippucci, P. and Brocca, L. (2019). Estimating irrigation water use over the contiguous United States by combining satellite and reanalysis soil moisture data. Hydrology and earth system sciences, 23(2), 897-923.
  • Zhang, Q. Tezuka, T. Ishihara, K. N. and Mclellan, B. C. (2012). Integration of PV power into future low-carbon smart electricity systems with EV and HP in Kansai Area, Japan. Renewable Energy, 44, 99-108.
  • Zhang, X. Chen, Y. and Hu, J. (2018). Recent advances in the development of aerospace materials. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 97, 22-34.
  • Zickafoose, A. Ilesanmi, O. Diaz-Manrique, M. Adeyemi, A.E. Walumbe, B. Strong, R. Wingenbach, G. Rodriguez, M.T. and Dooley, K. (2024). Barriers and Challenges Affecting Quality Education (Sustainable Development Goal# 4) in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2030. Sustainability, 16(7), 2657.
  • Zohrehvandi, S. Vanhoucke, M. and Khalilzadeh, M. (2020). A project buffer and resource management model in energy sector; a case study in construction of a wind farm project. International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 14(6), 1123-1142.
There are 62 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Review

Ayşe Meriç Yazıcı 0000-0001-6769-2599

Sefer Darıcı 0000-0002-3630-4511

Early Pub Date February 25, 2025
Publication Date February 26, 2025
Submission Date November 14, 2024
Acceptance Date January 9, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Yazıcı, A. M., & Darıcı, S. (2025). Innovative Contributions of Space Research to Other Sectors: Recommendations for Technology Policy Makers. Journal of Aviation, 9(1), 216-224.

Journal of Aviation - JAV -

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