Research Article
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A Sectoral Study on Energy Production from Human Movement at The Airport

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 146 - 155, 26.02.2025


Throughout the history of civil aviation, developing technology, changing demands and needs of passengers, expectations of stakeholders, and increasing awareness about sustainability have changed the structure of airports and the opportunities they offer. Increasing awareness about sustainability has directed humanity towards non-conventional energy sources.
Human energy, which is among the non-conventional energy sources and whose source is concentrated in airport terminals, constitutes the focus of the study. The main purpose of the research is to determine the conversion methods of kinetic energy arising from passenger mobility into electrical energy at airports, to create environments in which passengers participate in energy production in terminal areas, to evaluate the perspectives of aviation professionals on post-modern energy production in the context of passenger mobility and to create the first step in raising awareness on the subject.
The data that forms the basis of the research was obtained through interviews with aviation professionals through vignettes prepared for this purpose. In the light of the literature and global current practices, two separate vignettes were created about the methods of generating electricity by pedalling a bicycle and applying pressure to the ground in children's playgrounds in the terminal buildings, both to raise awareness about sustainability and to strengthen the image of the airport operation. The data obtained from the interviews using these vignettes were evaluated with an inductive approach and content analysis.
As a result of the research, postmodern electricity generation methods were discussed with the help of professionals' observations and experiences, the themes of muscle strength and piezoelectric principle application evaluation were found and it was revealed that the advantages of these themes came to the fore.


  • Agarwal, S., & Sharma, A. (2014). “PiezoPort” Energy harvesting on airport runway using piezoelectric devices. In 2014 IEEE Innovations in Technology Conference, 1-6.
  • Ahsan-uz-Zaman, K. M., Ullah, K. M., Mishir, M., & Alam, M. (2017). Generation of electrical power using gymnasium bicycle. In 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 198-200.
  • Aslan, E., Bilgin, M. Z., & Erfidan, T. (2016). Piezoseramik Malzemelerle Elektrik Enerjisi Üretilmesi ve Depolanması. [Electricity Generation and Storage With Piezo Ceramic Material] İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(2), 66-76.
  • Azman, H., & Mahadhir, M. (2017). Application of the vignette technique in a qualitative paradigm. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 17(4), 27-44.
  • Bidwai, M. S., Jaykar, M. A., Shinde, M. S., & Shinde, S. (2017). Gym power station: turning workout into electricity. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 4(03), 424-426.
  • Bidwai, Tasar, M. F. (2006). Probing preservice teachers' understandings of scientific knowledge by using a vignette in conjunction with a paper and pencil test. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2(1), 53-70.
  • Bilbao, İ.G. (2023, February 22). Heathrow inaugurates "Flow": a corridor illuminated by travellers' footsteps. Retrieved from 2014/08/heathrow-inaugurates-flow-corridor-illuminated- travellers-footsteps/
  • Blaikie, N. (2018). Confounding issues related to determining sample size in qualitative research? International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(5), 635-641.
  • Burnard, P., Gill, P., Stewart, K., Treasure, E., & Chadwick, B. (2008). Analysing and presenting qualitative data. British dental journal, 204(8), 429-432.
  • Campbell, P.B. (1996). How Would I Handle That? Using Vignettes to Promote Good Math and Science Education. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Washington, D.C.
  • Chew, B. C., Loo, H. S., Bohari, I. A., Hamid, S. R., Sukri, F. H., & Kusumarwadani, R. (2017). Feasibility of piezoelectric tiles adoption: A case study at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) Malaysia. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1818, No. 1, p. 020009). AIP Publishing LLC.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Çalışır, A., Sürmeli, B., & Akçay, M. T. (2020). Metro istasyonlarında piezoelektrik malzeme kullanarak elektrik enerjisi üretilmesi. İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(1), 1-6.
  • Çelik, H., Baykal, N. B., & Memur, H. N. K. (2020). Nitel veri analizi ve temel ilkeleri. [Qualitative Data Analysis and Fundamental Principles] Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(1), 379-406.
  • De Pasquale, G., Somà, A., & Fraccarollo, F. (2012). Piezoelectric energy harvesting for autonomous sensors network on safety-improved railway vehicles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 226(4), 1107-1117.
  • Dhingra, P., Biswas, J., Prasad, A., & Meher, S. S. (2012). Energy Harvesting using Piezoelectric Materials. In International Conference on Electronic Design and Signal Processing (ICEDSP). 38-42.
  • Dokur, E., Gökhasan, O., Örs, O. & Kurban, M. (2016). Ulaşım Sistemlerinde Titreşim Tabanlı Enerji Hasadı ve Uygulamalı Analizi. [Vibration Based Energy Harvesting on Transportation Systems and Applied Analysis] Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), 52-58.
  • Duraklar, K., Şen, B., & Atasoy, F. (2013). Enerji Üretimi İçin Kullanılan Bir Egzersiz Bisikleti İçin Fiziksel Aktivite Monitörü Tasarlanması. [Designing Physical Activity Monitor for GYM Bike Used for Energy Production]
  • Enerji Portalı. (2023, January 25). Hollanda Eenrji Üreten Bisiklet Sürerek Enerji Verimliliğine Katkı Sağlıyor. Retrieved from katki-sagliyor/
  • Finch, J. (1987). The vignette technique in survey research. Sociology, 21(1), 105-114.
  • Gao, M. Y., Wang, P., Cao, Y., Chen, R., & Liu, C. (2016). A rail-borne piezoelectric transducer for energy harvesting of railway vibration. Journal of vibroengineering, 18(7), 4647-4663.
  • Hughes, R. (1998). Considering the vignette technique and its application to a study of drug injecting and HIV risk and safer behaviour. Sociology of Health & illness, 20(3), 381-400.
  • Jasim, A., Wang, H., Yesner, G., Safari, A., & Maher, A. (2017). Optimized design of layered bridge transducer for piezoelectric energy harvesting from roadway. Energy, 141, 1133-1145.
  • Kavirat, S. R. K. (2017). Study of Hybrid Energy Generation through Solar Power and Piezoelectricity for Dubai Airports. Emirates Aviation University. 1-7. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24316.95367
  • Kaya, Z., & Kaya, O. N. (2013). Öğretmen eğitiminde vignette tekniği ve uygulamaları. [Vignette Technique and its Applications in Teacher Education] Eğitim ve Bilim, 38(168), 129- 142.
  • Kemer, E., & Aslan, Z. (2022). Konaklama İşletmelerinde Kadın Yönetici Olmak: Vignette Tekniği Uygulaması. [Women in Hospitality Businesses: Vignette Technique Application] Turizm Akademik Dergisi, 9(2), 39-53.
  • Khaligh, A., Zeng, P., & Zheng, C. (2009). Kinetic energy harvesting using piezoelectric and electromagnetic technologies—state of the art. IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, 57(3), 850-860.
  • Khan, M. B., Kim, D. H., Han, J. H., Saif, H., Lee, H., Lee, Y., ... & Lee, Y. (2019). Performance improvement of flexible piezoelectric energy harvester for irregular human motion with energy extraction enhancement circuit. Nano Energy, 58, 211-219.
  • Kim, S., Shen, J., & Ahad, M. (2015). Piezoelectric-based energy harvesting technology for roadway sustainability. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 5(1).
  • Marshall, B., Cardon, P., Poddar, A. and Fontenot, R. (2013). Does sample size matter in qualitative research? a review of qualitative interviews in IS research, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 54(1), 11-22.
  • Mekhilef, S., Saidur, R., & Safari, A. (2011). A review on solar energy use in industries. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 15(4), 1777-1790.
  • N. Chen, H.J. Jung, H. Jabbar, T.H. Sung, T. Wei. (2017). A piezoelectric impact-induced vibration cantilever energy harvester from speed bump with a low-power powermanagement circuit, Sens. Actuators A Phys. 254 134–144.
  • Nelson, C. A., Platt, S. R., Hansen, S. E., & Fateh, M. (2009). Power harvesting for railroad track safety enhancement using vertical track displacement. In Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2009 Vol. 7288, 398-408.
  • Papagiannakis, A. T., Montoya, A., Dessouky, S., & Helffrich, J. (2017). Development and evaluation of piezoelectric prototypes for roadway energy harvesting. Journal of Energy Engineering, 143(5), 04017034.
  • Pavegen A. (2023, February 22). Heathrow Created An Entirely New Participation-Led Experience Initiated By Passenger Footfall Retrieved from
  • Pavegen B. (2023, February 22). We Helped Abu Dhabi Make The Shift Towards Becoming A Worthwhile Part Of A Passenger’s Journey. Retrieved from
  • Portakal, S., Adıgüzel S. A., Sayar B. (2014). Zayıflama Bisikleti ile Elektrik Üretimi. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi. Mühendislik Fakültesi Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü. Trabzon
  • Pourghodrat, A., Nelson, C. A., Hansen, S. E., Kamarajugadda, V., & Platt, S. R. (2014). Power harvesting systems design for railroad safety. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 228(5), 504-521.
  • Qian, F., Xu, T. B., & Zuo, L. (2019). Piezoelectric energy harvesting from human walking using a two-stage amplification mechanism. Energy, 189, 116140.
  • R. Li, Y. Yu, B. Zhou, Q. Guo, M. Li & J. Pei. (2018). Harvesting energy from pavementbased on piezoelectric effects: fabrication and electric properties of piezoelectricvibrator, J. Renew. Sustain. Energy 10 (5), 1–11.
  • Roshani, H., Jagtap, P., Dessouky, S., Montoya, A., & Papagiannakis, A. T. (2018). Theoretical and experimental evaluation of two roadway piezoelectric-based energy harvesting prototypes. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30(2), 04017264.
  • Salim, S. M., & Abdulrazig, O. D. (2020). Using Smart-Piezoelectric Materials to Generate Electricity. Bright Star Journal For Scientis Research. 1, 1-9.
  • Sandelowski, M. (1995). Sample size in qualitative research. Research in nursing & health, 18(2), 179-183.
  • Sim, J., Saunders, B., Waterfield, J. ve Kinston, T. (2018). Can sample size in qualitative research be determined a priori? International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(5), 619-634.
  • Şenpınar, A., & Gençoğlu, M. T. (2006). Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynaklarının Çevresel Etkileri Açısından Karşılaştırılması. [The Comparision of The Renewable Energy Sources In Environmental Effects] Fırat Üniversitesi Doğu Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 49-54.
  • Tasar, M. F. (2006). Probing preservice teachers' understandings of scientific knowledge by using a vignette in conjunction with a paper and pencil test. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2(1), 53-70.
  • Tianchen, Y., Jian, Y., Ruigang, S., & Xiaowei, L. (2014). Vibration energy harvesting system for railroad safety based on running vehicles. Smart materials and structures, 23(12), 125046.
  • Tüfekçioğlu, E. (2014). Piezoelektrik Malzemelerle Enerji Hasadı. [Energy Harvesting Using Piezoelectric Materials] Doktora Tezi. Anadolu Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Seramik Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Eskişehir.
  • Wang, J., Shi, Z., Xiang, H., & Song, G. (2015). Modeling on energy harvesting from a railway system using piezoelectric transducers. Smart Materials and Structures, 24(10), 105017.
  • Wei, S., Hu, H., & He, S. (2013). Modeling and experimental investigation of an impact-driven piezoelectric energy harvester from human motion. Smart Materials and Structures, 22(10), 105020.
  • Wolcott, H. F. (1994). Transforming qualitative data: Description, analysis, and interpretation. Sage.
  • Yadav, S. M., Thakur, A. K., Adil, M., Kumar, R., Naithani, A., Kumar, D., & Singh, A. (2018). Power Generation Using Bicycle Mechanism as an Alternative Energy Source. Power, 5(4). 809- 816.
  • Yang, F., Gao, M., Wang, P., Zuo, J., Dai, J., & Cong, J. (2021). Efficient piezoelectric harvester for random broadband vibration of rail. Energy, 218, 119559.
Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 146 - 155, 26.02.2025



  • Agarwal, S., & Sharma, A. (2014). “PiezoPort” Energy harvesting on airport runway using piezoelectric devices. In 2014 IEEE Innovations in Technology Conference, 1-6.
  • Ahsan-uz-Zaman, K. M., Ullah, K. M., Mishir, M., & Alam, M. (2017). Generation of electrical power using gymnasium bicycle. In 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 198-200.
  • Aslan, E., Bilgin, M. Z., & Erfidan, T. (2016). Piezoseramik Malzemelerle Elektrik Enerjisi Üretilmesi ve Depolanması. [Electricity Generation and Storage With Piezo Ceramic Material] İleri Teknoloji Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(2), 66-76.
  • Azman, H., & Mahadhir, M. (2017). Application of the vignette technique in a qualitative paradigm. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 17(4), 27-44.
  • Bidwai, M. S., Jaykar, M. A., Shinde, M. S., & Shinde, S. (2017). Gym power station: turning workout into electricity. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 4(03), 424-426.
  • Bidwai, Tasar, M. F. (2006). Probing preservice teachers' understandings of scientific knowledge by using a vignette in conjunction with a paper and pencil test. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2(1), 53-70.
  • Bilbao, İ.G. (2023, February 22). Heathrow inaugurates "Flow": a corridor illuminated by travellers' footsteps. Retrieved from 2014/08/heathrow-inaugurates-flow-corridor-illuminated- travellers-footsteps/
  • Blaikie, N. (2018). Confounding issues related to determining sample size in qualitative research? International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(5), 635-641.
  • Burnard, P., Gill, P., Stewart, K., Treasure, E., & Chadwick, B. (2008). Analysing and presenting qualitative data. British dental journal, 204(8), 429-432.
  • Campbell, P.B. (1996). How Would I Handle That? Using Vignettes to Promote Good Math and Science Education. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Washington, D.C.
  • Chew, B. C., Loo, H. S., Bohari, I. A., Hamid, S. R., Sukri, F. H., & Kusumarwadani, R. (2017). Feasibility of piezoelectric tiles adoption: A case study at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) Malaysia. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1818, No. 1, p. 020009). AIP Publishing LLC.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2002). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Çalışır, A., Sürmeli, B., & Akçay, M. T. (2020). Metro istasyonlarında piezoelektrik malzeme kullanarak elektrik enerjisi üretilmesi. İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(1), 1-6.
  • Çelik, H., Baykal, N. B., & Memur, H. N. K. (2020). Nitel veri analizi ve temel ilkeleri. [Qualitative Data Analysis and Fundamental Principles] Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(1), 379-406.
  • De Pasquale, G., Somà, A., & Fraccarollo, F. (2012). Piezoelectric energy harvesting for autonomous sensors network on safety-improved railway vehicles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 226(4), 1107-1117.
  • Dhingra, P., Biswas, J., Prasad, A., & Meher, S. S. (2012). Energy Harvesting using Piezoelectric Materials. In International Conference on Electronic Design and Signal Processing (ICEDSP). 38-42.
  • Dokur, E., Gökhasan, O., Örs, O. & Kurban, M. (2016). Ulaşım Sistemlerinde Titreşim Tabanlı Enerji Hasadı ve Uygulamalı Analizi. [Vibration Based Energy Harvesting on Transportation Systems and Applied Analysis] Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), 52-58.
  • Duraklar, K., Şen, B., & Atasoy, F. (2013). Enerji Üretimi İçin Kullanılan Bir Egzersiz Bisikleti İçin Fiziksel Aktivite Monitörü Tasarlanması. [Designing Physical Activity Monitor for GYM Bike Used for Energy Production]
  • Enerji Portalı. (2023, January 25). Hollanda Eenrji Üreten Bisiklet Sürerek Enerji Verimliliğine Katkı Sağlıyor. Retrieved from katki-sagliyor/
  • Finch, J. (1987). The vignette technique in survey research. Sociology, 21(1), 105-114.
  • Gao, M. Y., Wang, P., Cao, Y., Chen, R., & Liu, C. (2016). A rail-borne piezoelectric transducer for energy harvesting of railway vibration. Journal of vibroengineering, 18(7), 4647-4663.
  • Hughes, R. (1998). Considering the vignette technique and its application to a study of drug injecting and HIV risk and safer behaviour. Sociology of Health & illness, 20(3), 381-400.
  • Jasim, A., Wang, H., Yesner, G., Safari, A., & Maher, A. (2017). Optimized design of layered bridge transducer for piezoelectric energy harvesting from roadway. Energy, 141, 1133-1145.
  • Kavirat, S. R. K. (2017). Study of Hybrid Energy Generation through Solar Power and Piezoelectricity for Dubai Airports. Emirates Aviation University. 1-7. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24316.95367
  • Kaya, Z., & Kaya, O. N. (2013). Öğretmen eğitiminde vignette tekniği ve uygulamaları. [Vignette Technique and its Applications in Teacher Education] Eğitim ve Bilim, 38(168), 129- 142.
  • Kemer, E., & Aslan, Z. (2022). Konaklama İşletmelerinde Kadın Yönetici Olmak: Vignette Tekniği Uygulaması. [Women in Hospitality Businesses: Vignette Technique Application] Turizm Akademik Dergisi, 9(2), 39-53.
  • Khaligh, A., Zeng, P., & Zheng, C. (2009). Kinetic energy harvesting using piezoelectric and electromagnetic technologies—state of the art. IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, 57(3), 850-860.
  • Khan, M. B., Kim, D. H., Han, J. H., Saif, H., Lee, H., Lee, Y., ... & Lee, Y. (2019). Performance improvement of flexible piezoelectric energy harvester for irregular human motion with energy extraction enhancement circuit. Nano Energy, 58, 211-219.
  • Kim, S., Shen, J., & Ahad, M. (2015). Piezoelectric-based energy harvesting technology for roadway sustainability. International Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 5(1).
  • Marshall, B., Cardon, P., Poddar, A. and Fontenot, R. (2013). Does sample size matter in qualitative research? a review of qualitative interviews in IS research, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 54(1), 11-22.
  • Mekhilef, S., Saidur, R., & Safari, A. (2011). A review on solar energy use in industries. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 15(4), 1777-1790.
  • N. Chen, H.J. Jung, H. Jabbar, T.H. Sung, T. Wei. (2017). A piezoelectric impact-induced vibration cantilever energy harvester from speed bump with a low-power powermanagement circuit, Sens. Actuators A Phys. 254 134–144.
  • Nelson, C. A., Platt, S. R., Hansen, S. E., & Fateh, M. (2009). Power harvesting for railroad track safety enhancement using vertical track displacement. In Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2009 Vol. 7288, 398-408.
  • Papagiannakis, A. T., Montoya, A., Dessouky, S., & Helffrich, J. (2017). Development and evaluation of piezoelectric prototypes for roadway energy harvesting. Journal of Energy Engineering, 143(5), 04017034.
  • Pavegen A. (2023, February 22). Heathrow Created An Entirely New Participation-Led Experience Initiated By Passenger Footfall Retrieved from
  • Pavegen B. (2023, February 22). We Helped Abu Dhabi Make The Shift Towards Becoming A Worthwhile Part Of A Passenger’s Journey. Retrieved from
  • Portakal, S., Adıgüzel S. A., Sayar B. (2014). Zayıflama Bisikleti ile Elektrik Üretimi. Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi. Mühendislik Fakültesi Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü. Trabzon
  • Pourghodrat, A., Nelson, C. A., Hansen, S. E., Kamarajugadda, V., & Platt, S. R. (2014). Power harvesting systems design for railroad safety. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 228(5), 504-521.
  • Qian, F., Xu, T. B., & Zuo, L. (2019). Piezoelectric energy harvesting from human walking using a two-stage amplification mechanism. Energy, 189, 116140.
  • R. Li, Y. Yu, B. Zhou, Q. Guo, M. Li & J. Pei. (2018). Harvesting energy from pavementbased on piezoelectric effects: fabrication and electric properties of piezoelectricvibrator, J. Renew. Sustain. Energy 10 (5), 1–11.
  • Roshani, H., Jagtap, P., Dessouky, S., Montoya, A., & Papagiannakis, A. T. (2018). Theoretical and experimental evaluation of two roadway piezoelectric-based energy harvesting prototypes. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30(2), 04017264.
  • Salim, S. M., & Abdulrazig, O. D. (2020). Using Smart-Piezoelectric Materials to Generate Electricity. Bright Star Journal For Scientis Research. 1, 1-9.
  • Sandelowski, M. (1995). Sample size in qualitative research. Research in nursing & health, 18(2), 179-183.
  • Sim, J., Saunders, B., Waterfield, J. ve Kinston, T. (2018). Can sample size in qualitative research be determined a priori? International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(5), 619-634.
  • Şenpınar, A., & Gençoğlu, M. T. (2006). Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynaklarının Çevresel Etkileri Açısından Karşılaştırılması. [The Comparision of The Renewable Energy Sources In Environmental Effects] Fırat Üniversitesi Doğu Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 49-54.
  • Tasar, M. F. (2006). Probing preservice teachers' understandings of scientific knowledge by using a vignette in conjunction with a paper and pencil test. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2(1), 53-70.
  • Tianchen, Y., Jian, Y., Ruigang, S., & Xiaowei, L. (2014). Vibration energy harvesting system for railroad safety based on running vehicles. Smart materials and structures, 23(12), 125046.
  • Tüfekçioğlu, E. (2014). Piezoelektrik Malzemelerle Enerji Hasadı. [Energy Harvesting Using Piezoelectric Materials] Doktora Tezi. Anadolu Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Seramik Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, Eskişehir.
  • Wang, J., Shi, Z., Xiang, H., & Song, G. (2015). Modeling on energy harvesting from a railway system using piezoelectric transducers. Smart Materials and Structures, 24(10), 105017.
  • Wei, S., Hu, H., & He, S. (2013). Modeling and experimental investigation of an impact-driven piezoelectric energy harvester from human motion. Smart Materials and Structures, 22(10), 105020.
  • Wolcott, H. F. (1994). Transforming qualitative data: Description, analysis, and interpretation. Sage.
  • Yadav, S. M., Thakur, A. K., Adil, M., Kumar, R., Naithani, A., Kumar, D., & Singh, A. (2018). Power Generation Using Bicycle Mechanism as an Alternative Energy Source. Power, 5(4). 809- 816.
  • Yang, F., Gao, M., Wang, P., Zuo, J., Dai, J., & Cong, J. (2021). Efficient piezoelectric harvester for random broadband vibration of rail. Energy, 218, 119559.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Air Transportation and Freight Services
Journal Section Research Articles

Billur Ünsal 0000-0002-3333-6315

Vildan Durmaz 0000-0003-3649-1780

Early Pub Date February 24, 2025
Publication Date February 26, 2025
Submission Date November 23, 2024
Acceptance Date February 8, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Ünsal, B., & Durmaz, V. (2025). A Sectoral Study on Energy Production from Human Movement at The Airport. Journal of Aviation, 9(1), 146-155.

Journal of Aviation - JAV -

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