Research Article
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Performance Evaluation in Airline Operations Using SD and DNMA Methods Within The Framework of Sustainability: The Case of Turkish Airlines

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 156 - 167, 26.02.2025


Sustainability is essential in enabling enterprises to secure a competitive advantage and achieve long-term success. The sustainability activities of airline operations stand out in the evaluation of their performance alongside all other operational activities. Therefore, understanding how sustainability strategies affect performance in airline operations is a matter of significant concern for managers. This study aims to evaluate the performance of airline companies, particularly focusing on sustainability, using the example of Turkish Airlines (THY). In this study, the SD and DNMA methods, which are multi-criteria decision-making methods, were employed for performance evaluation. The weights of the criteria were determined using the SD method, and THY's performance between 2018 and 2022 was evaluated using the DNMA method. According to the analysis results, the three most important criteria are 'Sustainability Rating,' 'Load Factor,' and 'Number of Passengers,' with 2022 identified as the most successful performance year for THY. This study contributes to the literature by integrating sustainability performance in airline operations with both financial and non-financial indicators and by utilizing the SD and DNMA methods in an integrated manner. It is believed that the study provides significant contributions to the evaluation of sustainability practices' performance and can guide future sustainable strategies for THY and airline company managers.


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Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 156 - 167, 26.02.2025



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  • Eryılmaz, G. A., Kılıç, O., and Boz, İ. (2019). Türkiye’de organik tarım ve iyi tarım uygulamalarının ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik açısından değerlendirilmesi(Evaluation of Organic Agriculture and Good Agricultural Practices in Terms of Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability in Turkey). Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(2), 352-361.
  • Glasby, G.P. (2002) Sustainable development: The need for a new paradigm. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 4, 333–34.
  • Goodland, R. (1995). The concept of environmental sustainability. Annual review of ecology and systematics, 26(1), 1-24.
  • Goodland, R. (2002). Sustainability: human, social, economic and environmental. Encyclopedia of global environmental change, 5, 481-491.
  • Güney, S. & Dinler, S. (2021). Sustainability Reports Frames & GRI-Specific Standard Disclosures Series: Evaluation of The Turkish Airlines 2018- 2019 Sustainability Reports. Anadolu University Journal of Faculty of Economics, 3 (2),
  • Heydari, C., Omrani, H., and Taghizadeh, R. (2020). A fully fuzzy network DEA-range adjusted Measure model for evaluating airlines efficiency: a case of Iran. Journal of Air Transport Management, 89(6), 1-18. 73-186.
  • Hezam., I, M., Mishra, A., R., Rani, P., Cavallaro, F., Saha, A., Jabir, Ali, J., Strielkowski, W., Streimikiene, D. (2022). A Hybrid Intuitionistic Fuzzy-MEREC-RS-DNMA Method for Assessing the Alternative Fuel Vehicles with Sustainability Perspectives. Sustainability, 14(9), 5463.
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  • Kalia, D., and Aggarwal, D. (2023). Examining impact of ESG score on financial performance of healthcare companies. Journal of Global Responsibility, 14(1), 155-176.
  • Karaköy, Ç., Çakmaktepe, N. E., and Ulutaş, A. (2023). Eski SSCB Ülkelerinin Ekonomik Özgürlük Endekslerinin SD ve CoCoSo Yöntemleri ile Analizi(Analysis of Economic Freedom Indexes of the Former USSR Countries with SD and CoCoSo Methods). İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 276-290.
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There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Air Transportation and Freight Services
Journal Section Research Articles

Didem Göçmen 0000-0002-3939-441X

Murat Kemal Keleş 0000-0003-0374-6839

Aşkın Özdağoğlu 0000-0001-5299-0622

Early Pub Date February 24, 2025
Publication Date February 26, 2025
Submission Date November 25, 2024
Acceptance Date February 8, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Göçmen, D., Keleş, M. K., & Özdağoğlu, A. (2025). Performance Evaluation in Airline Operations Using SD and DNMA Methods Within The Framework of Sustainability: The Case of Turkish Airlines. Journal of Aviation, 9(1), 156-167.

Journal of Aviation - JAV -

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