Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Hospital Recycling Program for Improving Nurses' Recycling Behaviours
Year 2024,
, 308 - 318, 31.05.2024
Hatice Gürgen Şimşek
Süheyla Altuğ Özsoy
Background and Purpose: To evaluate the effect of the Hospital Recycling Program conducted for the wastes generated during the practice of nurses on the recycling behavior and waste amounts of the nurses.
Methods: A quasi-experimental study with a pre-test and post-test control group was conducted with 64 nurses. Data were collected by the Nurse Descriptive Characteristics Form, Recycling Scale for Sustainable Hospital, and Unit Waste Registration Form. The Hospital Recycling Program based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour was applied to the intervention group.
Results: The Hospital Recycling Program had a positive effect on attitudes/behavior intention, and recycling behavior scores of nurses in the intervention group; the amount of recyclable waste was significantly increased compared to the control group (p<0.05). It was found that perceived behavioral controls of all nurses affected the intention to recycle and the Hospital Recycling Program had a significant effect on the attitudes of the nurses in the intervention group (p<0.05).
Conclusions: The Hospital Recycling Program based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour has a positive effect on the recycling behaviors of the nurses and the amount of recyclable waste.
Supporting Institution
This study was funded by Ege University Faculty Member Training Program.
his study was funded by Ege University Faculty Member Training Program and presented as a Doctoral dissertation at Ege University Health Sciences Institute. We would like to thank the nurses who participated in the study, the waste personnel performing waste measurements, and the environmentalist non-governmental organizations (ÇEVKO, ELDAY, TUKÇEV) that provided posters, brochures, notebooks, pens, and recycling bins support. We would also like to acknowledge Assoc. Prof. Dr. Timur Köse, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan BAYDUR, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aynur Çetinkaya, Assoc. Research Assistant Semiha Özgül for their valuable contribution to the statistical analysis of the data.
- Johnson SW. Summarizing green practices in US hospitals. Hospital Topics 2010;88(3):75-81.
- Shaner-McRae H, McRae G, Jas V. Environmentally safe health care agencies: Nursing's responsibility, Nightingale's legacy. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 2007;12(2).
- Bentley T, Effros R, Palar K, Keeler E. Waste in the US health care system: A conceptual framework. The Millbank Quarterly 2008; 86(4):629-659.
- Kwakye G, Brat GA, Makary MA. Green surgical practices for health care. The Archives of Surgery 2011; 146(2):131-6.
- Anaker A, Elf M. Sustainability in nursing: a concept analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2014;28(2):381-9. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12121
- Kangasniemi M, Kallio M, Pietila AM. Towards environmentally responsible nursing: a critical interpretive synthesis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2014;70(7):1465-78.
- Kubicki MA, McGain F, O'Shea CJ, Bates S. Auditing an intensive care unit recycling program. Critical Care and Resuscitation 2015;17(2):135-40.
- Maroufi M, Javadi M, Yaghoubi M, Karimi S. Function of nurses and other staff to minimize hospital waste in selected hospitals in Isfahan. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research 2012;17(6):445-50.
- Vogt J, Nunes KRA. Recycling behaviour in healthcare: Waste handling at work. Ergonomics 2014; 57(4): 525-35.
- Albert MG, Rothkopf DM. Operating room waste reduction in plastic and hand surgery. Plastic Surgery 2015;23(4):235-8.
- McDermott-Levy R. The nurse’s role on green teams: An environmental health opportunity. Pennsylvania Nurse 2011;66(1):17-21.
- Huffling K, Schenk E. (). Environmental sustainability in the intensive care unit: Challenges and solutions. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 2014;37(3):235–250.
- Brady DJ, Cornett E, DeLetter M. Cost reduction: What a staff nurse can do. Nursing Economics 1998; 16(5):273.
- Erten S. Research on about energy saving of intention toward the behaviour at homes for male and female students by the application of the theory of planned behaviour. Hacettepe University Journal of Education 2002;22:67-73.
- Byerne S, Regan B. Attitudes and actions towards recycling behaviours in the Limerick, Ireland region. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2014; 87:84-96.
- Akulume M, Kiwanuka SN. Health care waste segregation behavior among health workers in Uganda: An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2016; 1-8.
- Arı E, Yılmaz V. A proposed structural model for housewives' recycling behavior: A case study from Turkey. Ecological Economics 2016;129:132-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.06.002
- Mahmud SD, Osman K. The determinants of recycling intention behavior among the Malaysian school students: an application of theory of planned behaviour. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 2010; 9:119-124.
- Öztürk DK. A study on preservice preschool teachers' recycling intentions in relation to parents' educational level and recycling opportunities. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 2016;11(5):949-956.
- Tekkaya C, Kılıç DS, Şahin E. Explanation of recycling behavior with Planned Behavior Theory: Recycling survey for a sustainable campus. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications; 2011 April 27-19; Antalya, Turkey.
- Yılmaz V, Doğan M. Investigation of recycling behavior using Theory of Planned Behavior with a Proposed Structural Equation Model. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences 2016;191-205.
- Uzun N, Sağlam N. Development and validation of an environmental attitudes scale for high school students. Hacettepe University Journal of Education 2006;30:240-250.
- Chartier Y, Emmanuel J, Pieper U, et al. Safe management of wastes from health-care activities. 2nd edition.Geneva:World Health Organization;2014.14-69. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241548564
- International Council of Nurses. [Internet]. Health care waste: role of nurses and nursing. [Accessed date: 15 November 2016]. Available from: http://www.icn.ch/images/stories/documents/publications/position_statements/E07_Medical_Waste.pdf.
- McGain F, Story D, Hendel S. An audit of intensive care unit recyclable waste. Anaesthesia 2009;64(12): 1299-1302.
- Furukawa PD, Cunha IC, Pedreira MD, Marck PB. Environmental sustainability in medication processes performed in hospital nursing care. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem 2016;29(3):316-24.
- Shivalli S, Sanklapur V. Healthcare waste management: Qualitative and quantitative appraisal of nurses in a tertiary care hospital of India. The Scientific World Journal 2014; 1-6.
- McGain F, White S, Mossenson S, Kayak E, Story DA. Survey of anesthesiologists' views of operating room recycling. Anesthesia & Analgesia 2012;114(5):1049-1054.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Hospital Recycling Program for Improving Nurses' Recycling Behaviours
Year 2024,
, 308 - 318, 31.05.2024
Hatice Gürgen Şimşek
Süheyla Altuğ Özsoy
- Johnson SW. Summarizing green practices in US hospitals. Hospital Topics 2010;88(3):75-81.
- Shaner-McRae H, McRae G, Jas V. Environmentally safe health care agencies: Nursing's responsibility, Nightingale's legacy. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 2007;12(2).
- Bentley T, Effros R, Palar K, Keeler E. Waste in the US health care system: A conceptual framework. The Millbank Quarterly 2008; 86(4):629-659.
- Kwakye G, Brat GA, Makary MA. Green surgical practices for health care. The Archives of Surgery 2011; 146(2):131-6.
- Anaker A, Elf M. Sustainability in nursing: a concept analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2014;28(2):381-9. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12121
- Kangasniemi M, Kallio M, Pietila AM. Towards environmentally responsible nursing: a critical interpretive synthesis. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2014;70(7):1465-78.
- Kubicki MA, McGain F, O'Shea CJ, Bates S. Auditing an intensive care unit recycling program. Critical Care and Resuscitation 2015;17(2):135-40.
- Maroufi M, Javadi M, Yaghoubi M, Karimi S. Function of nurses and other staff to minimize hospital waste in selected hospitals in Isfahan. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research 2012;17(6):445-50.
- Vogt J, Nunes KRA. Recycling behaviour in healthcare: Waste handling at work. Ergonomics 2014; 57(4): 525-35.
- Albert MG, Rothkopf DM. Operating room waste reduction in plastic and hand surgery. Plastic Surgery 2015;23(4):235-8.
- McDermott-Levy R. The nurse’s role on green teams: An environmental health opportunity. Pennsylvania Nurse 2011;66(1):17-21.
- Huffling K, Schenk E. (). Environmental sustainability in the intensive care unit: Challenges and solutions. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 2014;37(3):235–250.
- Brady DJ, Cornett E, DeLetter M. Cost reduction: What a staff nurse can do. Nursing Economics 1998; 16(5):273.
- Erten S. Research on about energy saving of intention toward the behaviour at homes for male and female students by the application of the theory of planned behaviour. Hacettepe University Journal of Education 2002;22:67-73.
- Byerne S, Regan B. Attitudes and actions towards recycling behaviours in the Limerick, Ireland region. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2014; 87:84-96.
- Akulume M, Kiwanuka SN. Health care waste segregation behavior among health workers in Uganda: An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2016; 1-8.
- Arı E, Yılmaz V. A proposed structural model for housewives' recycling behavior: A case study from Turkey. Ecological Economics 2016;129:132-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2016.06.002
- Mahmud SD, Osman K. The determinants of recycling intention behavior among the Malaysian school students: an application of theory of planned behaviour. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 2010; 9:119-124.
- Öztürk DK. A study on preservice preschool teachers' recycling intentions in relation to parents' educational level and recycling opportunities. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education 2016;11(5):949-956.
- Tekkaya C, Kılıç DS, Şahin E. Explanation of recycling behavior with Planned Behavior Theory: Recycling survey for a sustainable campus. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications; 2011 April 27-19; Antalya, Turkey.
- Yılmaz V, Doğan M. Investigation of recycling behavior using Theory of Planned Behavior with a Proposed Structural Equation Model. Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences 2016;191-205.
- Uzun N, Sağlam N. Development and validation of an environmental attitudes scale for high school students. Hacettepe University Journal of Education 2006;30:240-250.
- Chartier Y, Emmanuel J, Pieper U, et al. Safe management of wastes from health-care activities. 2nd edition.Geneva:World Health Organization;2014.14-69. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241548564
- International Council of Nurses. [Internet]. Health care waste: role of nurses and nursing. [Accessed date: 15 November 2016]. Available from: http://www.icn.ch/images/stories/documents/publications/position_statements/E07_Medical_Waste.pdf.
- McGain F, Story D, Hendel S. An audit of intensive care unit recyclable waste. Anaesthesia 2009;64(12): 1299-1302.
- Furukawa PD, Cunha IC, Pedreira MD, Marck PB. Environmental sustainability in medication processes performed in hospital nursing care. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem 2016;29(3):316-24.
- Shivalli S, Sanklapur V. Healthcare waste management: Qualitative and quantitative appraisal of nurses in a tertiary care hospital of India. The Scientific World Journal 2014; 1-6.
- McGain F, White S, Mossenson S, Kayak E, Story DA. Survey of anesthesiologists' views of operating room recycling. Anesthesia & Analgesia 2012;114(5):1049-1054.