The Correlation between the Compassion and Resilience of Nurses: The Case of Turkey
Year 2022,
, 517 - 527, 31.05.2022
Kezban Özçelik Kaynak
Ezgi Karadağ
The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between the compassion and resilience of nurses working in a university hospital. This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted with 168 nurses working in a university hospital located in the western Turkey between June-September 2019. 80.4% stated that their cultural belief and/or religious belief affected positively the attitude of being compassionate while providing care. In this study, it was determined that there was a negative and significant correlation between the compassion scale and resilience scale mean scores (r=-.237 p=.002). As the compassion scale scores of the nurses increased, their resilience score decreased.
- 1. Bray L, O'Brien MR, Kirton J, et al. The role of professional education in developing compassionate practitioners: A mixed methods study exploring the perceptions of health professionals and pre-registration students. Nurse Education Today 2014; 34:480-486.
- 2. Burnell L, Agan DL. Compassionate care: can it be defined and measured? The development of the compassionate care assessment tool. IJCS 2013; 6(2):180-7.
- 3. Avaible from: 2020 May 6)
- 4. Çınar F, Aslan EF. Ameliyathane hemşirelerinin merhamet düzeylerinin ölçülmesi: Türkçe geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Kocaeli Med. J. 2018; 7(3) :222-229.
- 5. Alizadeh S, Khanahmadi S, Vedadhir A. et al. The relationship between resilience with self-compassion, social support and sense of belonging in women with breast cancer. Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev. 2018; 19(9): 2469–2474.
- 6. Polat FN, Erdem R. Merhamet yorgunluğu düzeyinin çalışma yaşam kalitesi ile ilişkisi: sağlık profesyonelleri örneği. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 2017; 26(1): 291-312.
- 7. Martínez AA, Blázquez BO, Marín JM, et al. Relation of the psychological constructs of resilience, mindfulness, and self-compassion on the perception of physical and mental health. Psychology Research and Behavior Management 2019; 12: 1155–1166.
- 8. Hacıkeleşoğlu H, Kartopu S. Merhamet ve dindarlık: üniversite öğrencileri üzerine ampirik bir araştırma. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies 2017; 59: 203-227.
- 9. Kayadibi F. Mevlâna'da sevgi, birlik ve barış. İstanbul Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 2007; 16: 1-20.
- 10. Eliot TS. çev. Sevim K. Kültür üzerine düşünceler. Ankara: Nadir Kitap; 1981.
- 11. Strang S, Strang P, Ternestedt M. Spiritual needs as defined by Swedish nursing staff. J Clin Nurs. 2002; 11: 48-57.
- 12. Çam O, Büyükbayram A. Hemşirelerde psikolojik dayanıklılık ve etkileyen faktörler. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing 2017; 8(2):118–126.
- 13. Hunter AJ. A Cross-cultural comparison of resilience in adolescents. J Pediatr Nurs 2001; 16:172-179.
- 14. Underwood LG, Teresi JA. The daily spiritual experience scale: Development, theoretical description, reliability, exploratory factor analysis, and preliminary construct validity using health-related data. Ann Behav Med 2002; 24: 22-33.
- 15. Basım N, Çetin F. Yetişkinler için psikolojik dayanıklılık ölçeğinin güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik çalışması. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2001; 22(2):104-14.
- 16. Hart PL, Brannan JD, De Chesnay M. Resilience in nurses: an integrative review. Journal of Nursing Management 2014; 22:720-34.
- 17. Luthans F, Norman SM, Avolio BJ, et al. The mediating role of psychological capital in the supportive organizational climate-employee performance relationship. Journal of Organizational Behavior 2008; 29:219-238.
- 18. Melvin CS. Historical review in understanding burnout, professional compassion fatigue, and secondary traumatic stress disorder from a hospice and palliative nursing perspective. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing 2015; 17:66-72.
- 19. Sinclair S, Raffin-Bouchal S, Venturato L, et al. Compassion fatigue: A meta-narrative review of the healthcare literature. Int J Nurs Stud 2017; 69: 9-24.
- 20. Heffernan M, Quinn Griffin MT, McNulty SR, et al. Self-compassion and emotional intelligence in nurses. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 366-373.
- 21. Laura K, Barnard JFC. Self-compassion: conceptualizations, correlates, & interventions. Review of General Psychology 2011; 15(4): 289-303.
- 22. Neff KD, McGehee P. Self-compassion and psychological resilience among adolescents and young adults. Self and Identity 2010; 9 (3): 225-240.
- 23. Kathi JK, Xiaokui M, Rami K. Are mindfulness and self-compassion associated with sleep and resilience in health professionals?. The Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine 2015; 21(8): 496-503.
- 24. Pommier EA. The compassion scale. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences 2011; 72:1174.
25. Figley CR. Compassion fatigue: psychotherapists' chronic lack of self-care. J Clin Psychol 2002; 58:1433-1441.
- 26. Akdeniz S, Deniz ME. Merhamet ölçeği’nin Türkçeye uyarlanması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. The Journal of Happiness & Well-Being 2016; 4(1):50-61.
- 27. Friborg O, Borlaug D, Martinussen M, et al. Resilience in relation to personality and intelligence. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 2005; 14 (1): 29-42.
- 28. Ledoux K. Understanding compassion fatigue: understanding compassion. J Adv Nurs 2015; 71: 2041-2050.
- 29. Meyer RM, Li A, Klaristenfeld J. et al. Pediatric novice nurses: examining compassion fatigue as a mediator between stress exposure and compassion satisfaction, burnout, and job satisfaction. J Pediatr Nurs 2015; 30(1):174-183.
- 30. Gündüzoğlu NÇ, Korhan EA, Yıldırım YK, et al. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinde merhamet düzeyi. Journal of HumanRhythm 2019; 5(2): 104-116.
- 31. Çağrıcı M. Merhamet. İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi (İSAM); 2004.
- 32. Soysaldı A. Türklerde yıldız motifi ve teke yöresi yıldızlı zili (Burdur Müzesi) Örnekleri. 9. Milletlerarası Türk Halk Kültürü Kongresi; Türkiye. Ankara; 2018. p. 425-439.
- 33. Hökelekli H. Psikoloji, din ve eğitim yönüyle insani değerler. İstanbul: Dem Yayınları; 2013.
- 34. Bor A. Kur’an’da kardeşliğin insanî ve ahlâkî temelleri. Journal of Oriental Scientific Research 2018; 10 (21):1056-1077.
- 35. Coetzee SK, Klopper HC. Compassion fatigue within nursing practise: a concept analysis. Nurs Health Sci 2010; 12: 235-243.
- 36. Ateş NE. Travmayı anlamlandırması açısından imtihan inancı ve başa çıkma: şehit aileleri, gaziler ve gazi aileleri örneği. Trabzon İlahiyat Dergisi 2019; 6 (1): 429-455.
- 37. Van Der Cingel M. Compassion and professional care: exploring the domain. Nursing Philosophy 2009; 10(2): 124-136.
- 38. Sarıbaş H. Kur’an ve sünnet’te sabır iman ilişkisi. 2006 (cited 2020 May 6) Avaible from: URL:
- 39. Baer RA. Mindfulness training as a clinical intervention: A conceptual and empirical review. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 2003; 10(2):125-143.
- 40. Brown KW, Ryan RM. The benefits of being present: mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2003; 84:822-848.
- 41. Koole SL. The psychology of emotion regulation: An integrative review. Cognition & Emotion 2009; 23(1): 4-41.
- 42. Brown KW, Ryan RM, Creswell JD. Mindfulness: Theoretical foundations and evidence for its salutary effects. Psychological Inquiry 2007; 18(4):211-237.
- 43. Schutte NS, Malouff JM. Emotional intelligence mediates the relationship between mindfulness and subjective well-being. Personality and Individual Differences 2011; 50(7): 1116-1119.
- 44. Kristin DN, Pittman M. Self-compassion and Psychological Resilience Among Adolescents and Young Adults. Self and Identity 2010; 9(3):225-240.
- 44. Wang Y, Kong F. The role of emotional intelligence in the impact of mindfulness on life satisfaction and mental distress. Social Indicators Research 2014; 116 (3): 843-852.
- 45. Smith JL. Self-compassion and resilience in senior living residents. Seniors Housing & Care Journal 2015; 23(1):16-31.
46. Mcholm F. Rx for compassion fatigue. Journal of Christian Nursing 2006; 23(4):12-19.
Year 2022,
, 517 - 527, 31.05.2022
Kezban Özçelik Kaynak
Ezgi Karadağ
Supporting Institution
- 1. Bray L, O'Brien MR, Kirton J, et al. The role of professional education in developing compassionate practitioners: A mixed methods study exploring the perceptions of health professionals and pre-registration students. Nurse Education Today 2014; 34:480-486.
- 2. Burnell L, Agan DL. Compassionate care: can it be defined and measured? The development of the compassionate care assessment tool. IJCS 2013; 6(2):180-7.
- 3. Avaible from: 2020 May 6)
- 4. Çınar F, Aslan EF. Ameliyathane hemşirelerinin merhamet düzeylerinin ölçülmesi: Türkçe geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Kocaeli Med. J. 2018; 7(3) :222-229.
- 5. Alizadeh S, Khanahmadi S, Vedadhir A. et al. The relationship between resilience with self-compassion, social support and sense of belonging in women with breast cancer. Asian Pac. J. Cancer Prev. 2018; 19(9): 2469–2474.
- 6. Polat FN, Erdem R. Merhamet yorgunluğu düzeyinin çalışma yaşam kalitesi ile ilişkisi: sağlık profesyonelleri örneği. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 2017; 26(1): 291-312.
- 7. Martínez AA, Blázquez BO, Marín JM, et al. Relation of the psychological constructs of resilience, mindfulness, and self-compassion on the perception of physical and mental health. Psychology Research and Behavior Management 2019; 12: 1155–1166.
- 8. Hacıkeleşoğlu H, Kartopu S. Merhamet ve dindarlık: üniversite öğrencileri üzerine ampirik bir araştırma. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies 2017; 59: 203-227.
- 9. Kayadibi F. Mevlâna'da sevgi, birlik ve barış. İstanbul Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 2007; 16: 1-20.
- 10. Eliot TS. çev. Sevim K. Kültür üzerine düşünceler. Ankara: Nadir Kitap; 1981.
- 11. Strang S, Strang P, Ternestedt M. Spiritual needs as defined by Swedish nursing staff. J Clin Nurs. 2002; 11: 48-57.
- 12. Çam O, Büyükbayram A. Hemşirelerde psikolojik dayanıklılık ve etkileyen faktörler. Journal of Psychiatric Nursing 2017; 8(2):118–126.
- 13. Hunter AJ. A Cross-cultural comparison of resilience in adolescents. J Pediatr Nurs 2001; 16:172-179.
- 14. Underwood LG, Teresi JA. The daily spiritual experience scale: Development, theoretical description, reliability, exploratory factor analysis, and preliminary construct validity using health-related data. Ann Behav Med 2002; 24: 22-33.
- 15. Basım N, Çetin F. Yetişkinler için psikolojik dayanıklılık ölçeğinin güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik çalışması. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2001; 22(2):104-14.
- 16. Hart PL, Brannan JD, De Chesnay M. Resilience in nurses: an integrative review. Journal of Nursing Management 2014; 22:720-34.
- 17. Luthans F, Norman SM, Avolio BJ, et al. The mediating role of psychological capital in the supportive organizational climate-employee performance relationship. Journal of Organizational Behavior 2008; 29:219-238.
- 18. Melvin CS. Historical review in understanding burnout, professional compassion fatigue, and secondary traumatic stress disorder from a hospice and palliative nursing perspective. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing 2015; 17:66-72.
- 19. Sinclair S, Raffin-Bouchal S, Venturato L, et al. Compassion fatigue: A meta-narrative review of the healthcare literature. Int J Nurs Stud 2017; 69: 9-24.
- 20. Heffernan M, Quinn Griffin MT, McNulty SR, et al. Self-compassion and emotional intelligence in nurses. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 366-373.
- 21. Laura K, Barnard JFC. Self-compassion: conceptualizations, correlates, & interventions. Review of General Psychology 2011; 15(4): 289-303.
- 22. Neff KD, McGehee P. Self-compassion and psychological resilience among adolescents and young adults. Self and Identity 2010; 9 (3): 225-240.
- 23. Kathi JK, Xiaokui M, Rami K. Are mindfulness and self-compassion associated with sleep and resilience in health professionals?. The Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine 2015; 21(8): 496-503.
- 24. Pommier EA. The compassion scale. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences 2011; 72:1174.
25. Figley CR. Compassion fatigue: psychotherapists' chronic lack of self-care. J Clin Psychol 2002; 58:1433-1441.
- 26. Akdeniz S, Deniz ME. Merhamet ölçeği’nin Türkçeye uyarlanması: geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması. The Journal of Happiness & Well-Being 2016; 4(1):50-61.
- 27. Friborg O, Borlaug D, Martinussen M, et al. Resilience in relation to personality and intelligence. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 2005; 14 (1): 29-42.
- 28. Ledoux K. Understanding compassion fatigue: understanding compassion. J Adv Nurs 2015; 71: 2041-2050.
- 29. Meyer RM, Li A, Klaristenfeld J. et al. Pediatric novice nurses: examining compassion fatigue as a mediator between stress exposure and compassion satisfaction, burnout, and job satisfaction. J Pediatr Nurs 2015; 30(1):174-183.
- 30. Gündüzoğlu NÇ, Korhan EA, Yıldırım YK, et al. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinde merhamet düzeyi. Journal of HumanRhythm 2019; 5(2): 104-116.
- 31. Çağrıcı M. Merhamet. İstanbul: Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslam Araştırmaları Merkezi (İSAM); 2004.
- 32. Soysaldı A. Türklerde yıldız motifi ve teke yöresi yıldızlı zili (Burdur Müzesi) Örnekleri. 9. Milletlerarası Türk Halk Kültürü Kongresi; Türkiye. Ankara; 2018. p. 425-439.
- 33. Hökelekli H. Psikoloji, din ve eğitim yönüyle insani değerler. İstanbul: Dem Yayınları; 2013.
- 34. Bor A. Kur’an’da kardeşliğin insanî ve ahlâkî temelleri. Journal of Oriental Scientific Research 2018; 10 (21):1056-1077.
- 35. Coetzee SK, Klopper HC. Compassion fatigue within nursing practise: a concept analysis. Nurs Health Sci 2010; 12: 235-243.
- 36. Ateş NE. Travmayı anlamlandırması açısından imtihan inancı ve başa çıkma: şehit aileleri, gaziler ve gazi aileleri örneği. Trabzon İlahiyat Dergisi 2019; 6 (1): 429-455.
- 37. Van Der Cingel M. Compassion and professional care: exploring the domain. Nursing Philosophy 2009; 10(2): 124-136.
- 38. Sarıbaş H. Kur’an ve sünnet’te sabır iman ilişkisi. 2006 (cited 2020 May 6) Avaible from: URL:
- 39. Baer RA. Mindfulness training as a clinical intervention: A conceptual and empirical review. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 2003; 10(2):125-143.
- 40. Brown KW, Ryan RM. The benefits of being present: mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2003; 84:822-848.
- 41. Koole SL. The psychology of emotion regulation: An integrative review. Cognition & Emotion 2009; 23(1): 4-41.
- 42. Brown KW, Ryan RM, Creswell JD. Mindfulness: Theoretical foundations and evidence for its salutary effects. Psychological Inquiry 2007; 18(4):211-237.
- 43. Schutte NS, Malouff JM. Emotional intelligence mediates the relationship between mindfulness and subjective well-being. Personality and Individual Differences 2011; 50(7): 1116-1119.
- 44. Kristin DN, Pittman M. Self-compassion and Psychological Resilience Among Adolescents and Young Adults. Self and Identity 2010; 9(3):225-240.
- 44. Wang Y, Kong F. The role of emotional intelligence in the impact of mindfulness on life satisfaction and mental distress. Social Indicators Research 2014; 116 (3): 843-852.
- 45. Smith JL. Self-compassion and resilience in senior living residents. Seniors Housing & Care Journal 2015; 23(1):16-31.
46. Mcholm F. Rx for compassion fatigue. Journal of Christian Nursing 2006; 23(4):12-19.