Research Article
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Year 2023, , 26 - 34, 31.01.2023



  • Ozen S, Ece A, Oto R, Tirasci Y, Goren S. Juvenile delinquency in a developing country: A province example in Turkey. Int J Law Psychiatry. 2005;28(4):430–41.
  • Güvenlik Birimine Gelen veya Getirilen Çocuk İstatistikleri , 2015-2019 [Internet]. 2020. Available from:
  • Beşer NG, Çam O. Suça yatkın ergenlerde olumlu kişilerarası ilişkiler geliştirme programmının etkinliğinin incelenmesi. Anadolu Psikiyatr Derg. 2009;(10):226–32.
  • Assink M, van der Put CE, Hoeve M, de Vries SLA, Stams GJJM, Oort FJ. Risk factors for persistent delinquent behavior among juveniles: A meta-analytic review. Clin Psychol Rev [Internet]. 2015;42:47–61.
  • Loeber R, Slot W, Stouthamer-Loeber M. A cumulative developmental model of risk and promotive factors. In: Loeber R, Slot NW, Laan PH Van der, Hoeve M, editors. Tomorrow’s Criminals. 2008. p. 151–80.
  • Shader M. Risk Factors for Delinquency : An Overview What Is a Risk Factor ? Washington, DC; 2000.
  • Comanor WSC, PHillips L. The Impact of Income And Family Structure On Delinquency. J Appl Econ. 2002;V(2):209–32.
  • Kalb G, Williams J. Delinquency and gender. Appl Econ Lett. 2003;10(7):425–9.
  • Avcil S, Avcil M, Yılmaz N. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of juvenile delinquents. Cukurova Med J. 2018;43(4):853–61.
  • Guler G, Sungur MA, Kutuk MO. Evaluation of Clinical and Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Children Dragged to Crime. Bull Leg Med. 2018;23(1):39–46.
  • Cilem B, Serkan K, Sevda H, Cekin YB, Sema K. Forensic psychiatric evaluation and reports of juvenile pushed to crime: A two-year retrospective chart review. Klin Psikiyatr Derg. 2021;24(2):217–27.
  • Ogut O, Dursun Y, Gülen Şişmanlar Ş, Coşkun A, Sari U. Evaluation of sociodemographic characteristics, perceived family functioning and parental attitudes in delinquent children. Anadolu Psikiyatr Derg. 2020;21(5):531–6.
  • Thompson K, Morris R. Characteristics of Juvenile Delinquents. In: C TK, J. MR, editors. Juvenile Delinquency and Disability. 2016.
  • Weng X, Ran MS, Chui WH. Juvenile delinquency in Chinese adolescents: An ecological review of the literature. Aggress Violent Behav [Internet]. 2016;31:26–36.
  • Thompson K, Morris R. Predicting recidivism among juvenile delinquents: comparison of risk factors for male and female offenders. J Juv justice. 2013;3(1):36–47.
  • Beebe MC, Mueller F. Categorical Offenses of Juvenile Delinquents and the Relationship to Achievement. J Correct Educ. 1993;44(4):193–198.
  • van Wijk A, Loeber R, Vermeiren R, Pardini D, Bullens R, Doreleijers T. Violent juvenile sex offenders compared with violent juvenile nonsex offenders: Explorative fi ndings from the Pittsburgh youth study. Sex Abus A J Res Treat. 2005;17(3):333–52.
  • Li Q, An L, Tan J, Zheng C, Yang M, Gong C. School Dropout, Ethnicity and Religion: Evidence from Western Rural China. Chinese Econ [Internet]. 2017;50(3):193–204.
  • Anderson DM. In school and out of trouble? The minimum dropout Age and juvenile crime. Rev Econ Stat. 2014;96(2):318–31.
  • Kayma D, Gokler R. Suça Sürüklenen Çocukların Sosyodemografik Özellikleri ile Suç İlişkisinin İncelenmesi. 2021;10(1):1–10.
  • Altuner D, Engin N, Gürer C, Akyay I, Akgül A. Madde kullanımı ve suç ilişkisi: kesitsel bir araştırma. Tıp Araştırmaları Derg. 2009;7:87–94.
  • Goldstein PJ. The drugs/violence nexus: A tripartite conceptual framework. J Drug Issues. 1985;15(4):493–506.
  • Bennett T, Holloway K, Farrington D. The statistical association between drug misuse and crime: a meta-analysis. Aggress Violent Behav. 2008;13:107–18.
  • Karatoprak S, Uzun N. Sociodemographic and Clinical Evaluation of Inpatient Adolescents in Child and Adolescent Substance Treatment Center. Turkish J Child Adolesc Ment Heal. 2020;27(2):110–5.
  • Johnson CJ, Joseph H. Beitchman AY, Escobar M, Atkinson L, Wilson B, Brownlie EB, et al. Fourteen-Year Follow-Up of Children With and Without Speech/Language Impairments: Speech/Language Stability and Outcomes. J Speech, Lang Hear Res. 1999;42(3):744–60.
  • Defoe IN, Farrington DP, Loeber R. Disentangling the relationship between delinquency and hyperactivity, low achievement, depression, and low socioeconomic status: Analysis of repeated longitudinal data. J Crim Justice [Internet]. 2013;41(2):100–7.
  • Low S, Sinclair R, Shortt JW. The role of economic strain on adolescent delinquency: a microsocial process model. J Fam Psychol. 2012;26(4):576–584.
  • Kayma Günes D, Gökler R. The family characteristics of juvenile delinquency in Turkey. J Hum Sci. 2017;14(4):3742.
  • Sanlı D, Ozturk C. Anne Babaların Çocuk Yetiştirme Tutumları ve Tutumlar Üzerine Kültürün Etkisi. Deuhfed 2015,8. 2015;8(4):240–6.
  • Hoeve M, Dubas JS, Eichelsheim VI, Van Der Laan PH, Smeenk W, Gerris JRM. The relationship between parenting and delinquency: A meta-analysis. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2009;37(6):749–75.
  • Farrington DP, Coid JW, Harnett L, Jolliffe D, Soteriou N, Turner R, et al. Criminal careers up to age 50 and life success up to age 48: New findings from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development. 2nd ed. London: Home Office Research; 2006. 1–96 p.
  • Paley B, Conger R, Harold G. Parents’ affect, adolescent cognitive representations, and adolescent social development. J Marriage Fam. 2000;62(3):761–776.

Assessment of Sociodemographic Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquent Boys

Year 2023, , 26 - 34, 31.01.2023


Objective: Juvenile delinquency (JD) is increasing day by day and it is more common in males. Many risk factors for JD have been identified. The aim of this study was to determine the sociodemographic characteristics of male JDs and to determine potential predictive effects of sociodemographic factors on JD.
Method: Juvenile delinquents (JDs) consisted of 138 boys and sociodemographic data of them were obtained retrospectively. The control group (CG) consisted of 133 boys of similar age to JDs, and the participants were asked to fill out sociodemographic data. The potential predictive effect of sociodemographic factors were evaluated by linear logistic regression analysis.
Results: The families of the 94 JDs had low socioeconomic level, and the families of the103 control cases had medium-high socioeconomic level. It was determined that 46% of the mothers of JDs and 18% of their fathers were illiterate, while in CG, these rates were 6% and 0.8%, respectively. The school dropout rate was 0% in CG and 32% in JDs. In addition, 26% of the JDs were found to have another individual committed crime in family. This rate was 3% in CG. It was showed that school dropout, low school achievement, taking disciplinary punishment, low family income and the presence of an individual committed crime in family had potential predictive effect on JD.
Conclusions: The results of the study have showed that there is an association between JD and sociodemographic characteristics. These results may be useful in the development of prevention and intervention programs for JD.


  • Ozen S, Ece A, Oto R, Tirasci Y, Goren S. Juvenile delinquency in a developing country: A province example in Turkey. Int J Law Psychiatry. 2005;28(4):430–41.
  • Güvenlik Birimine Gelen veya Getirilen Çocuk İstatistikleri , 2015-2019 [Internet]. 2020. Available from:
  • Beşer NG, Çam O. Suça yatkın ergenlerde olumlu kişilerarası ilişkiler geliştirme programmının etkinliğinin incelenmesi. Anadolu Psikiyatr Derg. 2009;(10):226–32.
  • Assink M, van der Put CE, Hoeve M, de Vries SLA, Stams GJJM, Oort FJ. Risk factors for persistent delinquent behavior among juveniles: A meta-analytic review. Clin Psychol Rev [Internet]. 2015;42:47–61.
  • Loeber R, Slot W, Stouthamer-Loeber M. A cumulative developmental model of risk and promotive factors. In: Loeber R, Slot NW, Laan PH Van der, Hoeve M, editors. Tomorrow’s Criminals. 2008. p. 151–80.
  • Shader M. Risk Factors for Delinquency : An Overview What Is a Risk Factor ? Washington, DC; 2000.
  • Comanor WSC, PHillips L. The Impact of Income And Family Structure On Delinquency. J Appl Econ. 2002;V(2):209–32.
  • Kalb G, Williams J. Delinquency and gender. Appl Econ Lett. 2003;10(7):425–9.
  • Avcil S, Avcil M, Yılmaz N. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of juvenile delinquents. Cukurova Med J. 2018;43(4):853–61.
  • Guler G, Sungur MA, Kutuk MO. Evaluation of Clinical and Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Children Dragged to Crime. Bull Leg Med. 2018;23(1):39–46.
  • Cilem B, Serkan K, Sevda H, Cekin YB, Sema K. Forensic psychiatric evaluation and reports of juvenile pushed to crime: A two-year retrospective chart review. Klin Psikiyatr Derg. 2021;24(2):217–27.
  • Ogut O, Dursun Y, Gülen Şişmanlar Ş, Coşkun A, Sari U. Evaluation of sociodemographic characteristics, perceived family functioning and parental attitudes in delinquent children. Anadolu Psikiyatr Derg. 2020;21(5):531–6.
  • Thompson K, Morris R. Characteristics of Juvenile Delinquents. In: C TK, J. MR, editors. Juvenile Delinquency and Disability. 2016.
  • Weng X, Ran MS, Chui WH. Juvenile delinquency in Chinese adolescents: An ecological review of the literature. Aggress Violent Behav [Internet]. 2016;31:26–36.
  • Thompson K, Morris R. Predicting recidivism among juvenile delinquents: comparison of risk factors for male and female offenders. J Juv justice. 2013;3(1):36–47.
  • Beebe MC, Mueller F. Categorical Offenses of Juvenile Delinquents and the Relationship to Achievement. J Correct Educ. 1993;44(4):193–198.
  • van Wijk A, Loeber R, Vermeiren R, Pardini D, Bullens R, Doreleijers T. Violent juvenile sex offenders compared with violent juvenile nonsex offenders: Explorative fi ndings from the Pittsburgh youth study. Sex Abus A J Res Treat. 2005;17(3):333–52.
  • Li Q, An L, Tan J, Zheng C, Yang M, Gong C. School Dropout, Ethnicity and Religion: Evidence from Western Rural China. Chinese Econ [Internet]. 2017;50(3):193–204.
  • Anderson DM. In school and out of trouble? The minimum dropout Age and juvenile crime. Rev Econ Stat. 2014;96(2):318–31.
  • Kayma D, Gokler R. Suça Sürüklenen Çocukların Sosyodemografik Özellikleri ile Suç İlişkisinin İncelenmesi. 2021;10(1):1–10.
  • Altuner D, Engin N, Gürer C, Akyay I, Akgül A. Madde kullanımı ve suç ilişkisi: kesitsel bir araştırma. Tıp Araştırmaları Derg. 2009;7:87–94.
  • Goldstein PJ. The drugs/violence nexus: A tripartite conceptual framework. J Drug Issues. 1985;15(4):493–506.
  • Bennett T, Holloway K, Farrington D. The statistical association between drug misuse and crime: a meta-analysis. Aggress Violent Behav. 2008;13:107–18.
  • Karatoprak S, Uzun N. Sociodemographic and Clinical Evaluation of Inpatient Adolescents in Child and Adolescent Substance Treatment Center. Turkish J Child Adolesc Ment Heal. 2020;27(2):110–5.
  • Johnson CJ, Joseph H. Beitchman AY, Escobar M, Atkinson L, Wilson B, Brownlie EB, et al. Fourteen-Year Follow-Up of Children With and Without Speech/Language Impairments: Speech/Language Stability and Outcomes. J Speech, Lang Hear Res. 1999;42(3):744–60.
  • Defoe IN, Farrington DP, Loeber R. Disentangling the relationship between delinquency and hyperactivity, low achievement, depression, and low socioeconomic status: Analysis of repeated longitudinal data. J Crim Justice [Internet]. 2013;41(2):100–7.
  • Low S, Sinclair R, Shortt JW. The role of economic strain on adolescent delinquency: a microsocial process model. J Fam Psychol. 2012;26(4):576–584.
  • Kayma Günes D, Gökler R. The family characteristics of juvenile delinquency in Turkey. J Hum Sci. 2017;14(4):3742.
  • Sanlı D, Ozturk C. Anne Babaların Çocuk Yetiştirme Tutumları ve Tutumlar Üzerine Kültürün Etkisi. Deuhfed 2015,8. 2015;8(4):240–6.
  • Hoeve M, Dubas JS, Eichelsheim VI, Van Der Laan PH, Smeenk W, Gerris JRM. The relationship between parenting and delinquency: A meta-analysis. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2009;37(6):749–75.
  • Farrington DP, Coid JW, Harnett L, Jolliffe D, Soteriou N, Turner R, et al. Criminal careers up to age 50 and life success up to age 48: New findings from the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development. 2nd ed. London: Home Office Research; 2006. 1–96 p.
  • Paley B, Conger R, Harold G. Parents’ affect, adolescent cognitive representations, and adolescent social development. J Marriage Fam. 2000;62(3):761–776.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Serdar Karatoprak 0000-0001-6319-8948

Nusret Ayaz 0000-0001-9302-2820

Publication Date January 31, 2023
Submission Date September 22, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Karatoprak, S., & Ayaz, N. (2023). Assessment of Sociodemographic Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquent Boys. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences, 7(1), 26-34.
AMA Karatoprak S, Ayaz N. Assessment of Sociodemographic Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquent Boys. JBACHS. January 2023;7(1):26-34. doi:10.30621/jbachs.998914
Chicago Karatoprak, Serdar, and Nusret Ayaz. “Assessment of Sociodemographic Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquent Boys”. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences 7, no. 1 (January 2023): 26-34.
EndNote Karatoprak S, Ayaz N (January 1, 2023) Assessment of Sociodemographic Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquent Boys. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences 7 1 26–34.
IEEE S. Karatoprak and N. Ayaz, “Assessment of Sociodemographic Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquent Boys”, JBACHS, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 26–34, 2023, doi: 10.30621/jbachs.998914.
ISNAD Karatoprak, Serdar - Ayaz, Nusret. “Assessment of Sociodemographic Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquent Boys”. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences 7/1 (January 2023), 26-34.
JAMA Karatoprak S, Ayaz N. Assessment of Sociodemographic Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquent Boys. JBACHS. 2023;7:26–34.
MLA Karatoprak, Serdar and Nusret Ayaz. “Assessment of Sociodemographic Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquent Boys”. Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences, vol. 7, no. 1, 2023, pp. 26-34, doi:10.30621/jbachs.998914.
Vancouver Karatoprak S, Ayaz N. Assessment of Sociodemographic Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquent Boys. JBACHS. 2023;7(1):26-34.