Online Learning Self-efficacy in Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy: Perceptions of New Graduates
Year 2024,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 100 - 109, 31.01.2024
Hazal Esra Böber
Meriç Yıldırım
Ayla Açıkgöz
Background and Purpose: Rapid transition to distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic induced educators of hands-on professions to explore effectiveness of online learning. We aimed to investigate online learning self-efficacy in cardiopulmonary physiotherapy.
Methods: Group 1 included graduates underwent only face-to-face learning while group 2 consisted of graduates underwent face-to-face and online learning. A questionnaire was developed by the authors including competencies in cardiopulmonary physiotherapy assessment and treatment skills to assess self-efficacy. The questionnaires were sent via e-mail.
Results: Fifty-four graduates in group 1 and 82 graduates in group 2 responded to the questionnaires (response rate: 27%). No significant difference was found between groups in terms of self-efficacy in cardiopulmonary physiotherapy assessment and treatment skills. Self-efficacy in practical domain of exercise tests was higher in group 1 (p=0.021). Practical courses related to cardiopulmonary physiotherapy and type of education had negative effects on career plans in cardiopulmonary physiotherapy in group 2 (p=0.032 and p=0.001, respectively). Duration of clinical practice was positively correlated with practical cardiopulmonary physiotherapy assessment (p=0.005) and treatment (p=0.047) in group 2.
Conclusion: Online learning seems to be a feasible option to develop adequate self-efficacy in cardiopulmonary physiotherapy. However, practical courses, type of education and duration of clinical internship are important for future career plans in cardiopulmonary physiotherapy.
- Bampton J, Tang C, McKay MJ, Paul SS, Allen NE, Darwell C, et al. Teaching physiotherapy during the initial stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: What did we learn? Educ Sci 2022;12(6):414.
- Norris M, Wainwright E. Learning professional touch: An exploration of pre-registration Physiotherapy students' experiences. Physiother Theory Pract 2022;38(1):90-100.
- Ng L, Seow KC, MacDonald L, Correia C, Reubenson A, Gardner P, et al. eLearning in Physical Therapy: Lessons learned from transitioning a professional education program to full eLearning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Phys Ther 2021;101(4):pzab082.
- Kurunsaari M, Tynjälä P, Piirainen A. Stories of professional development in physiotherapy education. Physiother Theory Pract 2022;38(11):1742-1755.
- vanLankveld W, Jones A, Brunnekreef JJ, Seeger JPH, Bart Staal J. Assessing physical therapist students' self-efficacy: measurement properties of the Physiotherapist Self-Efficacy (PSE) questionnaire. BMC Med Educ 2017;17(1):250.
- Bandura, A. 1994. Self-efficacy. In Encyclopedia of human behavior, ed. V. Ramachaudran, 71–81. New York: Academic Press.
- Bandura, A. 1997. Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman.
- Mann K, McFetridge-Durdle J, Breau L, Clovis J, Martin-Misener R, Matheson T, et al. Development of a scale to measure health professions students' self-efficacy beliefs in interprofessional learning. J Interprof Care 2012;26(2):92-9.
- Alosaimi D. Learning self-efficacy as predictor of nursing students' performance of clinical skills. Educ Sci: Theory Pract 2021;21(3):120-131.
- Isaac V, Walters L, McLachlan CS. Association between self-efficacy, career interest and rural career intent in Australian medical students with rural clinical school experience. BMJ Open 2015;5(12):e009574.
- Özüdoğru G. The effect of distance education on self-efficacy towards online technologies and motivation for online learning. J Learn Teach in Digit Age 2022;7(1):108-115.
- Ahmadipour H. Online learning self-efficacy: A necessity for virtual education. J Educ Health Promot 2022;11:113.
- Jones A, Ingram ME, Forbes R. Physiotherapy new graduate self-efficacy and readiness for interprofessional collaboration: A mixed methods study. J Interprof Care. 2021;35(1):64-73.
Jones A, Sheppard L. Self-efficacy and clinical performance: A physiotherapy example. Adv Physiother 2011;13:79–83.
- Forbes R, Mandrusiak A, Michelle S, Trevor R. New-graduate physical therapists' self-efficacy to perform patient education is influenced by entry-level training experiences. J Phys Ther Educ 2018;32(1):46-54.
- Yan CS. Physiotherapy students’ perceptions of e-practical learning on achieving learning outcomes – a pandemic perspective. Int J Learn, Teach Educ Res 2022;21(4):355-364.
- Bandura A. 2006. Guide for constructing self-efficacy scales. In F. Pajares & T. C. Urdan (Eds.), Self-efficacy beliefs of adolescents (pp. 307–337). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
- Ranji K, Phadke SSD, Tilak P. Perception of E-Learning among Physiotherapy Students. Int J Health Sci Res 2022;7(1):12-16.
- Plummer L, Kaygısız BB, Kuehner CP, Gore S, Mercuro R, Chatiwala N, et al. Teaching online during the COVID-19 pandemic: A phenomenological study of physical therapist faculty in Brazil, Cyprus, and The United States. Educ Sci 2021;11:130.
- Madi M, Hamzeh H, Abujaber S, Nawasreh ZH. Have we failed them? Online learning self-efficacy of physiotherapy students during COVID-19 pandemic. Physiother Res Int 2023;e1992.
- Szekeres M, MacDermid JC. Online learning versus workshops: a rank minimized trial comparing the effect of two knowledge translation strategies designed to alter knowledge, readiness to change, and self-efficacy with respect to rehabilitation outcome measures. Disabil Rehabil 2022;44(21):6531-6538.
- Scott K, Wissinger J, Maus E, Heathcock J. Comparing domain-specific self-efficacy in pediatric physical therapy education across classroom-based, online, and hybrid curriculum designs. Pediatr Phys Ther 2022;34(3):391-398.
Online Learning Self-efficacy in Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy: Perceptions of New Graduates
Year 2024,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 100 - 109, 31.01.2024
Hazal Esra Böber
Meriç Yıldırım
Ayla Açıkgöz
- Bampton J, Tang C, McKay MJ, Paul SS, Allen NE, Darwell C, et al. Teaching physiotherapy during the initial stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: What did we learn? Educ Sci 2022;12(6):414.
- Norris M, Wainwright E. Learning professional touch: An exploration of pre-registration Physiotherapy students' experiences. Physiother Theory Pract 2022;38(1):90-100.
- Ng L, Seow KC, MacDonald L, Correia C, Reubenson A, Gardner P, et al. eLearning in Physical Therapy: Lessons learned from transitioning a professional education program to full eLearning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Phys Ther 2021;101(4):pzab082.
- Kurunsaari M, Tynjälä P, Piirainen A. Stories of professional development in physiotherapy education. Physiother Theory Pract 2022;38(11):1742-1755.
- vanLankveld W, Jones A, Brunnekreef JJ, Seeger JPH, Bart Staal J. Assessing physical therapist students' self-efficacy: measurement properties of the Physiotherapist Self-Efficacy (PSE) questionnaire. BMC Med Educ 2017;17(1):250.
- Bandura, A. 1994. Self-efficacy. In Encyclopedia of human behavior, ed. V. Ramachaudran, 71–81. New York: Academic Press.
- Bandura, A. 1997. Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman.
- Mann K, McFetridge-Durdle J, Breau L, Clovis J, Martin-Misener R, Matheson T, et al. Development of a scale to measure health professions students' self-efficacy beliefs in interprofessional learning. J Interprof Care 2012;26(2):92-9.
- Alosaimi D. Learning self-efficacy as predictor of nursing students' performance of clinical skills. Educ Sci: Theory Pract 2021;21(3):120-131.
- Isaac V, Walters L, McLachlan CS. Association between self-efficacy, career interest and rural career intent in Australian medical students with rural clinical school experience. BMJ Open 2015;5(12):e009574.
- Özüdoğru G. The effect of distance education on self-efficacy towards online technologies and motivation for online learning. J Learn Teach in Digit Age 2022;7(1):108-115.
- Ahmadipour H. Online learning self-efficacy: A necessity for virtual education. J Educ Health Promot 2022;11:113.
- Jones A, Ingram ME, Forbes R. Physiotherapy new graduate self-efficacy and readiness for interprofessional collaboration: A mixed methods study. J Interprof Care. 2021;35(1):64-73.
Jones A, Sheppard L. Self-efficacy and clinical performance: A physiotherapy example. Adv Physiother 2011;13:79–83.
- Forbes R, Mandrusiak A, Michelle S, Trevor R. New-graduate physical therapists' self-efficacy to perform patient education is influenced by entry-level training experiences. J Phys Ther Educ 2018;32(1):46-54.
- Yan CS. Physiotherapy students’ perceptions of e-practical learning on achieving learning outcomes – a pandemic perspective. Int J Learn, Teach Educ Res 2022;21(4):355-364.
- Bandura A. 2006. Guide for constructing self-efficacy scales. In F. Pajares & T. C. Urdan (Eds.), Self-efficacy beliefs of adolescents (pp. 307–337). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
- Ranji K, Phadke SSD, Tilak P. Perception of E-Learning among Physiotherapy Students. Int J Health Sci Res 2022;7(1):12-16.
- Plummer L, Kaygısız BB, Kuehner CP, Gore S, Mercuro R, Chatiwala N, et al. Teaching online during the COVID-19 pandemic: A phenomenological study of physical therapist faculty in Brazil, Cyprus, and The United States. Educ Sci 2021;11:130.
- Madi M, Hamzeh H, Abujaber S, Nawasreh ZH. Have we failed them? Online learning self-efficacy of physiotherapy students during COVID-19 pandemic. Physiother Res Int 2023;e1992.
- Szekeres M, MacDermid JC. Online learning versus workshops: a rank minimized trial comparing the effect of two knowledge translation strategies designed to alter knowledge, readiness to change, and self-efficacy with respect to rehabilitation outcome measures. Disabil Rehabil 2022;44(21):6531-6538.
- Scott K, Wissinger J, Maus E, Heathcock J. Comparing domain-specific self-efficacy in pediatric physical therapy education across classroom-based, online, and hybrid curriculum designs. Pediatr Phys Ther 2022;34(3):391-398.