Research Article
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Year 2018, , 17 - 29, 30.03.2018



  • Assaf, A.G., Matousek, R., & Taionas, E., 2013, “Turkish bank efficiency: Bayesian estimation with undesirable outputs”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.37, pp.506-517.
  • Ataullah, A., & Le H.,2006, “Economic reforms and bank efficiency in developing countries: the case of the Indian banking industry”, Applied Economics, vol.16, pp.653-663.
  • Berger, A. N., 1995, “The profit-structure relationship in banking-tests of market-power and efficient-structure hypothesis”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol.27, pp.404-431.
  • Berger, A.N., Hasan, L. & Zhou, M.,2009, “Bank ownership and efficeincy in China: what will happen the world’s largest nation?”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.33, pp.113-130.
  • Bertran. M., Schoar, A. & Thesmar, D., 2007, “Banking Deregulation and industry structure: evidence from the French banking reforms of 1985”, Journal of Finance, vol.62, no.2, pp.597-628.
  • Bonin, J.P., I, Hasan & P. Wachtel, 2005, “Bank performance, efficiency and ownership in transition countries”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.29, pp.31-53.
  • Burki, A.A., & G.S. Niazi, 2010, “Impact of financial reforms on efficiency of state-owned, private and foreign banks in Pakistan”, Applied Economics, vol.42, pp.3147-3160.
  • Chen, T. Y., & Yeh, T.L.,2000, “A measurement of bank efficiency, ownership and productivity changes in Taiwan”, Service Industries Journal, vol.20, pp.95-109.
  • Chiu Y.H., & Y.C. Chen, 2009, “The analysis of Taiwanese bank efficiency: incorporating both external environment risk and internal risk”, Economic Modelling, vol.26, pp.456-463.
  • Chiu, Y.H., Y.C. Chen & X. J. Bai, 2011, “Efficiency and risk in Taiwan banking: SBM super-DEA estimation”, Applied Economics, vol.43, pp.587-602.
  • Drake, L., 2001, “Efficiency and productivity change in UK banking”. Applied Financial Economics, vol.11, pp.557-571.
  • Fare, R., Grosskopf, S., Norris, M., & Zhang Z., 1994, “Productivity growth, technical progress, and efficiency change in industrialized countries”, American Economics Review, vol. 84,pp. 66-83.
  • Fernansez, C., Koop, G., & Steel, M., 2002, “Multiple-output production with undesirable outputs: an application to nitrogen surplus in agriculture”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol.97, pp.432-442.
  • Filippaki, A.K., D. Margaritis, & C. Staikiuras, 2009, “Efficiency and productivity growth in the banking industry of Central and Eastern Europe”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.33, pp.557-567.
  • Hsiao, H.C., H. Chang, A.M. Cianci, & L.H. Huang, 2010, “First financial restructuring and operating efficiency: evidence from Taiwanese commercial banks”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.34, pp.1461-1471.
  • Liao, C.S., 2009, “Efficiency and productivity change in the banking industry in Taiwan: domestic versus foreign banks”, Banks and Bank systems, vol.4, pp.75-84.
  • Liao, C.S.,2013, “Risk-taking and Efficiency of Banks for Emerging Eastern Asian Countries”, Graduate Institute of Finance, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology ,Working paper.
  • Liu, D.Y., & Liao, C.S., 2013, “Executive turnover, risk-taking, and efficiency among banks in emerging Asian countries”, International Research journal of Finance and Economics, vol.103, pp.6-24.
  • Liu, S.T., 2010, “Measuring and categorizing technical efficiency and productivity change of commercial banks in Taiwan,” Expert System and Application, vol. 37, pp.2783-2789.
  • Liu, H., P. Molyneuz, & L.H. Nguyen, 2012, “Competition and risk in South East Asian commercial banking”, Applied Economics, vol.44, pp.3627-3644.
  • Kumbhakar, S.C. & Sarkar, S., 2003, “Deregulation, ownership and productivity growth in the banking industry: evidence from India”, Journal of Money, Credit and banking, vol.35, pp.403-423.
  • Kwan, S.H,2006, “The X-Efficiency of Commercial Banks in Hong Kong”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.30, pp.1127-1147
  • Ray, S.C., & Das, A., 2010, “Distribution of cost and profit efficiency: evidence from Indian banking”, European Journal of Operational Research, vol.201, pp. 297-307.
  • Rezvanian, R., R.T. Ariss & S. M. Mehdian, 2011, “Cost efficiency, technological progress and productivity growth of Chinese banking pre- and post- WTO accession”, Applied Financial Economics, vol.21, pp.437-454.
  • Seiford, L., & Zhu, J., 2002, “Modeling undesirable factors in efficiency evaluation”, European Journal of Operatiom Research, vol.142, pp.16-20.
  • Shen, C.H., 2005, “Cost efficiency and banking performance in a partial universal banking system: An application of the panel smooth threshold model”, Applied Economics, vol.37, pp. 993-1009.
  • Sun, L. & T.P. Chang, 2011, “A comprehensive analysis of the effects of risk measures on bank efficiency: Evidence from emerging Asian countries”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.35, pp.1727-1735.
  • Thanassoulis, E., 2001, Introduction to the theory and application of Data envelopment analysis: a foundation text with integrated software, Kluwer academic publishers, Boston, Hardbound.
  • Zhao, T., B. Casu, & A. Ferrari, 2010, “The impact of regulatory reforms on cost structure, ownership and competition in Indian banking”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.34, pp.246-254.


Year 2018, , 17 - 29, 30.03.2018


Purpose- This study investigates the undesirable impacts of outputs
on bank efficiency and contributes to the literature by assessing how
regulation policies and other events impact bank efficiency in Taiwan in
regards to deregulation, financial crisis, and financial reform from 1993 to

Methodology- In order to effectively deal with both undesirable
and desirable outputs, this study follows Seiford and Zhu (2002), who recommend
using the standard data envelopment analysis model to measure performance by
increasing the desirable outputs and decreasing the undesirables.

Findings- Empirical findings indicate that bank efficiency with
undesirable outputs is more prevalent than bank efficiency without undesirable
outputs, which implies that undesirable outputs play a key role in hampering
bank efficiency. This study result show that the effect of deregulation on bank
efficiency decreased during the initial financial reform period. Nevertheless,
our empirical evidence shows that financial reform significantly improved bank
efficiency in emerging countries in the long run.

Conclusion- First, in accounting for both desirable and undesirable output while
evaluating and analyzing bank efficiency, it assumes that undesirable outputs
operate as non-performing loans and offers a comparison of different results
from perspectives that either consider 
undesirable output within the classical DEA model or do not. The second
contribution stems from the fact that the processes of rapid growth and recovery
in recent years have given emerging Asian countries undoubtedly key roles in
world economics, and studies have responded by analysing data of emerging Asian
countries, such as Taiwan. Thirdly, this study contributes to the literature by
assessing how regulation policies and other events impact bank efficiency in
Taiwan in regards to deregulation, financial crisis, and financial reform.  


  • Assaf, A.G., Matousek, R., & Taionas, E., 2013, “Turkish bank efficiency: Bayesian estimation with undesirable outputs”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.37, pp.506-517.
  • Ataullah, A., & Le H.,2006, “Economic reforms and bank efficiency in developing countries: the case of the Indian banking industry”, Applied Economics, vol.16, pp.653-663.
  • Berger, A. N., 1995, “The profit-structure relationship in banking-tests of market-power and efficient-structure hypothesis”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, vol.27, pp.404-431.
  • Berger, A.N., Hasan, L. & Zhou, M.,2009, “Bank ownership and efficeincy in China: what will happen the world’s largest nation?”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.33, pp.113-130.
  • Bertran. M., Schoar, A. & Thesmar, D., 2007, “Banking Deregulation and industry structure: evidence from the French banking reforms of 1985”, Journal of Finance, vol.62, no.2, pp.597-628.
  • Bonin, J.P., I, Hasan & P. Wachtel, 2005, “Bank performance, efficiency and ownership in transition countries”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.29, pp.31-53.
  • Burki, A.A., & G.S. Niazi, 2010, “Impact of financial reforms on efficiency of state-owned, private and foreign banks in Pakistan”, Applied Economics, vol.42, pp.3147-3160.
  • Chen, T. Y., & Yeh, T.L.,2000, “A measurement of bank efficiency, ownership and productivity changes in Taiwan”, Service Industries Journal, vol.20, pp.95-109.
  • Chiu Y.H., & Y.C. Chen, 2009, “The analysis of Taiwanese bank efficiency: incorporating both external environment risk and internal risk”, Economic Modelling, vol.26, pp.456-463.
  • Chiu, Y.H., Y.C. Chen & X. J. Bai, 2011, “Efficiency and risk in Taiwan banking: SBM super-DEA estimation”, Applied Economics, vol.43, pp.587-602.
  • Drake, L., 2001, “Efficiency and productivity change in UK banking”. Applied Financial Economics, vol.11, pp.557-571.
  • Fare, R., Grosskopf, S., Norris, M., & Zhang Z., 1994, “Productivity growth, technical progress, and efficiency change in industrialized countries”, American Economics Review, vol. 84,pp. 66-83.
  • Fernansez, C., Koop, G., & Steel, M., 2002, “Multiple-output production with undesirable outputs: an application to nitrogen surplus in agriculture”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol.97, pp.432-442.
  • Filippaki, A.K., D. Margaritis, & C. Staikiuras, 2009, “Efficiency and productivity growth in the banking industry of Central and Eastern Europe”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.33, pp.557-567.
  • Hsiao, H.C., H. Chang, A.M. Cianci, & L.H. Huang, 2010, “First financial restructuring and operating efficiency: evidence from Taiwanese commercial banks”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.34, pp.1461-1471.
  • Liao, C.S., 2009, “Efficiency and productivity change in the banking industry in Taiwan: domestic versus foreign banks”, Banks and Bank systems, vol.4, pp.75-84.
  • Liao, C.S.,2013, “Risk-taking and Efficiency of Banks for Emerging Eastern Asian Countries”, Graduate Institute of Finance, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology ,Working paper.
  • Liu, D.Y., & Liao, C.S., 2013, “Executive turnover, risk-taking, and efficiency among banks in emerging Asian countries”, International Research journal of Finance and Economics, vol.103, pp.6-24.
  • Liu, S.T., 2010, “Measuring and categorizing technical efficiency and productivity change of commercial banks in Taiwan,” Expert System and Application, vol. 37, pp.2783-2789.
  • Liu, H., P. Molyneuz, & L.H. Nguyen, 2012, “Competition and risk in South East Asian commercial banking”, Applied Economics, vol.44, pp.3627-3644.
  • Kumbhakar, S.C. & Sarkar, S., 2003, “Deregulation, ownership and productivity growth in the banking industry: evidence from India”, Journal of Money, Credit and banking, vol.35, pp.403-423.
  • Kwan, S.H,2006, “The X-Efficiency of Commercial Banks in Hong Kong”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.30, pp.1127-1147
  • Ray, S.C., & Das, A., 2010, “Distribution of cost and profit efficiency: evidence from Indian banking”, European Journal of Operational Research, vol.201, pp. 297-307.
  • Rezvanian, R., R.T. Ariss & S. M. Mehdian, 2011, “Cost efficiency, technological progress and productivity growth of Chinese banking pre- and post- WTO accession”, Applied Financial Economics, vol.21, pp.437-454.
  • Seiford, L., & Zhu, J., 2002, “Modeling undesirable factors in efficiency evaluation”, European Journal of Operatiom Research, vol.142, pp.16-20.
  • Shen, C.H., 2005, “Cost efficiency and banking performance in a partial universal banking system: An application of the panel smooth threshold model”, Applied Economics, vol.37, pp. 993-1009.
  • Sun, L. & T.P. Chang, 2011, “A comprehensive analysis of the effects of risk measures on bank efficiency: Evidence from emerging Asian countries”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.35, pp.1727-1735.
  • Thanassoulis, E., 2001, Introduction to the theory and application of Data envelopment analysis: a foundation text with integrated software, Kluwer academic publishers, Boston, Hardbound.
  • Zhao, T., B. Casu, & A. Ferrari, 2010, “The impact of regulatory reforms on cost structure, ownership and competition in Indian banking”, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol.34, pp.246-254.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Chang-sheng Liao This is me 0000-0003-4501-6252

Publication Date March 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018



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