Research Article
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Year 2018, , 89 - 100, 30.03.2018



  • Akbar, W., Hassan, S., Khurshid, S., Niaz, M. and Rizwan, M. (2014). Antecedents Affecting Customer’s Purchase Intentions towards Green Products, Journal of Sociological Research, 5(1), 273-289.
  • Akehurst, G., Afonso, C. and Goncalves, H. (2012). Re-examining green purchase behaviour and the green consumer profile: new evidences. Management Decision, 50(5), 972-988.
  • Alibeli, M., and Johnson, C. (2009). Environmental Concern: A Cross National Analysis. Journal of International and cross-cultural studies, 3(1), 1-10.
  • Allport, G.W. (1935). Attitudes. In a Handbook of Social Psychology. Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
  • Aman, A. H. L., Harun, A., & Hussein, Z. (2012). The influence of environmental knowledge and concern on green purchase intention the role of attitude as a mediating variable. British Journal of Art and Social Sciences, 7(2), 145-167.
  • Anderson, R.C. and Hansen, E.N. (2004). The impact of environmental certification on preferences for wood furniture: A conjoint analysis approach. Forest Product Journal, 54(3), 42-50.
  • Antil, J.H. (1984). Socially responsible consumers: Profile and implications for public policy. Journal of Macromarketing, 4(2), 18-39.
  • Armstrong, G., and Kotler, P. (2009). Marketing: An Introduction. Ninth Edition. United States of America: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Balderjahn, I. (1988). Personality variables and environmental attitudes as predictors of ecologically responsible consumption patterns. Journal of Business Research, 17(1), 51-56.
  • Barber, N., Kuo, P. F., Bishop, M., and Goodman, R. (2012). Measuring psychographics to assess purchase intention and willingness to pay. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(4), 280-292.
  • Bartels, J. and Hoogendam, K. (2011). The role of social identity and attitudes toward sustainability brands in buying behaviours for organic products. Journal of Brand Management, 18(9), 697-708.
  • Bertrandias, L. and Gambier, L. (2014). Others’ environmental concern as a social determinant of green buying. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 31(6), 417-429.
  • Biswas, A. and Mousumi, R. (2015). Green products: an exploratory study on the consumer behaviour in emerging economies of the East. Journal of Cleaner Production, 87(1), 463-468.
  • Blackwell, R. D., Miniard, P. W. and Engel, J. F. (2006). Consumer Behavior. Tenth edition. United States of America: Southwestern College.
  • Brécard, D., Hlaimi, B., Lucas, S., Perraudeau, Y. and Salladarré, F. (2009). Determinants of demand for green products: An application to eco-label demand for fish in Europe. Ecological Economics, 69(1), 115-125.
  • Chan, R. Y. and Lau, L. B. (2000). Antecedents of green purchases: A survey in China. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17(4), 338-357.
  • Chang, C. H. and Chen, Y. S. (2013). Managing green brand equity: The perspective of perceived risk theory. Qual Quant, 1-16.
  • Chen, L. Y. (2013). A Study of Green Purchase Intention Comparing with Collectivistic (Chinese) and Individualistic (American) Consumers in Shanghai, China. Information Management and Business Review, 5(7), 342-346.
  • Chen, T.B. and L.T. Chai (2010). Attitude towards the environment and green products: Consumers perspective. Management Science and Engineering. 4(2), 27-39.
  • Chen, Y. S., and Chang, C. H. (2012). Enhance green purchase intentions: The roles of green perceived value, green perceived risk, and green trust. Management Decision, 50(3), 502-520.
  • Cleveland, M., Kalamas, M. and Laroche, M. (2005). Shades of green: linking environmental locus of control and pro-environmental behaviors. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(4), 198-212.
  • Conraud-Koellner, E., and Rivas-Tovar, L. A. (2009). Study of Green Behavior with a Focus on Mexican Individuals. iBusiness, 1(2), 124-131.
  • Cornelissen, G., Pandelaere, M., Warlop, L. and Dewitte, S. (2008). Positive cueing: Promoting sustainable consumer behaviour by cueing common environmental behaviours as environmental. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 25, 46-54.
  • D’Souza , C . , Taghian , M . , Lamb , P .and Peretiatkos , R. (2006). Green products and corporate strategy: An empirical investigation. Society and Business Review,1(2), 144-157 .
  • Dunlap, R. E. and Jones, R. E. (2002). Environmental concern: conceptual and measurement issues. In: Handbook of Environmental Sociology, R.E.Dunlap & W.Michelson (Eds.), pp.482-524, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • Elahi, S. and Yaghubi, R. (2012). The introduction of green marketing tools and their impact on consumer purchasing behavior. Improvement and transformation management studies, 21(5), 167-168.
  • Elkington J. and Hailes J. (1994). The Green Consumer. First Edition. United Kingdom: Penguin Books.
  • Florenthal, B. and Arling, P. A. (2011). Do green lifestyle consumers appreciate low involvement green products, Marketing Management Journal, 21(2), 35-45.
  • Goldsmith, R. E. (1996). Service innovativeness and price sensitivity: An exploratory study. Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Proceedings, 5, 85-91.
  • Goldsmith, R. E., and Newell, S. J. (1997). Innovativeness and price sensitivity: Managerial, theoretical, and methodological issues. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 6(3), 163-174.
  • Gotschi, E., Vogel, S., Lindenthal, T., and Larcher, M. (2010). The Role Of Knowledge, Social Norms, And Attitudes Toward Organic Products And Shopping Behavior: Survey Results From High School Students in Vienna. The Journal of Environmental Education, 41(2), 88-100.
  • Grant, J. (2008). Viewpoint Green Marketing. Strategic Direction, 24(6), 25-27.
  • Han, H., Hsu, L. T., and Lee, J. S. (2009). Empirical Investigation Of The Roles Of Attitudes Towards Green Behaviors, Overall Image, Gender, And Age In Hotel Customers' Eco-friendly Decision-making Process. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28, 519-528.
  • Hartmann, P. and Apaolaza-Ibáñez, V. (2012). Consumer attitude and purchase intention toward green energy brands: The roles of psychological benefits and environmental concern. Journal of Business Research, 65(9), 1254-1263.
  • Hayes, D. (1990). The green decade. The Amicus Journal, 12, 24-29.
  • Hughner R. S., Mc Donagh P., Prothero A., Shultz C.J. and Stanton J. (2007). Who are organic food consumers? A compilation and review of why people purchase organic food. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 6(2-3), 94-110.
  • Jain, S. K., and Kaur, G. (2004). Green marketing: An Indian perspective. Decision, 31(2), 18-31.
  • Jang, Y. J., Kim, W. G. and Bonn, M. A. (2011). Generation Y consumers’ selection attributes and behavioral intentions concerning green restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(4), 803-811.
  • Kaiser, H. F. (1970). A Second-Generation Little Jiffy. Psychometrika, 35(4), 401-415.
  • Kalafatis, S. P., Pollard, M., East, R., and Tsogas, M. H. (1999). Green marketing and Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour: A cross-market examination. Journal of ConsumerMarketing, 16(5), 441-460.
  • Kangis, P. (1992), Concerns about Green Marketing. International Journal of Wine Marketing, 4(2), 21-24.
  • Kim, H. Y. and Chung J. E. (2011). Consumer Purchase Intention for Organic Personal Care Products. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 28(1), 40-47.
  • Kim, Y. and Choi, S. R. (2005). Antecedents of green purchase behaviour: An examination of collectivism, environmental concern and PCE. Advances in Consumer Research, 32(1), 592-599.
  • Kotchen, and Reiling, S. (2000). Environmental attitudes, motivations, and contingent valuation of nonuse values: A case study involving endangered species. Ecological Economics, vol. 32, 93-107.
  • Laroche, M., Bergeron, J. and Barbaro-Forleo, G. (2001). Targeting consumers who are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 18(6), 503- 520.
  • Laroche, M., Bergeron, J., Tomiul, M., and Barbaro-Forleo, G. (2002). Cultural differences in environmental knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of Canadian consumers, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 19(3), 267-283.
  • Lee, K. (2009). Gender differences in Hong Kong adolescent consumers' green purchasing behavior. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(2), 87-96.
  • Mahesh, N. and Ganapathi, R. (2012). Influence of Consumer's Socio-Economic Characteristics and Attitude on Purchase Intention of Green Products. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(5), 33-37.
  • Michaud, C., Llerena, D., Joly, I. (2013). Willingness to pay for environmental attributes of non-food agricultural products: a real choice experiment. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 40(2), 313-329.
  • Mostafa, M. M. (2007). Gender differences in Egyptian consumers’ green purchase behaviour: the effects of environmental knowledge, concern and attitude. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31(3), 220-229.
  • Newton, J., Tsarenko, Y., Ferraro, C. and Sands, S. (2015). Environmental concern and environmental purchase intentions: The mediating role of learning strategy. Journal of Business Research, 68(9), 1974-1981.
  • Noble, S. M., Haytko, D. L. and Phillips, J. (2009). What drives college-age Generation Y consumers?. Journal of Business Research, 62(6), 617-628.
  • Padel, S. and Foster, C. (2005). Exploring the gap between attitudes and behaviour: Understanding why consumers buy or do not buy organic food. British Food Journal, 107(8): 606-625.
  • Papista, E. and Krystallis, A. (2012). Investigating the types of value and cost of green brands: Proposition of a conceptual framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 115(1), 93-100.
  • Peattie, K. (1995). Environmental Marketing Management: Meeting the Green Challenge. London: Pitman Publishing.
  • Pride, W. M., and Ferrell, O. C. (2008). Marketing. Fourteenth edition. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Ramayah, T., Chow Lee, J. and Mohamad, O. (2010). Green product purchase intention: Some insights from a developing country. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 54(12), 1419-1427.
  • Ramirez, E., and Goldsmith R. E. (2009). Some Antecedents of Price Sensitivity. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 17(3), 199-213.
  • Rashid, N. R. (2009). Awareness of Eco-label in Malaysia’s Green Marketing Initiative. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(8), 132-141.
  • Rizwan, M., Ahmad, S. U. and Mehboob, N. (2013). Enhancing the Green Purchase Intention Based on Green Marketing: An Empirical Study from Pakistan. Asian Journal of Empirical Research, 3(2), 208-219.
  • Roberts, J. A. (1996). Green consumers in the 1990s: profile and implications for advertising. Journal of Business Research, 36(3), 217-231.
  • Rowlands, I. H., Scott, D. and Parker, P. (2003). Consumers and green electricity: profiling potential purchasers. Business Strategy and the Environment, 12(1), 36-48.
  • Schlossberg, H. (1990). Environmental concerns lead some consumers to change buying habits. Marketing News, 24, 7.
  • Schultz, P.W. and Zelezny, L.C. (2000). Promoting environmentalism. The Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 443-457.
  • Sekaran, U. (2000). Research Business Methods: A Skill Building Approach. Third Edition. United States of America: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R. (2010). Research Method for Business: A Skill Building Approach. Fifth Edition. United Kingdom: John Willey and Sons Inc.
  • Shrum, L. J., Mc Carty, J. A. and Lowrey, T. M. (1995). Buyer characteristics of the green consumer and their implication for advertising strategy. Journal of Advertising, 24(2), 71-90.
  • Singh, A. and Bansal, M. (2012). Green marketing: A study of consumer attitude and environment concern. The Indian Journal of Commerce, 65(2), 273-283.
  • Stern, P. C. and Dietz, T. (1994). The value basis of environmental concern. Journal of Social Issues, 50(3), 65-84.
  • Tan, T. H. (2013). Use of Structural Equation Modeling to Predict the Intention to Purchase Green and Sustainable Homes in Malaysia. Asian Social Science, 9(10). 181-191.
  • Tanner, C. and Kast, S. W. (2003). Promoting Sustainable Consumption: Determinants of Green Purchases by Swiss Consumers. Psychology & Marketing, 20(10), 883-902.
  • Young, W., Hwang, K., McDonald, S. and Oates, C. J. (2010). Sustainable Consumption: Green Consumer Behaviour when Purchasing Products. Sustainable Development, 18(1), 20-31.
  • Wu, K., and Teng, Y. (2011). Applying the Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour to Predict the Intention of Visiting a Green Hotel. African Journal of Business Management, 5(17), 75579-75587.


Year 2018, , 89 - 100, 30.03.2018


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to test the moderating
effect of price sensitivity on the relationship between environmental
knowledge, environmental concern, environmental attitude and Generation Y
consumers’ green purchase intention.  

Methodology – A quantitative approach was used for data gathering.
Data collection was conducted through online questionnaires filled out by 260
Generation Y consumers who were born between 1977 and 1994. Multiple regression
analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were applied to test the

Findings- The results revealed that environmental concern and
environmental attitude have a significant effect on the green purchase
intention of Generation Y consumers. Price sensitivity of Generation Y
consumers moderates the relationship between environmental concern,
environmental attitude and green purchase intention.

Conclusion- The results created an understanding of the factors
that influence green purchase intention within the scope of consumer behavior
and serve as the information for marketers to drive sales and increase market
share through appropriate marketing strategies.


  • Akbar, W., Hassan, S., Khurshid, S., Niaz, M. and Rizwan, M. (2014). Antecedents Affecting Customer’s Purchase Intentions towards Green Products, Journal of Sociological Research, 5(1), 273-289.
  • Akehurst, G., Afonso, C. and Goncalves, H. (2012). Re-examining green purchase behaviour and the green consumer profile: new evidences. Management Decision, 50(5), 972-988.
  • Alibeli, M., and Johnson, C. (2009). Environmental Concern: A Cross National Analysis. Journal of International and cross-cultural studies, 3(1), 1-10.
  • Allport, G.W. (1935). Attitudes. In a Handbook of Social Psychology. Worcester, MA: Clark University Press.
  • Aman, A. H. L., Harun, A., & Hussein, Z. (2012). The influence of environmental knowledge and concern on green purchase intention the role of attitude as a mediating variable. British Journal of Art and Social Sciences, 7(2), 145-167.
  • Anderson, R.C. and Hansen, E.N. (2004). The impact of environmental certification on preferences for wood furniture: A conjoint analysis approach. Forest Product Journal, 54(3), 42-50.
  • Antil, J.H. (1984). Socially responsible consumers: Profile and implications for public policy. Journal of Macromarketing, 4(2), 18-39.
  • Armstrong, G., and Kotler, P. (2009). Marketing: An Introduction. Ninth Edition. United States of America: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Balderjahn, I. (1988). Personality variables and environmental attitudes as predictors of ecologically responsible consumption patterns. Journal of Business Research, 17(1), 51-56.
  • Barber, N., Kuo, P. F., Bishop, M., and Goodman, R. (2012). Measuring psychographics to assess purchase intention and willingness to pay. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(4), 280-292.
  • Bartels, J. and Hoogendam, K. (2011). The role of social identity and attitudes toward sustainability brands in buying behaviours for organic products. Journal of Brand Management, 18(9), 697-708.
  • Bertrandias, L. and Gambier, L. (2014). Others’ environmental concern as a social determinant of green buying. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 31(6), 417-429.
  • Biswas, A. and Mousumi, R. (2015). Green products: an exploratory study on the consumer behaviour in emerging economies of the East. Journal of Cleaner Production, 87(1), 463-468.
  • Blackwell, R. D., Miniard, P. W. and Engel, J. F. (2006). Consumer Behavior. Tenth edition. United States of America: Southwestern College.
  • Brécard, D., Hlaimi, B., Lucas, S., Perraudeau, Y. and Salladarré, F. (2009). Determinants of demand for green products: An application to eco-label demand for fish in Europe. Ecological Economics, 69(1), 115-125.
  • Chan, R. Y. and Lau, L. B. (2000). Antecedents of green purchases: A survey in China. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17(4), 338-357.
  • Chang, C. H. and Chen, Y. S. (2013). Managing green brand equity: The perspective of perceived risk theory. Qual Quant, 1-16.
  • Chen, L. Y. (2013). A Study of Green Purchase Intention Comparing with Collectivistic (Chinese) and Individualistic (American) Consumers in Shanghai, China. Information Management and Business Review, 5(7), 342-346.
  • Chen, T.B. and L.T. Chai (2010). Attitude towards the environment and green products: Consumers perspective. Management Science and Engineering. 4(2), 27-39.
  • Chen, Y. S., and Chang, C. H. (2012). Enhance green purchase intentions: The roles of green perceived value, green perceived risk, and green trust. Management Decision, 50(3), 502-520.
  • Cleveland, M., Kalamas, M. and Laroche, M. (2005). Shades of green: linking environmental locus of control and pro-environmental behaviors. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22(4), 198-212.
  • Conraud-Koellner, E., and Rivas-Tovar, L. A. (2009). Study of Green Behavior with a Focus on Mexican Individuals. iBusiness, 1(2), 124-131.
  • Cornelissen, G., Pandelaere, M., Warlop, L. and Dewitte, S. (2008). Positive cueing: Promoting sustainable consumer behaviour by cueing common environmental behaviours as environmental. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 25, 46-54.
  • D’Souza , C . , Taghian , M . , Lamb , P .and Peretiatkos , R. (2006). Green products and corporate strategy: An empirical investigation. Society and Business Review,1(2), 144-157 .
  • Dunlap, R. E. and Jones, R. E. (2002). Environmental concern: conceptual and measurement issues. In: Handbook of Environmental Sociology, R.E.Dunlap & W.Michelson (Eds.), pp.482-524, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • Elahi, S. and Yaghubi, R. (2012). The introduction of green marketing tools and their impact on consumer purchasing behavior. Improvement and transformation management studies, 21(5), 167-168.
  • Elkington J. and Hailes J. (1994). The Green Consumer. First Edition. United Kingdom: Penguin Books.
  • Florenthal, B. and Arling, P. A. (2011). Do green lifestyle consumers appreciate low involvement green products, Marketing Management Journal, 21(2), 35-45.
  • Goldsmith, R. E. (1996). Service innovativeness and price sensitivity: An exploratory study. Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Proceedings, 5, 85-91.
  • Goldsmith, R. E., and Newell, S. J. (1997). Innovativeness and price sensitivity: Managerial, theoretical, and methodological issues. Journal of Product and Brand Management, 6(3), 163-174.
  • Gotschi, E., Vogel, S., Lindenthal, T., and Larcher, M. (2010). The Role Of Knowledge, Social Norms, And Attitudes Toward Organic Products And Shopping Behavior: Survey Results From High School Students in Vienna. The Journal of Environmental Education, 41(2), 88-100.
  • Grant, J. (2008). Viewpoint Green Marketing. Strategic Direction, 24(6), 25-27.
  • Han, H., Hsu, L. T., and Lee, J. S. (2009). Empirical Investigation Of The Roles Of Attitudes Towards Green Behaviors, Overall Image, Gender, And Age In Hotel Customers' Eco-friendly Decision-making Process. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28, 519-528.
  • Hartmann, P. and Apaolaza-Ibáñez, V. (2012). Consumer attitude and purchase intention toward green energy brands: The roles of psychological benefits and environmental concern. Journal of Business Research, 65(9), 1254-1263.
  • Hayes, D. (1990). The green decade. The Amicus Journal, 12, 24-29.
  • Hughner R. S., Mc Donagh P., Prothero A., Shultz C.J. and Stanton J. (2007). Who are organic food consumers? A compilation and review of why people purchase organic food. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 6(2-3), 94-110.
  • Jain, S. K., and Kaur, G. (2004). Green marketing: An Indian perspective. Decision, 31(2), 18-31.
  • Jang, Y. J., Kim, W. G. and Bonn, M. A. (2011). Generation Y consumers’ selection attributes and behavioral intentions concerning green restaurants. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(4), 803-811.
  • Kaiser, H. F. (1970). A Second-Generation Little Jiffy. Psychometrika, 35(4), 401-415.
  • Kalafatis, S. P., Pollard, M., East, R., and Tsogas, M. H. (1999). Green marketing and Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour: A cross-market examination. Journal of ConsumerMarketing, 16(5), 441-460.
  • Kangis, P. (1992), Concerns about Green Marketing. International Journal of Wine Marketing, 4(2), 21-24.
  • Kim, H. Y. and Chung J. E. (2011). Consumer Purchase Intention for Organic Personal Care Products. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 28(1), 40-47.
  • Kim, Y. and Choi, S. R. (2005). Antecedents of green purchase behaviour: An examination of collectivism, environmental concern and PCE. Advances in Consumer Research, 32(1), 592-599.
  • Kotchen, and Reiling, S. (2000). Environmental attitudes, motivations, and contingent valuation of nonuse values: A case study involving endangered species. Ecological Economics, vol. 32, 93-107.
  • Laroche, M., Bergeron, J. and Barbaro-Forleo, G. (2001). Targeting consumers who are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 18(6), 503- 520.
  • Laroche, M., Bergeron, J., Tomiul, M., and Barbaro-Forleo, G. (2002). Cultural differences in environmental knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of Canadian consumers, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 19(3), 267-283.
  • Lee, K. (2009). Gender differences in Hong Kong adolescent consumers' green purchasing behavior. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 26(2), 87-96.
  • Mahesh, N. and Ganapathi, R. (2012). Influence of Consumer's Socio-Economic Characteristics and Attitude on Purchase Intention of Green Products. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(5), 33-37.
  • Michaud, C., Llerena, D., Joly, I. (2013). Willingness to pay for environmental attributes of non-food agricultural products: a real choice experiment. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 40(2), 313-329.
  • Mostafa, M. M. (2007). Gender differences in Egyptian consumers’ green purchase behaviour: the effects of environmental knowledge, concern and attitude. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31(3), 220-229.
  • Newton, J., Tsarenko, Y., Ferraro, C. and Sands, S. (2015). Environmental concern and environmental purchase intentions: The mediating role of learning strategy. Journal of Business Research, 68(9), 1974-1981.
  • Noble, S. M., Haytko, D. L. and Phillips, J. (2009). What drives college-age Generation Y consumers?. Journal of Business Research, 62(6), 617-628.
  • Padel, S. and Foster, C. (2005). Exploring the gap between attitudes and behaviour: Understanding why consumers buy or do not buy organic food. British Food Journal, 107(8): 606-625.
  • Papista, E. and Krystallis, A. (2012). Investigating the types of value and cost of green brands: Proposition of a conceptual framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 115(1), 93-100.
  • Peattie, K. (1995). Environmental Marketing Management: Meeting the Green Challenge. London: Pitman Publishing.
  • Pride, W. M., and Ferrell, O. C. (2008). Marketing. Fourteenth edition. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Ramayah, T., Chow Lee, J. and Mohamad, O. (2010). Green product purchase intention: Some insights from a developing country. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 54(12), 1419-1427.
  • Ramirez, E., and Goldsmith R. E. (2009). Some Antecedents of Price Sensitivity. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 17(3), 199-213.
  • Rashid, N. R. (2009). Awareness of Eco-label in Malaysia’s Green Marketing Initiative. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(8), 132-141.
  • Rizwan, M., Ahmad, S. U. and Mehboob, N. (2013). Enhancing the Green Purchase Intention Based on Green Marketing: An Empirical Study from Pakistan. Asian Journal of Empirical Research, 3(2), 208-219.
  • Roberts, J. A. (1996). Green consumers in the 1990s: profile and implications for advertising. Journal of Business Research, 36(3), 217-231.
  • Rowlands, I. H., Scott, D. and Parker, P. (2003). Consumers and green electricity: profiling potential purchasers. Business Strategy and the Environment, 12(1), 36-48.
  • Schlossberg, H. (1990). Environmental concerns lead some consumers to change buying habits. Marketing News, 24, 7.
  • Schultz, P.W. and Zelezny, L.C. (2000). Promoting environmentalism. The Journal of Social Issues, 56(3), 443-457.
  • Sekaran, U. (2000). Research Business Methods: A Skill Building Approach. Third Edition. United States of America: John Wiley and Sons Inc.
  • Sekaran, U., and Bougie, R. (2010). Research Method for Business: A Skill Building Approach. Fifth Edition. United Kingdom: John Willey and Sons Inc.
  • Shrum, L. J., Mc Carty, J. A. and Lowrey, T. M. (1995). Buyer characteristics of the green consumer and their implication for advertising strategy. Journal of Advertising, 24(2), 71-90.
  • Singh, A. and Bansal, M. (2012). Green marketing: A study of consumer attitude and environment concern. The Indian Journal of Commerce, 65(2), 273-283.
  • Stern, P. C. and Dietz, T. (1994). The value basis of environmental concern. Journal of Social Issues, 50(3), 65-84.
  • Tan, T. H. (2013). Use of Structural Equation Modeling to Predict the Intention to Purchase Green and Sustainable Homes in Malaysia. Asian Social Science, 9(10). 181-191.
  • Tanner, C. and Kast, S. W. (2003). Promoting Sustainable Consumption: Determinants of Green Purchases by Swiss Consumers. Psychology & Marketing, 20(10), 883-902.
  • Young, W., Hwang, K., McDonald, S. and Oates, C. J. (2010). Sustainable Consumption: Green Consumer Behaviour when Purchasing Products. Sustainable Development, 18(1), 20-31.
  • Wu, K., and Teng, Y. (2011). Applying the Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour to Predict the Intention of Visiting a Green Hotel. African Journal of Business Management, 5(17), 75579-75587.
There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Melek Erdil This is me 0000-0002-2291-5602

Publication Date March 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018



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