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Utilisation Of Micro-Finance Institutions’ Funds By Borrowers In Arid And Semi-Arid Lands In Kenya

Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 107 - 116, 01.03.2013


Despite a lot of efforts in terms of resource mobilisation in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) , the poverty levels are still very high and the defaulted loans from the four Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIs) in Maralal town amounts KES 15 million. The study sought to establish whether economic characteristics of entrepreneurs and whether literacy levels affect application and usage of borrowed funds in the ASAL regions of Africa. The study was limited to Maralal Town, one of the main towns in the ASAL region of northern Kenya. An ex-post facto study design was considered appropriate for the research. Data collection was done using questionnaires from a population of 40 MFIs staff and 10,600 MFIs Clients who accessed credit in the last five years. The data collected was analyzed through both descriptive and inferential statistics and presented in form of tables. The study has established that economic characteristics of entrepreneurs determine the use of borrowed funds from MFIs. Literacy levels were found to have a significant relationship with use of borrowed funds. The findings of the study are useful to, the Government and other researchers interested in this field.


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  • Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2004). “International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards”, 239.
  • Black, T.R. (1999). Doing Qualitative Research in the Social Sciences. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
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  • Economic Intelligence Unit (2010), Does Meeting Repay? Contract Design and Investment Behaviour of Micro-credit Clients, Mimeo, Harvard.
  • Frankel, J.R. and Wallen, N.E. (1996). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education(3 rd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Goslin, A.E., and Van Wyk, J.W U. (2005). Recreation Functioning of Hearing-impaired Individuals: A cross-national Study. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 11 (4) 335.
  • Jensen, C.R. and Hirst, C.C. (1980). Measurement in Physical Education and Athletics, New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.
  • Kothari, C.R. (2003). Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques (2 nd ed). New Delhi: New Age International (p) Ltd.
  • Lind, D.A. and Mason, R.D (1997). Basic Statistics for Business and Economics (2 nd ed.) IOWA: McGraw-Hill.
  • Mugenda, O.M. and Mugenda, A.G. (1999). Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. Nairobi: ACTS Press.
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  • Kevane, M and Wydick B (2001). “Micro-enterprise lending to female entrepreneurs: sacrificing economic growth for poverty reduction?” World development 29(7):1125-1236
  • Latifee H.I, (2003) Report on Poverty Reduction through Micro-credit,, 20
  • Malmaki, M and Kuria W, (2011), Tackling the frontiers of Microfinance in Kenya; the role of decentralized services,
  • McIntosh, C (1998).Estimating Treatment Effects from Spatial Policy Experiments: An Application to Ugandan Microfinance," Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming Ray, Debraj, Development Economics Princeton, NJ: Princeton University.
  • Mooney, Christopher Z. and Robert D. Duval (1993). Bootstrapping: a nonparametric approach to statistical inference. London: Sage, 73.
  • Morduch, J. (1999), The Microfinance Promise, Journal for Economics Literature. IFAD report on poverty in Kenya (2007),, 2011.
  • Rosenberg, Richard (1999), “Measuring Micro-credit Delinquency: Ratios Can Be Harmful to Your Health," occasional Paper No. 03, CGAP.
  • Ruthrford, S. and S.S Arora (1997) City savers .Urban poverty office. New Delhi Department for international Development.
  • Schmit, Mathias (2004). “Credit risk in the leasing industry.” Journal of banking and Finance 28 (4): 811-833.
  • Shankar, S (2006), Transaction Costs in Group Micro Credit in India: Case Studies of Three Micro Finance Institutions, centre for Micro-finance, IFMR Working Paper.
  • UNDP (2006), Human Development Report for 20
Year 2013, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 107 - 116, 01.03.2013



  • Armendáriz A.B, and Murdoch. J (2005). The economics of microfinance. Cambridge Massachusetts MIT Press, 346.
  • Armendariz, B and Morduch J (2004), Micro-Finance: Where do We Stand?, Financial Development and Economic Growth: Explaining the Links Basingstoke:Palgrave, Macmillan.
  • Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2004). “International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards”, 239.
  • Black, T.R. (1999). Doing Qualitative Research in the Social Sciences. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • Calem, Paul S., Lacour-Little, Michael (2004). “Risk-based capital requirements for mortgage loans.” Journal of banking and finance 28 (3): 647-672
  • Carey, Mark. (1998), “Credit risk in private debt portfolios.” Journal of finance 53 (4): 1363-1387. Cohen, R J. Swerdlik, M.E. and Philips, S.M. (1996). Psychological Testing and Assessment: an Introduction to Tests and Measurements (3 rd ed.). California: Mayfield Publishing Company, Ltd. David Hulme and Thankom Arun, (2009), Microfinance, Routledge Studies in Development Economics
  • Economic Intelligence Unit (2010), Does Meeting Repay? Contract Design and Investment Behaviour of Micro-credit Clients, Mimeo, Harvard.
  • Frankel, J.R. and Wallen, N.E. (1996). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education(3 rd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Goslin, A.E., and Van Wyk, J.W U. (2005). Recreation Functioning of Hearing-impaired Individuals: A cross-national Study. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 11 (4) 335.
  • Jensen, C.R. and Hirst, C.C. (1980). Measurement in Physical Education and Athletics, New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.
  • Kothari, C.R. (2003). Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques (2 nd ed). New Delhi: New Age International (p) Ltd.
  • Lind, D.A. and Mason, R.D (1997). Basic Statistics for Business and Economics (2 nd ed.) IOWA: McGraw-Hill.
  • Mugenda, O.M. and Mugenda, A.G. (1999). Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. Nairobi: ACTS Press.
  • Ingrid M, Maier J.D, (2009), New partnerships for innovation in Microfinance, London: Springer Publishers,.
  • Jain, Sanjay and Ghazala Mansuri (2003), A Little at a Time: The Use of Regularly Scheduled Repayments in Micro-finance Programs," Journal of Development Economics, 72 253-279.
  • Kevane, M and Wydick B (2001). “Micro-enterprise lending to female entrepreneurs: sacrificing economic growth for poverty reduction?” World development 29(7):1125-1236
  • Latifee H.I, (2003) Report on Poverty Reduction through Micro-credit,, 20
  • Malmaki, M and Kuria W, (2011), Tackling the frontiers of Microfinance in Kenya; the role of decentralized services,
  • McIntosh, C (1998).Estimating Treatment Effects from Spatial Policy Experiments: An Application to Ugandan Microfinance," Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming Ray, Debraj, Development Economics Princeton, NJ: Princeton University.
  • Mooney, Christopher Z. and Robert D. Duval (1993). Bootstrapping: a nonparametric approach to statistical inference. London: Sage, 73.
  • Morduch, J. (1999), The Microfinance Promise, Journal for Economics Literature. IFAD report on poverty in Kenya (2007),, 2011.
  • Rosenberg, Richard (1999), “Measuring Micro-credit Delinquency: Ratios Can Be Harmful to Your Health," occasional Paper No. 03, CGAP.
  • Ruthrford, S. and S.S Arora (1997) City savers .Urban poverty office. New Delhi Department for international Development.
  • Schmit, Mathias (2004). “Credit risk in the leasing industry.” Journal of banking and Finance 28 (4): 811-833.
  • Shankar, S (2006), Transaction Costs in Group Micro Credit in India: Case Studies of Three Micro Finance Institutions, centre for Micro-finance, IFMR Working Paper.
  • UNDP (2006), Human Development Report for 20
There are 26 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Paul M. Nzioki This is me

Geoffrey Taragon This is me

A. M. Kalio This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Nzioki, P. M., Taragon, G., & Kalio, A. M. (2013). Utilisation Of Micro-Finance Institutions’ Funds By Borrowers In Arid And Semi-Arid Lands In Kenya. Journal of Business Economics and Finance, 2(1), 107-116.

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