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Use of nematode maturity index for the determination of ecological quality status: a case study from the Black Sea

Year 2014, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 96 - 107, 01.08.2014


Abstract Free-living marine nematodes inhabiting the shallow waters (3m) of Sinop Bay were analyzed to evaluate their usage as biological indicators. Their functional diversity was studied seasonally (August 2009, October 2009, January 2010 and April 2010). Life history strategies (c─p scaling) of nematode assemblages were examined. The Maturity Index (MI) based on c─p scale was calculated to test if it may be used for the interpretation of the environmental conditions and the determination of the ecological quality status of benthic habitats in the Black Sea ecosystem. Highest MI value was found at station C1 in April where the lowest organic matter concentration was recorded. The results indicated a possible utilization of MI and c–p class percentages to identify the ecological quality status of benthic environments according to Water Framework Directive.


  • Balsamo, M., Semprucci, F., Frontalini, F., Coccioni, R. (2012) Meiofauna as a tool for marine ecosystem biomonitoring. In: Marine Ecosystems. (Ed. A. Cruzado), pp. 77-104.
  • Bongers, T. (1990) The maturity index: An acological measure of an environmental disturbance based on nematode species composition. Oecologia 83: 14-19.
  • Bongers, T. (1999) The Maturity Index, the evolution of nematode life history traits, adaptive radiation and cp-scaling. Plant and Soil 212: 13-22.
  • Bongers, T., Alkemade, R., Yeates, G.W. (1991) Interpretation of disturbance- induced maturity decrease in marine nematode assemblages by means of the Maturity Index. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 76: 135-142.
  • Bongers, T., Bongers, M. (1998) Functional diversity of nematodes. Applied soil ecology 10: 239-251.
  • Bongers, T., de Goede, R.G.M., Korthals, G.W., Yeates, G.W. (1995) Proposed changes of c─p classification for nematodes. Russian Journal of Nematology 3: 61
  • Boucher, G. (1980) Impact of Amoco Cadiz oil spill on intertidal and sublittoral meiofauna. Marine Pollution Bulletin 11: 95-101.
  • Bouwman, L.A. (1983) Systematics, ecology and feeding biology of estuarine nematodes. BOEDE Publications and Reports 3, Ph.D. thesis, Wageningen
  • Agricultural University, 173 pp. Danovaro, R., Gambi. C., Dell' Anno, A., Corinaldesi, C., Fraschetti, S., Vanreusel, A., Vincx, M., Gooday, A.J. (2008) Exponential decline of deep-sea ecosystem functioning linked to benthic biodiversity loss. Current Biology 18:1
  • Goede, R.G.M., Bonger, T., Ettema, C.H. (1993) Graphical presentation and interpretation of nematode community structure: c─p triangles. Mededelingen
  • Faculteit Landbouwkundige en toegepaste biologische weienschappen, Universiteit Gent 58/2b: 743–750. Herris, H., Bongers, T. (2009) Indices developed specifically for analysis of nematode assemblages. In: Nematodes as Environmental Indicators (Eds. M.J.
  • Wilson, T. Kakouli-Duarte), CAB International, Wallingford, pp.124-145. Moreno, M., Semprucci F., Vezzulli L., Balsamo M., Fabiano M., Albertelli G. (2011) The use of nematodes in assessing ecological quality status in the Mediterranean coastal ecosystems. Ecological Indicators 11: 328-336.
  • Moreno, M., Vezzulli, L., Marin, V., Laconi, P., Albertelli, G., Fabiano, M. (2008) The use of meiofauna diversity as an indicator of pollution in harbours. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 65: 1428-1435.
  • Platt, H.M., Warwick R.M. (1983) Freeliving marine nematodes. Pt.1. British
  • Enoplids. Pictorial key to world genera and notes for the identification of British species. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 307pp. Platt, H.M., Warwick R.M. (1988) Freeliving marine nematodes. Pt. 2. British
  • Chromadorids. Pictorial key to world genera and notes for the identification of British species. Brill/Backhuys, Leiden, 302pp. Semprucci, F., Balsamo, M. (2012) Free-living Marine Nematodes as
  • Bioindicators: Past, Present and Future Perspectives. Environmental Research Journal 6(1):1:18-35. Semprucci, F., Boi, P., Manti, A., Covazzi Harriague, A., Rocchi, M., Colantoni, P., Papa, S., Balsamo, M. (2010) Benthic communities along a littoral of the Central Adriatic Sea (Italy). Helgoland Mar. Res. 64(2): 101-115.
  • Semprucci, F., Moreno, M., Fabiano M., Balsamo M. (2008) Nematode maturity index applied to different coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Biol. Mar. Mediterr. 15(1): 288-289.
  • Semprucci, F., Moreno, M., Sbrocca, S., Rocchi, M., Albertelli, G., Balsamo, M. (2013) The nematode assemblage as a tool for the assessment of marine ecological quality status: a case-study in the Central Adriatic Sea.
  • Mediterranean Mar. Sci. 14(1): 48-57. Sezgin, M., Katağan, T., Bat, L., Ürkmez, D., Doğan, A. (2013) Ecological
  • Quality Assessment of Coastal Waters Using Zoobenthic Communities: A case study from Sinop Bay of the Black Sea. In: Proceedings of the 4th Black Sea Scientific Conference, Vol: Black Sea Challenges Towards Good Environmental Status, Romania. 105 pp. Ürkmez, D., Sergeeva, N.G., Sezgin, M. (2011) Seasonal Changes of
  • Nematodes from Sinop Coasts of the Black Sea. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference “Environmental Micropaleontology, Microbiology and Meiobenthology”. Borissiak Paleontological Museum, RAS, Russia, pp. 279– 2 Warwick, R.M. (1986) A new method for detecting pollution effects on marine macrobenthic communities. Mar. Biol. 92: 557-562.
  • Warwick, R.M., Platt, H.M., Somerfield, P.J. (1998) Free-living marine nematodes. Part. III. Monhysterids. Synopses of the British fauna (new series),
  • No. E J Brill/Dr W Backhuys, Leiden, 296pp. Vanaverbeke, J., Gheskiere, T., Steyaert, M., Vincx, M. (2002) Nematode assemblages from subtidal sandbanks in the Southern Bight of the North Sea: effect of small sedimentological differences. J. Sea Res. 48: 197–207.
  • Vincx, M., Meire, P., Heip, C. (1990) The distribution of nematode communities in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Cah Biol Mar. 31: 107
  • Vranken, G., Heip, C.H.R. (1986) Toxicity of copper, mercury and lead to a marine nematode. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 17: 453-457.
Year 2014, Volume: 20 Issue: 2, 96 - 107, 01.08.2014



  • Balsamo, M., Semprucci, F., Frontalini, F., Coccioni, R. (2012) Meiofauna as a tool for marine ecosystem biomonitoring. In: Marine Ecosystems. (Ed. A. Cruzado), pp. 77-104.
  • Bongers, T. (1990) The maturity index: An acological measure of an environmental disturbance based on nematode species composition. Oecologia 83: 14-19.
  • Bongers, T. (1999) The Maturity Index, the evolution of nematode life history traits, adaptive radiation and cp-scaling. Plant and Soil 212: 13-22.
  • Bongers, T., Alkemade, R., Yeates, G.W. (1991) Interpretation of disturbance- induced maturity decrease in marine nematode assemblages by means of the Maturity Index. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 76: 135-142.
  • Bongers, T., Bongers, M. (1998) Functional diversity of nematodes. Applied soil ecology 10: 239-251.
  • Bongers, T., de Goede, R.G.M., Korthals, G.W., Yeates, G.W. (1995) Proposed changes of c─p classification for nematodes. Russian Journal of Nematology 3: 61
  • Boucher, G. (1980) Impact of Amoco Cadiz oil spill on intertidal and sublittoral meiofauna. Marine Pollution Bulletin 11: 95-101.
  • Bouwman, L.A. (1983) Systematics, ecology and feeding biology of estuarine nematodes. BOEDE Publications and Reports 3, Ph.D. thesis, Wageningen
  • Agricultural University, 173 pp. Danovaro, R., Gambi. C., Dell' Anno, A., Corinaldesi, C., Fraschetti, S., Vanreusel, A., Vincx, M., Gooday, A.J. (2008) Exponential decline of deep-sea ecosystem functioning linked to benthic biodiversity loss. Current Biology 18:1
  • Goede, R.G.M., Bonger, T., Ettema, C.H. (1993) Graphical presentation and interpretation of nematode community structure: c─p triangles. Mededelingen
  • Faculteit Landbouwkundige en toegepaste biologische weienschappen, Universiteit Gent 58/2b: 743–750. Herris, H., Bongers, T. (2009) Indices developed specifically for analysis of nematode assemblages. In: Nematodes as Environmental Indicators (Eds. M.J.
  • Wilson, T. Kakouli-Duarte), CAB International, Wallingford, pp.124-145. Moreno, M., Semprucci F., Vezzulli L., Balsamo M., Fabiano M., Albertelli G. (2011) The use of nematodes in assessing ecological quality status in the Mediterranean coastal ecosystems. Ecological Indicators 11: 328-336.
  • Moreno, M., Vezzulli, L., Marin, V., Laconi, P., Albertelli, G., Fabiano, M. (2008) The use of meiofauna diversity as an indicator of pollution in harbours. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 65: 1428-1435.
  • Platt, H.M., Warwick R.M. (1983) Freeliving marine nematodes. Pt.1. British
  • Enoplids. Pictorial key to world genera and notes for the identification of British species. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 307pp. Platt, H.M., Warwick R.M. (1988) Freeliving marine nematodes. Pt. 2. British
  • Chromadorids. Pictorial key to world genera and notes for the identification of British species. Brill/Backhuys, Leiden, 302pp. Semprucci, F., Balsamo, M. (2012) Free-living Marine Nematodes as
  • Bioindicators: Past, Present and Future Perspectives. Environmental Research Journal 6(1):1:18-35. Semprucci, F., Boi, P., Manti, A., Covazzi Harriague, A., Rocchi, M., Colantoni, P., Papa, S., Balsamo, M. (2010) Benthic communities along a littoral of the Central Adriatic Sea (Italy). Helgoland Mar. Res. 64(2): 101-115.
  • Semprucci, F., Moreno, M., Fabiano M., Balsamo M. (2008) Nematode maturity index applied to different coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Biol. Mar. Mediterr. 15(1): 288-289.
  • Semprucci, F., Moreno, M., Sbrocca, S., Rocchi, M., Albertelli, G., Balsamo, M. (2013) The nematode assemblage as a tool for the assessment of marine ecological quality status: a case-study in the Central Adriatic Sea.
  • Mediterranean Mar. Sci. 14(1): 48-57. Sezgin, M., Katağan, T., Bat, L., Ürkmez, D., Doğan, A. (2013) Ecological
  • Quality Assessment of Coastal Waters Using Zoobenthic Communities: A case study from Sinop Bay of the Black Sea. In: Proceedings of the 4th Black Sea Scientific Conference, Vol: Black Sea Challenges Towards Good Environmental Status, Romania. 105 pp. Ürkmez, D., Sergeeva, N.G., Sezgin, M. (2011) Seasonal Changes of
  • Nematodes from Sinop Coasts of the Black Sea. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference “Environmental Micropaleontology, Microbiology and Meiobenthology”. Borissiak Paleontological Museum, RAS, Russia, pp. 279– 2 Warwick, R.M. (1986) A new method for detecting pollution effects on marine macrobenthic communities. Mar. Biol. 92: 557-562.
  • Warwick, R.M., Platt, H.M., Somerfield, P.J. (1998) Free-living marine nematodes. Part. III. Monhysterids. Synopses of the British fauna (new series),
  • No. E J Brill/Dr W Backhuys, Leiden, 296pp. Vanaverbeke, J., Gheskiere, T., Steyaert, M., Vincx, M. (2002) Nematode assemblages from subtidal sandbanks in the Southern Bight of the North Sea: effect of small sedimentological differences. J. Sea Res. 48: 197–207.
  • Vincx, M., Meire, P., Heip, C. (1990) The distribution of nematode communities in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Cah Biol Mar. 31: 107
  • Vranken, G., Heip, C.H.R. (1986) Toxicity of copper, mercury and lead to a marine nematode. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 17: 453-457.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Derya Ürkmez This is me

Murat Sezgin This is me

Levent Bat This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 20 Issue: 2


APA Ürkmez, D. ., Sezgin, M. ., & Bat, L. . (2014). Use of nematode maturity index for the determination of ecological quality status: a case study from the Black Sea. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, 20(2), 96-107.
AMA Ürkmez D, Sezgin M, Bat L. Use of nematode maturity index for the determination of ecological quality status: a case study from the Black Sea. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. August 2014;20(2):96-107.
Chicago Ürkmez, Derya, Murat Sezgin, and Levent Bat. “Use of Nematode Maturity Index for the Determination of Ecological Quality Status: A Case Study from the Black Sea”. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment 20, no. 2 (August 2014): 96-107.
EndNote Ürkmez D, Sezgin M, Bat L (August 1, 2014) Use of nematode maturity index for the determination of ecological quality status: a case study from the Black Sea. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment 20 2 96–107.
IEEE D. . Ürkmez, M. . Sezgin, and L. . Bat, “Use of nematode maturity index for the determination of ecological quality status: a case study from the Black Sea”, Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 96–107, 2014.
ISNAD Ürkmez, Derya et al. “Use of Nematode Maturity Index for the Determination of Ecological Quality Status: A Case Study from the Black Sea”. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment 20/2 (August 2014), 96-107.
JAMA Ürkmez D, Sezgin M, Bat L. Use of nematode maturity index for the determination of ecological quality status: a case study from the Black Sea. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. 2014;20:96–107.
MLA Ürkmez, Derya et al. “Use of Nematode Maturity Index for the Determination of Ecological Quality Status: A Case Study from the Black Sea”. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, vol. 20, no. 2, 2014, pp. 96-107.
Vancouver Ürkmez D, Sezgin M, Bat L. Use of nematode maturity index for the determination of ecological quality status: a case study from the Black Sea. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. 2014;20(2):96-107.