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Oil and detergent pollution in surface waters and sediments of the Istanbul Strait, Golden Horn, Izmit Bay (Sea of Marmara), Çanakkale Strait, Ali Ağa (Aegean Sea) in 2005-2007

Year 2008, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 205 - 220, 01.12.2008


Abstract In this work the oil and detergent pollutions were investigated in sea water, near the refinery of TUPRAŞ and Ali Ağa, Istanbul Strait, Golden Hom and Çanakkale Strait. The pollutions were higher in refinery areas. The results inadequate that there is apparently no regular seasonal variation in oil and detergent amount. The maximum oil concentration in sea water was found 29.55 µg/L for Istanbul Strait 4214.29 µg/L for Golden Hom and 42.96 µg/L for Çanakkale Strait in 19.02.2005 and 90.02 µg/L for TUPRAŞ 3, 71.77 µg/Lfor Ali Ağa 2, in 07.Agust. 2006., in sediment 9573.38 µg/g for Istanbul Strait, 1126.45 µg/g for Golden Horn, 31.52 µg/g for Çanakkale Strait in 21.02.2005, 1500.6 µg/g for TUPRAŞ in 13.11.2006, 58.64 µg/g for Ali Ağa in 7.12.2006. These oillevels found are higher than the limit values for sea water and sediment. The LAS levels found are similar in earIier findings of this area.


  • Anon 2003 Cambridge Energy research Associates (CERA), Oil spill preparedness regional initiative (Caspian Sea— Black Sea-Central Eurasia), Briefing paper, Oil
  • Spill Response Capability (OSPRI), 2004. UNEP/GRlD-Arendal.
  • Balcı, A. (1993). Dissolved and dispersed petroleum hydrocarbons in the Eastern
  • Aegean Sea. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 26: 222-223. Darılmaz, E., and Küçüksezgin, F. (2004). Distribution and origin hydrocarbons in surficial sediments from Izmir Bay Turkey. Rapp Comm. İnt. Mer.Medit. 37 :186.
  • Food and Agricultural organization (FAO) (1982). The review of the health of the oceans. FAO/IMCO/Unesco/WHO/WHO/IAEA/Unep Joint Group of Experts on
  • Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution (Gesamp) Red Stud Gesamp. 15:08. Günday, H., Ünlü, S., and Güven, K.C., (2006). Oil pollution in east part in İzmit
  • Gulf. J. Black. Sea/Mediterranean Environment. 12:193—201. Güven, K.C., and Ilgar, R., (2002). Oil and detergent pollution in coastal areas of
  • Dardanelles in 1996—1997. Turkish J. Mar.Sci. 823-8. (
  • Güven, K.C., Çetintürk, K., Küçük, M., Alpaslan, M., and Tekinay, A.A., (2003).
  • Oil, Phthalates and Biotoxin Analyses of Mussels (Mytilus galloprovancialis) Collected from Dardanelles. Turkish J. Mar.Sci. 9:83-95. Güven, K.C., Günday, H., Okuş, E, Ünlü, S., Doğan, E., Gezgin, T., Burak, S. (1997). Oil pollution in İzmit Bay. Turkish J. Mar.Sci. 3: l-10.
  • Güven, K.C., Ünlü, S., Cumalı, S., Nesimigil, S., and Çifçi P.S. (2005). Oil pollution of the Black Sea, Turkish Straits System _[Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus), Sea of
  • Marmara, Çanakkale Strait, (Dardanelles)] and Golden Horn, in 1997-2003, J.
  • Black. Sea/Mediterranean Environment 11: 243-270. Güven, K.C., Ünlü, S., Okuş, E., Doğan, E., Eroğlu, V., Sarıkaya, H., Öztürk, İ. N (1999). Detergent pollution of the Black Sea, İstanbul Strait and the Sea of Marmara in 1996. Turkish J. Mar.Sci. 5: 25-38.
  • Güven, K.C.,Çetintürk, K., Alpaslan, M., and Tekinay, A.A., (2002). Oil and detergent pollution of sea water in Dardanelles 2001-2002. Turkish J. Mar.Sci. :121-130.
  • Hatzianeastis, I., Sklivagou, E (2004). PAH distribution in water column and surface sediments of Thermaikos golf, Greece. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer. Medit. 37: 206.
  • Hatzianeastis, I., Sklivagou, E and Firiligos, N. (1998a). Hydrocarbons in surface sediments from the Northern Aegean Sea, Rapp Comm. int. Mer. Medit. 35: 264- '
  • Hatzianeastis, I., Sklivagou, E, Zervakis, V., Georgopoulus, D. (1998b). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in sea water from the Northern Aegean Sea, Greece.
  • International Symposium on Marine Pollution, Monaco 5—9 October, Extended Synopses. pp. 511—512. Komilios, S., Drakopoulus, G.P., Dounas, C.(1998). Pelagic tar, dissolved dispersed petroleum hydrocarbons and plastic distribution in the Createn Sea, Greece. Marine Mar.Pollut.Bull 36: 989-993.
  • Küçüksezgin, F., Altay, O., and Kontaş,A.(l995). Dissolved and dispersed petroleum hydrocarbons in the Aegean Sea. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 52: 85-95. * Küçüksezgin, F., Çağlar, B., Kolu, O. (1999).Polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons in red mullet (Mullus barbatus) and sediments from the eastern Aegean Sea.
  • Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 73: 247-256. Law, R. J ., (1981). Hydrocarbons concentrations in water and sediments from UK marine waters determined by şuorescence spectroscopy. Marine Pollution Bulletin : 153—157.
  • Öztürk, B., Güven, K. C., Nesimig-il, F., Cumalı, S. and Dede A. (2006). Oil pollution in the surface water of the Aegean Sea. J. Black Seal Mediterranean Environment. 12: 201—212.
  • Öztürk, B., Altuğ, G., Çardak, M., Çiftçi, P.S., (2007). Oil Pollution in Surface water and of Turkish side of the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean sea. J.Black Sea/
  • Mediterranean Enviromental 13:207-214. Shimkus, K., Öztürk, B., and Yesin, N.V., (1993). Oil products, heavy metals and radio nuclides in the recent bottom sediments of the Marmara Sea shallow water area. Proceeding of the international conference on the Mediterranean coastal environment, MEDCOAST 93 (ed E.Ozhan), November2-5 1993 Antalya, Turkey vol 1. pp. 695—710.
  • Sklivagou, E. Hatzianestis, I., Rori, N., and Rigas, F. (2004) distribution and origin of hydrocarbons in sediments from Elefsis Bay, Greece (Eastern Mediterranean).
  • Rapp Comm. int. Mer.Medit. 37: 244. Standard Methods (1995).Eaton, A.D., Clesceri, L. S. and Greenberg, A.E. (eds).
  • American Public Healt Ass. Washington, D.C. UNESCO (1982a) No 13. IOC Manuals and Guides (Manuals for surveillance of
  • Disolved/Disperses oil and petroleum hydrocarbons in Sea Water and Beaches). UNESCO (1982b) No. 11. 10C Manuals and Guides (Petrogenic Hydrocarbon
  • Determination in Sediments).
Year 2008, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 205 - 220, 01.12.2008



  • Anon 2003 Cambridge Energy research Associates (CERA), Oil spill preparedness regional initiative (Caspian Sea— Black Sea-Central Eurasia), Briefing paper, Oil
  • Spill Response Capability (OSPRI), 2004. UNEP/GRlD-Arendal.
  • Balcı, A. (1993). Dissolved and dispersed petroleum hydrocarbons in the Eastern
  • Aegean Sea. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 26: 222-223. Darılmaz, E., and Küçüksezgin, F. (2004). Distribution and origin hydrocarbons in surficial sediments from Izmir Bay Turkey. Rapp Comm. İnt. Mer.Medit. 37 :186.
  • Food and Agricultural organization (FAO) (1982). The review of the health of the oceans. FAO/IMCO/Unesco/WHO/WHO/IAEA/Unep Joint Group of Experts on
  • Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution (Gesamp) Red Stud Gesamp. 15:08. Günday, H., Ünlü, S., and Güven, K.C., (2006). Oil pollution in east part in İzmit
  • Gulf. J. Black. Sea/Mediterranean Environment. 12:193—201. Güven, K.C., and Ilgar, R., (2002). Oil and detergent pollution in coastal areas of
  • Dardanelles in 1996—1997. Turkish J. Mar.Sci. 823-8. (
  • Güven, K.C., Çetintürk, K., Küçük, M., Alpaslan, M., and Tekinay, A.A., (2003).
  • Oil, Phthalates and Biotoxin Analyses of Mussels (Mytilus galloprovancialis) Collected from Dardanelles. Turkish J. Mar.Sci. 9:83-95. Güven, K.C., Günday, H., Okuş, E, Ünlü, S., Doğan, E., Gezgin, T., Burak, S. (1997). Oil pollution in İzmit Bay. Turkish J. Mar.Sci. 3: l-10.
  • Güven, K.C., Ünlü, S., Cumalı, S., Nesimigil, S., and Çifçi P.S. (2005). Oil pollution of the Black Sea, Turkish Straits System _[Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus), Sea of
  • Marmara, Çanakkale Strait, (Dardanelles)] and Golden Horn, in 1997-2003, J.
  • Black. Sea/Mediterranean Environment 11: 243-270. Güven, K.C., Ünlü, S., Okuş, E., Doğan, E., Eroğlu, V., Sarıkaya, H., Öztürk, İ. N (1999). Detergent pollution of the Black Sea, İstanbul Strait and the Sea of Marmara in 1996. Turkish J. Mar.Sci. 5: 25-38.
  • Güven, K.C.,Çetintürk, K., Alpaslan, M., and Tekinay, A.A., (2002). Oil and detergent pollution of sea water in Dardanelles 2001-2002. Turkish J. Mar.Sci. :121-130.
  • Hatzianeastis, I., Sklivagou, E (2004). PAH distribution in water column and surface sediments of Thermaikos golf, Greece. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer. Medit. 37: 206.
  • Hatzianeastis, I., Sklivagou, E and Firiligos, N. (1998a). Hydrocarbons in surface sediments from the Northern Aegean Sea, Rapp Comm. int. Mer. Medit. 35: 264- '
  • Hatzianeastis, I., Sklivagou, E, Zervakis, V., Georgopoulus, D. (1998b). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in sea water from the Northern Aegean Sea, Greece.
  • International Symposium on Marine Pollution, Monaco 5—9 October, Extended Synopses. pp. 511—512. Komilios, S., Drakopoulus, G.P., Dounas, C.(1998). Pelagic tar, dissolved dispersed petroleum hydrocarbons and plastic distribution in the Createn Sea, Greece. Marine Mar.Pollut.Bull 36: 989-993.
  • Küçüksezgin, F., Altay, O., and Kontaş,A.(l995). Dissolved and dispersed petroleum hydrocarbons in the Aegean Sea. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 52: 85-95. * Küçüksezgin, F., Çağlar, B., Kolu, O. (1999).Polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons in red mullet (Mullus barbatus) and sediments from the eastern Aegean Sea.
  • Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 73: 247-256. Law, R. J ., (1981). Hydrocarbons concentrations in water and sediments from UK marine waters determined by şuorescence spectroscopy. Marine Pollution Bulletin : 153—157.
  • Öztürk, B., Güven, K. C., Nesimig-il, F., Cumalı, S. and Dede A. (2006). Oil pollution in the surface water of the Aegean Sea. J. Black Seal Mediterranean Environment. 12: 201—212.
  • Öztürk, B., Altuğ, G., Çardak, M., Çiftçi, P.S., (2007). Oil Pollution in Surface water and of Turkish side of the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean sea. J.Black Sea/
  • Mediterranean Enviromental 13:207-214. Shimkus, K., Öztürk, B., and Yesin, N.V., (1993). Oil products, heavy metals and radio nuclides in the recent bottom sediments of the Marmara Sea shallow water area. Proceeding of the international conference on the Mediterranean coastal environment, MEDCOAST 93 (ed E.Ozhan), November2-5 1993 Antalya, Turkey vol 1. pp. 695—710.
  • Sklivagou, E. Hatzianestis, I., Rori, N., and Rigas, F. (2004) distribution and origin of hydrocarbons in sediments from Elefsis Bay, Greece (Eastern Mediterranean).
  • Rapp Comm. int. Mer.Medit. 37: 244. Standard Methods (1995).Eaton, A.D., Clesceri, L. S. and Greenberg, A.E. (eds).
  • American Public Healt Ass. Washington, D.C. UNESCO (1982a) No 13. IOC Manuals and Guides (Manuals for surveillance of
  • Disolved/Disperses oil and petroleum hydrocarbons in Sea Water and Beaches). UNESCO (1982b) No. 11. 10C Manuals and Guides (Petrogenic Hydrocarbon
  • Determination in Sediments).
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Kasım Cemal Güven This is me

Nazım Çubukçu This is me

Mustafa İpteş This is me

Mustafa Özyalvaç This is me

Selin Cumalı This is me

Filiz Nesimigil and Ahmet Yalçın This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 14 Issue: 3


APA Güven, K. C. ., Çubukçu, N. ., İpteş, M. ., Özyalvaç, M. ., et al. (2008). Oil and detergent pollution in surface waters and sediments of the Istanbul Strait, Golden Horn, Izmit Bay (Sea of Marmara), Çanakkale Strait, Ali Ağa (Aegean Sea) in 2005-2007. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, 14(3), 205-220.
AMA Güven KC, Çubukçu N, İpteş M, Özyalvaç M, Cumalı S, Yalçın FNaA. Oil and detergent pollution in surface waters and sediments of the Istanbul Strait, Golden Horn, Izmit Bay (Sea of Marmara), Çanakkale Strait, Ali Ağa (Aegean Sea) in 2005-2007. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. December 2008;14(3):205-220.
Chicago Güven, Kasım Cemal, Nazım Çubukçu, Mustafa İpteş, Mustafa Özyalvaç, Selin Cumalı, and Filiz Nesimigil and Ahmet Yalçın. “Oil and Detergent Pollution in Surface Waters and Sediments of the Istanbul Strait, Golden Horn, Izmit Bay (Sea of Marmara), Çanakkale Strait, Ali Ağa (Aegean Sea) in 2005-2007”. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment 14, no. 3 (December 2008): 205-20.
EndNote Güven KC, Çubukçu N, İpteş M, Özyalvaç M, Cumalı S, Yalçın FNaA (December 1, 2008) Oil and detergent pollution in surface waters and sediments of the Istanbul Strait, Golden Horn, Izmit Bay (Sea of Marmara), Çanakkale Strait, Ali Ağa (Aegean Sea) in 2005-2007. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment 14 3 205–220.
IEEE K. C. . Güven, N. . Çubukçu, M. . İpteş, M. . Özyalvaç, S. . Cumalı, and F. N. a. A. . Yalçın, “Oil and detergent pollution in surface waters and sediments of the Istanbul Strait, Golden Horn, Izmit Bay (Sea of Marmara), Çanakkale Strait, Ali Ağa (Aegean Sea) in 2005-2007”, Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 205–220, 2008.
ISNAD Güven, Kasım Cemal et al. “Oil and Detergent Pollution in Surface Waters and Sediments of the Istanbul Strait, Golden Horn, Izmit Bay (Sea of Marmara), Çanakkale Strait, Ali Ağa (Aegean Sea) in 2005-2007”. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment 14/3 (December 2008), 205-220.
JAMA Güven KC, Çubukçu N, İpteş M, Özyalvaç M, Cumalı S, Yalçın FNaA. Oil and detergent pollution in surface waters and sediments of the Istanbul Strait, Golden Horn, Izmit Bay (Sea of Marmara), Çanakkale Strait, Ali Ağa (Aegean Sea) in 2005-2007. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. 2008;14:205–220.
MLA Güven, Kasım Cemal et al. “Oil and Detergent Pollution in Surface Waters and Sediments of the Istanbul Strait, Golden Horn, Izmit Bay (Sea of Marmara), Çanakkale Strait, Ali Ağa (Aegean Sea) in 2005-2007”. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment, vol. 14, no. 3, 2008, pp. 205-20.
Vancouver Güven KC, Çubukçu N, İpteş M, Özyalvaç M, Cumalı S, Yalçın FNaA. Oil and detergent pollution in surface waters and sediments of the Istanbul Strait, Golden Horn, Izmit Bay (Sea of Marmara), Çanakkale Strait, Ali Ağa (Aegean Sea) in 2005-2007. Journal of Black Sea / Mediterranean Environment. 2008;14(3):205-20.